macedonian Fri May 02, 2014 7:55 pm
BlackArrow wrote:Are you in Odessa at this moment, did you see the fire? You don't what happened. All you know is what other people decide what you should see and read on the media and internet - don't be so naive.
I watched the whole thing live on a stream!
I know what I saw, and it was absolutely bloody disgusting.
I've heard the crowd cheer and laugh as they watched people hanging from windows trying to escape the fire.
They were saying: "Jump Bitch"! and similar...
And I watched it on a proUkrainian, as well as a proRussian stream.
They showed absolutely the same thing.
It was not only a bad thing for the subhumans that did it, nor only for Ukraine itself...humanity lost a lot today.
And to add insult to injury (or should I say: Death?!) BBC is whitewashing the facts.
Had you followed my posts here more carefully, you'd know that I always try to keep a healthy realism.
I know all sides use propaganda, the media today is merely a propaganda instrument.
But this is way out of line here.
So, yeah - screw the biased slime that is the BBC and the drivel that they deliver...