of the west in mars manned landing. But Mr Putin nationalism obsession with Sports and
its shortsight vision to make Russia a potato and wheat super power is what hold back Russia
space program. The lack of vision of Putin to turn Russia into an unquestionable leading power
in space is criminal and i can't wait him for leave power and be replaced by someone with far more ambitions than him in space.
He "did not have money" for mars and moon project but the money show up to build a stupid super train to China of 250 billions dollars. And no money for Russia having a space shuttle or
its own space station ,but plenty of money for hosting Sochi olympics and Fifa worth of 65 billions dollars both of Russia budget. An imbecile indeed he is. Russia not even is good in football will not qualify even in the top 25 groups , is ranked today in the 53th position and the mother sucker still consider is worthy to host FIFA in Russia and throw away the money of Russian citizens in celebrating e-penis contest . Indeed Putin is a dinosaur as President. Completely obsolete already. He waste so much energy in stupid sports only to create an artificial nation identity , a nation unity, But he will do a million times better if he invested
most of that money in taking Russia space industry to the next level and doing it alone ,not with any western cooperation. Any investment in space for civilian use ,will also benefit enourmosly its military too , and nation security and once space mastered it could be used to promote space tourism ,Space airliners , when the cost reduced . So many potentials Russia waste because of a myopic President ,that have an obsession for its glorious soviet past and silly chest beating contest ,that is what sports is , i can jump higher than you waaa waaa waaa, who the fuck cares?..and refuse to move Russia into a leadership role in the world in nation technology and development. Russia needs a technology revolution not a sports one . and will continue sucking donkey balls and totally disrespected in the west for its inability to become any alternative to the American world , yet still complaining about how unfair is the west ,but the idiot Putin do nothing really serious to become totally independent of the western technology and its modern culture ,since Russia is attached to the soviet glorious past and depends on it for feeling great about themselves , instead of moving forward and making Russia a real alternative to the west which is what Russia should be doing.
Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total