the budget of Russia space program.. i can't forget how the fanboys call it " a good idea" , or that no Russia don't need a heavy rocket.. Russia wasted about a staggering $65 BILLIONS , that is $65,000,000,000. of money in things that don't really help Russia to convince the west into abandon NATO or the American Orbit. Nobody
talks anymore about Sochi or Fifa.. what was that shit about? Still people talk today about Soviet achievements in
space..and even movies made about it.. but no one talk about Russia olympics ... Is not Olympic medals what Putin convince the developed world to abandon the American system.. But Space exploration medals instead..
If Putin was way more ambitious in space.. we will be Right now speaking about Russian cosmonauts landing in the moon and mars.. and the entire world in amazement , and Americans and Europeans business begging Russia for join programs in teach them how to do it.. right.. But when you have an obsolete President like Putin ,behind the times ,that not even use the internet ,according to his own statement.. then anything is possible..
let puting continue promoting "healthy food" and healthy life" while the Americans are increasing their space program budget by a significant way... Americans understand what leadership is.. Putin's don't understand a Shit..
The Biggest problem Russia face , is not NATO , is not Terrorism ,Is not americans trying to destroy Russia by starving its economy.. is neither the 5th column the biggest problem. The Biggest problem Russia face , is
their own President lack of understand on how to counter the Americans.. how to destroy their system without using nukes or firing a bullet.. Not understanding how Americans use their popular business as a weapon to influence the world , and how critical important is for Russia to compete and surpass ,American top influential Business in the world.. This is because NATIONs , developed countries ,don't follow losers or second or third best..
Developed nations follow only LEADERS!! if Russia was doing today (and not in the ~2034 as they plan) moonwalks ,a base on the moon and mars walks.. live on television , and or landing in mars satellites bodies , with humans .. This will surpass the winning of 100x sochis and any other achievement of any company ever in human history.. But unfortunately i don't think Russia have a chance to ever beat NASA in the moon and mars with Putin in power..Putin don't really is totally clueless of how to defeat American system. If you stop using dollars.. this will not end the American influence in the world.. will not end NASA ,will not end American silicon valley.. he is totally wrong on his strategy to counter Americans system. My only hope is that someone of trust of Putin ,tell him to retire ,and explain him how he is the biggest problem for Russia to continue its development.. Eventually Putin policies , of NOT Fighting the American leadership..will only lead to a World War 3... sooner or later , unless Putin
can continue taking slap on his face ,again and again.. and experience more proxy wars ,NATO will create to force Russia interfere and get a lot more thousands of soldiers killed. If Russia don't lead in the world.. it have no other choice to follow the Americans system, or follow Europe but they can't complain later if they don't like it , if they do nothing to counter it.. breaking agriculture records and singing soviet songs or winning sports medals ,none of this will help Russia to disband NATO and disband the American world.
And leading in space , doing amazing things there ,will also attract a huge major migration world wide TOp Engineers and Scientist , hoping to become part of Russia space program.. So many Huge Opportunities Putin
is missing for his outdated way of thinking. What can we do ? Is Russia doomed forever with Putin in power?
or will the moron one day wake up from his ignorance? or someone replace him? Only A miracle will save Russia,
something like Europe taking the lead away of Americans. .but still this means Russia being a second place and their interest will continue to be disrespected and the calls for disbanding of Russia continue ,as long Russia don't disband the Jews Financial exceptionalism system. in US and Europe.. and Russia will never achieve that with Putin in power and his mediocre Russia development. All new Rockets will be useless if not used.. if NASA allowed to lead in space explorations. A full space exploration program need to start now ,and not 15 years as Russia
space industry told will do.. If Putin had any shame , it will have felt embarrassed to see Russia cosmonauts resigning from their careers ,announcing in public that it was consequences of the mediocre Government they have ,and the lack of ambitious in space. Hopefully Cosmonauts will threaten Putin to resign all of them ,if he does not change his mediocre support for Russia space program. and People should stop claiming Russia have no money..
Russia have a shit load of money.. you see that in how they never have problems building olympic avenues for a one time use , and waste hundreds of billions in sports infrastructure and Super trains.. is only the monkey president that don't use it wisely the budget in Russia ,and put the investment in the things that really matter.
and can truly help Russia to become a 100% independent nation.. Is lack of independence and lack of development ,lack of leadership the reason why Russia is in a cold war .semi hot with the west.