Ok, but of that 8 billion Garry, will the New Zealanders be part of it, or will your replacements will, my money's on the latter.
New Zealand is a country of immigrants... white people over the last 200-300 years and Pacific Islanders for about 800-1,000 years before that in a couple of batches of arrivals. In 1,000 years New Zealand will of course be different, but it is up to New Zealand to decide on its policies and decisions.
Fortunately it is much warmer in Australia so most immigrants come here for a bit and realise when you spread a quarter of Londons population over a country that is bigger than the UK then it seems a bit empty, so they tend to then gravitate to Australia, which is just as peaceful and warmer temperatures and much bigger with more land and more people.
As much as i believe in the individual, this isn't about that, this is about the survival of the society you exist in.
No children means no future.
There are plenty of children in orphanages that need love and to be brought up in a safe stable environment. There is no chance of any country running out of people as such... during hard times people will move away from small towns looking for work or a nightlife but eventually the cost of living in a big city will lead to people moving out to small towns as the urban mass expands... COVID has done us all a favour as it has made pretty clear that working from home isn't the terrible thing most bosses suspected it might be and with many people being able to work at home then living in small towns becomes viable, which makes the local store more viable and a local bank machine a possibility... the problem of house prices can be solved by building in far away places...
Garry we have more than 50yrs of data showing that the majority of women will always vote for leftist/socialist nonsense, women are by their nature instinctual socialists.
Women always seek protection and resources, which ideology offers them free-sh*t Garry, which ideology is offering them all the welfare Garry.
It is a natural reaction of a male to protect a female and females take advantage of that all the time... the laws that benefit women in divorce were not written by women and were not voted on by women... most of them are created by men to protect women.
Ironically if women get what they claim they actually want... which is equality, then most of the laws need to be rewritten, so women get the same sentence as a man for the same crime for instance, or women get put on the draft in time of war...
This transgender BS is hilarious because the same femenists that say men and women are the same and should be equal get blasted in most sports when a transgender person who is genetically male puts on a dress.
Mark Twain was a wrong, if it didn't matter why would they try so hard to rig it?
And rigged it they did, with the FEMALE VOTE.
Mark Twain is right for the reasons you give... when the result is turning out to be something they are not happy with they cheat. The first election for Trump caught them off guard and they didn't have time to organise anything. I suspect Biden beat Trump because the Chinese helped the democrats to win because they feared Trump more than they feared Biden.... Now I think China and Russia wont care who gets elected because they are both
No, men are actually smarter, more grey matter and all that, men and women are not and never will be "equal" Garry.
And there you give yourself away as not being smart. Are all men smarter than all women? Obviously not. Are the smartest people men... possibly... but that does not mean the smartest person is a man.
It is going to handicap western technology progress because the next 40 years of AI development will be fixated on what gender to make the AI... there will be thousands to choose from.
If you are saying that on average men are generally smarter than women you have to accept that most of the time there wont be a lot of difference in any random grouping.
You also have to define smart... a person that can't memorise the entire works of Shakespear or memorised Pi to three million decimal places is not smart, they just have a very good memory. Often problem solving benefits from being rather more practically minded, yet in the west practically minded is not the same as intellectual...
You go to University to study serious things or you go to Polytech to get work related skills like being a plumber or electrician or builder... does the world need more arseholes in ivory towers telling us we have been all wrong about gender and race and all sorts of other unimportant bullshit things, or does it need engineers and craftsmen and craftswomen.
Previously there were a lot of areas that needed brute strength, but these days with mechanisation and robotisation anyone can do many of the jobs that used to be male only domains...
Women will simply vote for more socialism/social democracy.
Yeah, whereas men would vote for the chick with the biggest tits.
Oh dear Garry, did you forget the difference in life expectancy between men and women, by 65 women would have an absolute majority, your society will be short lived.
Most people who vote in the west more often than not are voting against the person they don't like rather than a person they do like and quite often it might only be on one issue like abortion or three strikes you are out or immigration...
It is amazing that in the US you only get two options... in most icecream stores you get an enormous range of flavours and optional extras like chocolate sauce or sprinkles or chocolate flakes or M&Ms or cookies crumbled up.
But instead the greatest democracy on the planet... they say... you can vote for this rich old white
, or that rich old white
How could giving women the vote effect that in a negative way. You could let sheep have a vote too... if they crap in the next 2 minutes they vote for Biden and if they don't they vote for Trump... who the **** cares who wins... you don't understand what Twain is saying... it doesn't matter who you vote for because both your choices are already rigged.
Or someone is going to get shot.
Pfffh.... hhahaha, you wanna complain??...about what, this is your position Garry, your not going to solve the problem, so accept your demise.
Do you have a huge Harem of women that you have hundreds of children with? If you are not part of the solution are you even allowed to complain.
I don't want kids till this planet has a decent looking future ahead of it.
What arse Garry, this is literally the Boomer position:
"Live it up and leave the consequences of your actions to the next generations".
So everyone is a boomer.
What did you expect me to say Garry?
Why do you think I have any control of the future of the planet?
Even if I had ten kids that would hardly change anything.
Ok, so now your one of these "we are all human" leftists.
Hey... you point out the lizard people and we can jump them and rip off their masks OK?
This is not about "more people" Garry, this is about "your people", do your people, your culture, your history matter to you Garry?
Aaaah, so you mean more white conservative European mentality people are needed on this planet... adolph?
My culture is a culture we adopted... it came from America and is called consumerism and creates a lot of waste and damage... another part of our culture comes from the UK which is stupid too... it seems that if someone attacks me I have to respond in a measured way so as not to use an excessive amount of force in response... this does not apply to police officers trying to restrain me or bouncers at bars, but I have to guess what is excessive and what is acceptable, and if a jury or judge decides I am wrong then I get to go to jail.
I think we need a few changes to be honest...
And that is not mentioning the direction western culture seems to be headed for... worshipping the deviant and the minority.... ironic considering it is the minority of the 1% that control and run everything with their money, but now we have to respect and not offend the mentally ill or we can be accused of hate crimes and be sent to jail.
Your getting "more people" mixed up with "your people' again.
You are forgetting that New Zealanders are not White people from the UK, New Zealanders are pacific islanders and people from all round the planet including Chinese and Asia and even Central and South America. New Zealanders are my people... whether they call themselves Moriori, or Maori or Samoan or Fijian or Chinese... I don't care what religion they are or what colour their skin is, New Zealanders are kiwis.
Xi seems to know what's up, preparations are underway.
Or woke BS does not work in China and token women in positions does not make sense, so the best people for the job this time around happened to be men.
Money saved by not giving women welfare can build orphanages.
The ideal situation is for there to not be orphanages... putting children into families makes rather more sense than putting them in "you aint got no one to love you prison".
Woman gets educated, thinks she has to have Christian Grey.
Man gets educated, can go after city girls (who want Greys) or has his pick of the farm-girl litter, or is more attractive to his favorite farm girl.
So you are saying you are a hardcore muslim?
That is fine. But what sort of society do you get when half the population are uneducated?
We know which increases fertility and which does not.
So burn schools and no education for anyone because it reduces fertility... and we can live in our own shit and wonder why babies die so often... the bacteria method of birth control.
But seems like somebody do not have enough cognitive ability to understand that and somehow they are wishing for the things that they will regret. Or may be these are despicable thugs that make money on the enslavement of others.
The view that a mans job is to earn money and build a nest and attract a woman and then you get married and then the woman looks after the children you are going to have while the man is at work all day every day paying for everything while the woman cooks and cleans and looks after the kids is very widespread.
The Taliban for instance think girls should not be seen or heard... and certainly not educated, and that selling off an old maid that is 14 years old and still not married off is a burden to her family...
Having said that over the years there are plenty of members who have topics where their views are coloured by their culture or experience and are different from mine, while in many other areas we are in agreement.
I don't have any Tattoos. I think Tattoos are art and tastes in art change over time, while tattoos don't generally change, which makes them a contradiction in my opinion.
I am not going to tell anyone else how they should feel about tattoos, I can give my view and my reasons but I wont ban anyone who likes tattoos.
At this point, i am 90% certain that higurashihougi is a woman.
I am 90% sure you are single or divorced.
Fertility rate of 6.3 in 1973, when the communists took over.
Afterwards, well, communism fails.
And you and many other extremists will jump up and down and claim communism is bad because of this, but when you look at the population growth there is actually nothing wrong with their fertility levels when the mortality rates drop too... not to mention kicking the French and the Americans out... that graph is very careful to not show the effect of the western world bombing the shit out of the country and how that effected the population size.
According to this:
Hover your mouse arrow over any part of the chart and the display on the right hand side will show you the data for that data point.
You can click on the other countries listed there, but even the worst performing is Thailand and by 2030 it is projected they will still have 70 million people... from a country like New Zealand that sounds like plenty.
For Vietnam:
The fertility rate in 1970 was 6.0 and the population was about 41 million, while in 2000 the fertility rate was 2 and the population was 79 million.... oh no... a collapse... 20 years later in 2020 they must have no people left right?
In 2021 the fertility rate is 1.94 and the population is 97 million... yeah... I see what you mean... in a million years there will only be a billion of them...
Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves.