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    Russian Civil Aviation: News


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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:42 pm

    Sukhoi civil division should now concentrate on finding alternative suppliers of the western made equipment on board because they can too be heavily damaged from sanctions thanks to US and EU.

    I remember I was being told by people like TR1 that I am idiot and sanctions would never hit. Guess they were wrong and I am right. Only question is, when will sanctions hit the developers of Sukhoi Civil division. Because US is really looking forward to trying to hurt Russia's economy.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  TR1 Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:55 pm

    What exactly were you right about?

    The All-Russian/Ukranian AN-148 is virtually dead. An All-Russian plane would be bought by no one today. That is inescapable.
    Meanwhile the Superjet is earning accolades in Mexico, and being mass produced.

    Plus, its not Sukhois fault this country is ran by criminals and retards.


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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:58 pm

    TR1 wrote:What exactly were you right about?

    The All-Russian/Ukranian AN-148 is virtually dead. An All-Russian plane would be bought by no one today. That is inescapable.
    Meanwhile the Superjet is earning accolades in Mexico, and being mass produced.

    Plus, its not Sukhois fault this country is ran by criminals and retards.

    TR1 again... all russias fault, it's all Putins fault maybe?

    Get your head out of the rear of the evil empire US you live in and come back to reality who is actually to blame, but maybe you don't like them to blame because they are watching you or you are to americanized like the rest of US citizens believe every crap Pentagon shits.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:30 pm

    TR1 wrote:What exactly were you right about?

    The All-Russian/Ukranian AN-148 is virtually dead. An All-Russian plane would be bought by no one today. That is inescapable.
    Meanwhile the Superjet is earning accolades in Mexico, and being mass produced.

    Plus, its not Sukhois fault this country is ran by criminals and retards.

    Hahahahaha, leave it to TR1 for myopic vitriol of Putin, he's far more competent than you'll care admit...if he's so incompetent how can you reconcile with the fact that he completely reversed the Sino-Soviet Split, creation of the BRICS bank, the ascension of Crimea while at the same wrecking the U.S. plans to diversify EU energy needs away from Russia (via Nabucco, and the Whitestream) and making the EU dependent on Russia for decades to come, the complete refurbishment of the rusting MIC, making Russia the number "1" energy player/force in Europe and Asia via the new pipelines (even potential ones for Turkey such as the Bluestream, pipelines to India, or a potential pipeline to Japan may be in the works) or that he's made a complete mockery of NATO in Syria, and recently he made a complete mockery of US/EU/NATO in the so-called sanctions that have very little effect and has caused major in-fighting among the top finance-oligarchs of the West! lol1

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:57 pm

    TR1 wrote:What exactly were you right about?

    The All-Russian/Ukranian AN-148 is virtually dead. An All-Russian plane would be bought by no one today. That is inescapable.
    Meanwhile the Superjet is earning accolades in Mexico, and being mass produced.

    Plus, its not Sukhois fault this country is ran by criminals and retards.

    And it wasn't the so called retardation of your former nation politicians either.  It was the one you currently live in, by causing instability in Ukraine than blamed it on Russia.  Because the fact that Russia isn't doing everything US says, your nation (USA) is having a temper tantrum and throwing sanctions everywhere at Russia. If you have not noticed, recently US claims they had evidence, but they showed none, and still blamed Russia. While Russia has provided their side of the evidence. Feelings and assumptions should not be used, but cold hard facts. And so far, like the Syria chemical weapons BS, your current government has been caught lying. Russian government is not at fault. What they are in fault of, is not supporting the separatists enough.

    If you have evidence, please share it.  Other than that, I think you should pull your head out of the sand and come back to reality.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:39 pm


    You obviously made up your mind, took your decisions and drove your way, so we are happy for you sir.
    Now you are one of THEM.
    Lets us make our own decisions the way WE consider best, and if our team happen to come out on top of your team of choice I will certainly
    insist that the decedents should be given no mercy.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  TR1 Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:44 pm

    I'm posting this from Russia.

    You know, the country none of you (the Putin bots rushing in to attack me) are from, the country none of you are citizens of, and the country none of you have clearly spent 5 minutes in.

    One of Them lol. This forum has truly sunk into degeneracy with this Ukraine mess.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:47 pm

    OK then stop speaking crap while on war!

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  TR1 Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:50 pm

    Russia has declared war on someone now?

    And better yet, what does that have to do with Sukhoi, who so far has not paid a price for the mess we might be in?

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Werewolf Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:52 pm

    TR1 wrote:I'm posting this from Russia.

    You know, the country none of you (the Putin bots rushing in to attack me) are from, the country none of you are citizens of, and the country none of you have clearly spent 5 minutes in.

    One of Them lol. This forum has truly sunk into degeneracy with this Ukraine mess.

    Said the guy that lives in america. Unlike you the rest here do not buy into the crap lies the US is spreading, you are the only person in this forum that jumps in in the Ukraine Situation thread or anywhere else where you see it convinient to bash on russia. You don't participate in most of those conversations you just come randomly and throw crap around like an ape in a cage and then claim "we all are putin bots". Learned your way by Jen Psaki?

    I'm pretty realistic about russia and that concerns me alot about the 5th column that is existing since Lenin times in Russia and which is currently binding hands of Putin to give proper response to all the US empirial aggressions, but of course i don't see you here condemning US actions.

    From someone who claims to know russia you act like americans that have never left the US. Like there is no progression and your blind hatred towards Putin which is so far based on his actions the only one Protecting not only Russia but also world peace, while every other slave nation to US hegemony is willing to risk WW3 just to piss off russia and putin.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:56 pm

    Well, you blame your gov, but why? What have they done that warrants US and EU pressure? From what many others, including myself can see from thus, is US is very unhappy because of a series of events that are not in its favour, and so they lash out with sanctions and pressuring EU.

    Since Snowden leaks and false alarm from US regarding Syria chemical weapons mess, the anti Russian rhetoric has gone through the roof. OK, if you are currently in Russia, then you may not see it as blatant as much as myself from what is being pushed here in Canada.

    So far, your gov (if you are indeed in Russia) has provided at least something on their end. Be it right or wrong. On our end? Nothing so far. There is also the fact that people are annoyed beyond belief because US has lied multitude of times in order to commit autrocities or go to war. Russia has what? Once?

    But so far, retardation is on our western leaders heads currently. And our leaders aim is to try and surpress your economy till your end folds in our favour. Unfortunately for my leaders, that wont happen. But they may attempt it on the Ssj-100. Technically to some nations, what US and EU is doing can be considered an act of war. But Russia has stayed pretry calm in this. But for how long.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  TR1 Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:05 am

    I don't partake in the discussion because the discussion here makes look fair and balanced.

    Russia's hand is deep in the mess, that much is evident for anyone but blind bots. I am sure all those Kamaz trucks, T-64s that look suspiciously identical to ones on Russian roads, RPOs and RPGs were magically created in Ukrainian stocks. Whatever helps you people sleep at night.

    Meanwhile Russia will continue to be on the "wrong side" as far as economic development goes.


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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:10 am

    The most fascinating thing about world geo-politics is the U.S. state dept. kills over 1.5 million Iraqi's over a lie and left the country in as a mess with thousands of suicide bombings a month, and virtually no one condemns that, but a virtually bloodless legal referendum (Kosovo set a international standard that the U.N. has accepted) that's virtually the same one from 1992 (which pre-dates Putin's presidency by 8 years) where one of the outcomes is the elderly gaining pensions that have doubled in size, but that gets international condemnation even from the fraud Ban Ki Moon and the U.N. It's safe to say Ban Ki Moon (a guy who lectures about stopping arms trafficking, but doesn't say jackshit about France, Britain, U.S. openly admitting arms trafficking in to Libya, Syria) should be named Brown-Eye Moon, a cookie-cutter puppet of the Anglosphere and the United Nations will go the way of the League of Nations.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:22 am

    TR1 wrote:I don't partake in the discussion because the discussion here makes look fair and balanced.

    Russia's hand is deep in the mess, that much is evident for anyone but blind bots. I am sure all those Kamaz trucks, T-64s that look suspiciously identical to ones on Russian roads, RPOs and RPGs were magically created in Ukrainian stocks. Whatever helps you people sleep at night.

    Meanwhile Russia will continue to be on the "wrong side" as far as economic development goes.

    Yes, you are 100% americanized.

    So much about mp net and balanced, since US claims of evidence of russias involvement there were only russophobia on mp net, everyone who was even trying to link actual evidence or at least good points of Ukrainians or US involvement of the entire Ukraine crisis they were immidiatley banned or censored by moderators and admins, which here never happened in the 2 years i'm here. MP net completley put a black out to the evidence of russian radars of the MH17 and the evidence that this BUK TELAR was an ukrainian in western ukraine and not from Russia, but till this very day they still discuss that this BUK is a russian one and everyone who saids otherwise is a conspiracy theorist or Kremln bot, like you said.

    You are living in denial and that  is a fact.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:32 am

    TR1 wrote:I don't partake in the discussion because the discussion here makes look fair and balanced.

    Russia's hand is deep in the mess, that much is evident for anyone but blind bots. I am sure all those Kamaz trucks, T-64s that look suspiciously identical to ones on Russian roads, RPOs and RPGs were magically created in Ukrainian stocks. Whatever helps you people sleep at night.

    Meanwhile Russia will continue to be on the "wrong side" as far as economic development goes.

    Now I know you are lying.

    Anyway, please provide the evidence. is pretty bad when it comes to anything Russian, and various people on that boards got banned for even pointing out that US is being hypocritical. I will admit that is deemed more credible simply because we have too many members here berating about Jews.  But that does not stand in the way of the outright bs from members like AIG, CPuffs, Jusso, Asheron and the like.  You yourself has been banned from that site.

    My suggestion is that if you got the evidence, please provide it.  Saying that it is obvious besides to bots is not really evidence.  If it is so obvious, then it finding evidence wouldn't be hard.  But so far, US is having that trouble.  Might I suggest you go over their and help them?  Last time we actually talked, you stated you lived in US.  Now you live in Russia.  Which is making your position less than credible.

    BTW, keep to what you know best.  It isn't economics.  Because I already posted a link regarding growth in Russia in the economics thread.  Might I suggest you go and read it?

    Last edited by sepheronx on Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  mack8 Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:37 am

    TR1 wrote:I'm posting this from Russia.

    You know, the country none of you (the Putin bots rushing in to attack me) are from, the country none of you are citizens of, and the country none of you have clearly spent 5 minutes in.

    One of Them lol. This forum has truly sunk into degeneracy with this Ukraine mess.

    Don't rush to call all of them "Putin's bots", you sound like an american now. Don't you find sad that FOREIGNERS are defending your own country and standing behind it, while you bash it? Good or bad, and despite many problems, Russia and it's people still has something 95% of world countries do not have: a SPINE. You know, being truly independent, and not a puppet of some other power. Which is what your US is aiming at, not matter what and especially no matter if it's Putin or ANYONE else in charge for them the only "good" Russia is just a weak fragmented puppet in their service, preferably to be used against the chinese (fancy a nuclear war to take out China, notwithstanding Russia will be obliterated too? Uncle Sam would very much love that...). Look at Ukraine, your neighbours, sharing a common history and speaking practically the same language how it has been set against Russia by a power 10,000km away. How this happened? Through traitors, corrupt oligarchs and brainwashed masses. Is this the future you want for your own country? Is the american propaganda having this effect on yourself? Well, this is how the bastards groom and grow their "fifth columns", brainwashing and turning russian against russian (same as any other of their targets). You may possibly think you are a patriot and truly think there is a better choice, but unknowingly you are just  a cog of many in the american destabilizing machine. Think about that. No disrespect.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  mack8 Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:44 am

    On another note, may i respectfully suggest to the Mods to split the clearly off-topic posts in this topic into a separate one called "Why i don't like Putin" or something like that? Thanks.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  sepheronx Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:51 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    TR1 wrote:I don't partake in the discussion because the discussion here makes look fair and balanced.

    Russia's hand is deep in the mess, that much is evident for anyone but blind bots. I am sure all those Kamaz trucks, T-64s that look suspiciously identical to ones on Russian roads, RPOs and RPGs were magically created in Ukrainian stocks. Whatever helps you people sleep at night.

    Meanwhile Russia will continue to be on the "wrong side" as far as economic development goes.

    Yes, you are 100% americanized.

    So much about mp net and balanced, since US claims of evidence of russias involvement there were only russophobia on mp net, everyone who was even trying to link actual evidence or at least good points of Ukrainians or US involvement of the entire Ukraine crisis they were immidiatley banned or censored by moderators and admins, which here never happened in the 2 years i'm here. MP net completley put a black out to the evidence of russian radars of the MH17 and the evidence that this BUK TELAR was an ukrainian in western ukraine and not from Russia, but till this very day they still discuss that this BUK is a russian one and everyone who saids otherwise is a conspiracy theorist or Kremln bot, like you said.

    You are living in denial and that  is a fact.

    Better to use facts against TR1

    Fact 1) No evidence was actually shown. They claimed that the T-64's where T-72's. Ends up being T-64BV's that Russia never had in service
    Fact 2) US claims they have evidence, but has not shown its sat imagery or radar from the exercise going on at the time of the malaysian aircraft going down. Russia has provided both sat imagery and Radar data.
    Fact 3) They claimed they have evidence that MLRS are being used from Russia to strike Ukrainian soldiers. The video provided on youtube is of a military exercise in North Ossetia
    Fact 4) There are indeed personnel and equipment coming from Russia. But of course, no actual evidence or link that it is coming from the Russian government. Although, there is a politician from the Just Russia party whom is supporting the separatists.
    Fact 5) US has a history of falsifying information to go to war. 1) Fake WMD (Chemical) from Iraq. (2) Faked information regarding Chemical Weapon strike in Syria. (3)Ousting of Chilean government due to supposed communisim in order to put General Pinochet into power.

    Thing is, so far, if anyone that looks foolish, it is the US government. EU is also jumping to sanctions without providing proof. Do I think the rebels are getting support? Of course I do. But at the same time, no one has evidence and evidence is the key.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:11 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    TR1 wrote:I don't partake in the discussion because the discussion here makes look fair and balanced.

    Russia's hand is deep in the mess, that much is evident for anyone but blind bots. I am sure all those Kamaz trucks, T-64s that look suspiciously identical to ones on Russian roads, RPOs and RPGs were magically created in Ukrainian stocks. Whatever helps you people sleep at night.

    Meanwhile Russia will continue to be on the "wrong side" as far as economic development goes.

    Yes, you are 100% americanized.

    So much about mp net and balanced, since US claims of evidence of russias involvement there were only russophobia on mp net, everyone who was even trying to link actual evidence or at least good points of Ukrainians or US involvement of the entire Ukraine crisis they were immidiatley banned or censored by moderators and admins, which here never happened in the 2 years i'm here. MP net completley put a black out to the evidence of russian radars of the MH17 and the evidence that this BUK TELAR was an ukrainian in western ukraine and not from Russia, but till this very day they still discuss that this BUK is a russian one and everyone who saids otherwise is a conspiracy theorist or Kremln bot, like you said.

    You are living in denial and that  is a fact.

    Better to use facts against TR1

    Fact 1) No evidence was actually shown.  They claimed that the T-64's where T-72's.  Ends up being T-64BV's that Russia never had in service
    Fact 2) US claims they have evidence, but has not shown its sat imagery or radar from the exercise going on at the time of the malaysian aircraft going down.  Russia has provided both sat imagery and Radar data.
    Fact 3) They claimed they have evidence that MLRS are being used from Russia to strike Ukrainian soldiers.  The video provided on youtube is of a military exercise in North Ossetia
    Fact 4) There are indeed personnel and equipment coming from Russia.  But of course, no actual evidence or link that it is coming from the Russian government.  Although, there is a politician from the Just Russia party whom is supporting the separatists.
    Fact 5) US has a history of falsifying information to go to war.  1) Fake WMD (Chemical) from Iraq. (2) Faked information regarding Chemical Weapon strike in Syria. (3)Ousting of Chilean government due to supposed communisim in order to put General Pinochet into power.

    Thing is, so far, if anyone that looks foolish, it is the US government.  EU is also jumping to sanctions without providing proof.  Do I think the rebels are getting support?  Of course I do.  But at the same time, no one has evidence and evidence is the key.

    Like in the movie Law abiding citizen, "It is not enough to know it. You have to proof it."
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat Jul 26, 2014 1:19 am

    mack8 wrote:On another note, may i respectfully suggest to the Mods to split the clearly off-topic posts in this topic into a separate one called "Why i don't like Putin" or something like that? Thanks.

    Yes into the "How I became an American cheerleader -- Confessions of a Russian cowboy"

    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 American-soccer-fan1

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Firebird Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:39 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The most fascinating thing about world geo-politics is the U.S. state dept. kills over 1.5 million Iraqi's over a lie and left the country in as a mess with thousands of suicide bombings a month, and virtually no one condemns that, but a virtually bloodless legal referendum (Kosovo set a international standard that the U.N. has accepted) that's virtually the same one from 1992 (which pre-dates Putin's presidency by 8 years) where one of the outcomes is the elderly gaining pensions that have doubled in size, but that gets international condemnation even from the fraud Ban Ki Moon and the U.N. It's safe to say Ban Ki Moon (a guy who lectures about stopping arms trafficking, but doesn't say jackshit about France, Britain, U.S. openly admitting arms trafficking in to Libya, Syria) should be named Brown-Eye Moon, a cookie-cutter puppet of the Anglosphere and the United Nations will go the way of the League of Nations.

    America should have been expelled from any form of "intl communtiy"there and then - for Iraq AND Afghanistan. But in any case, no reason why they cant be expelled now.

    The UN should be moved out of NY. And there should be a massive boycott of US brands, capital and everything else. Infact, I would consider US proprietary rights to be partly invalidated by their atrocities.
    Atleast two countries should be rebuilt with US money, and using US soldiers as criminals who caused it.

    Many Americans and EU citizens are utterly disgusted by what America and its puppets have done.
    As China said, America is "robber playing cop". But worse. MUCH worse.

    PS I'd wager Uncle Scam is also behind this ISIS bullshit.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:28 am

    Firebird wrote:
    PS I'd wager Uncle Scam is also behind this ISIS bullshit.
    I'd double down on that wager.  Wink

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:34 am

    Firebird wrote:
    magnumcromagnon wrote:The most fascinating thing about world geo-politics is the U.S. state dept. kills over 1.5 million Iraqi's over a lie and left the country in as a mess with thousands of suicide bombings a month, and virtually no one condemns that, but a virtually bloodless legal referendum (Kosovo set a international standard that the U.N. has accepted) that's virtually the same one from 1992 (which pre-dates Putin's presidency by 8 years) where one of the outcomes is the elderly gaining pensions that have doubled in size, but that gets international condemnation even from the fraud Ban Ki Moon and the U.N. It's safe to say Ban Ki Moon (a guy who lectures about stopping arms trafficking, but doesn't say jackshit about France, Britain, U.S. openly admitting arms trafficking in to Libya, Syria) should be named Brown-Eye Moon, a cookie-cutter puppet of the Anglosphere and the United Nations will go the way of the League of Nations.

    America should have been expelled from any form of "intl communtiy"there and then - for Iraq AND Afghanistan. But in any case, no reason why they cant be expelled now.

    The UN should be moved out of NY. And there should be a massive boycott of US brands, capital and everything else. Infact, I would consider US proprietary rights to be partly invalidated by their atrocities.
    Atleast two countries should be rebuilt with US money, and using US soldiers as criminals who caused it.

    Many Americans and EU citizens are utterly disgusted by what America and its puppets have done.
    As China said, America is "robber playing cop". But worse. MUCH worse.

    PS I'd wager Uncle Scam is also behind this ISIS bullshit.

    I'm giving the U.N. 15-25 years of existence left, the fact that Brown-Eye Moon refuses to condemn U.S. arms trafficking in to Syria (even the U.S. signed agreement at the U.N. to prevent arms trafficking), the fact he accepts the Kosovo referendum but condemns the Crimean referendum, the fact that U.N. security council has not 1 but 3 NATO powers but no India, no African country, no Arab country, no South American country, the fact the U.N. is based in New York City, with out a shadow of a doubt the U.N. is the League of Nations, until they actually show that their actually neutral, impartial, and non-partisan than I wont accept it as a serious institution.

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:35 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    PS I'd wager Uncle Scam is also behind this ISIS bullshit.
    I'd double down on that.  Wink 

    They change just the name.

    Mujaheddin, then they were called Taliban, then came Al-CIAda, then came FSA and now ISIS (the suppossedly islamistic extremist group to create a islamic government that uses an ENGLISH name Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Since when do those islamic extremists care for english names... that name alone tells you enough and that they came one day to another out of nowhere in tenthousands.

    All of them are trained,supplied,armed and instracted to go to war with specific countries, all of those "Islamists" go only to already muslim countries but never to Israel, coincidence?

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    Russian Civil Aviation: News - Page 28 Empty Re: Russian Civil Aviation: News

    Post  mutantsushi Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:25 am

    George1 wrote:Vladimir Putin instructed the government to estimate the cost of a project for launching serial production of Il-114 aircraft
    According to [CEO of Aviacor aviation plant, Alexey] Gusev, it will take about 5 years and 10 or 12 billion rubles to launch the production. These figures surprised the president. "12 billion rubles is a large sum of money, but not in terms of this project", - the president noted.

    Putin asked the enterprise’s CEO, what kind of support he needs to implement this project. Gusev said that he needs a consolidated order.

    The Minister of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, in his own turn, said that he is “not ready to confirm the figures stated by Gusev yet”. The Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Rogozin, also noted that these figures need to be checked.
    The price quote of course coming from the guy who wants the project to be started, irregardless if his prediction is accurate... Anyways, what would relaunching it entail? Would a modernized avionics make sense? How much more time/cost would that add? What if EASA certification is not aimed for initially?

    India has a strange tender for a military transport of C-295/Il-112 class tied to JV/tech transfer/etc of civil airliner of similar scale. If they expedite the tender to match Russia's schedule (!?), setting it up so industrialization of Il-114 integrates Russian and Indian production from the beginning without un-necessary duplication, that could benefit from a very optimized industrial set-up. (Likewise for Il-112V) Il-114 is built for ~30% less range than ATR/BBD competitors, so not carrying the weight for that extra range should make it more than reasonable to be competitive (I would guess the engine is roughly equivalent as well...?).

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