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    Russian Economy General News: #1


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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  Firebird Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:35 pm

    Werewolf wrote:The Euro will colapse and there is no way to rescue it.
    It was never designed to be a success but to enrich the banks in whole Europe with one currency, where they never had the chance to make equal money in whole europe through all this diffrent currencies and economies, but with one currency they can lead to a total collapse which will and already had enriched the banks.
    Whole EU is one dictatorship, the countries have nothing to say about what they do anymore.
    They belong all to Brussels and ECB and through the ECM they have all to pay to "safe" countries while the money doesn't goes to countries but the banks.
    Greece had about 780 bln debts and in 2012 they "granted" about 700 bln Euros to greece and they have still huge debts and growing and growing. So where is the money gone?
    To banks and for projects that benefits companies not the country, not paying debts back to have a higher possiblity for more credits in future or refurbishing the economy sector, no the money is gone.

    EURO is a failure from first day and there are thousands of economy experts who predicted exact this bullshit scenario, like Dirk Müller, who is hated in mass-media when it comes to Euro and economy because he says the truth and today more and more people see what he has predicted.

    I've got to agree. The Euro was invented by megalomaniac bureaucrats in alliance with the financially ignorant. The interesting question is how far the (mainly)German banks have benefitted/will benefit from it, before Euro's possible demise.

    The basic fact is, a currency rate has to be relative to a country's economic profile.
    Greece was agriculture, tourism and lower end manufacturing. To have a sky high Euro rate instead of the drachma was monumental idiocy.

    Europe's problems go deeper even than this. Globalisation and technology has meant countries doing more with less people. But we're startin g to see the disappearance of the younger middle classes around Europe. Even graduates from Oxford and Cambrdige in England are ending up working in McDonalds or on the dole. The fact is, the west gets weaker as former banana republics like India and China start to show prosperity

    Another aspect to this bizarre fad of over-globalisation is mass over immigration. This is starting to show disturbing effects.

    It remains to be seen how Russia develops. My hope is that Russia DOESNT take advice from the EU and US. There's the possiblity of a golden future for Russia, OR it could listen to the bizarre tripe coming out of Brussels and Washington and go down a wrong path...

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  gaurav Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:17 pm

    To Comrade .. AUSTIN.. Smile

    A reality check Russia GDP "growth" shrinking

    Russia GDP Growth shrinking

    I think ageing of population is driving Russia growth to ZERO.

    Russia’s Economics Ministry has lowered its 2013 forecast for the country’s GDP growth to 2.4 percent from 3.6 percent amid stagnating exports and faltering investment, Deputy Economics Minister Andrei Klepach said on Thursday.
    The ministry cut its GDP growth forecast after Russia’s exports, a key source of budget revenues, failed to demonstrate any growth in 2013 while fixed capital investment growth was just 4.6 percent, Klepach said.
    If the data for the first months of 2013 are extrapolated for the full year, Russia’s GDP growth is estimated at a mere 1.7 percent, Klepach said.
    The Economics Ministry also expects net capital outflow to reach $30-35 billion in 2013 compared with its original forecast of 0-$10 billion, Klepach said.
    Russia’s GDP grew only by 3.4 percent last year, the lowest since the deep recession of 2009, with weak demand for Russian exports in Europe.
    Russia's newly-appointed Central Bank chief Elvira Nabiullina said earlier this week Russia needed to rethink its commodity exports-based growth model, with a new emphasis on internal sources of development, diversification of the country’s raw material-based economy, increased investment and improvement in the investment climate.

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    Post  Austin Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:07 pm

    They need more structural reforms and privitisation to boost economic growth but most Russian citizen are happy with Stable Economy and lower growth because of experience of 90's Economic Reforms.

    The forecast is based on first quarter but there are 3 more to go , the final figure will be known only next year.

    All BRICS country have slowed down that includes even China and India ....hell Indian economy is in much bigger mess thanks to 8 years of screw up by UPA .....I hope people kick them out next year

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    Post  Austin Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:11 am

    Will South Stream change EU-Russia relations?

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    Post  gaurav Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:57 pm

    The blame is always put on Putin.

    Just see this link . What they forget that Russia was a "virtual" country for past decade.
    Russia was not a normal country.
    It needed huge oil and gas exports to some what compensate the staggering loss of population.

    There were no people to populate and of course no middle aged population to develop Russia.

    There was just no industry except some defense related exports for past 10 years.

    Now it is trying to "Gradually" develop in multi -direction , which in itself is another big misadventure by Russian leadership.(because of acute lack of young generation).

    That is why I was talking about Ukraine to enter Customs Union atleast it will give some breathing space to
    russian leadership for few years.
    In order to compte(in financial world) Russian people have deviated from traditional Russian Industry .
    Russia is filled with Vampire population .
    I mean which is of no use.They are either consultants , financial specialist, Investments bankers... I mean its crazy.
    Half of (Engeneering pool of Russia)works for U.S companies, other half for korean ,japanese etc . Sad

    Recession Imminent Warns Russian Economy Minister

    I think I am exagerating a bit. But some times .. they are okay.
    Putin also said Exaggerations are "normal" and to the point.
    They help to home in on the point of discussion.

    April 12 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian economy could slip into recession this coming fall unless measures
    to stimulate growth are urgently implemented, Economy Minister Andrei Belousov said on Friday.
    “We will propose economic stimulation measures,” he said, warning that otherwise Russia will see zero
    growth by the fall.
    “These measures are necessary because we have to get out of the situation we are now in, so as not to
    fall into recession,” Belousov said, adding that a meeting on the issue with President Vladimir Putin
    is due to take place in the near future.
    The ministry lowered its 2013 forecast for the country’s GDP growth to 2.4 percent from 3.6 percent amid
    stagnating exports and faltering investment, Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Klepach said on Thursday.
    The ministry also expects net capital outflow to reach $30-35 billion in 2013 compared with its original
    forecast of 0-$10 billion, Klepach said.
    Russia’s GDP grew only by 3.4 percent last year, the lowest since the deep recession of 2009, with weak
    demand for Russian exports in Europe.


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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:20 am

    When most of the worlds economies are teetering or actually failing and requiring bailouts a small recession in Russia is nothing to fear. Constant continual growth is simply neither natural, healthy, nor sustainable.

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    Post  Sujoy Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:28 am

    Why the Russian economy will not face any threat .

    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Downlo10

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  medo Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:35 pm

    Russian industry and agronomy production is growing and they sell less crude oil wood, etc, but more of their products, which have higher price in World's markets. Where is here recession? True, bankrupt EU and US will buy less, but Russia wisely reoriented its export economy on other markets like in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are rich with natural resources and with population and where middle class is growing. Africa is poor, true, but Latin America have incredible potential and trade with states, like Brazil, Chile, Argentina,... on equal level, could quite quick replace EU market.

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    Post  Regular Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:44 pm

    medo wrote:Russian industry and agronomy production is growing and they sell less crude oil wood, etc, but more of their products, which have higher price in World's markets. Where is here recession? True, bankrupt EU and US will buy less, but Russia wisely reoriented its export economy on other markets like in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are rich with natural resources and with population and where middle class is growing. Africa is poor, true, but Latin America have incredible potential and trade with states, like Brazil, Chile, Argentina,... on equal level, could quite quick replace EU market.
    Well Russia is a big country with big problems left from big break up. But Russia is not a Soviet Union, it doesn't spread ideology, it doesn't spend enormous money to maintain military and Russia don't do anything for free, it is capitalist country with less socialism than in Norway. Russia is very rich country, but living standards aren't that high for everyone as it could be. But maybe they are learning from other countries faults when all that social care, appeal to people led to big depth

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    Post  gaurav Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:25 pm

    Why the Russian economy will not face any threat .
    Cool man .. cool.. Cool Nice pic.

    requiring bailouts a small recession in Russia is nothing to fear.
    I hope this will be a small recession only.

    Back to the FUTURE .. Cool

    Russia going through a rough patch

    Putin Warns of Global Crisis Affecting Russia

    The global crisis is taking an even more dangerous shape, which
    inevitably affects us as well,” Putin said at a meeting with Prime Minister
    Dmitry Medvedev.
    This is how it was in 2008, and now we are witnessing the same thing.
    However, unlike our friends and partners in Europe and other parts of
    the world, the Russian economy is showing vitality and prospects of further growth," Putin said.

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    Post  Viktor Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:35 pm

    gaurav wrote:I hope this will be a small recession only.

    I dont see any recession this year in Russia no matter what`s going on in neighborhood.

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    Post  Regular Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:38 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    gaurav wrote:I hope this will be a small recession only.

    I don't see any recession this year in Russia no matter what`s going on in neighborhood.
    Well it exists and it affects economy in many ways, but in Russia is not as worrisome and dangerous as in other countries. Instead of ditching money into social support Russia did very unpopular thing and tightened the belt. Unemployment is very small this year. Only downside - general population live with lower standards of life compared to other countries that have worse economy, but I can understand that too.

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    Post  Viktor Fri May 03, 2013 4:59 am

    After all PPP is what counts Very Happy

    In terms of GDP, Russia overtook Germany and went to 5th place in the world!


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    Post  Austin Fri May 03, 2013 7:15 am

    I think what really counts from a country and its people POV is Per Capita Income.

    Russia leads in Per Capita Income when it comes to BRICS but lags far behind when you compare to Western Nations

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  TheArmenian Fri May 03, 2013 10:16 am

    Austin wrote:I think what really counts from a country and its people POV is Per Capita Income.

    Russia leads in Per Capita Income when it comes to BRICS but lags far behind when you compare to Western Nations

    They are about to overtake Portugal (a European Union nation) and in a few years they will overtake others.

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    Post  Austin Fri May 03, 2013 10:48 am

    Seems like Russian needs serious structural reforms else the consequences are severe

    Russia Has 3-5 Years for Economic Reform, Minister Says

    Economic Development Minister Andrei Belousov has warned that Russia has "three, four, a maximum of five years" to carry out structural reforms to the economy before the global energy balance changes, possibly leading to a 20 percent to 30 percent drop in oil prices and economic stagnation.

    "It is critically important that Russia enters that period with at least the main parameters of the reforms completed," Belousov said Monday at a staff meeting at the Economic Development Ministry.

    He said Russia should conduct large-scale reforms equivalent to 7.5 percent of the country's GDP, or 3.5 trillion to 5 trillion rubles ($112 billion to $160 billion) per year for the next five years.

    The reforms should be carried out in health care and education, the pension system, utilities, the armed forces and civic infrastructure, he said.

    The government should also undertake measures to develop non-mineral sectors of the economy and promote the development of the Far East and the Kaliningrad region, he said.

    Belousov noted that unless Russia can bring its annual economic growth to 5 percent to 6 percent, the reforms would not succeed and "the window of opportunity" will be lost.

    Observers said the minister's broad call for reforms went beyond the more specific objectives that ministers usually focus on, Vedomosti reported.

    Belousov's plan may reflect his growing influence ahead of his possible move to the Kremlin, where he may replace Elvira Nabiullina as a presidential economic aide. Nabiullina was recently appointed as head of the Central Bank, observers said.


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    Post  Austin Fri May 03, 2013 10:57 am

    TheArmenian wrote:They are about to overtake Portugal (a European Union nation) and in a few years they will overtake others.

    Overtaking Germany , Italy , France or UK will take a long time , may be 20 years if they grow 4-5 % anually

    Check this

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  TheArmenian Fri May 03, 2013 11:07 am

    Austin wrote:
    TheArmenian wrote:They are about to overtake Portugal (a European Union nation) and in a few years they will overtake others.

    Overtaking Germany , Italy , France or UK will take a long time , may be 20 years if they grow 4-5 % anually

    Check this

    It will be quicker if the economies of these countries shrink due to lingering recession in Europe Twisted Evil

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 03, 2013 11:18 am

    Yeah, of course money makes you happy...

    That is more accurately described as a smugness index for rich countries to pretend they are better than other countries.

    Look at the highest earners and you think life might be much better there than here but if you really look at the raw figures you will find that in those countries 10-15% have all the money and land, there is a middle class that know they are not poor, but could not call themselves rich and there will be the poor who live from day to day just staying ahead of the bills by working three or four jobs.

    Russia should not use the same measuring stick as the west to determine progress because that road does not lead anywhere worth going... they would in fact be much better off with communism where there was the powerful small percentage and the rest were pretty much equal.

    Obviously the ideal is no rich and powerful and resources spread evenly for everyone so no one was poor, but there is little chance of any political or economic system delivering that.

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    Post  Austin Fri May 03, 2013 11:18 am

    How does their High Public Debt Impact compared to Russias low public debt ?

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 03, 2013 11:35 am

    The reforms should be carried out in health care and education, the pension system, utilities, the armed forces and civic infrastructure, he said.

    Secret code for privatisation, which pretty much means selling them to foreign ownership.

    The government should also undertake measures to develop non-mineral sectors of the economy and promote the development of the Far East and the Kaliningrad region, he said.

    Ummm... Duh! they are already doing that! The problem is that the west has most of the money in the current financial system and it is the western investors that are only interested in Russian oil.

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  Hachimoto Fri May 03, 2013 11:43 am

    russian GDP is far behind brazil not talk about germany !! and comparing with portugal PPP is not a huge deal cause right before the crisis it was the poorest country in EU

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    Russian Economy General News: #1 - Page 6 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #1

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 06, 2013 10:26 am

    Regular wrote:
    Viktor wrote:
    gaurav wrote:I hope this will be a small recession only.

    I don't see any recession this year in Russia no matter what`s going on in neighborhood.
    Well it exists and it affects economy in many ways, but in Russia is not as worrisome and dangerous as in other countries. Instead of ditching money into social support Russia did very unpopular thing and tightened the belt. Unemployment is very small this year. Only downside - general population live with lower standards of life compared to other countries that have worse economy, but I can understand that too.

    No it's the other way 'round; Russia has been putting more money into various forms of social support, while Europe has been tightening the belt.

    Hachimoto wrote:russian GDP is far behind brazil not talk about germany

    No it's not

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    Post  Austin Mon May 06, 2013 11:08 am

    GarryB wrote:Yeah, of course money makes you happy...

    That is more accurately described as a smugness index for rich countries to pretend they are better than other countries.

    Look at the highest earners and you think life might be much better there than here but if you really look at the raw figures you will find that in those countries 10-15% have all the money and land, there is a middle class that know they are not poor, but could not call themselves rich and there will be the poor who live from day to day just staying ahead of the bills by working three or four jobs.

    Russia should not use the same measuring stick as the west to determine progress because that road does not lead anywhere worth going... they would in fact be much better off with communism where there was the powerful small percentage and the rest were pretty much equal.

    Obviously the ideal is no rich and powerful and resources spread evenly for everyone so no one was poor, but there is little chance of any political or economic system delivering that.

    Well If they dont want to use the same Index then they can use the Happiness Index which shows Burma as the most happiest country.

    The World Economy has benchmarked against a standard index and GDP , PPP , Per Capita Income are benchmark of an economy. ......Unless Russia stays in a seperate planet it will have to comply by those and bench marked against.

    Even Putin and Medvedev mentioned many times that they would like to get Russia Per Capita income to where France is today.

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    Post  ali.a.r Mon May 06, 2013 11:55 am

    How good a measure is this Happiness Index? How is happiness even measured?

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