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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Occupying Danube delta will change the perspective folks

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:08 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    ALAMO” wrote:
    Occupying Danube delta will change the perspective folks 😈

    Bro Very Happy , even though it's a good joke, you can see for yourself how brainwashed Romanians are.
    I think they are right behind the Poles in that regard. Manipulation is something that the Anglo-Saxons are very good at and I can freely write that they are undisputed at it.

    We already discussed the topic in this thread.

    Russia does not need to occupy the whole delta, just the part in Odessa Oblast.

    And the people in the former Roman provinces of Dacia and Moesia Inferior will not be able to do anything about it (e.g. disrupt the passage of russian ships in the Danube directed towards Serbia and Hungary) unless they do not want in response to be practically banned from using commercially the black sea.

    Russia can simply see their behavior as piracy and "arrest" their ships in the black sea in response. It will have enough justifications to do it.

    At the end, it is true that turkey (for the  moment) controls the only entry/exit point to/from the black sea (if we esclude the internal russian waterways the connect The black sea with even the Caspian sea (and maybe in the future, via Iran even to the Persian gulf), but the black sea is practically a Russian lake.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:21 pm

    You weak incompetent chicken shit bitch whores wouldn't have to wonder if you simply delivered what you were paid to deliver

    You like taking money but you don't like giving anything back in exchange even though you signed the contract? Imagine that, someone else's money tastes really sweet, doesn't it?

    If you want to make sure those MiGs stay here all you crooks have to do is to deliver what you were paid to deliver

    Easiest thing in the world

    Until then you can all go fück yourselves along with your attitude

    You have a chip on your shoulder about '99 the size of the moon

    Sorry for the weak response back then but we had a traitor in power, and frankly its a miracle Moscow tried anything at all. If we still had him or others like him in power, we wouldn't be in an undeclared war with NATO by now. So the proof is in the pudding so to speak.

    And stop getting baited by Scorpius' suppositions. I don't agree it will go as far as giving weapons to the Ukraine, and I don't think any Serbian government will ever attempt such a politically suicidal maneuver.. but there is something to his remarks.

    Vucic has been brown-nosing over the past couple of months and its clear that he folded.. the West witnessed this and will only push him further. We in Russia can defend ourselves against NATO by ourselves, that's not the issue - the issue is for you yourselves. NATO will not leave you alone. There will be no going back to business as usual before 24th Feb 2022, even with Vucic's slow U-turn. Serbia to them is a weakness in their defenses, a Russian trojan-horse, and they absolutely despise you for it. All their rhetoric about international peace, racial equality, etc... does not apply to 2 peoples in the world - and that's Russians and Serbs. Well neither anyone else really either; but only for Russians and Serbs is the disdain open. And where movies can be made such as Behind Enemy Lines where you/us are all portrayed as backwards bloodthirsty barbarians and with no lobbies or human rights activists or anyone stepping out in your defense; you can be demonized endlessly as in 1999 and blamed for every evil and yet its not racism because you're white and being too fraternal to Russia your nation is guilty of original sin.
    You're stuck with us so we might as get to know each other better. No political maneuvering will get your nation out of the situation, buying Rafaels or anything else. You know all this better than I, so be prepared for come what may; because your leadership doesn't seem to be.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  Scorpius Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:19 pm

    I would assume that the West's plans are to first make Vucic literally lick their shoes and then introduce occupation forces into Serbia. For example, under the pretext of some kind of collisions, I don't even know where they could happen. Oh, wait! Maybe in Kosovo?

    Serbia now looks like a tempting opportunity to demonstrate what will happen to ANY European country that does not follow the instructions from Washington. And, you know, this whole political line "we will be between Russia and Europe, respecting our interests" - this rather contributed to an increase in risks than if there were Russian military bases on the territory of Serbia, as in Transnistria or something like that. However, this is only my opinion, you may disagree with him. Nothing can change, I can only guess how events may develop further.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:15 pm

    sepheronx wrote:While it is understandable for Serbia to try and sit on two seats, eventually it will fall, hard.

    Alternative is to sit on NATO chair so Russians are free to pick which option they like more

    sepheronx wrote:That said, Serbia should be looking at this situation now and exerting itself even more, knowing that the threat that is NATO isn't in the condition to fight two fronts.

    They are in more than condition to fight war on this front

    Scorpius wrote:I would assume that the West's plans are to first make Vucic literally lick their shoes and then introduce occupation forces into Serbia....

    You may want to keep your opinions to yourself and focus on your own shit because so far you have seriously failed to perform

    And pay your bills you cheap losers


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:20 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:To Scorpius

    Here I am openly writing to you that I would request asylum in Russia or Belarus, and even China...

    You should try grovelling harder because I don't think they are sufficiently impressed


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:24 pm

    Alternative is to sit on NATO chair so Russians are free to pick which option they like more

    Which option do you like more?

    They are in more than condition to fight war on this front

    Are you threatening them? Are you preparing to attack NATO? Are you even fanning the flames in Kosovo, or whereever? Or is it them just bullying you there as well.

    What right do they have to dictate what you can and can't do within the framework of national sovereignty and international law?

    That they're rabbies-infected savage dogs who can manufacture the pretext for another military campaign against your country if they think they can get away with it again - is known, so I can completely understand the hesitancy in standing up to them, and understand whatever your nation chooses in the end; but know that the choice here is between freedom and subjugation, and that war can potentially happen in any case.. because again, you're dealing with animals.

    You may want to keep your opinions to yourself and focus on your own shit because so far you have seriously failed to perform

    And pay your bills you cheap losers

    We're in no hurry.
    You're not obligated to have faith in us though. Main thing is to have faith in yourselves.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:39 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Which option do you like more?

    Option of getting teleported somewhere in South Pacific and to exist as isolated tropical island away from all this bullshit

    But that's not a realistic option just as the one that you would like is not realistic

    flamming_python wrote:What right do they have to dictate what you can and can't do ...

    The right of ''We can exterminate you at will''

    It's actually pretty cool when it's you who have it, you should try it sometimes (Tip: it's not for pussies)

    flamming_python wrote:...within the framework of national sovereignty and international law?

    We learned decades ago that these two fairytales are complete horseshit, especially the latter

    Only morons are stupid enough to fall for it in this day and age

    flamming_python wrote:We're in no hurry.

    Well then neither are we with doing what you want


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:45 pm

    It's really not about us PD, and I would be perfectly satisfied if Serbia did as it pleased for this whole duration with no involvement in the NATO-Russia conflict, and with no coercion for it or troubles for Serbs in northern Kosovo or whatever else.
    We don't need some battle pawn against NATO in the Balkans or a 2nd front, I wouldn't wish that fate for anyone.

    I would of course be disasstisfied if Serbia started to involve itself on the NATO side, in even the lightest capacity such as putting sanctions on Russia, but then such is my right.

    We learned decades ago that these two fairytales are complete horseshit, especially the latter

    Of course, at the end of the day everyone is responsible for feeding their own army and standing up for their own interests.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  Isos Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:26 pm

    Mig were delivered and given free. They paid for maintenance which is nothing compare to buying a western aircraft. Let's see how you will maintain a rafale if you can't even buy a mig. Get a squadron of upgraded jets with nice ARH missiles and air to ground missiles for the price of one rafale and still cry for more and praise west meanwhile westerns haven't delivered dumb manpads after 1 year.

    Pantsirs were delivered.

    For the rest, you can get it by renting a cargo plane. EU closed their airspace to russian planes, not serbians. Get a plane from China and send it take your stuff that you bought in Russia. You will get it.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:21 am

    Well, if you weren't such an ungrateful **** that you are, then you wouldn't even have written what you wrote.
    We are the only country in Europe that has not imposed sanctions on you, you asshole.

    The quote he posted shows the leader of Serbia stating that they have no use for Russian MiG-29s because they can't get them serviced due to sanctions so they might have to buy Rafales... in such a situation Serbia must be part of the anti Russian sanctions or they could get parts and support for their MiGs.

    Wondering how long they will hold on to their MiGs is a valid question.

    The West not only wants Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, but the West also wants Serbia to recognize Kosovo.

    The west is never happy so even if you did both there would still be some problem...

    Then ask yourself what would happen in Serbia if some government tried to push something like that.
    That's nonsense man.

    What did the Hungarians think about radical elements in their country bypassing their countries neutrality and sending enormous amounts of weapons and fuel and ammo and equipment from their own stocks to Kiev the first 6 months of the conflict... well not much, because they didn't know.

    Please clean up this thread.

    What do you expect me to do?

    This thread is about Serbias relations with the EU and HATO, so this is relevant... if unpleasant.

    Option of getting teleported somewhere in South Pacific and to exist as isolated tropical island away from all this bullshit

    But that's not a realistic option just as the one that you would like is not realistic

    Didn't know you cared...

    The right of ''We can exterminate you at will''

    Last time they tried it was a bit of a stalemate that they tricked Russia into solving for them.

    Can't see that working again.

    It's actually pretty cool when it's you who have it, you should try it sometimes (Tip: it's not for pussies)

    You have to be a heartless inhuman bastard for it to be usable... that is why only the nazis and the western europeans have bothered to use it.

    Mig were delivered and given free. They paid for maintenance which is nothing compare to buying a western aircraft. Let's see how you will maintain a rafale if you can't even buy a mig. Get a squadron of upgraded jets with nice ARH missiles and air to ground missiles for the price of one rafale and still cry for more and praise west meanwhile westerns haven't delivered dumb manpads after 1 year.

    Smile you make them sound like India.... India spends 8.4 billion on 36 Rafale fighter aircraft, but complain that they got an aircraft carrier with 14 MiG-29Ks and half a dozen helicopters including Ka-31s for 2.4 billion.

    The original price was 700K for the carrier and 700K for the air component but after taking the ship apart they added 1 billion to the price to replace all the piping and wiring and propulsion... they could have just sold it to them for 1.4 billion and left the old shitty plumbing and wiring in place and it would have been a nightmare that stayed in dock because of problems and then eventually the decision would be taken to either scrap it or take it out of service and redo all the pipes and wires... which probably would have cost 2 billion, but lets ignore a bargain and complain anyway.

    For the rest, you can get it by renting a cargo plane. EU closed their airspace to russian planes, not serbians. Get a plane from China and send it take your stuff that you bought in Russia. You will get it.

    Buying a couple of Il-476s would be useful anyway... HATO are always short of transports and you could rent them to them and make good money when it suits you.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  Isos Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:50 am

    Saw on french news, the contract is 3 billion for 14 Rafale.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:48 pm

    Worried about its own neighborhood, Belgrade is also importing whatever it can, including a bid for Rafale fighter jets from France. According to Vucic, a contract with the Emirates for kamikaze drones should be signed later this week

    [url=Serbia warns ‘everyone is preparing for war’]Serbia warns ‘everyone is preparing for war’[/url]

    Looks like they are looking into it.
    If this keeps up, Serbia is gonna have a Maidan.
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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  caveat emptor Wed Feb 22, 2023 3:00 pm


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  Scorpius Thu Mar 02, 2023 6:34 pm

    well, probably the Serbian government will really bend soon, if they haven't already done it:

    Moscow is closely monitoring media reports that Serbian ammunition is allegedly supplied to Kiev. This is reported in the response of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova to the relevant question of the media. According to her, the Russian Federation is deeply concerned about the incoming information, it is necessary that the reaction be based on facts.

    P.S. I really want to remind some fierce Serbs here that I am not blaming either you or the Serbian people for what the Serbian government is doing (or not doing). (before you arrange another series of drama here)

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  lancelot Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:10 am

    Zastava had already been supplying weapons to the US supported forces in Syria, so this is just more of the same.
    I expect better from the Serbs in this case though. It is one thing not being able to help Russia, quite another to cooperate with the US with regards to the conflict in Ukraine.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:02 am

    And how do you expect anyone to check supply chain with dozen intermediaries after delivery to customer who pays in advance and has all the permits and paperwork anyone could possibly ask of them?

    Also when Americans and their dudes buy (or sell) something they show up in person with their own airplanes ready to start loading/unloading


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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:09 am

    Anything the Yanks buy from Serbia is going to be for the Ukraine I'm afraid, not for Afghanistan or the Syrian Islamists

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:00 pm

    Anything the Yanks buy from Serbia is going to be for the Ukraine I'm afraid, not for Afghanistan or the Syrian Islamists

    Even if you are wrong, and it does go to Afghanistan (ISIS) or Syria (ISIS or Kurds) it is still going to terrorists.

    I wouldn't blame Serbia making money... maybe Russia should order the ammo they are selling to the US... they might use it themselves or sell/give to Syria or anyone they please but it means Serbian companies make money but their products remain out of unsafe hands...

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:24 pm

    If Serbia is willing to sell Russia weapons and ammo then I'm sure that Russia will fill up Serbia's production lines with orders for years ahead. They can sell to China, North Korea, or through whatever intermediaries.

    As for selling weapons and ammo that will be used to kill our soldiers, no matter how it gets to the battlefield, such sales should be terminated no ifs and no buts as soon as their destination is discovered; and ideally should not be concluded in the first place - use some common sense and check the buyer.
    Really the same applies to any ammo sold to eastern NATO countries to replenish their own stocks; as said replenishment will allow them to send their older reserve gear and ammo to the Ukraine.
    It's just common courtesy and what Russia should expect from any nation which calls itself a strategic partner, if not a friend.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  caveat emptor Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:03 pm

    This shipment went to Turkish company, which was buying ammo before. They were listed as end user. Serbia is selling ammo to many buyers, especially in developing countries. It is easiest thing in the world to register company in Jordan with all licenses and ship ammunition to Ukraine from there. As it happened with the plane that fell in Greece. Jordan is in US pocket.  Ammunition could go through Cyprus, Iraq or Kenya, for example. They all bought Serbian weaponry and are legit customers. And are easy countries for USA to persuade.

    As for Russia buying ammo, this is completely unrealistic solution. There's no way this ammo could be delivered to Russia to begin with. I'm sure US and allies are aware of any and every contract and flight that leaves the country. Closing airspace would take minutes.
    Not to mention, possible sanctions and economic loss for Serbia from it.
    You guys are on some kind of crusade here, but in real life, these measures are impossible to apply.
    I think that it is more than enough that we didn't introduce any sanctions, planes are still flying and there is over 200k Russians in the country.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:17 pm

    OK they don't need to actually make the ammo... just pay them for the ammo they could have made and not make it and not sell it to anyone else.... right now it does not really matter who they sell it to, as you say the west likely wont let them deliver ammo or weapons to anyone they can't then bully to send it to Kiev, so don't make anything and get paid for it... make inert ammo... or training ammo and then even if the west goes in there and tries to seize it it will be of no use... this is also a way of helping Serbia too because they will earn good money with a clear conscience that it wont be misused.

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    Post  lyle6 Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:13 am

    Exactly, the margins for consumables like ammunition are actually depressingly low. Serbia would gain far more not doing anything stupid like prioritizing chump change over maintaining friendly relations with the energy superpower.

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  flamming_python Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:41 am

    How about Serbia just not sell ammo to NATO members like Turkey or US proxies like Jordan for the duration of the war, as it has become obvious that they're serving as transit hubs? As well as not selling to other countries known to be supplying ammo to the Ukraine.

    And I'm not speaking about what was sold before the war, but what is being sold now. No excuses as soon as the final destination becomes apparent, but really, common sense should nip it in the bud 9 times out of 10

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    Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO - Page 5 Empty Re: Serbia’s relations with EU and NATO

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:50 am

    How about Russia deliver the merchandise they received money for instead of bitching?

    You love making money but have problems when other people do it? Fùck off

    We sell ammo in accordance to laws and regulations, what customers do with THEIR ammo after they receive it is their business


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    Post  flamming_python Sun Mar 05, 2023 7:56 am

    Don't know what you're going on about PD

    Some parts or whatever, that you allege Russia is withholding. First I hear of it.

    But you trying defend to potential Serbian arms supplies to the Ukraine via NATO to kill Russians that's just priceless.
    Get to the bottom of it and if proven then cut the supplies of all that shit immediately.. what is this - Stockholm syndrome?

    Some hardcore cognitive dissonance here.

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