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    Russian Medical Development: News


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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Feb 11, 2016 8:27 pm

    sepheronx wrote:[url=Ignoring Calls of West's Hired Agents, Ramzan Kadyrov Continues to Defend Russia]two Russian exoskeleton being tested on volunteers in the regions[/url]

    broken/confused link

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:36 pm

    OK, now on PC, was able to find the link:

    Just two Russian exoskeleton being tested on volunteers in the regions

    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 FLrQl8Q

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:25 am

    From the Communists

    A group of Communist Party lawmakers are calling on President Vladimir Putin to halt the current healthcare reforms because market-oriented optimization could allegedly boost mortality rates and lead to violations of basic Human Rights.

    The letter was signed by 50 lower house MPs, including the head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennadiy Zyuganov. Its main provisions are based on the 2015 Audit Chamber report that listed a number of serious negative effects of the healthcare reforms that were launched in Russia several years ago.

    In particular, the authors of the petition point to the mass personnel cuts in medical institutions that are being held “without any prior planning or consideration of the capabilities of those who remain.”

    The reported growth in the average salary in the medical sphere has been achieved not through the growth of wage rates, but through the seriously increased work load for the average worker, the authors of the letter noted. At the same time, the quality and availability of medical services have not yet improved, they added.

    According to official plans, by 2018 the Health Ministry intends to close 11.2 percent of hospitals and 7.2 percent of all clinics and dispensaries.

    At the same time, the quality and affordability of medical services are becoming worse, the Communists said in their letter. They pointed out that in some places across the country people have to travel dozens of kilometers to see a doctor or wait for up to six weeks to get an ordinary ultrasound scan. “As a result, few people, especially in villages, can receive their medications, even if these medications are sponsored from the budget. Even fewer people can afford to buy medications from their own budget,” the letter reads.

    The lawmakers noted that in 2014 the mortality rate was up by 2.2 percent compared to the previous year, and attributed this fact to the alleged failure of the reforms.

    “The optimization of the medical sphere has violated the basic Human Right of Russian citizens – the right to healthcare. The policy of cutting jobs in medical institutions and the liquidation of these institutions must be radically reconsidered,” the MPs wrote in their letter.

    In addition, the Communist lawmakers proposed that the Health Ministry consider the possibility to introduce a different payment system in the medical industry and get rid of the “unjustified gap” between the incomes of hospital directors and ordinary doctors. They also urged the authorities to introduce a type of system that would guarantee the responsibility of civil servants for the results of the various reforms they launch.

    The head of the lower house Committee for Healthcare, MP Sergey Furgal (LDPR), commented on the letter, saying that the problem it highlighted certainly existed, but could be solved without the president’s involvement. “We have already passed in the first reading the bill that forbids the closure of medical institutions without approval from ordinary citizens living in the region where this happens. We have practically stopped this process already,” Frugal told the online daily

    He added that people in the Health Ministry also understood the problem and were looking at a number of measures to keep the negative consequences of the planned changes to a minimum.

    Earlier this month, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation approved and forwarded to the president an anti-crisis program based on the nationalization of mineral resources, a state monopoly on alcohol and tobacco, and restrictions on capital outflows. Communist leader Gennadiy Zyuganov promised that the anti-crisis proposals would form the core of the broader program prepared by his party for the next State Duma elections, due in September.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:08 pm

    Russian physicists announced the successful test of domestic tomograph

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Tactical tourniquets

    Post  SKALA.Medica Wed Jul 27, 2016 11:21 pm

    Hello friends,
    I cannot find here the answer for my question and I did not find any topic which is aim for Combat life savers topic so I would like to know
    What kind of tactical tourniquets for emergency stop bleeding is used in russia armed forces?

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:58 am

    Russia: Scientists develop molecule to speed up tissue healing

    Russian scientists have reportedly discovered a molecule that quickly regenerates damaged human tissue, presenting the work from their lab in Chelyabinsk, Friday. The medicine is based on a unique artificially produced peptide called Acegram, which has both antibacterial and antiviral effects, as well as stem cell growth stimulation.


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:03 am

    ^^^More on this subject:

    Russian scientists speed up human tissue regeneration with supermolecule

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    Post  George1 Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:26 am

    Russia may start marking pharmaceuticals with QR codes starting January 2017

    Project Canada

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    Post  Project Canada Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:03 am

    I have a question about the status of Healthcare in Russia, does Russia Still has universal Healthcare? is it expensive for the average Russian to get treatment for diseases/injuries? I've watched an episode of Real Russia where the host had a foot injury and he said treatment expenses for fractures is covered by the government. But then I saw this news about a young woman who needs to raise money for her cancer treatment.

    When I googled Healthcare in Russia I also stumbled upon this propaganda(highly exaggerated?) article from bloomberg., In Putin’s Russia, Universal Health Care Is for All Who Pay
    So what is Really the state of Healthcare in Russia? is it improving? are ordinary Russians getting the adequate attention for their medical needs?

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    Post  kvs Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:37 pm

    Russia's first commercial MRI machine:

    1) Vastly less noise than foreign machines; a big deal for patients.

    2) Twice cheaper than foreign machines while having the highest resolution.

    Also, there is an orthopedic variant just for imaging limbs, which is much cheaper to operate
    and has the highest resolution on the market:

    This is why NATO hates Russia. Russia is an existential commercial competitor threat. At the end of the day
    the self-professed NATO capitalism lovers hate real competition and love monopoly control.

    Doing a Google search I dredged up lots of masturbatory NATO propaganda about how Russia is behind
    in this field. Will NATO's rabid hate fantasies and delusion ever end?

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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:27 pm

    What, they claim Russia is behind in medical equipment manufacturing? If that is what they claim, then they are beyond stupid.

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    Post  Regular Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:58 pm

    Like all nations - Russia is ahead in some fields and behind of some too. But Russia is not shut down country and hospitals can still afford to buy foreign equipment if domestic is lacking. What is not to understand?

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    Post  George1 Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:50 pm

    Scientists create modified fullerene capable of fighting HIV

    Scientists believe that the results of their research will enable the creation of antiviral fullerene-based medications with great prospects

    MOSCOW, March 28. /TASS/. Researchers from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technologies (Skoltech), the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), and Rega Institute for Medical Research KU Leuven (Belgium) produced new substances based on fullerene with one showing pronounced antiviral activity against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and others, Skoltech’s press office announced. The study’s results were published in the journal, Organics & Biomolecular Chemistry.

    "Previously, we had developed methods to synthesize substances with bonds of C-C, C-S, C-N, and C-P between the fullerene frame and organic functional groups. Water-soluble compounds synthesized according to our methods have a broad range of biological activities including antiviral, antitumor, and neuron-protecting properties," commented Skoltech Professor Pavel Troshin, who is one of the study’s authors, at the Institute’s Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage.

    Carbon atoms can be bound to each other in different ways yielding various modifications, for instance, graphite, diamond, or graphene. One of the modifications is fullerene where carbon atoms form closed frame structures. A ball-shaped molecule consisting of 60 carbon atoms looks very similar to a football.

    The fullerene molecules are hydrophobic, hence, making them soluble in water, several ionic functional groups (the molecular fragments) should be attached which change fullerene’s properties. The addition of functional groups to fullerene is a challenge for organic chemists. In this study, the researchers decided to begin not with fullerene, but rather with chloro-fullerene which includes 6 chlorine atoms apart from the carbon frame and which can be easily produced from the original fullerene. By substituting chlorine atoms with functional groups, various fullerene derivatives with different features including antiviral activity can be produced.

    "The biological impact of compounds markedly depends on the type of bond between the carbon frame and functional groups. This is what motivated us to focus on the synthesis and investigate a principally new group of substances where the functional groups are bound to the carbon frame by means of C-O bonds. When studying the interaction of chloro-fullerene C60Cl6 with alcohols, we discovered several new reactions enabling the production of various classes of compounds with added alcohol and hydroxyacids fragments. In the research performed by our colleagues from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, the water-soluble derivative of fullerene with five residuals of 3-hydroxypropane acid demonstrated pronounced inhibiting activity toward HIV," Professor Troshin noted.

    Scientists believe that the results of their research will enable the creation of antiviral fullerene-based medications with great prospects and launch them on to the pharmaceutical market in the future.


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    Post  miketheterrible Mon May 01, 2017 4:53 am

    Overview of the construction of new medical institutions

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    Post  miketheterrible Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:27 pm

    Import substitution led to an increase in the production of medicines

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Russia has put out the world's first bacteriophage anti-microbial medicine (antibiotic alternative).

    Post  kvs Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:02 am

    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 F_d3d3Lm1pY3JvZ2VuLnJ1L3VwbG9hZC9pYmxvY2svNGI5LzRiOWJjMThmODlkZmJlMTMxYjljMWE3MzcwMWVmYzVlLmpwZz9fX2lkPTEwNjA4Mg==

    Russia has put out the world's first bacteriophage anti-microbial medicine (antibiotic alternative).

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    Post  George1 Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:24 am

    Rostec Presents Modernized Robotic Nurse

    Concern Tecmash (part of Rostec) has presented the first sample of modernized Angel automated diagnostic and therapeutic system for human life support at the BIOTECHMED forum. The robot can perform new diagnostic functions, and it also became less heavy and more compact.
    The robotic nurse is to provide medical care during primary diagnostics, automated control over vital functions of an injured person, and to ensure invasive administration of prescribed drugs in accordance with a specific algorithm. Currently, the Angel diagnostic systems are already used by EMERCOM of Russia and several regional medical institutions.

    Modernization of the system considerably increased Angel's diagnostic capability. It will be able to record a synthesized 12-lead electrocardiogram and decipher it, measure respiration characteristics, conduct non-invasive cardiac output monitoring, and add height, weight and sex of a patient and data from an electronic stethoscope. The complex can transfer all these data via telecommunication channels and select a mobile network operator with the strongest signal. The system became even more compact after the modernization. Its weight was reduced from 22 kg to 8 kg.

    Angel uses the data to diagnose traumatic and burn shock, intoxication, head injuries, radiation sickness, hemorrhagic shock, acute cerebrovascular accident, hypo- and hyperglycemic coma, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) of adults, bronchial asthma, arrhythmogenic disorders of cardiac functions, septic and cardiogenic shock, pulmonary thromboembolism, and acute coronary syndrome.

    "High-tech developments used in healthcare, including Angel, ensure higher quality of medical care provided for the population, and its availability. Functions of the system combine the competences of several medical professionals specializing in relevant spheres, which is of critical importance when there is a lack of doctors. For instance, during man-made disasters and in an emergency, in remote residential areas or when a patient is transported," says Executive Director of Rostec Oleg Yevtushenko.

    The BIOTECHMED forum is held in Gelendzhik from September 9 through September 11, 2018. It is a combination of an academic conference (in terms of giving experts an opportunity to exchange opinions) and a display area to provide for relevant and objective assessment of industry development prospects and making informed decisions. BIOTECHMED aims to make market participants interested in synergy to ensure transition to medicine of new generation and to form common understanding of problems, tasks and opportunities. The conference will be attended by more than 1,500 representatives of the business and academic community of Russia and other countries.

    Concern Tecmash was established in 2011. Concern Tecmash specializes in the development and production of ammunition supplies for the combat capabilities of the main strike forces of the Armed Forces. Highly effective modern weapons produced by Tecmash are used by the armed forces of more than 100 countries. Key activities of Tecmash include development and production of multiple launch rocket systems, small-caliber ammunition for ground forces, the Navy and the Air Force, engineer ammunition, aerial bombs, RPG, melee weapons, field and naval artillery, explosives, etc. Civilian products include fuel for the fuel and energy complex, industrial and medical coolers, agricultural machinery and concumer goods. Vladimir Lepin is Director General of Tecmash.

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    Post  George1 Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:52 pm

    Putin hails Russia’s growing pharmaceutical industry

    The president visited the Geropharm company in St. Petersburg, which produces biotechnology medicines

    ST. PETERSBURG, November 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is satisfied with the development of domestic technologies that facilitate the production of effective medicines to treat serious diseases, as he himself said during a visit to the Geropharm company in St. Petersburg.

    "I am very pleased to find out that the company was established from scratch. It is very impressive that its founders succeeded in recruiting experts, taking the first steps, launching an industrial production division and eventually acquiring a significant position on the market," Putin said, welcoming the company’s plans to expand production and reach foreign markets.

    The president pointed out that the visit to the insulin producer was dedicated to World Diabetes Day marked on November 15. He noted that about 4.5 mln people in Russia suffered from diabetes. "Plans are that the plant will produce enough insulin to meet our country’s demand," Putin said.

    "Improving the people’s quality of life and increasing life expectancy is one of the country’s top priorities, as everything must be based on people’s needs, including our national projects," the Russian president stressed. "People nowadays can combat diseases, even the most dangerous ones, thanks to cutting-edge technologies and new generations of drugs, as science - and biotechnology in particular - has been rapidly advancing," he noted.

    The president also said that advanced technologies made it possible to greatly increase the number of people saved from serious diseases. In this regard, he pointed to the growth of Russia’s pharmaceutical industry. "In the past six years, nearly 3,000 Russian medicines have been registered, which fully meet quality and safety criteria," Putin said.


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    Post  George1 Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:54 pm

    Biocad plans to launch #biosimilar of Humira in Russia

    Russia‘s leading drugmaker Biocad has registered a biosimilar of Humira(adalimumab), the world’s best-selling drug, used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, among other inflammatory conditions, according to the company.

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    Post  George1 Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:18 pm

    Putin: Russia doubles purchases of medications to fight cancer

    The president reiterated that Russia is paying particular attention to the fight against oncology

    MOSCOW, June 20. /TASS/. Russia has boosted the purchases of cancer treatment medications, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at his annual televised Q&A session on Thursday.

    "Speaking about financing and, most importantly, oncology, a significant increase has been reported," Putin said. "We have doubled financing for the purchases of oncology treatment medications. The figure for the chemotherapy stood at 80 billion rubles and now it equals 150 billion rubles."

    The president reiterated that Russia is paying particular attention to the fight against oncology and the government has singled out this issue as a special program under the Healthcare National Project.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  kvs Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:24 pm

    Those mud hut dwellers from the gas station posing as a country have done it again. The first drug to fight auto-immune diseases on
    the global market.

    They figured out how a molecule that triggers the auto-immune response in certain T cells expresses itself and have designed
    synthetic antibodies to destroy these rogue T cells. The result is basically full remission of the disease. Nobody has tried
    this approach in elsewhere as far as the researcher behind this innovation is aware. That means he did a literature search and
    found no such research in publications. All medical technology has open research precursors. Big Pharma does not do primary
    research but leverages it for in house development. Given that they have achieved an actual medical technology from the
    primary Russian research, it is safe to say that nobody outside Russia followed this path.

    A plus from this approach is that only a small fraction of the T cells, the rogue ones, is destroyed which does not compromise the
    immune system.

    I guarantee you that this information will not be broadcast by the NATO fake stream MSM.


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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:09 am

    kvs wrote:

    Those mud hut dwellers from the gas station posing as a country have done it again.   The first drug to fight auto-immune diseases on
    the global market.

    They figured out how a molecule that triggers the auto-immune response in certain T cells expresses itself and have designed
    synthetic antibodies to destroy these rogue T cells.    The result is basically full remission of the disease.   Nobody has tried
    this approach in elsewhere as far as the researcher behind this innovation is aware.    That means he did a literature search and
    found no such research in publications.   All medical technology has open research precursors.   Big Pharma does not do primary
    research but leverages it for in house development.   Given that they have achieved an actual medical technology from the
    primary Russian research, it is safe to say that nobody outside Russia followed this path.

    A plus from this approach is that only a small fraction of the T cells, the rogue ones, is destroyed which does not compromise the
    immune system.

    I guarantee you that this information will not be broadcast by the NATO fake stream MSM.

    This is quite the development. I remember a post 3 years back about Federation researchers exploring the largely unexplored field of white blood cells vaccines, in which diseases/aliments where treated with tailor-made vaccines made with the person's own white blood cells 'trained' in the lab to be resistant and effective against a specific targeted disease. The main drawback would be the question of autoimmune responses, but this might mitigate that.

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    Post  PhSt Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:40 pm

    Russian surgical robots to appear in hospitals within two years - RDIF

    MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. Hospitals will receive domestically produced robotic surgical systems as early as in the span of a year or two, chief executive of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev said in an interview with Rossiya-1 TV Channel.

    "The surgical robot will appear in ordinary hospitals as early as in a year or two," Dmitriev said. It has advantages over the Da Vinci robot [a robotic surgery system produced in the US - TASS]. Our [robot] will be cheaper, it will be more accurate. Application of artificial intelligence technologies will make possible for it to perform a wider range of operations," he added.

    The Fund completed the first round of investments into Assisted Surgical Technologies (AST), the domestic developer and producer of innovative surgical robots, RDIF said earlier. According to the Fund, AST expects to capture up to 50% of the domestic robotic market in such kinds of medical services as abdominal, gynecological and urological surgery.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 2 Empty Russia Claims 1st Covid Vaccine "Sputnik V"; Putin's Daughter Inoculated

    Post  owais.usmani Tue Aug 11, 2020 4:30 pm

    Russia Claims 1st Covid Vaccine "Sputnik V"; Putin's Daughter Inoculated


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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 11, 2020 7:03 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    Russia Claims 1st Covid Vaccine "Sputnik V"; Putin's Daughter Inoculated

    Yeah, NATzO has its panties all in a bunch and is trying to smear this achievement using its WHO sock puppets. Like WADA and the IOC.

    The west is a loser toilet. Banning Russia athletes and products will not make NATzO great. And the 89% of humanity that is not part of
    NATzO does not have to bend its knee to buy their Big Pharma shit.

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