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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Flagship Victory Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:33 pm

    Vice News reporting NAF withdrawing from frontline

    Maidan says NAF is not withdrawing from frontline


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:57 pm

    The 'Right Sector' is no more. It is now the National Liberation Movement announced Dmitry Yarosh today in Kiev.

    Creating a profit opportunity making new insignia!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:42 am

    JohninMK wrote:The 'Right Sector' is no more. It is now the National Liberation Movement announced Dmitry Yarosh today in Kiev.

    Creating a profit opportunity making new insignia!

    Yarosh is a clown, and a bloody useless one.
    He's too scared to open up a real conflict against Kiev, so he just resorts to barking instead.

    He should be removed from power (the easy way, the hard way or the real hard way), and someone more radical should step up in his place, someone who's not afraid to knock heads with Kiev.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  2SPOOKY4U Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:34 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:The 'Right Sector' is no more. It is now the National Liberation Movement announced Dmitry Yarosh today in Kiev.

    Creating a profit opportunity making new insignia!

    Yarosh is a clown, and a bloody useless one.
    He's too scared to open up a real conflict against Kiev, so he just resorts to barking instead.

    He should be removed from power (the easy way, the hard way or the real hard way), and someone more radical should step up in his place, someone who's not afraid to knock heads with Kiev.

    I agree, I thought that the U.S. government had learned from the whole Muj\11/9 backfire, but no.

    Pravy Sektor is going to be the biggest backfire of them all, and as they are Slavs they better make us proud.

    I wonder if they manage to rig up an airforce and a small navy, as well as an army and attack Israel. That would be interesting.

    20 rubles says that Iron Dome can't stop Tochka-U and neither can Dolfin or whatever that anti-Iskander missile is called.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty It's so good

    Post  Ruthenius Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:49 am

    It's so good to return. Cmon guys, lets hug Laughing

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:03 am

    Ruthenius wrote:It's so good to return. Cmon guys, lets hug Laughing
    Nice to see you made it!

    On this site there is a member introduction section and it might be a good idea to go introduce yourself there too.

    EDIT: Never mind. Welcome "back" anyway Ruthenius!
    flamming_python wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:The 'Right Sector' is no more. It is now the National Liberation Movement announced Dmitry Yarosh today in Kiev.

    Creating a profit opportunity making new insignia!

    Yarosh is a clown, and a bloody useless one.
    He's too scared to open up a real conflict against Kiev, so he just resorts to barking instead.

    He should be removed from power (the easy way, the hard way or the real hard way), and someone more radical should step up in his place, someone who's not afraid to knock heads with Kiev.
    The trick is to find someone brave enough to put a round in between Porky's eyes but not dumb enough to go and attack Russia.

    Last edited by Ivan the Colorado on Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:06 am

    whir wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:They are basically mentioning this ,so that in any future false
    flag incident , they will blame Russia for any false flag accident with the nuclear reactors..
    WTF, have you though for a moment that given current tensions between Kiev and RS is easier to blame Russia than to openly state that they're trying to prevent another episode involving RS and NPPs like: Gunmen attempting to enter Ukraine’s largest nuclear power plant.

    Right Sector is heavily controlled by the American CIA... How do you think its members get
    brand new shinny modern cars in moment of crisis that people are losing their jobs...?
    How could it be possible that jobless people ,that the only thing they do is every day wave their flags on the streets and terrorizing anyone who protest the government?  

    They could also at times ,do things differently of what being told , the western ukraine incident
    looks more a personal thing ,of some right sector members trying to make some extra money
    stealing.. and not a collective thing. The collective protest of Right sector in kiev ,was the more peaceful i have ever seen ever since the conflict began.. lol1   They will not overthrow Poroshenko ,they only want to Pressure him to do more things they want.

    But is always useful to remember that there are factions in the American Government too..they all don't have the same opinions of how to deal with the Ukrainian conflict.. So it could be possible , to see Democrats in power doing something and republicans trying to boycott it. This is the case of IRAN nuclear deal for example.. But in general the Right Sector salaries are paid by the US Congress USAID programs..and the higher their rank ,the higher their paid.. this is additional money they receive if they have a real job.. Like its leader ,who works for Poroshenko
    have to be paid really well , in the  millions for him becoming a Rusophobic RAT.

    here Maria Gaidar video.. the Russian Liberal ,of when she was asked who is fighting Ukraine
    she didn't wanted to answer the question and be forced into discredit herself in Russia , or discredit herself in Ukraine..  Already saying Ukraine and Russia are like family is against Kiev
    propaganda.. of demonization of Russia.

    My bet is she will be forced to Resign ,and return to Russia later saying it didn't had much time
    for it. It will be still interesting to see Ukraine journalist questioning here about their version
    of what happens in Ukraine. lol1   You cannot answer that question without becoming called
    an traitor by Ukraine or Russia. Wink

    About why the georgian governor is hiring so much sexy girls from Ukraine and Russia ,to aid him in propaganda.. He is trying to save his own ass from any risk of his building being bombed
    by Russia in case of a war start.. he is effectively creating a human shield around him.. of people that will not be favorable for Russia to kill by accident in a strike..Who is next going to be invited? Perhaps a Russian medalist olympic of previous Sochi games.. Wink  So if Russia bomb
    ODessa will have to face a major protest in Russia for any collateral damage of people with support in Russia.  and this is not mentioning the Public Relations field day kiev will have ,if the Ukraine Girl ..

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 I-Am-Ukrainian-Protest-Video

    is by accident killed in a Russian Attack on Odessa. Clever move indeed by the Georgian Rat.
    It will be difficult to get rid of him by Russian airforce ,without risking a major Public Relations disaster.  Yes someone mentioned SNipers.. but good luck doing that with the American And NATO secret services all over odessa ,seeking to capture RUssians spies trying to kill the former Georgian president.

    As everyone could guess , Ukraine is effectively not only using their nuclear reactors ,
    and a shield against Russia.. (ie.. if Ukraine invade ,they will blow up them and frame Russia or the Rebels.. as they did with the MH17)  , but also using famous pretty girls.. as human shields.. popular not only in Ukraine but Russia. In the case of Maria Gaidar.. she is popular in the Russian liberal that even thought is a minority ,they do have
    influence ,money and their own power base too.. Like the Kudrin rat.

    AS said earlier all this pretty womens shows the fact that pretty girls have nothing in their brains ,most of them.. They are risking their lives ,since could be used as involuntary martyrs as nementsov was..

    In the long Run.. i think all this American and Kiev efforts are doomed to fail.. Russia only needs to freeze the conflict for a year or two..and watch Ukraine disband without firing a shot or even better Ukraine not disbanding and becoming realistic that it cannot survive as a nation without Russia economic help and start dialogue for peace.  This last one can only happen if Kiev wake up and see the light ,that there is no future for Ukraine with a Rusophobic Government.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:34 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Ruthenius Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:26 am

    Just in case if someone didn't notice. Since previous Monday it's become very popular (among some bloggers) to speculate that recent claims made by Zakharchenko\Lavrov\Putin and others regarding Minsk agreements in particular and regarding political-economic trends btw Russia and West in general mean that Russia is going to somehow lay down its hands and force Donbas back to Ukraine.
    From the other hand we have reports stating that Kiev continues to increase military presence in rebellious regiouns, intensifies hostilities and obviously tryhards to present itself as totaly complying with The Minsk despite serious internal problems that are happening outside conflict zone.

    The main point - some people noted that all these actions and trends (increase of political pressure on Russia + muster of military forces) look very, very similar to actions and trends that we were observing during Autumn-2014 - Winter-2015, right before the major esacaltion began and the Battle for Debaltsevo happened.

    I don't want to be a downer, but considering that notorious "announcement" of the results of MH17 inмestigation has been postponed till next February, voentorg is "reported" to be working as usual, Ukraine economics isn't going to cheer up,  what are the chanсes that we will see the Heat in a short perspective?
    I should remind that scenario used by Croatia to deal with Serbian Krajina still seems fancy for the Ukrainian hot-heads and their fanboys.


    I sincerely trust that we are able to make discussions civil. I doubt that it is possible to have Hollis sorting out wackos and woosies as it used to be in the previous place, so tryhard to be disciplined.

    Last edited by Ruthenius on Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:40 am

    Well, crowd on this forum has been expecting ukrop offensive for several weeks now but those retards hit the roadblock in the form of diplomacy by RU/NAF maneuvering/UKR financial disaster/rogue Nazi elements combo.

    There will be big showdown soon, no doubt about it, it just the matter of certain pieces falling into place first.

    Ukrops have benen trying to provoke NAF into attacking for quite a while but NAF aren't taking the bait.

    Kiev is in hot water and it is just the matter of time before they go full retard again. They burned trough all other options long ago.

    Keep the popcorn ready dude. Twisted Evil russia

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:04 am

    Ruthenius wrote:Just in case if someone didn't notice. Since previous Monday it's become very popular (among some bloggers) to speculate that recent claims made by Zakharchenko\Lavrov\Putin and others regarding Minsk agreements in particular and political-economic trends btw Russia and West in general mean that Russia is going to somehow lay down its hands and force Donbas back to Ukraine.
    From other hand we have reports stating that Kiev continues to increase military presence in rebel regiouns, intensifies hostilities and is obviously tryharding to present itself as totaly complying with The Minsk despite serious internal problems that are happening outside conflict zone.

    The main point - some people noted that all these actions and trends (increasing of political pressure on Russia + mustering of military forces) look very, very similar to actions and trends that we were observing during Autumn-2014 - Winter-2015, right before the major esacaltion began and the Battle for Debaltsevo happened.

    I don't want to be a downer, but considering that notorious "announcement" of the results of MH17 inмestigation has been postponed till next February, voentorg is "reported" to be working as usual, Ukraine economics isn't going to cheer up,  what are the chanсes that we will see the Heat in a short perspective?
    I should remind that scenario used by Croatia to deal with Serbian Krajina still seems fancy for the Ukrainian hot-heads and their fanboys.


    I sincerely trust that we are able to make discussions civil. I doubt that it is possible to have Hollis sorting out wackos and woosies as it used to be in the previous place, so tryhard to be disciplined.
    This place isn't the old Butthurt thread. Fights here are rather uncommon in comparison with or themess (still do happen), it is more other disagreements in our assessments of the situation that we have with each other, nothing really hostile...

    And I have asked the question before but to no avail. Is the famous wind from the North about to blow again? All the NAF actions seem to point at that especially with Sparta conducting training on the coastline and the majority of the other forces being withdrawn from the agreed boundaries.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Ruthenius Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:18 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:

    And I have asked the question before but to no avail. Is the famous wind from the North about to blow again? All the NAF actions seem to point at that especially with Sparta conducting training on the coastline and the majority of the other forces being withdrawn from the agreed boundaries.

    Northern wind is supposed to blow and vacationers are supposed to intervene only when NAF faces serious problems in defence (mostly) or during some crucial offensive operations combined with the significant wholesale opened in Voentorg.

    We can but speculate for now.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:31 am

    Twitter is abuzz with reports saying that there are Ukrop Marines headed to Mariupol. Reinforcing the Azov battalion or they know something is up..

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Erk Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:20 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:Twitter is abuzz with reports saying that there are Ukrop Marines headed to Mariupol. Reinforcing the Azov battalion or they know something is up..

    The Ukrainian marines will significantly bolster their defense of Mariupol; this is our response to the panic which the aggressor country, which is preparing a strike from the sea, is trying to stir. Three battalions and one squadron equipped with hardware are heading to Mariupol," the head of state wrote on Facebook after a working trip to the Mykolaiv region to see the Ukrainian Navy exercises.

    Strike from the sea, yeah sure.....

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:43 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:Twitter is abuzz with reports saying that there are Ukrop Marines headed to Mariupol. Reinforcing the Azov battalion or they know something is up..

    Looks like pieces are falling into place.

    But I do not think that NAF will be entering Mariupol head on. Way too messy.

    More likely they will cut around to the shoreline and surround the city. After that it would be waiting game while Porky&Co sh*t their pants and enjoy PR disaster.

    And you definitely do want to have as many enemy troops in the city you plan on placing under siege. Supplies last shorter and panic spreads faster. thumbsup

    Odds are, pretty soon those NAF snipers from Serbia will be relaxing on the beach between shifts. Twisted Evil russia

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:34 am

    Erk wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:Twitter is abuzz with reports saying that there are Ukrop Marines headed to Mariupol. Reinforcing the Azov battalion or they know something is up..

    The Ukrainian marines will significantly bolster their defense of Mariupol; this is our response to the panic which the aggressor country, which is preparing a strike from the sea, is trying to stir. Three battalions and one squadron equipped with hardware are heading to Mariupol," the head of state wrote on Facebook after a working trip to the Mykolaiv region to see the Ukrainian Navy exercises.

    Strike from the sea, yeah sure.....
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ivan the Colorado wrote:Twitter is abuzz with reports saying that there are Ukrop Marines headed to Mariupol. Reinforcing the Azov battalion or they know something is up..

    Looks like pieces are falling into place.

    But I do not think that NAF will be entering Mariupol head on. Way too messy.

    More likely they will cut around to the shoreline and surround the city. After that it would be waiting game while Porky&Co sh*t their pants and enjoy PR disaster.

    And you definitely do want to have as many enemy troops in the city you plan on placing under siege. Supplies last shorter and panic spreads faster. thumbsup

    Odds are, pretty soon those NAF snipers from Serbia will be relaxing on the beach between shifts. Twisted Evil russia
    I doubt the Ukrops are expecting a strike from the Azov Sea as the waters are very shallow and the only group capable of it is none other than the Russian Naval Infantry. Forming a cauldron or blockade around a costal city would be a relatively simple maneuver for the 'NAF.' Methinks the Polite PeopleTM would be needed to break the heavy fortifications around the town and the NAF will move in to occupy them afterward, just like last year.

    Who wants to start placing bets on how long Ukrops can sustain their overstayed welcome in Mariupol? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  auslander Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:49 am

    We are under serious DoS attack down here, hence the relative dearth of commo from this little village. Net is slightly better this morning although it was down from 20:00 last night until 08:00 today and is still spotty for service.

    Ruthenius, great to see you here. The herd on this forum is a bit different from the mp crowd. While from time to time some get out of hand, including me, generally the discourse is somewhat calm and informative. The usual trolls are floating around and I've got two on the Sophia Ignore List. You will figure out fairly rapidly who they are.

    We are still getting reports of bombardments from last night and this morning although from the looks of things the shooting is not as savage as it was for the last few days, 'not as savage' being a relative phrase. Some of the bombardments were every bit as strong as before. The civilians seem to have calmed down a bit from yesterday when there was almost panic in some outlying locations when NAF pulled some hardware back. They understand, at least the people we commo with, that it was not a withdrawal and stand down, it was simply a 3 klick pull back, in my opinion as a PR deal. We all know the ukes will not do the same regardless of what they may or may not sign in Minsk.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  whir Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:07 am

    opasnie wrote:The power of New Russia. Deploying reconnaissance. Battalion Khan

    Patrick Lancaster wrote:My special report on Hospital 23 in Kuibyshevsky district Donetsk Hit by "Ukraine" shelling 19.07.15

    News-Front wrote:A soldier of the Republican Guard DNI "Mongol": Arrived at Donbass because punitive children killed

    Gazeta RU via Google Translate wrote:В Киеве Депардье и еще 600 деятелей культуры попали в черный список
    In Kiev, Depardieu and 600 cultural figures were blacklisted
    07/22/2015, 8:18

    The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, including actors Gerard Depardieu and another 600 people in the black list of artists that threaten national security, according to the French edition of Ouest-France .

    Hit the blacklist banned from entering the territory of Ukraine, and movies with their participation will not be allowed to be shown in cinemas. Moreover, the names of the persona non grata will be banned in the media.

    According to the newspaper, the reason was the statement Depardieu that he "loves Russia and Ukraine, which is part of Russia," as well as his statements in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    According to Ouest-France, besides Depardieu persona non grata become a famous American film director Oliver Stone, actor Steven Seagal, Serbian filmmaker and musician Emir Kusturica, Russian actor Alexei Batalov.

    In total, according to the publication, the list of which shall be published on the site Ukrainian Ministry of Culture on August 3 includes 600 cultural from around the world. Continue reading.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:28 am

    whir wrote:
    Gazeta RU via Google Translate wrote:В Киеве Депардье и еще 600 деятелей культуры попали в черный список
    In Kiev, Depardieu and 600 cultural figures were blacklisted
    07/22/2015, 8:18

    The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, including actors Gerard Depardieu and another 600 people in the black list of artists that threaten national security, according to the French edition of Ouest-France .

    Hit the blacklist banned from entering the territory of Ukraine, and movies with their participation will not be allowed to be shown in cinemas. Moreover, the names of the persona non grata will be banned in the media.

    According to the newspaper, the reason was the statement Depardieu that he "loves Russia and Ukraine, which is part of Russia," as well as his statements in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    According to Ouest-France, besides Depardieu persona non grata become a famous American film director Oliver Stone, actor Steven Seagal, Serbian filmmaker and musician Emir Kusturica, Russian actor Alexei Batalov.

    In total, according to the publication, the list of which shall be published on the site Ukrainian Ministry of Culture on August 3 includes 600 cultural from around the world. Continue reading.

    So basically he was blacklisted because of telling the truth ? Smile Smile

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:51 am

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  auslander Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:15 am

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:

    Oh deary me, deary deary me, I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. I have an idea that is why so many of their operatives suddenly became scarce couple weeks ago when the locals began to photo and ID them.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Khepesh Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:01 pm

    Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Also, a Ukranian "invasion" of Russia this morning when there was a shoot out at a border crossing in Rostov oblast and a guard was shot in the shoulder. Two Ukranians from Zaporozhiya then escaped in a red Mitsubishi with Rostov number plate towards Rostov city. Curious, probably "normal" crimminal scum

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  Erk Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:15 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.

    Patrick Lancaster is Graham's camera man, and often does his own English reports:


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:33 pm

    Ruthenius wrote:Just in case if someone didn't notice. Since previous Monday it's become very popular (among some bloggers) to speculate that recent claims made by Zakharchenko\Lavrov\Putin and others regarding Minsk agreements in particular and regarding political-economic trends btw Russia and West in general mean that Russia is going to somehow lay down its hands and force Donbas back to Ukraine.
    From the other hand we have reports stating that Kiev continues to increase military presence in rebellious regiouns, intensifies hostilities and obviously tryhards to present itself as totaly complying with The Minsk despite serious internal problems that are happening outside conflict zone.

    The main point - some people noted that all these actions and trends (increase of political pressure on Russia + muster of military forces) look very, very similar to actions and trends that we were observing during Autumn-2014 - Winter-2015, right before the major esacaltion began and the Battle for Debaltsevo happened.

    I don't want to be a downer, but considering that notorious "announcement" of the results of MH17 inмestigation has been postponed till next February, voentorg is "reported" to be working as usual, Ukraine economics isn't going to cheer up,  what are the chanсes that we will see the Heat in a short perspective?
    I should remind that scenario used by Croatia to deal with Serbian Krajina still seems fancy for the Ukrainian hot-heads and their fanboys.


    I sincerely trust that we are able to make discussions civil. I doubt that it is possible to have Hollis sorting out wackos and woosies as it used to be in the previous place, so tryhard to be disciplined.
    Its very civil here, no need for a 'Hollis' or 'Digrar', I got infracted over there last month, served the time and for unknown reasons have remained on 'holiday'. There is certainly a much better self discipline about staying on topic on this thread, no history of eastern Europe sagas and virtually no pointless arguments from entrenched positions.

    I am not sure what happened about the announcement of the MH-17 report delay until next year but it seems the initial investigation report is still on schedule and will be released, as a secret document, to the countries next month. Maybe its the criminal investigation that is next year.

    Although planned to be secret from the beginning (partly to flush out as much data as possible) it is still causing suspicions to be raised, like who benefits? This has appeared

    The refusal of the Ukrainian government to release the results of the official international investigation into the Malaysia Airlines crash a year ago will increase concerns it may have been shot down by Ukrainian fighters, US experts told Sputnik.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in Ukraine's eastern region of Donetsk en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 people on board, mostly Dutch citizens, died. Forces seeking independence in eastern Ukraine were widely blamed in the West for the attack.

    “Responses to the MH17 incident have been suspect from the first,” veteran International Herald Tribune correspondent and European affairs analyst Patrick Smith told Sputnik. “There has been a worrisome absence of hard evidence made public, apart from Russia’s report that it had satellite imagery indicating two Ukrainian fighter jets had been following the airliner prior to the explosion. This report, was of course, ignored among the Western powers.”

    On Tuesday, Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister for European Integration Olena Zerkal told a briefing in Kiev that the results of the international inquiry would remain classified. “The latest determination by the Kiev government to classify results of an international investigation adds significantly to the concerns of many that the Ukrainian air force may have been responsible for the fatal mistake.”

    The analyst also criticized the administration of President Barack Obama for its refusal to demand that the findings of the new report be published at once. “The State Department’s silence on this development, given its energetic assertions in the past, is still more worrisome. It is no longer defensible to dismiss the thought that blame lies precisely with those who were first and readiest to point fingers.”

    Ivan Eland of the Independent Institute pointed out that evidence available over the past year threw doubt on the US and Ukrainian claims that the aircraft had been shot down by the independence militants. “The Ukrainian government kept open a commercial air corridor through a war. That is the first problem. Therefore, the only way a crime could be committed is if those who shot down the aircraft knew it was a civilian aircraft and shot it down anyway.”

    New York-based foreign policy analyst and Eurasia Review columnist Michael Averko told Sputnik, the Ukrainian government’s decision to keep the new report under wraps was bound to boost suspicions around the world that they were trying to cover up a conclusion that would damage Kiev’s narrative. “The ‘classified’ designation plays into the reasoned notion of a cover-up, relating to the belief that the rebel side shot down the MH17.” Prior to the MH17 tragedy, Averko pointed out, the Kiev regime forces were attacking their adversary from the air in action which led to civilian deaths. The Kiev regime had the responsibility to report on airspace within their domain which is unsafe for civilian flights, Averko added. The Ukrainian government’s reluctance to completely disclose all ground control correspondence on this matter is suspicious, he concluded.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #18 - Page 11 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #18

    Post  whir Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:49 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Good report by Graham Phillips from the front at Marinka. We all know he is highly regarded in Donbass but has no profile at all in the west, so I wonder that if he survives to the end of the war, and is not then arrested and imprissoned on return to UK for "glorifying terrorism", that he will eventually get the recognition he deserves. Still odd that he very rarely makes any report in English, because surely it is the Anglophone audience he needs to convince of what really happens, and his audience at the moment is people who already know and agree with him. I sense a lost opportunity by Phillips.
    According to him he was stopped at London Airport (I can't remember which one) immediately after his arrival few months ago, questioned about some legal paperwork and then he was left to go.

    In the UK he has received some bad press (but not really from mainstream media that from time to time has used his videos without much hassle) after being accused of sexual tourism (like that's something new in either UK or Ukraine Rolling Eyes) or being paid (that is always an argument to discredit someone) but nothing that could be considered a crime.

    Remember that he's practically a one man army (he teamed with Patrick Lancaster to ease the workload for both) so I suppose it's easier for him to make reports directly in Russian. Subtitling requires a lot of time and complex editing like having to record the question in English, then repeat it in Russian then later cut it out and finally add the English subtitles or stitch the improvised translation to the answer while repeating this process several times for a single video can be very tedious and exhausting. To reach a wider audience probably he needs more hands.

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:57 pm

    DONETSK (Sputnik) —The militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) have completed the removal of armored vehicles with weapons with caliber less than 100mm from the line of contact, Donetsk news agency cited the DPR Defense Ministry as saying on Wednesday.

    "The DPR completed the unilateral withdrawal of armored vehicles 3 kilometers away from the peaceful sections of the front line," the ministry said. The ministry said that the tanks and armored vehicles would remain in the "hot spots" along the contact line, specifically the areas north of Donetsk and Debaltsevo.

    On July 18, DPR, along with Luhansk People's Republic (LPR), announced the complete pullout of heavy weapons to a 1.9-mile minimum distance from the line of contact with government troops. The withdrawal process was launched with the supervision of Organization of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors.

    LPR has completed withdrawal of weapons with a calibre of less than 100mm to a distance of at least 1.8 miles from the line of contact with Ukrainian troops.

    The withdrawal of heavy weapons with a caliber of over 100mm and the creation of an 18-mile buffer zone by both Kiev forces and Donbass independence supporters are among provisions of the Minsk ceasefire deal signed in February.

    The Minsk peace accord is a set of 13 measures elaborated by the leaders of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia and aimed at facilitating the Ukrainian peace process.

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