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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  nightcrawler Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:25 am

    good post Garry.. I always like those handy infographics coming in with the details
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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Liner SLBM development thread:

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:43 pm

       Russia tests new ballistic missile

    MOSCOW, September 30 (RIA Novosti)

    Russia carried out on Thursday a successful test of a new sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile, the Defense Ministry said.

    The Liner missile was launched from the Tula (Delta IV class) strategic submarine in the Barents Sea targeting the Kura test grounds on the Kamchatka peninsula.

    "The missile's warheads hit the designated area on schedule," spokesman Col. Igor Konashenkov said.

    The Liner is an advanced version of the solid-propellant Sineva submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) which is currently in service with the Russian Navy. It has a longer range and enhanced missile defense penetration capability.

    According to the developer of the missile, the State Missile Center, the Liner can carry up to four medium-yield warheads or up to 12 small-yield warheads, or their mixture.

    In comparison, Russia's much-coveted Bulava SLBM can carry only six small-yield warheads.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Liner missile won't substitute Bulava – source

    Post  George1 Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:03 am

    Liquid-fueled missile Liner is modernized version of SLBM Sineva (RSM-54) currently in service at Russian Navy, and it is incorrect to compare this missile with solid-propellant SLBM Bulava (RSM-56), reported RIA Novosti on Aug 9 referring to a high-ranking official from Russian defense ministry.

    That was his comment on reports of some Russian media agencies about creation of new missile Liner which is allegedly twice as powerful as SLBM Bulava.

    "Indeed, Sineva has greater power and flight range than Bulava, but Russia's strategy implies development of solid-propellant missiles for the Navy", said the interviewee.

    However, Russian Navy still needs liquid-fueled missiles, he added.

    "Our Project 667BDRM strategic nuclear-powered subs are still operable and armed with Sineva ballistic missiles. So, further modernization of such missiles under Liner project will let those subs stay in service for many years till complete rearmament with Project 955 Borei submarines", explained the spokesman for defense ministry.

    Northern Fleet (NF) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Yekaterinburg (Project 667BDRM) on May 20 successfully carried out the first launch of ballistic missile under Liner program.

    According to Makeyev State Rocket Center, the missile tests are going on effectively under two programs – Arbalet and Liner. Flight tests under Liner project started in 2001 in accordance with state defense order. As for Makeyev State Rocket Center, Liner missile outclasses all present solid-propellant ballistic missiles of Great Britain, China, Russia, the US, and France as of weight-to-thrust ratio, and is compared to American Trident-II (meeting START-3 requirements) as of combat load (four middle-power warheads).

    Liner missile is capable to carry 1.5-2 times as much low-power warheads as Bulava which can be armed with six low-power warheads. Besides, Liner may carry mixed set of warheads with different power classes.

    "Thanks to missile systems Sineva and Liner, northwest force of Project 667BDRM submarines can be in service…till 2025-2030. And multiple combat load makes possible to react on changes in politico-military situation promptly", points out Makeyev State Rocket Center.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  Hachimoto Tue May 21, 2013 3:51 pm

    Skif: a new missile in the Russian army

    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 198352517

    The testing of the new missile Skif take place in the White Sea by the end of June Its uniqueness?
    It may pause at the bottom of the sea or the ocean and shoot at the right time on land and naval sites Izvestia wrote Tuesday.

    A source from the Ministry of Defence said the missile was designed in cooperation with the consulting firm Rubin (St. Petersburg) and Makeev ballistic Centre (Mias) at the request of the Ministry.

    Why? No official reason has been advanced. The editor of the site Military Russia, Dmitri Kornev says that the installation of such missiles at the bottom of the ocean would eliminate enemy strategic targets without involving submarines.

    "The strategic submarines are vulnerable to anti-submarine weapons of the enemy.
    Just detect the device and launch of one of its missiles could easily be prevented. But the missile Skif is virtually invisible, "says Kornev.

    Moreover Vladimir Zakharov, deputy retired admiral, notes that if the enemy spotted the ship installs Skif the bottom of the sea, they could be easily defused.

    "If the sub-carrier was followed by the enemy he could not install the missile if it was installed in an open area of ​​the seabed, the modern sonar detects easily -. Therefore all depend on the actions of captain of the submarine-bearer, "said Zakharov.

    The first missile tests are planned for early summer in the White Sea. The missile will be laid by the submarine Sarov, specially modified for testing Skif. At the bow of Sarov is a larger torpedo (about 1 m) and special ballast tanks to compensate for the weight of the missile fired and allow the submarine to remain stable.

    "During testing we test the missile but also his transfer from a ship at sea on a submarine. If everything went smoothly, the Skif pass the formal evaluation tests for the commissioning of the missile in the Navy Russian, "he said.

    The Makeev Centre Miass confirmed he was working on a machine called Skif but gave no details on the project. The desk study Rubin declined to comment, referring to state secrets.


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  GarryB Wed May 22, 2013 3:42 am

    Interesting... taking the captor concept to a new level... captor, or captured torpedo was a type of mine that was tethered to the sea floor that had its own sonar. When it detected a vessel nearby it examined the signature and if it was designated enemy would launch its torpedo upwards at the target... the target would get very little warning and would have little time to manouver and would likely have been hit very quickly... perhaps not even knowing what had happened as no subs have sonar antennas on their bellies.

    The idea of sowing SLBMs along the sea bed is interesting... it should be noted that a Captor Mine could be fired by torpedo tube into an enemy held harbour or to somewhere where the launch platform doesn't need to sail just to deploy the weapon... a new system could be fitted with GLONASS guidance and be released to be moved into position by the tides or current to set itself up silently. It would only be deployed/launched during war so a self destruct mechanism could be used to prevent enemy interference.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  Cyberspec Sat May 25, 2013 2:13 am

    Sounds interesting...

    There was a similar project in the 1960's for a submerged launch platform. Back then, they were planning on deploying them in the Caspian Sea and some large lakes.


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  TR1 Sat May 25, 2013 2:54 am

    I hope that is a joke.

    Stupidest idea I have ever heard to come out of Russia.

    EDIT: To be clear, I am talkig about recent Izvesya insipired news that new version of Skiff, deployed from bottom of sea-floor was to be developed.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  GarryB Sat May 25, 2013 11:21 am

    Stupidest idea I have ever heard to come out of Russia.

    Look at who they have to compete with... Twisted Evil

    Perhaps this is their real counter to missile defence... sow the fields with mushroom... clouds... What a Face

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat May 25, 2013 6:07 pm

    O.K, so let me get this straight, this is a SLBM launch platform that will be placed on the sea floor, right?? study

    If so how will it receive command from HQ and will it be manned or unmanned?? scratch

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  GarryB Sun May 26, 2013 10:35 am

    The Captor mine held a torpedo and was laid by firing it into the location you wanted it positioned like a torpedo... it could be programmed to swim a specific course and then drop to the bottom and wait.

    After a delay it would arm and start listening to traffic nearby. When it recognised enemy subs it would pic a priority target and listen for it to come close... laying such a weapon in a choke point where a sub has to pass would be ideal... as long as the sub kept getting closer it would do nothing... then the sub started getting further away the torpedo would launch and track down the sub.

    In terms of a ballistic missile I suspect it would be designed to sink pretty deep... the deeper the better, and wait for a signal to launch. The signal to launch could be an ultra low frequency signal transmitted from very great distances.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty R-29RMU Sineva

    Post  Firebird Sun May 26, 2013 12:18 pm

    I actuallt thought about this as an idea a while back.

    I mean launching a missile from nowhere... or from a 250/ 500 feet long submarine..
    It does have the potential of stealth.. and almost undefendability.

    Ofcourse there are problems of it being tampered with/ stolen etc.
    But, I certainly think its worth exploring.. and using in some way or other.

    To me it fits the next generation of warfare. Along with it you could count masses of drones, energy weapons etc.

    If u think, currently a whole fleet might mean 10, 15 or so vessels. Take those out an the sea war is over. And often sea battles are VERY quick.

    Next gen, you can attack without exposing yourself to the potential decimation of a whole fleet at once.. Interesting.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Sineva SLBM

    Post  coolieno99 Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:15 am

    launch of R-29RMU Sineva  SLBM  from Delta IV class sub


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  Viktor Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:55 pm

    Sineva launched !  Very Happy 

    With "Bryansk" launched ballistic missile
    Hannibal Barca
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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Sineva launched !

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:10 pm

    Viktor wrote:Sineva launched !  Very Happy 

    With "Bryansk" launched ballistic missile

    Thanks Viktor. Really great that you collect all this news daily and report them like headlines. Appreciated.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Russian Navy has adopted a missile system with IDB "Liner"

    Post  Viktor Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:12 pm

    New SLBM in service !

    Russian Navy has adopted a missile system with IDB "Liner"

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Layner missile warhead,

    Post  Sujoy Tue May 27, 2014 9:43 am

    The Layner missile warhead, which will used by the Delfin class submarines, is in many ways superior to the Bulava.

    A Russian defence industry source told Interfax that the new Layner (Liner) ballistic missile was inducted into service with the Russian submarine fleet in the beginning of 2014. The Delfin class strategic submarines in the Northern Fleet will be armed with this new ballistic missile. This will allow the APL (Atomnykh Podvodnykh Lodok – nuclear submarines) to maintain a high state of combat readiness at least until 2025-2030.

    The test programme for the Layner ballistic missile was completed in October 2011. Two test launches of this missile were carried out in total and were deemed a success. The new Layner missiles are expected to be used alongside the modernised Sinyeva ballistic missiles as part of the weapons system for the Delfin class submarines. The Layner missiles are actually a modification of the Sinyeva. The missile has the same flight performance characteristics as the Sinyeva, but with more modern missile defence suppression systems and a longer range. This missile incorporates the potential for a combined warhead. The Layner is capable of carrying between 9 - 12 low yield warheads, which makes it superior to that of the Bulava missile. In terms of its high payload to weight ratio it is superior to all solid fuel strategic missiles in service in Great Britain, China, Russia, the U.S.A. and France. Moreover the warheads can be installed in parallel with the missile defence suppression system.

    According to a fleet representative, the Layner are needed while the next generation project 955 Borey class submarines with Bulava missiles are completed and enter service. Russia’s strategic naval forces remain state of the art, two Borey class submarines have entered service, a third is undergoing state testing while a fourth is under construction. Although some military personnel like the former Chief of the Strategic Rocket Forces Headquarters Vladimir Yesin think that the Layner is in direct competition with the Bulava, this is not quite true. It would really be wrong to compare them, at the end of the day they are designed differently: the Sinyeva and its “successor” the Layner are liquid fuelled rockets, while the Bulava uses solid fuel. Apart from that these missiles belong to different weight categories: the Sinyeva is heavier (by at least 4 tonnes) and is larger (by about 3 metres).

    According to military sources there are no plans to develop the Layner missiles further, despite their advantages over the Bulava. Russia is already on course to create solid fuel ballistic missiles for the navy in the future. Even though asymmetric dimethylhydrazine (liquid fuel) missiles are more powerful than soild fuel missiles, they are more dangerous to use particularly for the navy.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:24 am

    Submerged Russian nuclear sub test-fires strategic Sineva missile

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:00 pm

    Russian armed with ballistic missile "Liner"

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  Stealthflanker Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:13 pm

    So..basically if all Delfin boats retired..Liner will be retired too ? I wonder if Borei can also carry liner.

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:34 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:So..basically if all Delfin boats retired..Liner will be retired too ? I wonder if Borei can also carry liner.
    it cant- its about 3m taller. but if ever need be it could be carried in nuke trains with some minor mods(mostly against vibrations)

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:24 pm

    Delta IV submarines are loaded with Liner or Sineva?
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Earlier today Verkhoturye successfully launches a Sineva SLICBM

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:17 pm

    Earlier today Verkhoturye successfully launched a Sineva SLICBM.

    Note that between 8 s to 9 s points in the video, we can see that the forward thrusters fire two pulses to control the roll.  thumbsup


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:56 pm

    Developer of Russian Sineva Ballistic Missile to Fulfill 2016 Contracts on Time

    Read more:

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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:01 am

    Russian Northern Fleet sub test-fires Sineva ICBM at Kamchatka range


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    Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM - Page 2 Empty Re: Sineva (R-29RMU) SLBM

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:16 am

    Ι have a question.

    Suppose Delta IV class decommissioned from service in near future.
    Can/will Liner SLBM be carried by Borei class submarines? Or a new SSBN must be designed?

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