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    Russian arms supplies to Syria:


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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty BMD-2 and Nona to Syria

    Post  etaepsilonk Fri Jan 24, 2014 5:48 pm

    medo wrote:
    etaepsilonk wrote:
    medo wrote:I think we miss anouther posibility. Considering, that in Novorossiysk are both naval infantry and 7th VDV division, they could also have exercises together and VDV training naval shipment as well as naval infantry training para droppings.

    ...Srsly? Rolling Eyes 

    Naval infantry also do trainings with parachute jumping. VDV and Naval infantry have trainings together, since both are in Novorossiysk. 7th VDV division also do mountain trainings.

    Border guards also do trainings with parashute jumping. I was saying, that naval infantry wouldn't see the same format para-landings, as VDV.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:29 pm

    Great  thumbsup 

    - The most pressing question of the previous year - the supply of weapons to Syria. The equipment needed for the operation of the S-300, has already been delivered to the country. When will the end of the supply chain?

    - This is a closed issue. I can only confirm that the supply contracts with the "Rosoboronexport" and were continuing.


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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Mon May 05, 2014 1:12 pm

    Hopefully same attitude can be applied to S-300 systems

    Syria Yak-130 is included in the plan

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  macedonian Mon May 05, 2014 1:38 pm

    2016...that seems pretty far away at the moment with everything that's going on in Syria.
    I'm glad they are going to send them, but in two years time...not sure if they'll have a pressing need for them as much as they do at the moment.

    With all that's going on, when I first saw that there's another post on this thread - I was hoping the s-300 are already in Syria...

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  George1 Mon May 05, 2014 3:30 pm

    Russia to Provide Syria with First Batch of Jet Trainers until End of Year

    MOSCOW, May 5 (RIA Novosti) - Russia plans to send the initial batch of the Yakovlev Yak-130 jet trainers to Syria until the end of 2014, with further plans to fully complete the contract for 36 aircraft in 2016, the Kommersant newspaper wrote Monday, citing a source close to Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport.

    Damascus will receive nine aircraft until the end of this year, and in the next two years - 12 and 15 respectively, according to the informant.

    "Thus, we will fulfill obligations under a previously signed contract for the supply of 36 Yak-130 jets," the newspaper quoted the source.

    Last June, Kommersant wrote that Syria had transferred some $100 million of advance payment to Russia for the first six Yak-130 jets under a contract signed in December 2011. At that moment all Yak-130s were ready, waiting only for a political decision to install engines and avionics, and then to be sent to Syria, according to the RIA Novosti source back in the days.

    Syria has been facing an internal armed conflict since March 2011. Russia has repeatedly stated that it supplies the country only with defensive weapons without violating international law.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Sat May 17, 2014 12:01 am

    Check on Syria - I dont know if this is correct

    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 XkvQZZr

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Sat May 24, 2014 12:14 pm

    Batter late than never

    Russia plans to supply Syria MiG-29M/M2 12 fighters by 2018

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  mack8 Sat May 24, 2014 10:34 pm

    So if Syria will receive 12 MiG-35* by 2018 (which means deliveries COULD start in 2017), then what is happening with the several already completed MiG-35 airframes that we saw back in 2013?! Do they found another customer, are they going to be delivered to VVS, are they going to be recycled as K/KUB airframes?

    * i'm calling them as Korotkov said last year, regardless of radar (MSA or AESA) all new generation land based MiG-29s are called MiG-35 from then on.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  DisturbedOne93 Mon May 26, 2014 3:00 pm

    Perhaps its Serbia. The day before this announcement, the Serbian Defense Minister announced that they got a $1.429 Billion trade credit for MiGs and other stuff. Does anyone know how many were built?

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  George1 Wed May 28, 2014 2:46 pm

    Deliveries of Russian MiG Fighters to Syria Maintain Arms Balance in Region – Internal Opposition

    MOSCOW, May 27 (RIA Novosti) – A contract for the supply of Russian MiG fighters to Syria serves to strike a balance of arms and maintain peace in the region, a top leader of Syria’s Popular Front for Change and Liberation told RIA Novosti.

    "The Soviet Union has always supplied weapons to Syria. Thus, some balance in the region was maintained to help us keep the peace, so I think that the contract is part of this historical strategy," one of the Popular Front’s leaders Qadri Jamil explained.

    If someone tries to disrupt the contract under the pretext of the ongoing conflict in the country, "it will be unclear, illogical and unpersuasive because the transaction is not related to the internal events," according to Jamil.

    Last weekend, MiG CEO Sergei Korotkov said the company was planning to supply 12 MiG-29M/M2 fighters to Syria in 2016-2017 under a contract concluded in 2007, but due to the ongoing war in the country there may be problems with the deliveries.

    The civil war in Syria broke out in 2011, following the unrest that swept the Arab world three years ago, known as the Arab Spring. The war has since claimed up to 130,000 lives.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  mack8 Thu May 29, 2014 8:50 pm

    Ok so we know now, four MiG-35s have already been built for Syria, plus i would guess most if not all the parts and subassemblies for the remaining 8 (from the 2007 contract).

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:58 pm

    Hopefully its true but remains to be seen ...

    Exclusive: Assad says Syria has received Russian missiles

    "Syria has received the first batch of Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missiles," Assad declared in the interview to be aired Thursday night on the Lebanese channel al-Manar, pointing out that, "the rest of the load will arrive soon

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  macedonian Sat Jun 14, 2014 8:34 pm

    Viktor wrote:Hopefully its true but remains to be seen ...

    Exclusive: Assad says Syria has received Russian missiles

    "Syria has received the first batch of Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missiles," Assad declared in the interview to be aired Thursday night on the Lebanese channel al-Manar, pointing out that, "the rest of the load will arrive soon

    Published Thursday, May 30, 2013

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:24 am

    macedonian wrote: Published Thursday, May 30, 2013

    Tnx man ....!

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:05 pm

    The end

    Destined for Syria complexes C-300 will be disposed of

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:17 pm

    Viktor wrote:The end

    Destined for Syria complexes C-300 will be disposed of

    The pathetic oligarchs who value their money more than long term alliances would rather betray Syria than save it, just like what happened to Yugoslavia/Serbia in the 90's. No matter how many times Israel violates Syria's sovereignty, I mean they attacked Syria via air strikes maybe at least 10 times since 2006. Having long term alliances is more important than having your children graduate from an expensive private Western university.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:00 pm

    This might be true magnumcromagnon but the most important think is that for the Russian school of politics foreign policy must be exceedingly complicated and uncomprehending to be effective.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Viktor Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:17 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:This might be true magnumcromagnon but the most important think is that for the Russian school of politics foreign policy must be exceedingly complicated and uncomprehending to be effective.

    You are right on track Hannibal. This has nothing to do with oligarchs but with Russian perception of the situation. Russian position is that western states would go

    nutc about S-300 being delivered to Syria and the threat of bombing Syria under exuse of S-300 (but before its even delivered or during) would increase considerably.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:50 pm

    Russia to Destroy S-300 Weapons Systems Meant for Export to Syria

    MOSCOW, August 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s anti-aircraft S-300 weapons systems, intended for export to Syria before sanctions were imposed, will be destroyed, the director for the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation said Monday.

    “The S-300 complexes meant for Syria will be destroyed. This decision has been made on the level of the country’s political leadership,” Konstantin Biryulin said.

    Asked if the complexes could be sold to a different country, Biryulin said that it was possible, “but very unlikely.”

    Russia is the world’s second-largest weapons exporter after the United States. In 2013, Russia exported weapons valued at about $15.7 billion and another $2 billion between January and March 2014.

    Altogether, as of March 2014, Russia’s weapons export orders portfolio exceeded $47 billion. Despite sanctions imposed by some Western countries, Russia’s leadership claims the country’s military-industrial complex will not be impacted and will only grow as a result.

    The European Union, the United States and its allies since March have compiled several sanctions lists against Russian companies, banks and politicians, freezing their bank accounts, barring them from entry and have refused to buy Russian goods. The move has been linked to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

    In a more recent development, in July, Washington introduced a so-called Sectoral Sanctions Identification List that specifically targeted the Russian economy’s most sensitive sectors, such as the defense, energy and banking sectors. The European Union soon followed the United States’ lead, imposing third-stage economic penalties that limited Russian state-owned banks' access to EU capital markets, outlawed arms trade with Moscow, established an export ban for dual-use goods for military end-users and curtailed Russian access to sensitive technologies, particularly in the oil sector.

    Moscow stressed that Russia was never involved in the Ukrainian conflict and has repeatedly called the measures counterproductive, saying the sanctions could have a boomerang effect on Western economies.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:06 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:This might be true magnumcromagnon but the most important think is that for the Russian school of politics foreign policy must be exceedingly complicated and uncomprehending to be effective.

    You are right on track Hannibal. This has nothing to do with oligarchs but with Russian perception of the situation. Russian position is that western states would go

    nutc about S-300 being delivered to Syria and the threat of bombing Syria under exuse of S-300 (but before its even delivered or during) would increase considerably.

    The problem with that argument is:

    1.) S-300 is a defensive weapon system, and is nothing like delivering fighters or tanks, and Russia has to maintain contractional obligations or seriously risk weakening their arms delivery reputation.

    2.) NATO is delivering offensive weapons to the rebels, the US just recently signed anti-arms trafficking bill sponsored by the U.N. and their arms trafficking is a clear violation of the bill they signed some 6 month ago, so their legal argument is pretty thin and weak.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:12 pm

    Nobody should give a single f*ck what the US or theocratic Israel says, they can't do shit about whom russia is selling what kind of weapons. As soon those fools start to b*tching around Russia should sell them even more then they wanted.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:11 pm

    Russia to Destroy S-300 Weapons Systems Meant for Export to Syria
    MOSCOW, August 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s anti-aircraft S-300 weapons systems, intended for export to Syria before sanctions were imposed, will be destroyed, the director for the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation said Monday.

    “The S-300 complexes meant for Syria will be destroyed. This decision has been made on the level of the country’s political leadership,” Konstantin Biryulin said.

    Asked if the complexes could be sold to a different country, Biryulin said that it was possible, “but very unlikely.”
    Shocked Shocked Shocked .....

    Great, just great, first Iran gets thrown under the bus and now Syria, are you kidding me, wtf, and what sanctions are they talking about, i have no memory of any UN sanction that would prevent Russia from exporting these (S-300) systems after looking it up i still find no such sanctions, the hell is going on here?? Suspect  confused 

    Ok, i have been meaning too say this, i just don't buy this we can't sell it too other countries BS, i am sorry, but there no way your going too look me in the eye and tell me you can't find another buyer for one of the most advance, capable and most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently available for export, BS to that.  angry

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  sepheronx Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:32 pm

    I cant find any other article on this.

    Anyway, there is probably more to the story as Russia still supporting Syria. Maybe because S-300 wont do Syria any good, but instead more aircrafts and ground equipment instead?

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  Werewolf Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:38 pm

    sepheronx wrote:I cant find any other article on this.

    Anyway, there is probably more to the story as Russia still supporting Syria. Maybe because S-300 wont do Syria any good, but instead more aircrafts and ground equipment instead?

    S-300 would do lot of good for Syria, preventing Israeli aggressions against Syria and like the phony nonsense the Israelis are always talking about Syria has the right to defend itself against terrorists like Israelis with their aggressive air strikes under the protection of US and UN which is controlled to big degree by US and AIPAC the jewish lobby.

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    Russian arms supplies to Syria: - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian arms supplies to Syria:

    Post  AlfaT8 Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:40 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    Anyway, there is probably more to the story as Russia still supporting Syria. Maybe because S-300 wont do Syria any good, but instead more aircrafts and ground equipment instead?
    Come on, even if the S-300s aren't good right now, doesn't mean they should be destroyed, wait till the civil war ends and then send them. Neutral 

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