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    Russia Sports News:


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Khepesh Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:13 pm

    This about doping, and likely a full ban on Rio, and followed by an attempt to remove 2018 World Cup, or a boycott ordered by Washington, is a continuation of this so called joke and his comments about "evil empire". Not a joke, no, very serious, these fucks in Washington are profoundly evil and Cheburashka will fucking rip head off Micky Mouse one of these days.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:33 pm

    Redboy wrote:

    Its official now and i expect that ALL Russian sportsman will not be allowed to compete in Rio and in Pchjongčchang ( 2018) aswell.

    Sochi 2014 is now officialy Putins biggest fail- because they focused on security of Olympics so hard, they failed to stop actions on Ukraine they had to take Krym which ( doesnt matter if that was good option for Russia) made western countires mad and really pissed ( doesnt matter if west does the same actions around the world)- and result was- hurted r. economy, broken relations with many countries, NATO can now move its forces to the east and they dont give a fuck what Russia thinks cuz Russia is now ,,aggresor,,

    50 BILLIONS $ tottaly wasted, instead they can boost space program, or to help to stop aids plague in russia, or boost fertility rate or support poor infrastructure whereever its needed, but no, they wasted it on two weeks ,,festival,, when 1-2 months later nobody give a shot about Olympics, it did not help to russia citizens, it did not bring more money to russia, it did not bring more foreign tourists, it literaly did nothing good for Russia. And now they are going to be banned from Rio and Pchjongčchang and more likely all Russia medals in Sochi will be DQ.
    So whats the result of Sochi 2014- tons of money wasted, influence on Ukraine lost, NATO moves forces to east, build anti-missile systems, russian economy falled to oblivion, welfare fund will be empty in few years, ban from summer and most likely winter olympics, absolute shame in every single media in world- since now every russian victory will be quetioned and tons of jokes on russia sport will appear.
    And i expect some sneaky tactick around football world champ. in 2018 as well.

    Idiot Putin tried so hard to make friends on west, tried to make an impression on western public but instead he got fucked in asshole and whats sad that Russian proved the cant learn from their own mistakes- west tried this ,,Olympic tactick,, several times and they did it again.

    Sochi 2014: Western Coup de grâce

    I wonder what will happen in WC 2018

    This doping which hunt is funny- only Russians are evil doping impostors but other sportsmens are ,,super clear,, and they are even alowed to compete again *cough Justiing Gatlin *cough not to mention cases like Armstrong, Lendis, Jones and others

    People like you are the reason why I first left this forums and doing some serious scaling back of posting. But this post really made me need to respond.

    1) Throwing money around doesn't solve issues. The HIV/AIDS issue is a long standing social issue stemmed from near retardation of the Ural people. Anyone with half a brain know drugs are bad and lead to things such as aids when sharing needles. These people are mostly useless to society anyway and dredge to society. I am heartless towards drug addicts and lets be real, over 95% is the cause to their aids issue. Throwing unlimited money at it won't solve the issue. Screw them imo. But on contrary to your ramblings, it was claimed Russian aid victims will rise to 2M by last year. It was said for the last 10 or so years the same claim. Still not the case today. And even with a million or so aids/hiv patients,there is still a lot of work being done on medication and vaccines to even a possible cure now all coming out of Siberia.

    2) I hope you are aware that now Sochi had very little in modern architecture. Not just that, but in terms of roadways,railways and airports, a lot of work was done. It created a lot of jobs and even today, Sochi is still used as a tourist destination for both Russians and Foreigners as Sochi is great for both summer and winter. Not nearly as many visited before all the work was done.

    3) Ukraine is barely a country and many on /pol/ would state "is a social construct, not a real country". It was only a matter of time it would fall apart and it isn't quite done yet. If you think the Soho Olympics was a black hole of funds, Ukraine was even larger by multiple magnitudes. Now Russia can effectively carve out a pro Russian state of Ukraine that will guarantee friendly relations for a long time, rather than a flip flopping entity filled with corrupt oligarchs.

    4) of course USA is after Russia. Even most Canadians can see it and we live in the heart of anti Russian propaganda. A lot of Canadians fall for it, but most aren't that stupid. There are probably more retarded Russians than Canadians that fall for the "western partners are honest and caring to all westerners" meme, which is for some ungodly reason perpetuated by the Russian elites and gov. But this sports issue is a good send, as now Russians are finally starting to wake up and smell the bullshit. I think that alone is priceless and will now (hopefully) strong arm Putin and his moronic ilk into actually truly going against US and stop using such "partners" rhetoric.



    It is a tough pill to swallow but you Russians needed all of this. Not just Russians but many countries who had poor relations with US but seeking to improve it (Iran). Russia just had to be used as an example. Now Russians are finally realizing that the west has no good intentions for them or their country, and negative attitude towards them are increasing. What is also funny is that average person in west realizing that their governments are leading all of us to a major conflict.

    Issue is,there still needs to be a major purge in Russia's political spectrum and social sphere of the fifth columnists who represent a danger to your country. This sports issue with Olympics is the easy cheap method to prove the people who stated the west is evil, correct. Personally, sports should be totally private, no money wasted from gov budget. But that is just my opinion.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Khepesh Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:46 pm

    sepheronx wrote:


    It is a tough pill to swallow but you Russians needed all of this. Not just Russians but many countries who had poor relations with US but seeking to improve it (Iran).  Russia just had to be used as an example. Now Russians are finally realizing that the west has no good intentions for them or their country, and negative attitude towards them are increasing.  What is also funny is that average person in west realizing that their governments are leading all of us to a major conflict.

    Issue is,there still needs to be a major purge in Russia's political spectrum and social sphere of the fifth columnists who represent a danger to your country.  This sports issue with Olympics is the easy cheap method to prove the people who stated the west is evil, correct.  Personally, sports should be totally private, no money wasted from gov budget. But that is just my opinion.
    I never thought there were ever any good intentions from West, and what looked liked sort of friendly relations in 90s was just patronising and laughing at Yeltsin. It was always clear they do not want a strong Russia and since Putin we see level of their hysteria rise exponentially. I do not throw the wanting of "nice things", foreign holidays and such down the lavatory, as we are all human and want these things, it is normal, but too much too soon, which is also a normal part of human condition, as is the "I want it now, I want it all".  What has happened since 1989 is too big to properly comprehend and see where any future leads. Zhou Enlai said in 1972 that it is still to soon to understand the impact of French Revolution. He may have been a little misunderstood, but the spirit of what he said is valid for 1989 and then 1991. I understand what you say in your comment, but there is no easy answer, either directly to what you said, or on the bigger level. If it were possible to go back in time, then Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and for good measure the bastard Grachev, would be shot before they gained any power, but we cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube, unfortunately. Russia can show itself to the world as what it is and always has been, a great power, a responsible power, a civilized and cultured power, but against the closed group think minds of Washington and it's ass lickers and MSM, it all means nothing. We see about Ukraine that they do not understand and do not want to understand, and this is why I have shown the attitude I have against "partners" as it is essentially totaly futile, pissing into wind. I understand the attempt to attempt reason with Washington of course, but you cannot make shit smell like roses no matter now much you try. What is to be done?, smile, nod head and slowly back out of room, and hope the populations of  western countries are rational enough to see reality, and take action. Outside the Anglosphere there is hope, but within it, I do not see much. We have to, as rational people, hope Washington does not want nuclear war, because otherwise we are all dead, but we listen to Breedlove and other such morons, and doubt there is any rationality, or even normal humanity in Washington. Maybe we need to prepare for armageddon brought about by Washington's, and what lays behind, maniacal greed for power and $. A gloomy polemic of a reply I guess, but when the false smiles are ripped off western politicians, underneath is very ugly, and extremely dangerous to the entire world.

    On sport, it was always the case that sport was seen, correctly IMO, as important to the health of the nation and to it's national pride. In all the "Eastern bloc" it was the same, unfortunately DDR went much too far, but sport is essential and cannot be left to business and I see it as a responsibility of the state to ensure physical, and with it, mental health, for all, not a few "elites" earning big $ while everybody else is slouched on couch eating popcorn watching what they should be doing themselves. Euro 2016 is good example. We see the big $ football team fail, with massive adverse reaction, not just to failure, but to the entire $ culture surrounding what is now a business, not a sport. We see Iceland wipe smiles from faces of the big $ guys, a lesson I am sure.

    As for fifth columns. I am not a democrat at level of national government, only at local level, so I have no problems if fifth column experience "difficulties". Garbage like "Echo Moskvy" are not some new samizdat, just garbage, and they are now learning the boundaries of what is possible. As for the likes of Navalny, Kasparov and others, let them show themselves, for they only make fools of themselves and it is better to know were they are and what they do and say than have them underground, well, in one sense, yes, under ground.....

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:25 pm

    I get your point on the sports. But as you said, big money spent on sports doesn't quite work. And well, I would rather the private money spent on it than gov. Instead, use the money saved to promote and create more youth groups who cater towards teaching youngsters importance of education and health, while also teaching them the need to be proud of their country. For every kiosk spent on overpriced teams vs kiosk being put into youth development, well, I know what I would put money in. But yes, sports is important for health and agreed that there should be some support. But not at this expressiveness.

    As for about keeping these people in the open, well, they are. And Navalny was charged and faced time as house arrest that he continuously broke and got away with. Technically, these fifth columnists are getting a free pass. And as we have seen in Ukraine, all it takes is a few who have money (Khorsokovsky, Navalny, etc) to fund groups to overthrow a leader. If national guard doesn't do their job, these morons will actually be a problem. As we have noticed, Russians and Ukrainians are quite lazy in trying to protect their sovereignty and have allowed US NGO's and these people to openly protest far too much. The Anti NGO law only did so much. There are plenty more operating in Russia.

    After these affairs though, I can only hope Russians are smarter than they used to be and wake up. But after the news about how many Russians started to book vacations to Turkey, I am starting to lose hope. I think majority of Russians would sell their own mothers for an iPhone. And I think this issue all stemmed from the 90's and the ME ME ME culture. Something that the few who still have some respect for themselves, will have to fix.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Khepesh Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:21 pm

    Never in any civilized society I can think of has the population been as actively involved in the state as in the Ancient Greek city states. They were unique, incredible, and sadly gone. Ever since Rome it has been a case of "Bread and circuses", and in modern times "TV and popcorn", Russians are no different to anybody else, and most people do not give a shit about anything , until they cannot get what they want, or are themselves directly effected by whatever it is. And even when people do care, they do not show it publicly. Those who post on forums, or often make comments on blogs, Cassad or whatever, are people who clearly do think, no matter what arguments with others, and so have a different perspective to many of the population. We think, and are not afraid to let others know what we think, so perhaps we are egotistical, even arrogant at times, and it is a little difficult of any of us to condemn others for not demonstrating that they can think and only wanting their "nice things", from holidays to iPhones, all "Bread and circuses". Compulsory viewing for all of Pink Floyd "The Wall", I think.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:45 pm

    Maybe so. I will admit I would be quite hypocritical as there are things I want and demand but ultimately, I myself still have pride and general respect, only for the fact that I truly believe that I should show and speak support for those who I view as correct in terms of morals in the world today. Hence why I support Russia. And what is funny, I am an avid reader of 4Chan's pol section and many are supporters of Russia from all over the world. Many hate it as well just for trolling purposes. You are right, majority of people, everywhere is the same. Bread and circuses as you said. But that works against Russia as Russian media is very far behind that of west due to the degradation of Soviet film industry to Russian. As werewolf said: all fart or violence jokes. Nothing really much comes out to explain morals or understandings. This is true outside Russia but not same extent. Old Simpson's episodes was about various moral dilemmas that is told in a simplistic sense. Those days are gone but I still watch the old episodes for both the humor and the humanistic side of things. Russia needs to explore more of itself and get into further touch with itself. I understand there is a massive growth in local demand to do what is considered "Russian" such as Kvas drinking, eating Russian foods and exploring Russian history. But a lot of that will have to be updated to TV,video games and what not in order to get the mass more involved in what it is to be proud of. Vann is someone who kept lambasting this but for wrong reasons. The number 1 job of Russian authorities is to convince their population and to get the population to state: who cares about the west. I am happy here in my home with the stuff that I got.

    In Canada, we had cheap propaganda in the past of all the good stuff we have (even if we are broke and owe the bank money to have it, and it wasn't made in Canada) and how we should all feel sorry for X or Y because of (insert sad reasoning here). Most believe it but me. But Russia has a lot more to be proud of and has much more opportunity and that is what needs to be pushed. But media doesn't sell good stories. Instead, it has people in charge like health minister who keeps lambasting about possible growth of AIDS in Russia by 2015, even if the number of aids patients have actually been fairly stagnant for half a decade. And even if you dig up counter evidence, there are lots of people who will simply quote the minister as evidence from God almighty than looking at the facts given. And so these people need to also be purged from Russia.

    Bread and circus. I am just concerned why so many worry about that while I worry about these political things. Oh yeah, its because my daughters life is at stake because of the clowns in the US.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:48 am

    Doping scandal: WADA demands Olympic ban on Russian athletes after report

    Russia will be banned from Olympics.. and i hope they do it ,for many years.
    including FIFA 2018. That way ,Russia government will see no point into
    continue spending so much money in sports ,when Americans control the rules
    and can ban their athletes for any fabrication or invented last minute new rule.

    All this once more confirms how idiotic are Putin Economic Policies with Russia.
    He literary placed most of Russia eggs in Sports and now he have Americans banning Russia from sports very easily. No  

    MR putin have spent a Gigantic Fortune in Olympics trying to amaze the world
    (in superficial ways) into Russia Development and promote patriotism in Russia.
    And now Americans found away to discredit Russia all achievements in sports since 2014
    and even a big chance to ban Russia from Olympics. No

    Since 2014 , Russia have spend nothing less than 52 billions Sochi + 10 billions FIFA 2018)
    that is about $$62 Billions!!!  in infrastructure alone.. for a 2-3 weeks event each. this is not counting the enormous cost in security and staff to run the event.  

    Just imagine what you can do with $62 billions dollars , in real nation development ,
    things that are not only exclusive to sports. but for every day life in Russia and for business.
    IMHO if Putin had any brains ,and saw how Superficial Sports are ,for nation economy and development. look at Cuba , they are really good in sports and have won many gold medalist. but is a third world country too. If he invested only 10% of that money in sport.
    And the other 90% used instead in things that scare a lot Putin.. that is turning Russia into world absolute leader in space ,  that is to eclipse NASA in everything they do or invest that money in creating jobs in creating a real strong competition for Americans Top technology companies. Or if he was so scared to compete with Americans top business . too risky for MR play safe , he could have used that money to build roads and modernize its cities .

    Any of those VERY LONG investments will have created real Jobs , that will have benefit Russia not just for a few weeks of glory like sport is ,but for many years and decades.

    Russia on its (Asian pivot) agreed to build a super train to China , that will cost the staggering
    sum of $250 BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    to make.. later people claim im a troll and have no reason to be upset with the way Russia waste its money on cool things ,but that are really superficial and will not have a strong impact
    on Russia economy. That super train could end being a BLACKHOLE on Russia budget because
    not only the cost is atrocious expensive , but to maintain it later and security of the train will need full time army and it will be expensive to travel in the train too.

    There is a lot of money in Russia. , we have now Putin pulling from its hat , 52billion +10Billions +250 Billions , that is $$312 billions!!! spend on nice and cool but superficial things ,that will not have a long term impact.  Imagine what Russia could do with $312 Billions? Shocked

    How many jobs we could have created with that kind of money and how many state of the
    art Business and technology he could have promoted or how much development he could have
    achieved in space with that sum.

    If Putin is so scared to compete with American best technology Business , he still could have  used that money to create a Huge Entertainment Park in Russia for all ages  ,that will rival American Entertainment parks in Orlando florida. a place that could compete las Vegas Nevada, something like that will have attracted millions and millions of visitors world wide ,much more than any Sochi or Fifa 2018 olympics. or even with that money Russia could have developed
    its space program ,to reactive the space shuttle program for space tourism and travels to the moon orbit. Many old billionaires will have given half its fortune to travel around the moon as tourist. So many things Russia could have done if it wasn't so blind with sports . Notice how Japan do not win in sports and do so well in tourism and everyone most of the world truly love
    their technology and can't wait to buy something made by them.

     Hopefully all this Olympics scandal will teach a lesson to Putin and the Kremlin .A mistake that also committed the Soviet Union.  To focus so much money of their budget in sports.
    When they can create patriotism and promote world Business in so many other ways that are very long term . Sports do matter and are important to have  yes ,but no Leader on its right mind ,will try to shape its nation economy and image around it.  No That only encourage ultra nationalism ,the very same things that are destroying Ukraine. The image Putin Project of Russia in the world is a Sorry Nation ,that everyone feels sorry for them. oh poor Russia.
    Look how Americans beat it and Russia cant do nothing about it and all this Weak Image
    Putin promotes of Russia in the world needs to change. A real leader is needed in Russia ,that will not be happy with just following western rules and instead become a leading nation in the world too and not ignore its enemies and seek to compete with their business.


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Khepesh Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:37 am

    angry begins

    This one of the comments on Cassad under the article on the doping

    "It is impossible to play against the West by Western rules. Until we realize this nothing will change"

    It is of course meant over all aspects of relations. "Partners" may be meant as a politeness, even as a sarcasm, but this is just vacuous nonsense between politicians and is not how the rest of us talk or think. There is always skepticism of politicians in all countries and likely we all, at least at times, simply laugh at their pretentiousness and vanity and head in the clouds isolation from reality. Straight talking, if it is seen as real and not a charade, is wanted, even uncomfortable truths. The West gets constant soporific verbal diarhea from it's politicians, lie upon lie upon lie, and a hatred from politicians of reality and the views of the "man in the street", who to these effete politicians is simply uncouth low brow moron who needs "re-educating". It is one of the reasons they have embraced and forced upon their countries the severe mental illness called political correctness, and a lot of other total garbage that goes with it. There is also a strong element of control in this, as they control what is possible to write or say publicly and try to enforce self censorship, an evil. People like strength and directness and truth, even from those you are against. There is a growing underlying realization among Western populations that in Russia, while not "land of milk and honey" is a way of doing things that used to be common in the West, but has now gone. To adapt to, to mimic, Western sickness is, IMO, a mistake. No matter what we do, what we say, all will be twisted by the West into the work of Satan. Drop the "partners" and the phony politeness of the embassy cocktail party talk. Metaphorically, roll up sleeves, spit on hands and make a fist and wave it in the noses of these effete sick clowns in Washington, even take off shoe and bang it on table, metaphorically of course as we are not uncouth "Ukrainian peasant". Diplomacy can be done without stooping to low level and phony masks of Washington, this modern talk of "partners" is not Russian, it is simply garbage to be flushed down lavatory. To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, "Talk softly, but have a face of steel and carry a big stick". Putin needs more speeches like at UN last year, Lavrov needs more to say to face of these clowns they are fucking morons, not mumble it into mic.

    angry ends

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:25 pm

    I will keep this brief:

    - Everyone and their grandma knows that doping is widespread worldwide.

    - Everyone in Russia (and a lot outside) know that this ''report'' is politicised bullish*t with zero evidence.

    - USA has used up all big tools (military, political and financial) to no effect. This sports jaw-jaw is desperate last phase before shooting flaccid blanks.

    - Several years from now this whole BS will be remembered alongside image of Colin Powell waving that glass dildo in UN.

    - Sochi was triumphant success and smart investment that revitalised region and is paying off big time. End of discussion.

    So they can squeal all they want, Russian public knows what is going on and that is all that matters. And sooner or later truth will come out. It always does.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:52 pm

    Khepesh wrote:

    "It is impossible to play against the West by Western rules. Until we realize this nothing will change"  

    And this is exactly what i have been saying many times.
    Mr Putin should be demanded to resign for the Sports Disasters ,he have put Russia today.  He put all a gigantic Fortune of Russia budget into Sports , and now all that is discredited .
    Putin cannot continue leading Russia or it will destroy the planet , by not understanding how
    to deal with Americans and the west.  If Putin plays by western rules it will get kicked and kicked and kicked again in the ass , because they can change the riles and dictate what is legal or not.   Instead of leading Russia to compete head to head with United States and dominate
    where they dominate , in the things Russia can.. Russia goes and stay happy allowing Americans ,to continue lead in the world ,and dictate the rules.  Russia have no reason why to follow the American world.. it can create an alternative one. But none of this alternative world
    not controlled by Americans will ever happen until Putin continues being So mediocre ,so lame ,
    allowing Americans to lead in the world ,while Russia takes the last place. Russia once more
    confirms its lack of leadership in the world ,and Putin should resign or at least no longer run
    in any future election and Russia get a real leader with real vision that truly understand
    how important is for Russia to create its own own and rules.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 9 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  andalusia Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:37 am

    andalusia wrote:
    GarryB wrote:In that case with Lance Armstrong cheating in the last 10 Tour De Frances... I guess all American athletes will get a similar ban? AHahaahahahahaa

    Hey Garry B, I think Serena Williams has been on steroids for quite a long time.  They banned Sharapova but turn the other way for Serena Williams.

    Asymetrical muscular development is a common problem with steroid use. Her right arm is twice the diameter of the left. That body development is not normal for a tennis player, no matter how much training she does. Tennis just continues to sweep obvious steroid abuse in their sport under the rug. Meanwhile decimating the records so the younger generations to come will never measure up. They says it's because serena is a fierce competitor, that's why she's built like an NFL linebacker. No other women in that sport are fierce competitors that's why most of them look like "women". Face it, she will never be called out because she's black, and we all know it's racist to say any truths about blacks.

    Testing in professional sports is a joke.The chemestry is always two years ahead of the current tests. Lance Armstrong evaded state of the art tesing for decades along with most everyone else in cyclying.Tennis will have its day of reckoning just like professional baseball and cycling. The elite in many profesional sports have a good chemist in their corner. Martina admitted her steriod abuse to obtain 18 majors. Rules had not caught up to the science in her era. Beautiful Flo Joe did not "look' like she was abusing either and it ended up killing her.

    If you know anything about how steroids work, you wouldn't assume that anybody would be juicing right before or during a slam. They do a steroid cycle 3-4 months in advance to give it enough time to achieve the desired effects and to be able to flush them out of the body before testing. Other than the slams, there are no tournaments with rigorous doping control; everybody gets tested 3 times or something like that during the year. The time windows of some of those mandatory tests may even be announced well in advance. So, if you're juicing, you take some time off to avoid possible detection. Therefore, look for those players who suffer inexplicable "injuries" or "illnesses" a few months before a big event and then come back super fit, strong, and able to run after each ball like the Energizer Bunny.

    I've always assumed that the problem is far more prevalent on the WTA tour where those young girls have all started playing the ball bashing game requiring a lot of strength and fitness very early on, in their teenage years. Also, the WTA tour has been plagued by lack of sponsorship money and lower viewership in the last few years, so they're probably far more likely to turn a blind eye to doping than ATP.

    I also think Flo-Jo was on steroids and got away with it:

    I am surprised that nobody responded to my post.  Sharapova gets banned but Serena Williams has been able to get away with it.

    There are performance enhancers that no one even knows how to test for right now. Always something new on the market that takes a while to detect. Victor Conte helped olympic athletes break all kinds of records. It's crazy what Djokovic can do now after all those years of physically falling apart during matches, now he's like a machine. Serena is winning more now in her 30's when most players retire than she did in her 20's. It seems very suspicious to me. You're supposed to taper off and lose more and more matches as age catches up with you but at the moment she looks good enough to win atleast 5 more slams. If someone's "doping" then you'd expect it to be her. any attempts to investigate her, people will scream “racism”, play The Race Card, and that will stop any investigation ,immediately. Pure Political Correctness.

    I will post this from a sports website about US track and field star Michael Johnson:

    I will relate the "alleged" (snicker) Michael Johnson story again. In
    '92, fans will recall MJ contracted food poisoning, and ended up not
    running as well as predicted. He couldn't make it through the rounds
    of the 200, but did get a medal in the 4 x 400 relay. Well ...
    "allegedly" (I snicker for reasons that will be all out in the open one
    day) what really happened was MJ was popped on a random drug
    test. The IAAF/IOC freaked. They didn't want another Ben Johnson
    situation. So they brokered a deal. MJ would be constantly
    monitored. If he stayed clean, he could run. Any hint of further drug
    use, out he goes. Folks in the circle say MJ's confidence went down
    the tubes - as did his muscular, ripped physique. Well, between '92
    and '96, "supposedly", synthetic HGH (Human Growth Hormone) was
    added to his drug *******tail by his doctors/sponsors/agent. He
    became heavier and faster as we all saw in the Atlanta Games. His
    19.32 200 was also the product of an illegally thin/hard track as well
    as drugs. Look at the times of the second and third place runners -
    who weren't drug free either - they never approached those times
    again, never mind MJ. Sure, people will say it's made up. The folks
    at Track and Field News know all the details, but won't say a thing,
    calling it all rumour. Sure.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:05 am

    I am surprised that nobody responded to my post.

    What is there to say?

    You are right... there are serious double standards but nothing will change.

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    Post  George1 Wed Jul 20, 2016 12:00 pm

    Russia is in danger of total ban in Rio Olympics

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    Post  George1 Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:00 pm

    IOC to decide on Russia’s participation at 2016 Olympics on July 24 Mad

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    Post  Project Canada Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:29 pm

    1% chance for Russian athletes be allowed to Rio Olympics, says Russian sports minister

    I wish a massive terrorist attack hits Rio and the entire American team is wiped out.

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    Post  Khepesh Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:47 pm

    Bach barked, Olympic caravan moves on, with Russia

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:43 pm

    Khepesh wrote:Bach barked, Olympic caravan moves on, with Russia

    A ban would have made NATO look really bad and would have highlighted the political motive for this anti-Russian doping hysteria.
    Too bad, I wanted there to be a ban so that

    1) Russian athletes would not be exposed to Zika but would not have to "diss" Brazil to avoid going there.

    2) NATO pinheads would look like fools in front of the world.
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    Post  Project Canada Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:29 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Khepesh wrote:Bach barked, Olympic caravan moves on, with Russia

    A ban would have made NATO look really bad and would have highlighted the political motive for this anti-Russian doping hysteria.
    Too bad, I wanted there to be a ban so that

    1) Russian athletes would not be exposed to Zika but would not have to "diss" Brazil to avoid going there.

    2) NATO pinheads would look like fools in front of the world.

    I disagree with number 2, while i was reading the comments section about the blanket ban reversal, lots of Butthurt westerners are calling the ioc "corrupt" and without balls., people are too brainwashed by Nato propaganda they see every Nato action as justified .

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    Post  George1 Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:39 am


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    Post  Austin Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:50 am

    USADA Wants Stepanova in But Other Russian Athletes Out of Rio

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    Post  George1 Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:00 pm

    ITF supports IOC decision and allow all 8 russian tennis players to participate in Rio

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:42 pm


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:43 am

    sepheronx wrote:

    So the head of WADA admits they haven't actually seen any evidence of doping yet (from the segment in the beginning)? If that's the case then WADA should change their name in to Wad-O-Shite!!!

    BTW just recently USADA (US branch of WADA) just recently got in to a scandal in the US, with UFC 200. Apparently with Conor McGregor refusing to do media for UFC 200, Dana White dropped him off the card, and called up Brock Lesnar to fight at UFC 200. Dana White called in favors at USADA, and was able to get '2' luxuries for Brock, from USADA, that no other fighter was ever given: 1) An exemption from USADA from the 4-month testing period for retired UFC/MMA fighters being reactivated in to the UFC active roster, 2) His testing results would be announced only after the UFC 200 event (no one else got the luxury). The first luxury allows Brock to come off cycling PEDs with enough time to test clean. The second luxury allows the UFC to milk Brock's popularity without a failed test preventing the Brock Lesnar vs Mark Hunt fight.

    The end result (outside the snooze-fest known as Lesnar vs Hunt)? After UFC 200, Brock failed '2' PED tests, but the corrupt USADA branch of WADA was basically 'convinced' by Dana White to announce the failed tests after UFC 200, to allow their Cash Cow to be milked, even if the milk was tainted with Bovine Growth Hormone.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:03 pm

    Western hypocrisy strikes again: In the UK, a doctor helped administer PED's to 150 athletes and UK Anti-Doping Agency (Ukad) failed to act on it...

    British doctor claims he doped 150 sports stars

    UK Anti-Doping criticised over handling of doctor in alleged drugs scandal

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    ...Oh and here's something for you to keep in mind :

    Serena Williams locks herself in panic room in drug-test mix-up

    Embarassed  Wink

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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:47 am

    Only people who accuse Russia are given the time of day by western dominated "do gooder" agencies.
    Even if this UK doctor supplies ironclad evidence he will be ignored. He does not serve the propaganda

    As for Serena Williams, she has lost a lot of that 'roid bulk. Which confirms that she was doping full bore.

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