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    Russia Sports News:


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty US Dominance

    Post  calripson Wed Dec 11, 2019 4:39 pm

    The US certainly does not dominate everyone militarily - if that were the case, there would have been direct US military intervention in Syria versus Russia or in Georgia in 2008. There wasn't and for a reason. In an absolute sense, there is military parity between Russia and the US. One has to ignore the existence of nuclear weapons to come to any other conclusion, but unfortunately Virginia they do exist.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 12, 2019 12:45 am

    America dominates the west and most western countries are too weak to stand up... it is Russia and China that stand up to the US and that is why they are perceived as enemies... because they wont do as they are told and have their own values and morals and make their own choices... the fact that America thinks that makes them dangerous makes America dangerous to everyone else because they wont tollerate alternatives or rivals and as the world becomes multipolar that is exactly what they are going to have to do.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  kvs Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:12 am

    BTW, anybody notice how absurd these WADA "rulings" are. Even WADA does not claim that 100% of Russian athletes are doping.
    So why are all Russian athletes being banned? Since when was collective punishment considered normal in any sort of law or regulations?
    It is primitive and savage. Also, athletes get tested not just by their home countries but at the sports events as well. If WADA
    claims, without a shred of actual proof, that Russian samples are tampered with (in magical ways that even the western makers
    of the sample bottles cannot explain), then don't use those samples.

    It is clear that there is zero due process in the WADA theater. It is pure anti-Russian politics. Maybe people here are impressed
    with this sort of barbarian "soft power". I am not. Time for Russia to hit western (especially US and UK) companies in the nads
    and hard when it comes to access to the Russian market. The dirty games of WADA need some pain exacted on the perps.


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:27 am

    kvs wrote:BTW, anybody notice how absurd these WADA "rulings" are.   Even WADA does not claim that 100% of Russian athletes are doping.
    So why are all Russian athletes being banned?  Since when was collective punishment considered normal in any sort of law or regulations?
    It is primitive and savage.   Also, athletes get tested not just by their home countries but at the sports events as well.   If WADA
    claims, without a shred of actual proof, that Russian samples are tampered with (in magical ways that even the western makers
    of the sample bottles cannot explain), then don't use those samples.  

    It is clear that there is zero due process in the WADA theater.   It is pure anti-Russian politics.   Maybe people here are impressed
    with this sort of barbarian "soft power".  I am not.   Time for Russia to hit western (especially US and UK) companies  in the nads
    and hard when it comes to access to the Russian market.   The dirty games of WADA need some pain exacted on the perps.

    Yeah, any org that funds wada should be insta banned from Russian market.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:07 am

    Well it is not rocket science... just test every athlete and ban the ones found to be taking illegal drugs and then let everyone else compete... why do they even need WADA for in the first place?

    Obviously there are Russian drug cheats, the guy they are basing this all on was supplying illegal drugs to athletes and helping them hide that fact, but he got caught and ran away to the west.... and like all scum bags who get caught breaking the law in Russia they just squeal that Putin made them do it, or they are fine upstanding citizens who made billions of dollars with no obvious explanation and that all the charges are being made up by Putin... I mean if Putin hates this guy, or Bill Browder then they must be squeaky clean and it must be all of Russia at fault instead...

    Lets make some rules to punish Russia again.

    BTW that American cyclist got away with taking drugs for over a decade so he must have had official support or help to do so... I mean America runs the five eyes spy network to gather secret commercial information to then give to its own major companies... how much of a stretch would it be for them to provide drug advice and support for their athletes too?

    If anyone was doing it it is most likely to be the Yanks.

    Perhaps this almost got out and they are doing this as a smoke screen to hide their own culpability... or perhaps they might end up making a new rule that an entire country cannot be banned for this sort of thing so they will never be collectively banned... but in the mean time they get to ban all of Russia... so for those loser Americans whose best chance of winning is to not let opponents compete it is a win win situation.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 24, 2020 2:14 pm

    Russian athletes complete 2020 Winter Youth Olympics in top of overall medals standings

    The final gold, which placed Russia in the top of the medals standings of the 2020 Youth Olympics, was brought on Wednesday in the final match of boys’ ice hockey

    LAUSANNE, January 22. /TASS/. The team of Russian athletes finished the 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games (YOG), hosted by Switzerland this month, in the first place of the overall medals standings.

    The final gold, which placed Russia in the top of the medals standings of the 2020 Youth Olympics, was brought on Wednesday in the final match of boys’ ice hockey competition.

    The Russian national ice hockey team of young players defeated on Wednesday the squad from the United States with the score of 4-0. The goals in the final match were scored by Russia’s Matvei Michkov (2nd and 15th minutes), Ruslan Gazizov (22nd minute) and Vyacheslav Malov (36th minute).

    This was the first ever gold for the young Russian ice hockey team at the Winter Youth Olympic Games as it previously enjoyed the bronze in 2016 and packed the silver in 2012.

    In the match for the bronze earlier in the day, the team of Canadian ice hockey players outplayed their opponents from Finland 4-2.

    The gold of the Russian ice hockey team on Wednesday returned Russia to the top of the overall medals standings of the 2020 Youth Winter Olympics from yesterday’s 2nd place. Russian athletes finished the tournament with a total number of 29 medals (10 gold, 11 silver and eight bronze).

    Most of the medals were brought to the Russian national team by its figure skaters, who skated to win eight medals (two gold, four silver and two bronze).

    Hosts Switzerland finished the 2020 Youth Olympics in 2nd place of the overall medals standings with 10 gold, six silver and eight bronze medals, while the national team of athletes from Japan were 3rd with nine gold, seven silver and one bronze medals.

    The 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games are hosted by Switzerland’s Lausanne on January 9-22 and are attended by almost 1,900 athletes of age between 14 and 18 representing 79 countries. The official closing ceremony is scheduled for the night of January 22 at the Vaudoise Arena in Lausanne.

    A total of 81 sets of medals in 16 disciplines were up for grabs in Switzerland this month and they were contested in such competitions as: Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Cross-Country Skiing, Curling, Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing, Ice Hockey, Luge, Nordic Combined, Short Track Speed Skating, Skeleton, Ski Jumping, Ski Mountaineering, Snowboarding, Speed Skating.

    The Youth Olympics are organized every four years, with the Summer Games held since 2010, and the Winter Games - since 2012. The Youth Olympics were preceded by the World Youth Games held under the IOC auspices since 1998. The first World Youth Games were hosted by the Russian capital of Moscow in 1998.

    The next edition of the Winter Youth Olympic Games will be hosted by South Korea in 2024.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:41 pm

    More pathetic sour grapes loser whinging from Deutschland.   Apparently Russian figure skaters winning the gold is "bad for the sport".
    These are the words of Udo Denzdorf some German functionary.   Looks like the PC brain rot has worked its way through the whole
    German regime and winning is now seen as bad since it hurts the feelings of the losers.   So just give everyone medals for participation.
    But don't give any to Russians because they are "bad".

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Hole Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:37 pm

    A few years ago the german women luge team won around 50 or so world cups in a role. But that wasn´t bad for the sport. Mad
    This idiot also said that the russian female figure skaters are to young and that they jump to much. As if someone would keep them from doing the same in Germany or France.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  George1 Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:51 pm

    Russian biathlete Alexander Loginov finished first and won gold in the men’s sprint at the 2020 IBU World Championships in Italy’s Antholz on Saturday. russia

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Vann7 Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:43 pm

    According to the genius of geniuses ,the 3 dimensional chess master Putin ,  sports promotes nations to get together and good relations...   lol1

    MMA madness: Mixed martial arts tournament in Kazakhstan ends with STABBING and huge brawl (VIDEO)

    in brazil in a football event.. one referee was behead by a brawl.. people unhappy with the way he did his job.

    and like almost 90% of the things putin believe ,he is wrong..

    Sports can be fun , as any movie , when bored , i watch ufc or boxing legendary fights..
    but there is a real negative thing ,that is hidden in sports , t promotes racism , tribalism,
    "we are superior than others" behavior , before world war 2.. hitler host an olympic so
    if sports promotes good relations as the master of morons Putin claims.. world war 2 will have
    never happened because of the olympics in berlin . Wink  

    But we shouldn't go that far.. if Putin fantasy claims , based on his attachment to the obsolete
    ideas of the past.. he refuse to let it go..  then Russia and US should be now best friends..
    after he wasted 50 billions $USD in sochi.. and another $12 billions in fifa..

    But it didn't worked , the west banned russia from brazil olympics and they seeking to ban
    russia from the japan olympics.  russia   urrraaaaa!!!!!!

    So much money wasted ,trying to use major olympics events as soft power ,in hopes to influence the west away from its cold war against Russia.  No   Putin himself was lecturing students in crimea about Russia "soft power" in crimea.. about how is important Russian art for soft power..   No  

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    yes can influence people.. but he needs to know first which people he wants to influence
    if third world nations living in the past or modern nations?? because americans are far more influenced
    by digital modern art..and entertainment digital art  not old europeans museums art..

    Which shows how amazingly disconnected he is from the world he live ,and the people he
    wants to restore relations ,is as if putin have never read a book in his life in human relations ,or never
    have been in school. and when he was picked randomly for his kgb job ,because there was
    no one interested on it .

    Sports  can be fun. but is the Worse way possible to promote peace in the world
    because sports promote Tribalism and racism and hostilities between each other..

    2 videos that could change the stupidity of Putin.. if he ever
    one day discover the internet and navigate on it .

    The Dangers of Tribalism

    Why do people care about sports?

    Sports promotes tribalism.. we are better than you thinking..
    World war 1 and world war 2 , were the biggest examples of Tribal conflicts.. but so the syrian war.

    So Putin the "the genius" ,is only encouraging the same things he wants to avoid.  he encourage divisions by promoting the past and nationalism ,tensions and more violence with his promotion
    international competitive medal sports and to make things worse, he encourage disrespect with his politeness
    and weakness and incapability to influence the west.

    The west promotes a lot of sports ,not only because is good for media advertising ,but also because it promotes nationalism and tribalism and divisions.. and for an empire wanting to control the world. they need first to divide first to conquer later..

    Putin idiocy helps enormously the US global empire.. agenda.. by..

    1)not understanding his enemies doing and how to counter them
    2)not understanding what he is really doing by his promotions of sports and nationalism and old
    3) not understanding how important is for Russia to lead in the world in everything. to create a new system..
    .. if they don't do it his adversaries will do it.
    4) not understanding leadership ,or real soft power ,that is real power..  military is only need when leadership
    and influence fails..

    but you can't expect much from someone that don't read , need notations for all his discourses
    and he himself have said don't navigate internet.. when was asked about social media . Neutral  
    how can he understand the west if he don't read ,how they think on the internet ?

    Putin wants to revive an old empire ,out of time ,full of obsolete ideas for today world ,is kind of
    similar to Erdogan who thinks he have a chance to revive the fanatical religious Ottoman empire by pure force, without real leadership ,without real influence ,without winning society the modern world today.
    His orthodox religion is obsolete.. completely and so is islam , albeit islam is dangerous tribalist ideology.. and orthodox church problem is out of time ,outdated.

    Putin also promote culture traditions , to encourage "patriotism".. this is no wonder why Russia
    have a 5th column problem in the young society and why Ukraine had 2-3 big revolutions in a period of two decades and each time to drive Ukraine further away from Russia and first for its independence,and later for its
    integration to the west.. and ending Russian language and relations with Russia.

    So there is no better gift for US and Israel ,than a weak ,soft and ignorant President in Russia like Putin is.
    It could be worse however.. if it was like poroshenko or like guaido in venezuela.. a complete puppet.
    So this is serious ,putin don't understand how his enemies think.. and how to counter them , neither how to influence them. and this is why he needs to invest a lot on a powerful military , for failing to influence US. away
    of its behavior.

    Is not sports where Putin need to invest so much money.. is an education revolution in science ,technology and
    human relations too.. how he can achieve the respect he wants from the west..

    To promote fitness training ,martial arts or even free sports activities done only for fun ,and not for money or medals all that is fine.. but to waste so much in sports is a massive mistake.. because he is promoting sectarianism ,tribalism in the society that live
    in russia. if he promotes old traditions ,the chechens will go back to their old traditions of major repression on women.. and brutal punishment on their chechen society for any minor infraction.

    The only way Russia have gained something of influence in the world ,is with the use of force , with its military.
    but he use force not against those that start the wars , that russia later have to interfere to end the conflicts.

    So i rather see Russia face a civil war ,to remove Putin completely from any position in politics and sent
    to siberia in a house arrest.. for ever.. for the criminal charges of being an idiot. and Germany and France right wing parties to take control of europe and Russia ,than to see Putin another 20 years in power , allowing US to completely consolidate their control of the planet , thanks to Putin passiveness and reactionary policies..
    he complains about the western system..but he does nothing to change it , neither creates it own system.

    The way i see things.. only a miracle will save Russia federation from facing the soviet union fate.
    and that miracle could only happen if a leader in Europe shows up for a change and push to replace the american world ,for a new one.. to avoid a world war 3 to happen..  it will be far from perfect ,if the far left continues in power or if it is replaced by a far right nationalistic the orcs in the baltics and ukraine.. but at least it will prevent a major war.. if for example Russia becomes a puppet colony of the european union.. something that i could prefer far more than to see Putin another 20 years in power ,with his sports bullshit and his weak passiveness.. allowing US destructive police makers to consolidate control of the entire world.

    The best way for Russia to promote sovereignty and nation independence is with success.
    by becoming a modern business power that leads the world into the future..
    in any place there is a leader people will follow him.. any time a nation is a leader, other nations will follow..
    and which nations follow ,will depend in what kind of leadership is..   and russia problems are all of leadership nature. that can't influence the world away of the american destructive system ,neither can influence  its enemies away from their hostile behavior. something that could happen had Russia was a leader ,in the things
    their enemies more like.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:49 pm

    "For 5 years, the sporting world has been gripped by Russian manipulation of the anti-doping system. Now new evidence suggests the whistleblower who went into a witness protection program during the scandal has not been truthful.
    Who would have thought?... "

    Last edited by magnumcromagnon on Sun Jul 05, 2020 11:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:48 pm

    thanks for the link. Just remove the " at the end and it will work just for those who are not savvy.

    Here is the speigel link:

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:39 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:"For 5 years, the sporting world has been gripped by Russian manipulation of the anti-doping system. Now new evidence suggests the whistleblower who went into a witness protection program during the scandal has not been truthful.
    Who would have thought?...  "

    Pfftt...  a BS article by a propagandist who is clearly trying to down-play Rodchenkos criminality.  Funny how no-one wants to focus on the Schmidt report that openly states that Rodchenko (who was recommended for the role of head of RUSADA by WADA themselves) was running a doping ring for personal profit and that there is no evidence that Russian authorities knew of his activities.  His sister was arrested giving illegal performance enhancers to athletes and Rodchenko was investigated, but ultimately released due in insufficient evidence.  He was fired, and then ran to the US to tell his nonsense tales to a criminal regime that was only too willing to pay him, protect him, and help him gain his personal "vengeance" against Russia gov for daring to sack him and break his criminal cartel.

    You'd think that this so-called journalist might have told his readership a little truth about the Wests only "witness" to this litany of lies and falsehoods??????

    Ah, who am I kidding? German media is run by the CIA and its assets. Udo Ulfkotte spilled the beans and they killed him for it.

    In a real world, this nonsense wouldn't fly, yet in the corrupt West this sort of shit just repeats itself.  

    - Rodchenko and the stitch-up of the Russian gov and athletes
    - Bill Browder the thieving oligarch and his crusade to punish Russia for shutting down his illicit financial chicanery
    - MH17 and the crusade to smear Russia over the Ukropi downing to the aircraft (fuck me, but even the damned Dutch gov is in with the fix on that one, and their citizens paid the highest price...  that's some serious corruption..)

    The list is almost endless.  It's no wonder I hate these c*nts with such a passion.... angry

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  George1 Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:40 am

    Russian wrestler Makhov to be awarded 2012 London Summer Olympic gold

    The gold and silver medals at that time went to Uzbekistan’s Artur Taimazov and Georgia’s Davit Modzmanashvili respectively, but both were disqualified last year after retesting positive for banned performance enhancing substances

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  kvs Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:23 am

    George1 wrote:Russian wrestler Makhov to be awarded 2012 London Summer Olympic gold

    The gold and silver medals at that time went to Uzbekistan’s Artur Taimazov and Georgia’s Davit Modzmanashvili respectively, but both were disqualified last year after retesting positive for banned performance enhancing substances

    Doping in world sport is rampant thanks to national pressure on athletes to "prove" the superiority of their home country.
    This applies in particular to the USA and its claim to global supremacy. The attempt to smear all Russian athletes as dopers
    is a pathetic misdirection effort. In fact, the whole national pride shtick is not that strong in Russia. Something not
    understood by self-anointed exceptionalists.


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:38 pm

    FIA licenses Igora Drive racing track near St. Petersburg to host F1 Grands Prix

    The Igora Drive is now Russia’s third auto racing track officially licensed by FIA to hold Formula One races

    MOSCOW, November 11. /TASS/. The International Automobile Federation (FIA) has issued a license for the Igora Drive circuit outside the country’s second largest city of St. Petersburg, acknowledging the track as suitable for hosting Formula One races, the press service of Igora Drive said in a statement on Wednesday.

    "The issued license of the top level means that Igora Drive has now the right to host all series of the international auto racing competitions, including Formula One GPs," according to the statement.

    "The acknowledgement of compliance with international standards is another important step in the development of auto racing sports in St. Petersburg, Russia and the world on the whole," the statement adds.

    The Igora Drive is now Russia’s third auto racing track officially licensed by FIA to hold Formula One races. The Sochi Autodrom, which has been hosting F1 Russia Grands Prix since 2014, was the first track to receive this privilege. The Moscow Raceway circuit outside the Russian capital was also licensed by FIA in October 2014 to host F1 races.

    The construction of the Igora Drive, which is located about 55 kilometers (34 miles) from St. Petersburg, began in 2016. The 4,084-kilometers racing circuit neighbors a multi-sport complex, which offers rallycross and motorcross tracks, a karting track, as well as an off-road driving center.

    The Igora Drive was designed by Hermann Tilke, the architect of numerous FIA Grade 1 racing tracks, which host Formula 1 Grands Prix, including the Sochi Autodrom in the Russian southern resort city of Sochi.

    The Sochi Autodrom is the only racing circuit in Russia that hosted Formula 1 races. Located in the Olympic Park, the venue of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, the 5,848-meter long racing circuit in the Black Sea coastal area has already successfully hosted seven F1 Grand Prix races.

    In late 2014, the Sochi Autodrom was awarded the trophy of Formula One’s best racing track of the year. The Race Promoters' Trophy is a rotating award, engraved with the names of other top F1 tracks dating from 1975.

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  xeno Mon Nov 23, 2020 5:46 am

    Congratulations Medvedev, the new Tsar...

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    Post  George1 Mon Dec 14, 2020 3:58 pm

    Umar Kremlev elected president of Amateur International Boxing Association

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    Post  George1 Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:17 pm

    Respected weekly France Football names Lev Yashin as world’s best-ever football goalkeeper

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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Russia is banned from the Olympics for 2 years

    Post  par far Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:13 pm

    This is just bullshit.


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    Russia Sports News: - Page 18 Empty Re: Russia Sports News:

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:35 pm

    I say Russia should just outright ban the Olympics and any financing towards it for two years, and concentrate on Universide and other sporting events with Asia and such.

    Olympics already gets lower turnout every year and believe it or not, Russian Olympics was one of the few that actually paid off.

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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:20 pm

    par far wrote:This is just bullshit.

    Bidet has won so it's back to the Harry Truman "those Asiatics" BS from Americunts.


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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:21 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:I say Russia should just outright ban the Olympics and any financing towards it for two years, and concentrate on Universide and other sporting events with Asia and such.

    Olympics already gets lower turnout every year and believe it or not, Russian Olympics was one of the few that actually paid off.

    I think that is the only real option. It is time to dial down engagement with NATzO. This 11% of the planet's population that acts as if
    it is 99%.


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    Post  George1 Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:02 am

    Russia has been chosen to host 2022 FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship. What will happen with that now?

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    Post  Kiko Wed Dec 30, 2020 10:13 am

    New Year's gift: Eliseev and Pavlova won the "Christmas race" biathlon in Germany
    RT in Russian
    December 29, 2020

    Matvey Eliseev and Evgenia Pavlova won the traditional biathlon "Christmas Race" in Germany. In the mass start, the domestic duo took first place, ahead of the closest pursuers by 18.2 seconds, and retained the lead in the pursuit. At the same time, the victors made a total of only five misses at 18 firing lines. The victory was the fifth for Russia in the history of the competition.

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