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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM


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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  collegeboy16 Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:20 pm

    max steel wrote:My question is : -

    1) What do you mean by saboteur teams ?
    this guy:
    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Giphy
    + 20 good men. Razz sorry cant resist.
    but seriously unless spawned by console commands probability of a saboteur team getting close to an ICBM train is pretty damn negligible-
    like dude how are they supposed to make it deep in Russia where the rail missiles are kept if they cant use air transport in the first place due
    to the most advanced IADs in the world shooting them down. sure they could slog it on foot and jack vehicles but the last time someone did that
    they encountered a lot of resistance and failed their mission. ironically the Russian VDV could be suited to such tasks- they bring their own armor and heavy firepower that is enough for rear guard units.
    max steel wrote:
    2)What are PGSS missiles ?
    3)they are sort of cruise missiles or what ?
    4)Are these the same missile ussa wants to deploy  in Romania ?
    i think he meant PGS(precision global strike). could be cruise missiles, could be conventional warhead ICBMs.
    afaik the missiles in Romania are ABM but i could be wrong, havent checked the headlines for Romania recently.
    max steel
    max steel

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  max steel Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:39 pm

    Mike E wrote:It's really going to use Yars? I figured the new smaller missile Rubezh RS-26 to be honest... 

    This will scare our politicians for sure. Twisted Evil

    Choo Choo m****ers !! respekt thumbsup

    Yes Mike Russian Nuke Trains will contain 30 YARS ICBM's . russia attack

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:11 am

    BTW we are talking about the pros and cons of train based ICBMs... the existence of PGS or otherwise is  not really relevant as they planned to build that system before Russia decided to reactivate their train based ICBMs.

    In other words rail mounted ICBMs are a very difficult threat to deal with if you want a first strike capability and therefore PGS is not an argument against rail mounted ICBMs, it is actually an argument for more difficult to hit deterrents... ie less silos and more rail mobile ground based missiles...

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  victor1985 Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:38 pm

    Would be a ideea to put some cm of lead on trains making them invulnerable tu nuke attack. Also a very resistant to shock shape would be needed. Laser based weapons whit new batteryes can be mounted on it.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  victor1985 Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:41 pm

    Look a idea. In the future maibe electrons could be isolated kept in a magnetic field and deviate a missile

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    Post  victor1985 Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:43 pm

    Or like this: a laser hit the electrons in a material and increase coulombic force such that deviate missiles. Similar to protons

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  victor1985 Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:46 pm

    Every tank could have a microwave pulser that continuously increase the coulombic force to armour. Where from the electric curent? From air whit compton effect

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  victor1985 Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:49 pm

    And a sistem wich to decrease termic agitation when a temperature and shock hit a material

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:37 pm

    Foreign companies will not be allowed to develop "missile train"

    In the development of new combat railway missile system involved only Russian contractors, he told reporters on Tuesday, Assistant Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Igor Denisov.

    MOSCOW, July 21 - RIA Novosti. The development of Russia's new "missile train" the Strategic Missile Forces is the first phase of the five, in co-operation involves only domestic enterprises, told reporters on Tuesday the assistant commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Igor Denisov.

    As reported, the development BZHRK underway, including in response to the program of instant global strike the United States, which suggests the possibility for an hour after the decision to strike objects anywhere on Earth.

    "To date, open a new R & D (development work) BZHRK (combat rail missile system) exclusively Russian cooperation. There are about five stages, today is the first step," - said Denisov.

    BZHRK - a unique missile system that could go on combat patrol routes by 1.5 thousand kilometers from the place of permanent deployment and be alert offline for several months. The lead developer of the complex in Soviet times, it was the design office "South" in Ukraine.

    Start BZHRK missiles could be carried out as with any point on the route, and from the parking areas. Each BZHRK was equipped with three launchers and 12 missiles carrying "Good" (by Western classification - SS-24). Total has been put on combat duty 36 rail-mobile launchers.

    Soviet BZHRK was withdrawn from service in 2005 in connection with the provisions of the Treaty on Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed in January 1993 by the Presidents of Russia and the United States George W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin. New START-3 does not prohibit the creation of new missile systems, including BZHRK.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  George1 Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:44 pm

    Russia's railway-based missile system may get radar protection — electronics manufacturer

    The railway-based system armed with Yars inter-continental ballistic missiles may enter duty in Russia in 2019

    ZHUKOVSKY /Moscow Region/, August 26. /TASS/. The Garmon small-size radar may be used to provide protection for the railway-based strategic ballistic missile complex, being recreated in Russia, the first deputy CEO of the radio-electronics concern KRET, Igor Nasenkov, told the media.

    "The radar can be used to provide protection for the most sensitive mobile facilities, for instance, the railway-based strategic missile complex. The Defense Ministry declared the resumption of work on this complex just recently," Nasenkov said.

    Garmon is a batch-produced radar already being supplied to the Russian armed forces.

    The railway-based complex armed with inter-continental ballistic missiles Yars may enter duty in 2019. The strategic missile force expects it will remain operational at least till 2040. Each train will carry six missiles and be equivalent to a regiment in status. Each division of Barguzin trains will consist of five regiments.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  George1 Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:08 pm

    Rail Phantom: Russia Developing Invisible 'Death Trains' With Nukes

    For the first time since 2005, Russia is set to resume the manufacturing of its "death trains" - covert railway complexes with ballistic missiles - but on a higher technological level which will make them even more untraceable now.

    The Soviet Union decided to produce combat railway missile complexes (BZhRKs) with ballistic missiles in 1969 in response to the US' powerful system of nuclear-capable submarines.

    The USSR operated 12 BZhRKs with three missile launchers each, and it was an efficient and intimidating solution. The vehicles travelled across the system of railroads on the country's vast territory and closely resembled ordinary cargo trains, bringing to naught the capabilities of satellite surveillance.

    As it was impossible to precisely determine the place where they could fire a nuclear missile, they were dubbed as "death" or "phantom" trains.

    In 2005, Russia decommissioned the trains. Ten years later Moscow has decided to embark on the idea again.

    Russian military industry official Viktor Murakhovsky explained the advantages of the next-generation nuke trains:

    "They will not need any specific big cars. They will completely coincide with the existing parameters of railcars and will therefore be completely hidden from a foe's reconnaissance and surveillance. Moreover, the system will enable launches virtually everywhere on the railway bed in contrast with the previous system that required special launch conditions."

    The new project, codenamed "Barguzin," will carry six ICBMs RS-24 Yars (a land equivalent of the submarine-launched Bulava).

    A Russian BZhRK's cars can resist an explosion of a nuclear warhead just several hundred meters away. Such a train can run for a month autonomously and pass up to 1,000 kilometers daily at the speed of nearly 100 kmph.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  George1 Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:14 pm

    Sketches of Russia's railway-based missile system ready — missile force chief

    Earlier reports said the new complex might go operational in 2019

    MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. The sketches of Russia’s future railway-based missile complex Barguzin have been finalized and at the moment design documents for its individual parts and components are being developed, the commander of the Strategic Missile Force, Colonel-General Sergey Karakayev, said on Wednesday.

    "Sketches have been completed. Work is in progress on design documents for individual parts and systems," he added.

    "Under the defense minister’s decision of May 6, 2015 the sequence of works to create the complex has been specified. In 2017, a special report is to be submitted to the president regarding the prospects for its deployment," Karakayev said.

    He did not mention when the work on the technical documents might be finalized, the new complex tested and put on duty.

    Earlier, a source in the defense-industrial complex told TASS Barguzin specifications were to be finalized by the middle of 2016. There were reports the new complex might go operational in 2019. Earlier, the strategic missile force commander said Barguzin would remain in service at least till 2040.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:34 pm

    "sketches" = blueprints

    Silly automatic translation software.

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    Post  George1 Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:44 pm

    Source: missile complex "Barguzin" will be adopted no earlier than 2020

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  George1 Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:36 am

    Nuclear-Armed Trains Roaming Russia

    Russia continues to modernize its nuclear arsenal. One of the most interesting plans regards the reintroduction of nuclear missile systems deployed on trains

    During the Cold War years, a huge rail network was built as a nuclear detterent and is still present in Russia today. Thanks to this immense infrastructure, ready for use, the decision to reactivate this particular deterrent will not require much effort. The goal is to have this missile system ready by 2020.

    The greatest challenge for Russia is in building the new trains. Of the 12 available in Soviet times, 10 were destroyed according to the START-2 framework agreement and 2 ended up in museums. In terms of design they will be based on blueprints already used in the past. The great advantages of this system is the possibility of camouflaging the train completely , passing it off asa regular commercial train. This prevents the enemy from tracking it or follow the deployment of nuclear warheads. In addition, in some places the dense railway network penetrates hundreds of meters inside mountain ranges guarantying protection and virtually absolute invisibility. Other features include new electronic warfare systems (ECM) installed on the trains.

    The major technological overhaul will allow the trains ‘Barguzin’ to transport six RS-24 Yars ICBMs, instead of maximum three outdated Scalpel missles on the old Molodets model. The nuclear arms are probably smaller than the Molodets missiles system that had 10 MIRVed warheads yielding more than 5 megatons. Instead, each Yars has four warheads totaling up to 1.2 megatons. Yars are much less devastating but much more accurate and have a greater range. In the art of modern nuclear deterrence, combined with the ABM being developed, precision, speed and invisibility is far more important than megatons.

    Service life estimates are a minimum of 20 years, with the possibility of modernizing to extend their operational period.

    Russia aims to create a strategic level of nuclear deterrent to deploy and use, significantly faster than their American colleagues . In this sense the Barguzin is a formidable system for multiple reasons but mainly for its ability to be deployed in remote areas quickly. The train is capable of traveling 1000km per day providing enormous flexibility in terms of displacement and positioning.

    In terms of nuclear doctrine, it should be remembered that the train's missiles are to be understood as second strike capabilities. Nevertheless, the return of missile trains is yet another example of how Russia is focusing on nuclear deterrence, improving all its strategic forces.

    It’s very difficult to find actual footage of the Moldets tests. This video, shows a demonstration of the old Soviet Missile train launching a missile.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:55 am

    A little late to the news, no?

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  Austin Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:24 am

    Russian rail-mobile ICBM project set to be axed

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:12 am

    What? No mention of who said it will be axed and why? And defense budget didnt change, so that is wrong too.

    Sap2020 is still going as schedualed and ready stated no changes to it.  Only thing so far is lack of Sap2025.

    Jabes is usually so so but this article is so far not good.  They need to provide: sources, links and as well as reasoning.  But nothing in the article.
    max steel
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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  max steel Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:23 am

    NO such news was published by any Russian outlet. I also view (in)famous Jane's with a great deal of irony, politely speaking--these were the guys, who on the eve of Debaltsevo disaster were spreading Ukronazi propaganda about how the victory for criminals in Kiev was at hand.

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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:37 pm

    max steel wrote:NO such news was published by any Russian outlet. I also view (in)famous Jane's with a great deal of irony, politely speaking--these were the guys, who on the eve of Debaltsevo disaster were spreading Ukronazi propaganda about how the victory for criminals in Kiev was at hand.

    The only shred of credibility left for Jane's is SCO's articles. 10-15 years ago Jane's was far more neutral and far less sensationalist with unsubstantiated claims, but alas times have changed.
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    Post  max steel Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:03 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    max steel wrote:NO such news was published by any Russian outlet. I also view (in)famous Jane's with a great deal of irony, politely speaking--these were the guys, who on the eve of Debaltsevo disaster were spreading Ukronazi propaganda about how the victory for criminals in Kiev was at hand.

    The only shred of credibility left for Jane's is SCO's articles. 10-15 years ago Jane's was far more neutral and far less sensationalist with unsubstantiated claims, but alas times have changed.

    I CHECKED it again. Same results. I wonder why people still pay for their full time subscription. Lying with bold face and no facts to back their claim. Suspect
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    Post  Project Canada Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:40 pm

    one commenter said the sources (claimed to be from russian Mod) were provided on the full article,
    max steel
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    BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM - Page 3 Empty Re: BZhRK "Barguzin" railway ICBM

    Post  max steel Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:07 am

    Finally found some info.

    a couple of month ago there was indeed a report about Barguzin readiness date moving to 2020 from the original 2018. But the program does not seem to be dead quite yet - following Jane's story a source in the industry told Interfax that the pop-up tests of the missile are scheduled to begin later this year. However, from what the source said it does seem that the program's future is in doubt.

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    Post  George1 Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:11 pm

    RVSN officer claims design for rail-based Barguzin ICBM being completed; program still on track.

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    Post  George1 Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:51 pm

    Oldies but Goodies: Russia Preps Crews for ‘Doomsday Nuke Trains’

    Russia will soon start training crews for its feared missile trains, Echo Moskvy Radio reported citing the head of the Strategic Missile Forces’ military education department, Viktor Nesterov.

    Colonel Nesterov said that in 2020 Russia’s armed forces will receive a new generation of ICBM-launching trains.

    The Barguzin railroad ICBM system will carry six RS-24 Yars ICBMs, as compared to three RS-22 Scalpels carried by its predecessor, the Molodets railroad ICBM system.

    “We need to think ahead… Realizing full well that we are going to need specialists to operate this new missile complex we decided to launch special courses to train such specialists,” Viktor Nesterov said.

    The Molodets railroad ICBM system, armed with three RS-22 ICBMs was retired in 2005 in keeping with the START-2 treaty. Out of the 12 Soviet-era missile trains, 10 were destroyed and the remaining two were sent to a museum.

    Barguzin will be greatly superior to Molodets in terms of range, accuracy, and other characteristics. Ths will allow the system to remain in service for a long time, at least until 2040, Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces commander, Col.-Gen. Sergey Karakaev said.

    The missile trains are stealthy and highly mobile, capable of covering up to a thousand kilometers in a single day. Disguised as a freight train, a missile train cannot be spotted either by satellite or electronic surveillance.

    All necessary infrastructure, such as tunnels, reinforced tracks and launch sites, is still in place and ready to go.

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