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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?


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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Corrosion Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:44 am

    victor7 wrote:
    this is more than Mig-29 for $29M
    IN mig29k costed around 42 million each.

    Mirage-2000 for $23M.
    It is not available anymore. Line closed.

    Multirole features can be made by adding range and changing engines etc.
    No idea what you meant here.

    More so because against their immediate adversaries Pak and China, they are sufficient currently so no need to buy $120M Rafaels or Eurofighters.
    No its not. A lot of Mig21 and Mig 27 are going to be retired, then there are Jaguars going to go as well. China is going to inducting J-10b, J-11b , nobody knows in what numbers. Also ramping up infrastructure in Tibet. Rafale is suited well here. It has a good ground strike potential as well.

    They need to add some solid backbone planes like Fulcrum, Mirage-2000s or F-16D etc.
    So Rafale doesnt have a solid backbone? scratch

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Corrosion Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:49 am

    victor7 wrote:Currently F22s cost is $350M per unit but when exports take place after 2015, then it may come down to $150 per plane.
    You have any source that F-22 is going to be exported?

    Other than Russia, no other country can prevent F22 from being a devastating bomber to the military or economic facilities with no clue to the victim nation as to "what happened and from where".
    I thought F-22 cannot drop bombs.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:28 am

    Just did a goog on F22 export here is the link, not verified btw

    Once Pakfa comes out and USAF sees it then they might go ahead with export version in order to reduce the unit cost and get some more for themselves.

    Regarding Fulcrums, F16s, Mirage etc vrs LCA, The general idea was to buy already proven and practiced machines rather than spend billions in coming up with something which is barely like J-10 or early block F16s. Choice was not limited to the three only.

    For a price of 1 Rafael, Indians could have gotten 3 very advanced quality jets from all around or even 2 Mig-35s with Aesa radars. Rafeal gives stealth, so what? How many stealths are needed to take out Chinese S-300s. I would have gone with two dozens at most.

    Does a squadron of Rafeal have a potential to eat up 1/3rd of Pakistan's Airforce? If so, then probably a good choice. But $120M for a plane for country like India, is little expensive, I think...........given the cheap guy that I am! geek

    F22 export model pirat

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:54 am

    Refusing Mig-35, you guys rejected an advanced block F16 with AESA for the cost of $50M tops of the tops.

    Life cycle cost

    The service of MiG-35 is executed by condition, with condition assessment each 1000 flight hours up to max. 6000 hours of life (or 40 years of service).

    For comparison classic MiG-29 has only 2500 hours of life resource (or 20 years). Periodic routine service each 100 fly hours (1 year) is needed. Order works are each 200 f.h. (24 months). Plant MLU is needed on 800 and 1500 f.h. (9 and 17 years of service).
    With all the amortization in consideration the flight hour cost of MiG-35 is as 2.5 times cheaper than for classic MiG-29!

    There is an old calculation from the middle of 90th, for classic MiG-29's in Eastern Europe. Then the flight hour cost was $3000 for MiG-29 and $2000 for F-16 - it's without amortization cost.

    In 1994 – 1996 a new MiG-29's price was as $25 000 000. F-16's price was $18 600 000. MiG-29's airframe life was – 2,500 hours, or $10 000 for 1 hour. F-16's airframe life was – 8,000 hours, or $2,325 for hour. Mig-29's RD-33 engine of old serials has life of 800 hours, wile F-16's engine of that time has 2000 hours life. So, with all the life cycle expenditure the difference in flight hour cost between two planes was much higher: $15 500 for MiG-29 and about $5 900 for F-16! Even after the dollar/ruble parity has changed the prices very significant, single-engine F-16 remain to be more attractive in terms of lifecycle cost against classic MiG-29. With new MiG-35 coming, this advantage is going to totally diminish.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  TR1 Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:57 am

    F-16 with AESA for 50 mill?

    lol yeah right.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Corrosion Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:36 pm

    victor7 wrote:Just did a goog on F22 export here is the link, not verified btw

    Once Pakfa comes out and USAF sees it then they might go ahead with export version in order to reduce the unit cost and get some more for themselves.

    There wont be many(I would say none, except US) countries around the world that can afford F-22 in any meaningful numbers for the economies of scale aspect to kick in. Although I agree many would like to get their hands on F-22 namely Israel, Japan, Australia etc. But I don't think they will order more than a squadron each, considering its price and life cycle costs. Then the question arises, will the US export its best fighter for a few billion dollars when it can very easily make that money on F-35 sales anyway. I don't see the logic in that if you look from US point of view.

    Regarding Fulcrums, F16s, Mirage etc vrs LCA, The general idea was to buy already proven and practiced machines rather than spend billions in coming up with something which is barely like J-10 or early block F16s. Choice was not limited to the three only.
    LCA will be cheaper in the long run. Not to mention the technologies that have been developed for the LCA and the lessons learned during this program are invaluable and will help in future projects such as AMCA and also FGFA upto certain extent. Also some technologies developed are already being used in other legacy platform upgrades in India. The idea wasn't to get a proven platform but a lightweight platform to replace hundreds of Mig21 that IAF operated. LCA is/will be cheaper to operate than Fulcrum or F-16, which are clearly in medium weight category according to IAF classification.

    For a price of 1 Rafael, Indians could have gotten 3 very advanced quality jets from all around or even 2 Mig-35s with Aesa radars. Rafeal gives stealth, so what? How many stealths are needed to take out Chinese S-300s. I would have gone with two dozens at most.
    First of all, Rafale is not stealthy. It has frontal reduced RCS and some other measures but I am not sure how useful it will be against ground radars. But it has good avionics namely Thales Spectra etc., and is already integrated with lots of ground attack weaponry. And since France will operate it for at least 3 more decades, it has a good upgrade potential. Although I personally wouldn't have minded Mig-35 either. But frankly speaking Rafale brings more to the table. And since it is going to be first ever export for Rafale if this deal goes through. India has a chance to get a very good deal and it will much cheaper than 120 million that you keep stating, since it will be built in India.

    F22 export model pirat
    I am sure Australia will love it. Very Happy

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:52 pm

    US export its best fighter for a few billion dollars when it can very easily make that money on F-35 sales anyway. I don't see the logic in that if you look from US point of view.

    And that is critical... F-22s sales will kill F-35 sales and as numbers for orders keep dropping for the F-35 it becomes more and more expensive.

    Sales of F-22s for export will not be big enough to reduce the price and lets face facts the US can barely afford the upkeep on them... for the Israeli air force or the Australian air force or even the Japanese air force the costs of maintainence will likely chew up the budget and kill other more valuable programs.

    It makes rather more sense for the US to let the F-22 die and work on an unmanned 6th generation aircraft they keep crapping on about... even if the first version has a pilot to reduce development costs.

    India has a chance to get a very good deal and it will much cheaper than 120 million that you keep stating, since it will be built in India.

    Building them locally usually increases costs, though there are plenty of benefits to that that outweigh the extra cost. Upskilling the local workforce, is just one example.

    I am sure Australia will love it.

    For the sort of money a single F-22 squadron would cost they would be better off buying an aircraft carrier or a couple of submarines.

    Imagine if Australia had accepted the Russian advances in the 1990s... they wouldn't have troops in Afghanistan, they could have Su-34s replacing their F-111s and instead of Super Hornets the money and effort they could be introducing their own Su-35 variant into service to replace their legacy Hornets and they likely would be working now on RVV-BD missiles. Instead of thinking about a Collins replacement from Europe they could be paying for the completion of an OSCAR II class vessel with an upgrade to replace the Granits with Yakhonts.

    They could even be collaborating with Russia on a variant of the PAK FA... if India didn't want them in on the FFGA then perhaps the Australians and the Brazilians could work together with the Russians on another variant of the PAK FA or perhaps a light 5th gen fighter with Mig?

    Ahh well.... if is one of the biggest words in the English language...

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  ali.a.r Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:46 pm

    I read that the RCS of the F-117 was dramatically increased when it opened its bomb bays because the stealth design was then compromised. If that is true, then that should mean that all stealth aircraft will lose their stealth as soon as they try to launch a weapon, because all the stealth aircraft in the world rely on their bomb bays since there aren't any stealthy missiles or munitions ( at least, I dont think there is ). Very Happy

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:41 pm

    It is subject to the law of diminished returns.

    To get the highest stealth possible you need to have everything perfect... any deviation from perfection and the whole thing is ruined.

    I remember reading of an F-117 that was actually being tracked easily by civilian radar of all things.

    Turns out they had been doing maintainence on the aircraft and two screws were not screwed down fully and stuck out above the surface.

    It was enough to ruin the stealth of the aircraft.

    Might sound silly... the tips of two screws sticking up from an otherwise flat surface, but because of the frequency the radar was operating at the two screw tips were far enough apart to reflect the radar signal back to the radar source with a fairly strong signal that allowed the otherwise stealthy aircraft to be not only detected but also tracked.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Corrosion Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:55 pm


    But it is only for few seconds. After the doors are closed it will be back to its optimal condition. Whether the opposing aircraft can capitalize on that is different matter. All up that is a non issue IMO.

    IMHO it will be silly for the opposing aircraft pilot to play into the strengths of Stealth aircraft and go straight at him if its location is known even for a second. Non-stealth pilot has to innovate and use other devices he has such as EW equipment and Infra Red/ visual detectors, maybe even switch of his own radar for a while and go fly low, very low and try to get in close. If non stealth fighters are defending an airspace, then they can use ground assets and also fly much distance apart in order to triangulate. Networking data links will be very important, if stealth fighter is to be intercepted. The more closer a stealth fighter gets to a (advanced) 4th gen fighter, e.g. a latest model Flanker, its advantage diminishes. But non stealth fighter pilot has to play smart since he is at disadvantage and most likely will be detected first.

    But if a non-stealth or even stealth fighters are attacking an airspace defended by stealth fighters, then it will be very difficult for invading force. I think Pak-Fa has been designed the way it is as an interceptor, to defend airspace against stealth fighters/bombers.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  ali.a.r Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:48 pm

    But it is only for few seconds. After the doors are closed it will be back to its optimal condition.

    Yes, it might be only for a few seconds.


    The enemy might not have a clue as to a stealth plane flying around in the airspace, but as soon as a missile is launched, then they'll know that something up there fired it, and then use every available resource to bring it down. You touched a lot on that in your reply.

    In the context of the original question (Is Russia safe from F-22?), the 'available resources' are ample. So, IMHO, a F-22 or F-35 over Russia would be on a suicide mission if it ever launches any thing.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:23 am

    In the context of the original question (Is Russia safe from F-22?), the 'available resources' are ample. So, IMHO, a F-22 or F-35 over Russia would be on a suicide mission if it ever launches any thing.

    No Country for Old Men.............

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:40 am

    Suggesting less than 200 stealth fighters all based in the US and hangar queens at that makes all other aircraft obsolete is naive.

    Just like suggesting that nuclear weapons make war impossible... which clearly hasn't been the case for the last half century.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:11 am

    Time and again, USAF sources have said that F22 vrs 6 or so F15s is not even a fair fight. Many have termed Raptor as a 6th generation to give some value to these statements. USAF does not like to boast and post wrong figures. dunno

    If I were an air force of say Iran or Pakistan or India, then against F22 I would not even send my legacy jets to get slaughtered. Either shoot F22 by a mobile SAM or kill off the missiles and bombs launched by the Raptor. Save your air defense networks like Serbians did and prolong the 'hostile excursion' by the USAF.

    ps: do not think any of the above, Iran, Pak or India have even S300s, so SAM question is out the window.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:25 pm

    Time and again, USAF sources have said that F22 vrs 6 or so F15s is not even a fair fight. Many have termed Raptor as a 6th generation to give some value to these statements. USAF does not like to boast and post wrong figures.

    The USAF that won WWII on its own in Europe with its strategic bombing campaign knows little of the truth.

    F-15s don't have IRSTs or R-73s or for that matter any BVR IR guided missiles.

    They have spent trillions on stealth... they are hardly going to admit it is not all powerful or their budget might get cut more than it is.

    Save your air defense networks like Serbians did and prolong the 'hostile excursion' by the USAF.

    The serbs were very skillful with what they had, but they had poor equipment. Give them better stuff and not only would their losses have been low, but they could have gone on the offensive and done some real damage.

    ps: do not think any of the above, Iran, Pak or India have even S300s, so SAM question is out the window.

    The USAF has very few basing options for the F-22 in the region of Iran or Pakistan or India without using inflight refuelling.

    The US wants to get into bed with India... it is hardly going to sht where it eats and attack them.

    Equally there is little point in attacking Pakistan... what would be the point... or more importantly why use an F-22 when an unmanned drone can already do the job?

    To attack Iran would be pointless because it will create the very thing they fear... a unified and focussed Iran bent on creating a nuclear weapon. Even if they sent every bomber they had they will never hit all the secret underground facilities... for every 10 they know about there are probably another 30-40 they don't... they don't have to be big... the original reactor the US used to create the plutonium for nuclear weapons was built on an area the size of a basket ball court.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:10 pm


    I apologise for using tough word (crude) , i didn't explain well what i mean, i meant old mig-29s that havn't upgraded yet ,but the upgraded MIGs are good in combat missions ,but old MIGs that havn't upgraded yet have low chances in compraison with new western aircrafts , i apologise if i wrongly wrote a hateful speech,i'm already a russian stuff fan ,that's why i'm here Smile

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:28 pm

    Simply put, said Pierre Sprey and James P. Stevenson, the F-22 Raptor is shaping up to be the Sturmvogel of the 21st century: a dazzling piece of technology that fatally ignores some of the unbending realities of aerial combat.

    On surface, the Raptor debate ended six months ago. After years of controversy, the Air Force and Defense Department reached a final agreement on the Raptor program, with DoD and Congress approving full production of the stealth fighter while capping the program at 183 aircraft, a 50-percent reduction of the 381 planes that the service had long said it needed at a minimum.

    (For Tyndall Air Force Base, where the Raptor pilot training program is located, this has meant a reduction in training squadrons from two to one, with 29 of the sleek fighters to be used in preparing pilots for combat units.)

    But to Sprey, a founding member of the so-called “fighter mafia” group that during the 1960s and 1970s ramrodded the F-15, F-16 and A-10 programs into being despite fierce internal opposition, and military author Stevenson, who has written extensively on the Navy’s F/A-18 and A-12 fighters, the Air Force has created a major crisis in its future combat capability by sticking to the Raptor program.

    The two analysts presented their stark findings to a symposium at the nonprofit Center for Defense Information on Friday in Washington, D.C. The two analysts provided their findings to The News Herald, and Sprey elaborated on the issues in a telephone interview.

    Sprey said his briefing focused on the time-tested factors that define an effective fighter plane: (1) See the enemy first; (2) outnumber the enemy; (3) outmaneuver the enemy to fire, and (4) kill the enemy quickly.

    “The Raptor is a horrible failure on almost every one of those criteria,” Sprey said.

    The stellar attribute of the F-22 — its invisibility on enemy radar due to a computer-aided stealth design — is a “myth,” Sprey said. That is because in order to locate the enemy beyond visual range, the Raptor (like every other fighter) must turn on its own radar, immediately betraying its location.

    Nor is the aircraft design effective simply because its advocates insist so, Sprey said. The 1980s-era F-117 stealth fighter was supposed to be invisible too, but post-Gulf War studies showed that the aircraft had been spotted by Iraq’s ground-based radars, he said.

    And in the 77-day aerial campaign against Serbia in 1999, the adversary’s “1950s-era radar” managed to locate and shoot down two F-117s, Stevenson pointed out in his presentation. The situation is actually worse today, he said, because many nations have acquired advanced missiles that can home in on radar emissions.

    “Who do you want in a dark alley?” Stevenson asked. “The cop with the flashlight, or the crook with a gun that fires light-homing bullets?”

    Because the Raptor ultimately ballooned into a weapon that costs $361 million per copy, even Congress could not stomach the total program cost exceeding $65 billion, Sprey said. As a result, the Air Force is now committed to fielding a fighter program that lacks sufficient numbers to prevail in a major conflict, however effective the individual aircraft may be.

    “Hitler had 70 Me-262s in combat,” Sprey said. “They were crushed by the force of 2,000 inferior P-51s that the United States had in the air.”

    Early reports from mock deployments of the Raptor also show a major shortfall in the fighter’s sustainability in combat, Sprey said.

    “The F-16 costs one-tenth of the F-22 and flies three times as often due to the issues of stealth, complexity and maintenance affecting the Raptor,” Sprey said. Sustainability and the number of aircraft available to fight on any given day, he added, are “vastly more important” than the quality of the F-22. “You have to have numerical superiority to win.”

    On the last two points, maneuverability and capability for a “quick kill,” the two analysts assert that the Raptor is inferior to the F-16 and several allied fighter designs in the crucible of “energy-maneuverability.”

    “Some (experts) assert that in the next air war,” all of the radars will be off and the air war will merge to air combat maneuvering,” Stevenson observed.

    The Raptor’s performance in that mode will be “disastrous,” Sprey added.

    “The only thing that will bail the U.S. Air Force out of this mess is the fact that they still have a lot of F-16s in service,” Sprey said, “The day they send the F-16s to the ‘boneyard’ is the day the service becomes a non-Air Force.”

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:36 pm

    To attack Iran would be pointless because it will create the very thing they fear... a unified and focussed Iran bent on creating a nuclear weapon.

    The attack on Iran has several goals. One major goal is the regime change in the Russia friendly nations. Second goal is to access the Central Asian energy sources via Iran and thus further reducing Russia's influence in the CIS. Many other goals can be listed, however final goal is Russia.

    Maximum range of R-73 is 40km, Maximum range of IRSTs is 60KM.......would not work well against F22s, IMHO. It will first burn off your radar from 200Km then from around 100 Kms it will fire AIM-120. Your IRST will find it at around 60 km giving giving you 50 odd seconds at most to evade.

    For 25 years this stealth technology has been breathing down the necks of the adversary air forces and no solution yet reached to DeTacK it. Better focus on beating its missiles and bombs and also on increasing the range of IRST based identifiers.

    Point has been repeatedly made that Russia has tools to handle stealth but if one by one Russia's friends are taken out then that is much more of a threat to the RF than F22s going on hunting missions against Russia's national interests.

    Last edited by victor7 on Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:14 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  medo Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:54 pm

    The USAF that won WWII on its own in Europe with its strategic bombing campaign knows little of the truth.

    And 3/4 of Luftwaffe was on Russian front...

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:20 pm

    For 1 division employed on the western front there were 7 divisions fighting the Russians in the east.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Mindstorm Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:10 am

    I am nearly confident that F22 already has some secret technologies that its adversaries do not know about and thus not spend efforts in finding counter measures. Direct Energy, Blinding or Killing lasers, even mini EMPs can all be possible on F22 and F35s already.

    Razz Razz Razz

    Victor7 i agree perfectly with you, rather i think that Raptor has also an antimatter gun and some sort of energy shield activated directly with mere thought by the pilot (also if ,obviously, F-22 wouldn't never employ it because no enemy can see it).

    If i would be in you ,i would start a good thread of on the subject ; i am sure you would very quickly collect a big herd.....cough....i intended happy fans celebrating your ideas.
    After that you could start other threads named ,for example : " F-22 Raptor vs Klingon starship" or " F-22 Raptor and B2 Spirit 10th or 11th generation aircraft ?" , i can barely image the success you could obtain. Very Happy Very Happy

    Time and again, USAF sources have said that F22 vrs 6 or so F15s is not even a fair fight. Many have termed Raptor as a 6th generation to give some value to these statements. USAF does not like to boast and post wrong figures.

    Oh yes ,sure ... Laughing Laughing .
    CLAIMS are cheap ,do you know...but outside world of WORDS we only see that :

    1) F-22 in the only instance where was allowed to participate in a not USAF controled DACT exercise vs allied RAF ,with both WVR and BVR engagements, has been not only dominated WVR (for the lack of any type of even '80 years level HOBS missiles) but was also tracked at very surprising long range by Thypoon.

    2) Since the "incident" F-22 was never allowed anymore to participate in any DACT exercise with not american-controled Red groups ,in spite that.... SUPPOSEDLY..... F-22 shouldn't risk anything in the BVR engagement , if it was TRULY as undetectable as CLAIMED,in fact, those engagement would finish with the Raptor engaging the enemy aircraft completely undetected and,therefore ,with virtually zero risks for its classified capabilities.
    The UNIQUE RISK that a similar USAF choice would avoid would be the EXACT OPPOSITE :
    - that F-22 would result much,much more detectable than what selled usually in the PR oriented CLAIMS

    3) F-22 has never participated (even only in a purely symbolic way) in any international mission where any foreign aircraft was present .
    Anyone can easily realize how the possible rational behind this odd choice by part of USAF strangely correspond to that of the previous point Cool

    4) F-22 raptor has been discontinued after just few years from its IOC...strange...VERY STRANGE , isn't ?

    Victor7, even escaping to the points i have exposed, try to reason for some seconds ;do you find credible that one F-22 armed with six....SIX....AIM-120C (a missile that have proved in actual operations a PK of 0,46 against.... vastly outdated targets literally not employing any type of countermeasures and not attempting any manoeuvre to avoid them !!! ) can even only have one chance on 100 to win ?

    Please Victor7 REASON !!!!


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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:34 am

    do you find credible that one F-22 armed with six....SIX....AIM-120C (a missile that have proved in actual operations a PK of 0,46 against.... vastly outdated targets literally not employing any type of countermeasures and not attempting any manoeuvre to avoid them !!! ) can even only have one chance on 100 to win ?

    Where did you get this information? PK of AIM-120C is 60% and two by some reasoning is 75% taking in other factors also. This is as per the Ausairpower website. If AIM-120C/D was so bad then USAF pilots would have refused to fly with it as it would risk their own lives. It would have been a big scandal coming out on 60 Minutes type programs.

    Bro, in my reasoning a soldier a pilot or naval cadet is........not a cannon fodder from a poor family of some Russian village in Siberia. If system for defense is not in place then better to keep away, the 'human being' from the harm's way and more so because that individual is the country mate. Do not feed in false stories to the teenage soldiers and send them to their destruction, in other words, PROVIDE ACTUAL MEALS TO THE SOLDIERS AND NOT ASK THEM TO FIGHT HUNGER BY JUST IMAGINING 'WAITERS COMING WITH BIG MEALS' WHILE THEY ARE BURIED IN SNOW OF -40 CELSIUS TEMPERATURES.


    F-22 raptor has been discontinued after just few years from its IOC...strange...VERY STRANGE , isn't ?

    Raptor was discontinued due to economy related reasons. Also in a new strategy couple of F22s will be helping out two whole squadrons of F15/F16s and act as a force multiplier. Borrowing few capabilities of F22s makes legacy jets even more effective. New strategy does not call for two whole squadrons on F22s on the onset unless opposing force is Russia or China......Chances of that are very slim like less than 5%.

    Also the vast number of quality legacy jets in USAF/USN call for no immediate need for another 100 or 200 Raptors. Once Pakfa comes out and USAF checks it then they might or might not go for additional F22s.......this is my guess atleast.

    but was also tracked at very surprising long range by Thypoon.

    if that is actually true, then Typhoon has something special going for itself. Soon Raptor will be detecting Legacy jets from with that! What if USAF modifies its AMRAAMs to go over 200 Kms, that would be something tough to deal with.

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  gloriousfatherland Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:41 am

    victor7 wrote:
    To attack Iran would be pointless because it will create the very thing they fear... a unified and focussed Iran bent on creating a nuclear weapon.

    The attack on Iran has several goals. One major goal is the regime change in the Russia friendly nations. Second goal is to access the Central Asian energy sources via Iran and thus further reducing Russia's influence in the CIS. Many other goals can be listed, however final goal is Russia.

    Maximum range of R-73 is 40km, Maximum range of IRSTs is 60KM.......would not work well against F22s, IMHO. It will first burn off your radar from 200Km then from around 100 Kms it will fire AIM-120. Your IRST will find it at around 60 km giving giving you 50 odd seconds at most to evade.

    For 25 years this stealth technology has been breathing down the necks of the adversary air forces and no solution yet reached to DeTacK it. Better focus on beating its missiles and bombs and also on increasing the range of IRST based identifiers.

    Point has been repeatedly made that Russia has tools to handle stealth but if one by one Russia's friends are taken out then that is much more of a threat to the RF than F22s going on hunting missions against Russia's national interests.

    Actually the current lock range of IRST operating on Su-35s are 80km
    And yes the Euro-typhoons were able to track the raptor at far distances. Guess the americans didn't use their stealth tech in that exercise eh pirat

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  Corrosion Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:37 am

    victor7 wrote:Bro, in my reasoning a soldier a pilot or naval cadet is........not a cannon fodder from a poor family of some Russian village in Siberia.
    Cant you say the same about US Forces. Where they are sent to Iraq on bunch of lies. They are a cannon fodder for corporate interests put forward as spreading democracy and freedom for Iraqis. What do you think?

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    Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2? - Page 14 Empty Re: Is Russia safe from F-22 and Β-2?

    Post  victor7 Sat Apr 07, 2012 5:51 am

    Cant you say the same about US Forces. Where they are sent to Iraq on bunch of lies. They are a cannon fodder for corporate interests put forward as spreading democracy and freedom for Iraqis. What do you think?

    I can reply in detail to that but do not want to change from the main topic of the thread. However, US doctrine gives most importance to the safety and well being of its men and women in uniform or even in civilian aspects.

    Regarding, Raptor - its chances are great from BVR and if it does not kill from there then it better run away as it is not proven to be an excellent dogfighter.

    In the BVR, your missiles are only as good as your radar is. If Raptor radar is way advanced then there is the main advantage right there.

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