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Morpheus Eberhardt
As Sa'iqa
Hannibal Barca
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:37 pm

    Wow, not the article itself but the responses it obtained in the comments section. Seems that my fellow Canadians are starting to wake up and see the utter BS coming from our western countries. Comments section got bad enough that the moderators had to close it. Funny, more foreigners are starting to see that Russia isn't the bad guy. Wonder when TR1 will.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:52 pm

    sepheronx wrote:

    Wow, not the article itself but the responses it obtained in the comments section.  Seems that my fellow Canadians are starting to wake up and see the utter BS coming from our western countries.  Comments section got bad enough that the moderators had to close it.  Funny, more foreigners are starting to see that Russia isn't the bad guy.  Wonder when TR1 will.

    Here in Germany was a little "docu" about Syria a year ago on N24 and in the comment section people already started to attack US for its lies and then a N24 moderator wrote

    "We do not accept any Anti-american or Pro-Russian comments in the comment section, so behave in a proper manner."

    After 20 minutes this moderator completley closed the comment section and ereased his threat and said this was some user, trying to make it seem they did not do it. After rechecking of several users it came out, you can not create any accounts on N24 with the name "Moderator,N24,Admin,Supervisor or anything with combination of N24 and some Mod.

    They pretty clear showed on which side they had to report.

    Also a poll with the question about Ukraine conflict people here were asked if the people had understanding of Putins political course.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 1448_2278

    The answer was 89% had understanding for Putins political course. After this Poll a new insult here in germany was born, if someone is making a good point that does not suit US he is called "Putin understander" the new Nazi or Antisemite word if you want.

    The poll was deleted later from their website and a those propagandists madea  conspiracy theory and tighten your seat belt....

    "Jobless russians are hired by Putin to be on german websites and post in perfect german language that ZDF/ARD,ORF are biased and one sided."

    That was the conspiracy theory the german propagandists come up with trying to make damage control on the wakening people here and it back fired.

    Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:54 pm

    Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:01 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    TR1 is one of those who have no idea about russian problems and if he sees a problem he only points at Putin, i haven't seen him pointing fingres at anyone else but putin.

    He made his point clear that he does not give a crap about russia and he contradicted himself already, once he said he lives in US a day ago he suddenly lives in Russia.

    When chechen civilists die its Putins fault and that this is a genocide, but when Afghani people, iraqi people or anyone else by US hands is genocided, he said himself does not give a damn. That already tells you he is not a russian and does not feel like one. I met in my life quite a few people who understood the language and were former citizens of Soviet Union but had such big grudge against russians and purposley lied, like a guy with the username Mrkurkara, ghosting around on several forums, blaming Putin for homeless and jobless people that became homeless and jobless under Jelzin, he blames Putin for drug abuse which is US fault with their drug wars British Empire style, that guy blames Putin for everything Jelzin and the jew oligarchs did.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:10 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    He is right and wrong. Like the rest of us. A lot of the statements are heresay. Stuff that is common knowledge but rarely evidence backs it up. Russian gov is far from perfect. But currently, in this times of trouble, you have to deal with whom you got, in order to deal with the issues at hand. If I ask who is a better candidate to run? The answer is usually: "No one right now". So the issue is, even if Putin is gone, who will run the show? How will it run? It is standard that corruption is the major number 1 issue, and only time can fix that as the younger generation who are fed up with it are now growing older and the ones involved, are pretty old now. Will it continue to stay as status quo? Who knows. Time will tell. But right now, I cannot find a decent political figure in Russia whom could run the show and do it half decently. I could be wrong of course.

    Putin is being put into a corner though. I heard a rumor that some people in his group is actually fed up with him as well, other FSB agents or politicians (even rumor went as far as Shoigu), who feel they can do a far better job running the country. Maybe that is what will happen. Maybe after this, when the dust settles and Russia has been isolated from west (so they are open to Asian, Africa and ME), someone else whom has more economical experience will take the helm. Who knows.

    I think the guy should go personally. When you have someone in power for long enough, things start to stagnate and lack of a development starts to happen. That is what we are currently seeing. As much as China is investing money, Russian gov is sitting on a pile of it, and not really investing like they should. When there are towns/cities that are in dire need of investments like Norilsk which is decaying and heavily poluted monograd (1 business town) of 170,000 people. Bet you that there is oil up their, or gas, or other minerals. Bet you that Norilsk Nickel plant makes more than enough to build a modern facility farther away from the city so it does not heavily polute it like now, and I bet you there is plenty of money to modernize the town and the living conditions. But no, currently, no one is interested in its development.

    There are plenty of opportunities and only now, some fire is being lit under butts to get people going. Small businesses and Medium Businesses are going to take the limelight in the future and only now they are getting the attention they deserve. Something like out of 3m new small businesses, only half of those survive because of poor tax codes and other issues due to government. So TR1 is correct on various issues. I just think he is far too critical, especially in the unwarranted areas.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  zino Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:11 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:About casualties... I have trustworthy sources which say that Ukrainian army suffered tremendous casualties. This source is tested and inside and I consider reliable.
    Additional this is in line with the diplomatic picture we have recently.

    Situation on the ground? Today is full of bad reports from the battlefield..
    Any of you have ever thought that Donetsk and Lugansk oblatst would be (besides Kharkov) the easiest to provide with gas from Russia? An independent Odessa would probably freeze. Or at least would be reliant from EU reverse flow..maybe it's a precise plan not to push too, wishful thinking!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:14 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    TR1 is one of those who have no idea about russian problems and if he sees a problem he only points at Putin, i haven't seen him pointing fingres at anyone else but putin.

    He made his point clear that he does not give a crap about russia and he contradicted himself already, once he said he lives in US a day ago he suddenly lives in Russia.

    When chechen civilists die its Putins fault and that this is a genocide, but when Afghani people, iraqi people or anyone else by US hands is genocided, he said himself does not give a damn. That already tells you he is not a russian and does not feel like one. I met in my life quite a few people who understood the language and were former citizens of Soviet Union but had such big grudge against russians and purposley lied, like a guy with the username Mrkurkara, ghosting around on several forums, blaming Putin for homeless and jobless people that became homeless and jobless under Jelzin, he blames Putin for drug abuse which is US fault with their drug wars British Empire style, that guy blames Putin for everything Jelzin and the jew oligarchs did.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

    Don't see how putin is to blame for joblessness or drugs. Since Russia is fighting a drug war (losing like everyone else) and unemployed numbers are drastically lower than before (actually, they are lower than USA or Canada). The thing I do blame Putin for is still the corruption, lack of a transparent justice system, and poverty of many areas. Only a handful of regions have high living standards. Rest of the country is really poor. Daegestan and Ingusetia will not be fixed till they bring in jobs as well as higher living standards there. And Siberia and far east will never develop if they do not invest in it. Only some companies like Rosneft is investing in it, or countries like China.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:15 pm

    zino wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:About casualties... I have trustworthy sources which say that Ukrainian army suffered tremendous casualties. This source is tested and inside and I consider reliable.
    Additional this is in line with the diplomatic picture we have recently.

    Situation on the ground? Today is full of bad reports from the battlefield..
    Any of you have ever thought that Donetsk and Lugansk oblatst would be (besides Kharkov) the easiest to provide with gas from Russia? An independent Odessa would probably freeze. Or at least would be reliant from EU reverse flow..maybe it's a precise plan not to push too, wishful thinking!

    What are the reports on the ground?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:20 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

    Jezus Christ why dont you become a comediant?
    PLEASE quote my messages where i said this, Cause i cant Remember when i said that BULLSHIT!!

    So you say i said i want Dutch sf to be attacked, i want NATO to go to war with russia and other bullshit.


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:24 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

    Jezus Christ why dont you become a comediant?
    PLEASE quote my messages where i said this, Cause i cant Remember when i said that BULLSHIT!!

    So you say i said i want Dutch sf to be attacked, i want NATO to go to war with russia and other bullshit.


    When I get the chance to upvote you, I will. Because I think you are being unfairly abused on this forum for some reason.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:28 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

    Jezus Christ why dont you become a comediant?
    PLEASE quote my messages where i said this, Cause i cant Remember when i said that BULLSHIT!!

    So you say i said i want Dutch sf to be attacked, i want NATO to go to war with russia and other bullshit.


    That is exactly what everyone here sees what you mean.

    Either you are just a 14 year old that can't even think 5 minutes into the future to see the consequences of any actions or you are exactly doing and saying thinks on purpose.

    NATO troops and yes dutch SF are NATO troops are send on ukrainian ground as you've claimed to "Secure" the MH17 crash site, while it does not need any securing from anyone, OSCE are there and were never blocked or attacked by rebels, everyone has entrance to the crash site who wants, but you cheering up for dutch Special forces for going to East ukraine?

    The only thing will happen and i will give you a prediction of the future which will take place if they really were ordered to go there. They will be nothing else but PR for the west to justify NATO intervention, they will be killed by Ukraine right sector or other scum like British/US terrorist from blackwater/academi and then they will blame Russia,Putin and his "paid rebels".

    No sane person would send into a country that is not NATO member NATO soldiers to avoid exact this situation, WAR!

    But you are wanting SF there to "secure" a crash site that is not under any attack or threat of anything.

    Yes, that exactly points to only 2 conclusions about your mental state, either you are a child that does not comprehend the consequences or you are wanting some NATOvs Russia action. And that is actually Madness.

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    Location : Northern Italy Autonomous Okrug

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  zino Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:40 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    zino wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:About casualties... I have trustworthy sources which say that Ukrainian army suffered tremendous casualties. This source is tested and inside and I consider reliable.
    Additional this is in line with the diplomatic picture we have recently.

    Situation on the ground? Today is full of bad reports from the battlefield..
    Any of you have ever thought that Donetsk and Lugansk oblatst would be (besides Kharkov) the easiest to provide with gas from Russia? An independent Odessa would probably freeze. Or at least would be reliant from EU reverse flow..maybe it's a precise plan not to push too, wishful thinking!

    What are the reports on the ground?

    I'm basing from and and the freaks of (discarding trolls and fascist apologists it's a work of a few minutes a day). I hate twitter so I don't bother to check its nonsense.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:45 pm

    Ah yes, decided to check out that trashy site. So far, 40 Ukrainian soldiers defected to Russia.

    Guess Kiev is losing sight and things are not quite as clear as we thought.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:46 pm

    So YOU think that i want that and you're the only one that thinks i want that, so PLEASE shut Up with your bullshit.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:47 pm

    sepheronx wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:Maybe TR1 is one of the few Russians that understands his government is not right at all :/

    Sure and you would be one of the dutch people that is compeltley sane when wanting NATO troops getting war with Russia... you both are biased and say others are biased.

    I could not care less about such muppets like TR1 or you, who wants dutch special forces to be attacked by rebels to see a war against Russia, because you my dutch friend would be one of the first of the recieving end of Nuclear weapons, not so much entertainment you would see after your little insane dream came true.

    Jezus Christ why dont you become a comediant?
    PLEASE quote my messages where i said this, Cause i cant Remember when i said that BULLSHIT!!

    So you say i said i want Dutch sf to be attacked, i want NATO to go to war with russia and other bullshit.


    When I get the chance to upvote you, I will.  Because I think you are being unfairly abused on this forum for some reason.

    Thats what i think aswell...
    Thanks by the way

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:51 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:So YOU think that i want that and you're the only one that thinks i want that, so PLEASE shut Up with your bullshit.

    You should be old enough to think at least a second about consequences, but you are the one who is cheering for NATO troops in East Ukraine, so shut up!

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:00 pm

    I am not cheering for NATO troops, i just wouldnt mond i mean look at the DAMN situation they are currently fighting a few Miles from there so researchers still cant do their job.

    And i am still waiting for your quotes :/

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:15 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:I am not cheering for NATO troops, i just wouldnt mond i mean look at the DAMN situation they are currently fighting a few Miles from there so researchers still cant do their job.

    And i am still waiting for your quotes :/

    And tell me if Ukrainian army and rebels are fighting each other in that region how are some dutch special forces would be a good solution for that situation?

    So how many NATO special forces would be necessary to protect the crash site, and you really think some dutch special forces can protect the Area from Artillery, catching it magically with their Special Forces hands?

    You don't even think for a second and here i will quote you.

    So according to your post with this, you at least believe that dutch SF (NATO troops) would be not attacked by seperatists, but do you really believe they wll not be attacked by Ukrainian army and the western mercenary terrorists, that already have provocted russian intervention several times?

    After the post of Regular with this.

    You replied

    So do even recognize the consequences of useless dutch Special Forces on the crash site, that they will not be capable of doing anything else but being targeted purposely by Ukrainian Army to create NATO wet dream of Russiavs NATO or are you still in support of useless presence of dutch sf (NATO troops)?


    I am not cheering for NATO troops,[u] i just wouldnt mind i mean look at the DAMN situation they are currently fighting a few Miles from there so researchers still cant do their job.[/u] wrote:

    Thanks for clearing that, so yes, you are just naive that would not mind that NATO troops are purposley targeted by Ukropy army to unleash NATO intervention, thanks for clearing exactly what i said. Not caring if there is WW3 is for me nothing else but insanity of the ignorance.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:25 pm

    No i dont think seperatists would attack nato sf when they were there.
    If they are fighting dutch sf could hold off both ukrainian forces and seperatists from the area so researchers could do the job and it could be my iPhone but i cant see your quotes.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:34 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:No i dont think seperatists would attack nato sf when they were there.
    If they are fighting dutch sf could hold off both ukrainian forces and seperatists from the area so researchers could do the job and it could be my iPhone but i cant see your quotes.

    Hahaha, your dutch special forces now somehow magical infused or something?

    How many special forces will be send 1000? Anything under 100 will not do anything, regardless of better training or not, they will not come with tanks and APCs.

    You are as insane as i claimed you are.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:36 pm


    But as i said the special forces wont go in anymore.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:01 pm

    But those quotes still dont answer my questions where did i say i want our sf to be attacked?
    Where did i say i wanted russia and nato to go to war with eachother?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:09 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:But those quotes still dont answer my questions where did i say i want our sf to be attacked?
    Where did i say i wanted russia and nato to go to war with eachother?

    You don't mind NATO troops in eastern ukraine and you really are naive to believe your low quality dutch SF can hold agaisnt Ukrain and rebels at the same time without tanks and against tanks.

    Not minding false flag ordered NATO troops shows that you are for that.

    No sane person would even for a second accepting that but you did.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:13 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Flyingdutchman wrote:But those quotes still dont answer my questions where did i say i want our sf to be attacked?
    Where did i say i wanted russia and nato to go to war with eachother?

    You don't mind NATO troops in eastern ukraine and you really are naive to believe your low quality dutch SF can hold agaisnt Ukrain and rebels at the same time without tanks and against tanks.

    Not minding false flag ordered NATO troops shows that you are for that.

    No sane person would even for a second accepting that but you did.

    So because of that i want nato and russia to go to war?
    You're insane too buddy

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #6 - Page 35 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #6

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:17 pm

    Flyingdutchman wrote:
    So because of that i want nato and russia to go to war?
    You're insane too buddy

    If you believe dutch special forces magical abilities and those believes let you sleep better, fine with me.

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