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    Russian Medical Development: News


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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  Hole Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:47 am

    The west will declare most or all vaccines made in other countries to be unsafe or useless. They will keep up travel warnings for those countries and people coming from there will be forced to quarantines or buy a shot from the good western vaccines for some money.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    kvs, do you consider Phase 3 trials to be unnecessary? It is my impression that in the field of life saving drugs (i.e. cancer treatments) they just prolong the time for a drug to enter the market by 5 years.

    It is a catch 22 situation... there are lots of drugs that are developed that seem safe and effective. Thalidomide was a very good drug that did exactly what it was supposed to do... the problem was that it was used to treat depression and did some terrible things to the unborn children of women if they were pregnant when they took that drug. This was a problem because not every woman knows whether they are pregnant when they start taking that drug.

    If you made a rule that thalidomide could only be prescribed for men it would be fine.

    The reverse is true too however where drugs that could save many lives are held up because they need to be thoroughly tested to make sure they work and have no dangerous side effects and lots of people can die because the companies are afraid of being sued and are just covering their asses.

    I would think the best solution is emergency use... someone who is going to die if they don't get the drug tested or not should be allowed to join the testing and see if it can save them... sign a waver so they can't sue if it makes them infertile or gay or something... I think if I were dying I would be happy to try it and sign anything you like.

    The Sputnik V vaccine showed very good early results and has been peer reviewed and made from solid reliable methods that have worked well in the past so after two trials they registered it as an option for those who want to take the risk can try it.

    In this case with a world wide pandemic providing enough samples becomes the problem so access is the real issue here.

    But I am sure politics will be involved as well...

    Phase III trials are a total canard:

    1) Russia and others were planning to and are conducting Phase III trials. The insinuation that they did not care about doing this is utter BS.

    2) Clearly Phase I and II trials are considered acceptable to determine both safety and efficacy. Internet "experts" pushing agenda driven narratives
    are in no position to declare that only Phase III trials matter.

    Trying to make this all about Phase III trials and whether I or others "believe in them" is defamatory propaganda.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 17, 2020 3:39 pm

    Hole wrote:The west will declare most or all vaccines made in other countries to be unsafe or useless. They will keep up travel warnings for those countries and people coming from there will be forced to quarantines or buy a shot from the good western vaccines for some money.

    I agree. The average western media consumer sheep does not have the ability to think for itself.

    I would take the research institute culture of Russian vaccine development over the corporate money grubber culture rampant in Big Pharma any day.
    And Russia is not interested in "making a buck" out of its vaccine. The only thing that matters is whether it does the job in Russia.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:11 pm

    The president of Argentina sings praises for Russian scientists (in medicine and elsewhere):

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    Post  Hole Thu Nov 05, 2020 12:14 pm

    Someone needs money. Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:52 am

    Or perhaps they have realised being Americas bitch is not really paying off for them so talking about changing sides or just opening up to Russian options might result in a coup in Argentina or it might lead to the US paying more attention to them and treating them better... which option the US chooses will decide which direction Argentina goes... a failed coup attempt will push Argentina towards Russia... like the failed coup attempt in Turkey did the same, and the now failed coup attempt in Bolivia will also likely lead to a shift in policy further away from the US and the west in general that ignored what the US was doing to them.

    The US and the west are clearly not paying enough attention... so looking to Russia or China for improved trade and investment... well he is just doing his job isn't he?

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty What Does This Mean?

    Post  calripson Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:20 pm

    This clearly bias article by Jon Cohen attempts to discredit the development of a Russian covid 19 vaccine. What I do not understand is the context of efficacy being based on 20 versus 94 corona cases. Are they saying that the number of exposed people in the control group is too small to draw a conclusion? Svetlana Zavidova rears her ugly head again in the article - still shilling for the Western pharmaceutical company dollars.

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    Post  kvs Sun Nov 15, 2020 10:43 pm

    calripson wrote:This clearly bias article by Jon Cohen attempts to discredit the development of a Russian covid 19 vaccine. What I do not understand is the context of efficacy being based on 20 versus 94 corona cases. Are they saying that the number of exposed people in the control group is too small to draw a conclusion? Svetlana Zavidova rears her ugly head again in the article - still shilling for the Western pharmaceutical company dollars.

    This article is propaganda BS.   Phase I and II trials never involve thousands of individuals.   This is the same drivel we heard before
    as if Phase III trials are not being done.    Countries that decided to use Sputnik V are running their own Phase III trials such as
    the case with the Philippines.   This actually makes more sense than Russia running Phase III trials in Russia since different genetics can result
    in different levels of effectiveness.  Human genetic variation is not trivial.  

    I wonder how this clown would justify Canada choosing its Ebola vaccine based on a Phase I trial only.

    Also, the peer reviewed study published in Lancet cites over 70 people in the Phase I and II trials. The number 20 is being pulled
    out of Cohen's ass.


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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  Scorpius Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:05 pm

    The Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF, the sovereign Fund of the Russian Federation), and Hetero, one of India's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers (through its subsidiary Hetero Biopharma), announce an agreement to produce more than 100 million doses per year of the world's first registered vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus in India.

    The parties intend to launch production of the vaccine in early 2021.

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    Post  kvs Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:16 pm

    Scorpius wrote:The Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF, the sovereign Fund of the Russian Federation), and Hetero, one of India's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers (through its subsidiary Hetero Biopharma), announce an agreement to produce more than 100 million doses per year of the world's first registered vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus in India.

    The parties intend to launch production of the vaccine in early 2021.

    Good news for India since it also made a deal for the rubbish AstraZeneca crapcine.   I hope Indians do some research
    before taking this poison that can leave them crippled for life or dead.   And no, this is not anti-vaccer tinfoil.   This is
    clear from the Phase I and II trials of this crapcine.   You can tell that vaccines are politicized BS since no sane country
    would sign up for the crapcine based on its merits alone.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:59 am

    I would just suggest that any company that demands a country to sign a waver so they cannot be held responsible for any side effects their product causes down the road is probably not the best vaccine to go for...

    Also, the peer reviewed study published in Lancet cites over 70 people in the Phase I and II trials. The number 20 is being pulled
    out of Cohen's ass.

    The Lancet is a British organisation that is widely respected as being accurate and not effected by political bias and their review of the Russian Vaccine suggests it is the best choice, because it uses reliable technology that has been successful in the past without side effects....

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:45 pm

    NPO "Crystal" produces air recirculators for large premises
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    NPO Kristall (Leningrad Region, Tosnensky District, town of Fedorovskoye) produces air recirculators with ultraviolet lamps for large rooms. The principle of operation of recirculators is based on the ability of ultraviolet radiation to destroy viruses, bacteria and fungal spores.

    Recirculators allow solving the problem of air disinfection in large rooms that are not equipped with disinfectants in ventilation circuits. NPO Kristall manufactures air recirculators for premises with a volume of up to 5000 m³ per apparatus, which can be used in trade premises, public catering, product warehouses, train stations, airports , etc.
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    "ODV-RB" is the name of a series of recirculators of the NPO Kristall company for air disinfection. The recirculators have a Registration Certificate from Roszdravnadzor.

    The process of air disinfection with UV radiation is referred to as "disinfection". Disinfection is a technological process that reduces the number of bacteria in the air, including pathogens, as well as viruses, protozoa and spores.

    The letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated 10.03.2020 No. 02 / 3853-2020-27 "On measures to prevent a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)" sets out recommendations for heads of organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, for the use of germicidal lamps in workrooms , air recirculators for regular air disinfection.

    Bactericidal and antiviral effects of ultraviolet radiation

    Ultraviolet rays are part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum and cover the region with wavelengths from 100 to 400 nm. The division of biologically active ultraviolet radiation into three areas is accepted:

    UV-A with a wavelength of 400-315 nm;
    UV-B with a wavelength of 315-280 nm;
    UV-C with a wavelength of 280-200 nm. The rays of the third area have the ability to kill various viruses, bacteria and fungal spores (the so-called bactericidal effect). This effect is intensely expressed in ultraviolet rays with wavelengths of 265-200 nm.
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    Conditions for efficient operation of the recirculator

    Multiplicity. The efficient operation of a recirculator is related to the volume of the room in which it operates. The productivity of one or several recirculators in one room should be 4-6 times higher than the volume of the treated room. Then he will be able to pass the entire volume of air in the room through himself every 10-15 minutes. This is very important, since people in the room serve as potential sources, and it is necessary that the air after exhalation undergoes disinfection as soon as possible. For example, for a room with an area of ​​36 m² with three-meter ceilings, it is necessary to use a recirculator or recirculators with a total capacity of about 500 m³ / hour.

    The hourly capacity (m³ / hour) of a recirculator or a group of recirculators should be 4-5 times the volume of the room in which they will be used.

    NP "NASCI" (National Association of Specialists in the Control of Infections Associated with the Provision of Medical Care) in its Temporary Guidelines "Prevention of the importation and spread of COVID-19 in medical organizations" dated May 14, 2020 recommends the use of various kinds of air purifiers - recirculators, if possible ensuring the air exchange rate of at least 4.

    For example, we have a room with a volume of 100 m³. This room has supply and exhaust ventilation with an air exchange rate equal to 2. The ventilation works constantly and supplies clean outdoor air. A person sick with influenza enters this room at time 0. It is known to emit 10,000 viruses / hour during breathing and talking. An hour later, the patient leaves the room. For example, if a recirculator is installed in the room, then it is constantly in operation.

    Virologists consider the infectious dose, for example, for influenza, equal to 20, that is, if a healthy person absorbs 20 viruses in a reasonable time (in the region of 1 hour), then with a 50% probability he will get the flu. Depending on the conditions (the presence of ventilation and a recirculator with different capacities), a certain distribution of viruses will be installed in this room.

    The first case - there are no recirculators in the room. Then the concentration of viruses will be established in it, equal to 50 pcs./m³, and even if after 1 hour a sick person leaves the room, a sufficiently high contamination of the air will persist for a long time (more than an hour) and healthy people in the room for a short time (about 20 minutes ) will receive an infectious dose, i.e., with a 50% probability of getting sick.
    The second - a recirculator with a capacity of 100 m³ / hour is installed in the room. As can be seen from the figure, in this case, a sufficiently high concentration of microorganisms will be established in the room (33 pcs / m³), ​​which practically preserves the likelihood of illness of healthy people in the room, even after the patient leaves the room.
    The third - a recirculator with a capacity of 500 m³ / hour is installed in the room. The concentration of microorganisms in the room will be only 14 pcs./m³, which drops very quickly when the patient leaves the room, and thus the disease of healthy people in the room is prevented.
    Fourth, a recirculator with a high performance is installed in the room, for example, 1000 m³ / h, so that the air exchange rate becomes 10. As a result, by the same time, the concentration of microorganisms will not exceed a very low level of 8 pcs / m³, which will rapidly decrease from the moment the patient leaves the room. Therefore, such air exchange rates are used for very clean rooms.
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    It can be seen from the graphs that only the use of a recirculator with a high performance (the air exchange rate is more than 4) allows a guaranteed concentration reduction below the infectious dose.

    The recirculator will be effective, that is, eliminate the risk of disease, if its capacity is at least 4-5 times the volume of air in the room. The use of recirculators, the total capacity of which (m³ / hour) is equal to or even less than the volume of the room to be disinfected, does not have any actual effect.

    Dose. Ultraviolet radiation dose. To disinfect each type of microorganism (for example, by 99.99%), a certain UV dose is required. The UV dose is the product of the exposure time and the exposure intensity.

    At a given UV power and a given speed of air movement through the recirculator (capacity), the larger the volume of the irradiation chamber in the recirculator, the more air is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the more air the recirculator can handle.

    The higher the radiation intensity, the higher the UV dose received per unit volume of air. The intensity can be increased by increasing the number and power of radiation sources, and it can also be increased by using special coatings for the walls of the chamber with lamps, these coatings will reflect ultraviolet light, thereby reducing the loss of ultraviolet radiation and increasing its intensity.

    Various materials are used to cover the inner walls of the recirculator, which reflect ultraviolet light. The higher the reflectance, the more times UV radiation will be reflected from the walls and irradiate the treated air. For example, polished steel, which has a reflectance of about 40%, will reflect the UV beam 6 times. Aluminum with a reflectivity of 80-85% - 21 times. In modern UV recirculators, materials with a reflectance of more than 95-98% are used, which makes it possible to increase the intensity in the irradiation chamber.

    When designing technically advanced recirculators, they strive to ensure the maximum internal volume of the housing and the maximum reflectivity of its walls. It follows from this that an efficient recirculator with a large air flow rate and intended, for example, for sales areas cannot be small in size.

    Recirculator operation description

    The device consists of a metal case, which contains a recirculation motor, a fan and UV lamps.

    The fan sucks air into the unit, where the air is disinfected with ultraviolet light and the already purified air is thrown out. The construction is closed and ultraviolet rays do not reach people in the room. No ozone is generated during operation.

    Recirculator applications:

    Shopping centers and shops
    Medical industry and institutions;
    Pharmaceutical enterprise;
    Schools, kindergartens and other educational organizations
    Medical and sports facilities
    Public catering and trade enterprises;
    Food industry enterprises;
    Agro-industrial enterprises
    Food and processing industry enterprises
    Administrative and office spaces
    Train stations and public transport stations
    Examples of large rooms where a recirculator can be used
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    1.) Productivity, m³ / h - 600m³ / h
    2.) Overall dimensions, mm - 380 × 380 × 1300
    3.) Power consumption - 800 W
    4.) Room volume - 4000m³
    5.) Room area - 800m².
    6.) Climatic version - UHL 4
    7.) Room categories - IV
    8.) Body material - stainless steel sheet
    9.) Resource of germicidal UV lamps 12000 hours


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    1.) Productivity, m³ / h - 600m³ / h
    2.) Overall dimensions, mm - 760 × 300 × 90
    3.) Power consumption - 800 W
    4.) Room volume - 4000m³
    5.) Room area - 800m².
    6.) Climatic version - UHL 4
    7.) Room categories - IV
    8.) Body material - sheet steel
    9.) Resource of germicidal UV lamps 12000 hours

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    1.) Productivity, m³ / h - 400m³ / h
    2.) Overall dimensions, mm - 380 × 400 × 1200
    3.) Power consumption - 600 W
    4.) Room volume - 3000m³
    5.) Room area - 600m².
    6.) Climatic version - UHL 4
    7.) Room categories - IV
    8.) Body material - sheet steel
    9.) Resource of germicidal UV lamps 12000 hours

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    1.) Productivity, m³ / h - 1300m³ / h
    2.) Overall dimensions, mm - 380 × 380 × 1400
    3.) Power consumption - 1050 W
    4.) Room volume - 5000m³
    5.) Premises area - 1000m².
    6.) Climatic version - UHL 4
    7.) Room categories - IV
    8.) Body material - sheet steel
    9.) Resource of germicidal UV lamps 12000 hours

    About company
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    The industrial enterprise LLC "Industrial UV Disinfection Systems" began its activities in 2006. The company was formed by professional engineers and specialists who have practical experience in the design and manufacture of equipment for the disinfection of water and air using ultraviolet radiation.

    In 2012, its own plant was launched, which includes four workshops for the production of UV equipment for the disinfection of water, air and surfaces. The production is located in the Leningrad region and has a full technological cycle from design to manufacture of products. As a source of UV radiation, the latest generation of ozone-free ultraviolet lamps with amalgam are used.

    The company designs, manufactures and supplies products for special customer requirements. The production includes the following departments:

    metalworking production,
    electro-technical department,
    paint line,
    Assembly shop,
    test site,
    design and engineering bureau,
    supply and marketing services.
    The range of the company includes more than 200 items of UV equipment. The equipment has been installed and is operating effectively at about 6,000 facilities throughout Russia.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  George1 Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:17 pm

    North Korea buys Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine, starts vaccination - report

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    Post  George1 Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:34 pm

    Hungary to receive Russian Sputnik V vaccine for 1 mln people

    The preparation will be delivered in three stages spanning three months, according to Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto

    MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Hungary will receive 2 mln doses of the Russian anti-coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V to inoculate 1 mln people, the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said at the talks with Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov on Friday.

    "Indeed, we have received a copy of the agreement signed by the Russian side. In accordance with the agreement, we will get access to a batch of the vaccine to vaccinate 1 mln people, which means the issue is potentially about 2 mln doses considering the fact that it is a two-component vaccine," he said.
    Read also
    Russian investment fund enters into contract on Sputnik V vaccine supply to Hungary

    The vaccine will be delivered to Hungary in three stages, the minister explained, adding that the country expects to receive 300,000 doses during the first month, 500,000 doses - in the second month, and 200,000 - in the third month. "Unfortunately, vaccines are supplied to Hungary very slowly, which is why it was very important for us to reach an agreement with the Russian side to be able to acquire respective medications from an independent source in large volumes," he said.

    Russian Healthcare Minister Mikhail Murashko said following a meeting with Szijjarto earlier on Friday that the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) had entered into a contract on supply of the Russian anti-coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V with the Hungarian side.

    The Hungarian online media outlet Index reported earlier this week that the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition had completed examining the documentation on the Russian vaccine Sputnik V and approved its use.

    Meanwhile the Russian Direct Investment Fund confirmed on Thursday that the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition of Hungary had approved Russia’s Sputnik V.

    Hungary became the first EU country in November 2020 where Sputnik V samples were supplied for trials.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  owais.usmani Tue Feb 02, 2021 2:35 pm

    After criticism last year for an early rollout, Russia's Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 100% effective against severe and moderate disease, according to an interim analysis of the vaccine's Phase 3 trial results.

    Even CNN can't help but admit it now. russia

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:00 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    After criticism last year for an early rollout, Russia's Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 100% effective against severe and moderate disease, according to an interim analysis of the vaccine's Phase 3 trial results.

    Even CNN can't help but admit it now. russia

    The hack pundits without any virologist background doubted it, but medical journals vouched for it.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  limb Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:32 pm

    So is the sputnik V available to russian and foreign citizens by now? I just see new about how its going to be available, but nothing about current vaccination rates. The pfizer vaccine seems to be given in large amounts by now.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:48 am

    About 20 countries have cleared Sputnik V for use and by the end of next week it will likely be 25 countries.

    Even if they like the look of it they have to go through all their own tests and checks which takes time.

    Apparently the Sputnik Vaccine is easy to make so many are looking to sign deals to make it themselves to boost the numbers of vaccines they can roll out.

    The early positive news seems to be continuing with results suggesting it is efficient in all age groups which is rather important. It is cheap and easy and simple to store and transport. It is kept at between 2 and 8 degrees C, which is not demanding conditions by any means.

    Most importantly the Russians are not using it as a political weapon to be used against other countries like the EU and US already are.

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    Russian Medical Development: News - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Medical Development: News

    Post  limb Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:37 am

    GarryB wrote:About 20 countries have cleared Sputnik V for use and by the end of next week it will likely be 25 countries.

    Even if they like the look of it they have to go through all their own tests and checks which takes time.

    Apparently the Sputnik Vaccine is easy to make so many are looking to sign deals to make it themselves to boost the numbers of vaccines they can roll out.

    The early positive news seems to be continuing with results suggesting it is efficient in all age groups which is rather important. It is cheap and easy and simple to store and transport. It is kept at between 2 and 8 degrees C, which is not demanding conditions by any means.

    Most importantly the Russians are not using it as a political weapon to be used against other countries like the EU and US already are.
    Yes but can average russians get vaccinated, not questions asked, currently?

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:13 am

    limb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:About 20 countries have cleared Sputnik V for use and by the end of next week it will likely be 25 countries.

    Even if they like the look of it they have to go through all their own tests and checks which takes time.

    Apparently the Sputnik Vaccine is easy to make so many are looking to sign deals to make it themselves to boost the numbers of vaccines they can roll out.

    The early positive news seems to be continuing with results suggesting it is efficient in all age groups which is rather important. It is cheap and easy and simple to store and transport. It is kept at between 2 and 8 degrees C, which is not demanding conditions by any means.

    Most importantly the Russians are not using it as a political weapon to be used against other countries like the EU and US already are.
    Yes but can average russians get vaccinated, not questions asked, currently?


    The vaccination points they're setting up in shopping malls and other venues even vaccinate foreigners

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    Post  Hole Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:41 pm

    limb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:About 20 countries have cleared Sputnik V for use and by the end of next week it will likely be 25 countries.

    Even if they like the look of it they have to go through all their own tests and checks which takes time.

    Apparently the Sputnik Vaccine is easy to make so many are looking to sign deals to make it themselves to boost the numbers of vaccines they can roll out.

    The early positive news seems to be continuing with results suggesting it is efficient in all age groups which is rather important. It is cheap and easy and simple to store and transport. It is kept at between 2 and 8 degrees C, which is not demanding conditions by any means.

    Most importantly the Russians are not using it as a political weapon to be used against other countries like the EU and US already are.
    Yes but can average russians get vaccinated, not questions asked, currently?

    2+ Million Russians have beend vaccinated plus a few hundred thousands doses have beend delivered to south american states, Algeria, Serbia and so on.

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:04 pm

    Over 100,000 residents of Argentina receive both components of Sputnik V vaccine

    Sputnik V is the first and the only vaccine delivered to Argentina

    BUENOS AIRES, February 3. /TASS/. More than 100,000 Argentinean citizens have already been inoculated with two components of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, the country’s Health Ministry said.
    Read also
    Mexican regulator authorizes use of Sputnik V vaccine — Health Ministry

    According to the ministry, a total of 283 people received the first component as of February 1. Two doses have already been administered to 106,280 people.

    Sputnik V is the first and, so far, the only vaccine delivered to Argentina. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the government of Argentina signed a contract to deliver 10 mln doses of the two-component preparation last year. The first batch of 300,000 doses of the first component was delivered to the Latin American republic on December 24. On December 29, Argentina launched inoculation of healthcare workers with Sputnik V.

    On January 20, the Argentine Health Ministry permitted to use the Russian preparation for inoculation of individuals over 60 years of age. Shortly after, the Russian vaccine was administered to Argentinean President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

    Mexican regulator authorizes use of Sputnik V vaccine — Health Ministry

    Health Minister Jorge Alcocer already signed a contract for deliveries of the Russian vaccine
    © Yegor Aleyev/TASS

    MEXICO, February 3. /TASS/. Mexico’s Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Coferpis) has issued a permission for the emergency use of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine against the novel coronavirus, Deputy Health Minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell told reporters.

    "Cofepris has just issued a permission for the emergency use of Sputnik V, developed by the Gamaleya Center," he said. "Therefore, an opportunity has been created to import and use it."

    He said the news of another vaccine obtaining state registration in Mexico was optimistic. Earlier on Tuesday, Lopez-Gatell said the country’s Health Minister Jorge Alcocer had signed a contract for deliveries of the Russian vaccine.

    According to the Mexican Health Ministry’s assessments, about 2.06 million cases of the novel coronavirus have been registered in the country since late February 2020, a total of 159,533 infected patients have died.

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    Post  Scorpius Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:54 pm

    limb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:About 20 countries have cleared Sputnik V for use and by the end of next week it will likely be 25 countries.

    Even if they like the look of it they have to go through all their own tests and checks which takes time.

    Apparently the Sputnik Vaccine is easy to make so many are looking to sign deals to make it themselves to boost the numbers of vaccines they can roll out.

    The early positive news seems to be continuing with results suggesting it is efficient in all age groups which is rather important. It is cheap and easy and simple to store and transport. It is kept at between 2 and 8 degrees C, which is not demanding conditions by any means.

    Most importantly the Russians are not using it as a political weapon to be used against other countries like the EU and US already are.
    Yes but can average russians get vaccinated, not questions asked, currently?
    Yes, we can.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:19 am

    Nicaragua now too

    Ministry of Health of Nicaragua has authorized the use of Sputnik V

    Moscow, February 3, 2021 – The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, Russia’s sovereign wealth fund) announces the registration of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Nicaragua.

    The vaccine was approved under the emergency use authorization procedure without additional clinical trials in the country. Thus Sputnik V is now registered in 6 countries of Latin America.

    Sputnik V had been approved earlier in Russia, Belarus, Argentina, Bolivia, Serbia, Algeria, Palestine, Venezuela, Paraguay, Turkmenistan, Hungary, UAE, Iran, Republic of Guinea, Tunisia, Armenia and Mexico.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:11 am

    Now Macron is willing to fly Sputnik as well, like like diseases​ don't care about "democracy" Cool

    France Says It’s Open to Russian Vaccine, Regardless of Politics

    France insisted that geopolitics isn’t a factor when it comes to making decisions about sourcing life-saving coronavirus vaccines.

    During a press briefing on Wednesday, an official in Emmanuel Macron’s office, who asked not to be named in line with protocol, said the French president and Chancellor Angela Merkel were aligned in welcoming any inoculations that meet European Union standards, and that geopolitics plays no role.

    The comment came in answer to a question about whether Macron would consider purchasing Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, which Merkel has said she’s ready to consider using in Germany. At the same time, the French official noted that the Russian vaccine hadn’t yet been approved by bloc.......

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