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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018


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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Firebird Thu May 28, 2015 6:52 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    Firebird wrote:This could get rather unsavoury.
    Russian people being killed by Yanksters in their 1000s.
    And now a clear attempt to destroy Russia's multi bn WCup hosting.

    Its really time Russia got firm on Uncle Sham. Instead of the playing Mr Niceguy.

    How about releasing some 911 files, and shit on the genocide in Iraq etc?

    PS countries that politically bully national(or global) football assns are banned from FIFA competition.
    Surely time to ban these pricks with their smears and attempts to restart Cold War v2

    The problem is that Russia is constantly in the defensive and just reacts. Russia is never the instigator. It just tries to shield against attacks directed against it. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. But it never responds.

    If the USA is able to kill thousands of ethnic Russians via their ukropy proxies then Russia should "arrange" some event that kills thousands of anglosaxon people.

    If the USA is able to destroy Russian youth with their Afghan drug flow then Russia should be able to respond with a similar way.

    Bring the war and terrorism to North American continent.

    Well most Anglo Saxon (British) people cant stand America. Just like many Americans cant stand Obummer/Bush etc

    The stench of Cold War propaganda was incredible on TV yday. Talks of boycotts of the Ru and Qatar W Cups. Warren Buffett has been coordinating this campaign, with Visa and Coca Cola (he's a bigshareholder in both.

    The tv cameras went to some shitty non league and youth football clubs in some grim shithole in the North of England. And interviewed a surprising "eloquent" (altho idiotic) football father. So very likely a plant for media spin. Anyway they were saying how terrible it was that this "fraud had occurred and the local clubs had no money). Sadly they chose to omit the fact football is awash with money. Rupert Murdoch has a stranglehold on TV football and charges an obscene amt. Similarly our formerly greatest clubs have been taken over and utterly destroyed by Yanks (some in blatantly fraudulent deals, in collusion with bent banks). Fans again are utterly ripped off.

    FIFA rules mean that govts who interfere in football, with political motives are banned from competition. So surely America and its gimpboys shopuld be banned. In any case, America has no interest in football other than money, greed, Cold War spin and its destruction.

    Finally, its interesting to see how all this shit happens after the 2 cocksuckers (Kerry+Nuland) visit Moscow. We've had the FIFA show trial commmence, restart of the Ukr war, AND some high profile Donbass figures assassinated.

    Time Russia started dishing out some of the shit its had inflicted on it.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  GarryB Thu May 28, 2015 7:25 pm

    I think not being an instigator is a good thing... Russia should not be the bully the US is, and neither should China or India or any other country.

    The worlds nations should vote with their feet and choose not to deal with the US and the EU and other bully states... and just effectively give them a time out...

    Acting like the US will just make Russia no better than the US... if they are going to be no better than the US then at least the US is printing lots of money so it can afford to bribe well.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 29, 2015 12:50 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    Firebird wrote:This could get rather unsavoury.
    Russian people being killed by Yanksters in their 1000s.
    And now a clear attempt to destroy Russia's multi bn WCup hosting.

    Its really time Russia got firm on Uncle Sham. Instead of the playing Mr Niceguy.

    How about releasing some 911 files, and shit on the genocide in Iraq etc?

    PS countries that politically bully national(or global) football assns are banned from FIFA competition.
    Surely time to ban these pricks with their smears and attempts to restart Cold War v2

    The problem is that Russia is constantly in the defensive and just reacts. Russia is never the instigator. It just tries to shield against attacks directed against it. Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. But it never responds.

    If the USA is able to kill thousands of ethnic Russians via their ukropy proxies then Russia should "arrange" some event that kills thousands of anglosaxon people.

    If the USA is able to destroy Russian youth with their Afghan drug flow then Russia should be able to respond with a similar way.

    Bring the war and terrorism to North American continent.

    The problem is that the US government does not care A SHIT of their own people..
    they murder thousands of their own people in false flags inside jobs to justify the excessive
    power of the government over its population

    The US elite have programs to exterminate their own population slowly.. depopulation of
    America from low level classes.  So if Russia was to do what American Elite does ,it will facilitate
    things to them..  lol1

    RUssia needs instead to hurt them where it really hurts them.. by destroying US economy
    and blocking NATO wars anywhere in the planet.. Provide weapons to any opposition were NATO fights.. and remap of the middle east..

    Russia for example could do a LOT of damage to US economy by installing a democracy
    in Saudi Arabia friendly to IRAN and RUssia, and getting rid of Radical Islam there.. It can also helps by Helping Syria defeat the american proxy war and fully arm and train Hizbolah with state of the art weapons ,to liberate Palestinians..

    Israel nuclear weapons will NOT be able to save their nation ,.if invaded by 100,000 were trained Shia -secular muslin mercenaries. Because ISrael cannot use nukes in their own land ,
    or will affect their own nation.. Once you kick Israel from the middle east you will no longer
    see the endless wars there.

    About FIFA.. Putin already have said that the arrest of the 9 executives is purely political
    move by USA and only seeks to boycott Russia hosting the World Cup in 2018.. The American
    Elite are supposed to have Russia "isolated from the world" and Russia celebrating the world cup will only be a major embarrassment for their containment policy.. Because things like olympics and world sport events encourage investments in Russia ,  promote Tourism  and will effectively
    LIFT the economic Siege of RUssia by the american government stinky exceptionalism.

    So what the world witness is not a military war .. but a world wide economic warfare against
    Russia that is on its initial stages.. it will become full fledge ,once US manage to forced Russia
    to invade Ukraine to stop their genocide there.

    The key in all this to avoid the conflict to move from economic warfare into a military one
    with nuclear weapons...  (ie.. that americans feels completely hopeless and frustrated for not containing Russia)  is Europe.. and they break their inconditional alliance
    with them..  I can assure you.. American Hegemony and Wars will end overnight whenever European nation rise up.. and vast majority leave NATO and seek closer alliance with Russia.
    to restore world order,regain their own Indepence and Power. that is regain their voice, and end the American destruction of this world.  and creation of a new Multi Polar world ,where every
    nation interest respected

    here is Putin ,what he told about the latest circus by the Federal Terrorist Organization ,better know as FBI..

    In all this.. this is a big warning for Russia and all Russians living abroad in US or its European
    colonies.. effectively Americans can arrest anyone ,that they want in any part of Europe under
    fraudulent charges.. if they consider them ,a major obstacle for Americans getting their policies
    implemented.  Because they could not black mail the FIFA president to blockade Russia from the world cup 2018.. they are now targeting for "corruption" the entire organization.. Fortunately
    the FIFA president told the world cup in 2018 will go forward regardless of this new scandal.. the he knows is 100% political.. the reasons of the arrest.

    The more Desperates the american government becomes.. the more erratic and illegal the government actions will be. and the more closer their real face will be visible to the entire world.
    A criminal Network Multinational Organization. = USA.  This is the "Freedom loving nation" that
    TR1 praise so much..   And this is why i have said Neoconservatism.. is today a new form
    of Nazism.. much more dangerous and destructive than any other movement ever created in the planet.. Because Nazis had far less ambitious goals ,only focused in Europe domination and just stopped in just 5 years.. but the Anglozionism ,not they are poised to threaten the entire world , and send it to the dark ages ,if a Russian and Europe alliance do not stop them..
    And they are capable to take down the entire world.. if they believe they will fail in controlling it.

    max steel
    max steel

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  max steel Fri May 29, 2015 1:50 am

    Funny how the Clinton's were working both sides of the 2022 venue selection...

    "In November 2010, former president Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. traveled to Zurich to lobby soccer’s world governing body in support of the U.S. bid to host the 2022 World Cup."

    No big loss to the Clintons...because their backup client Qatar won after donating between 250K and 500K to the Clinton Foundation.

    Perhaps the US contingent just didn't donate enough to the Clinton Foundation.


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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 29, 2015 3:38 am


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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 29, 2015 3:44 am


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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 29, 2015 4:06 am

    Putin Disagree with him..

    lets see what he told..

    1) Putin: FIFA-linked arrests are US attempt to thwart Blatter re-election

    2) Putin: Sepp Blatter pressured over Russia hosting world coup 2018

    he told this arrest is basically an attempt to interference in the re-election of the current administration. The american government is Run on Corruption.. that is not illegal there.. All US Senate and Congress and the white house are bribed with millions for passing laws.. This is the job of AIPAC and other lobbies. In real democratic nations in latin america any politician who receive money for passing laws to favor a company of any politician is send to jail.
    but that doesn't happen in USA.. Bribery is actually encouraged..  

    So this whole FIFA thing is a complete political thing and nothing else.. It seeks to blockade
    the re-election of the current leadership in FIFA..and instead replace him for a puppet Jordanian
    muslin trash.. that his government is guilty like others of sending Alqaeda mercenaries to fight
    in Syria with weapons..

    So he is 100% wrong.  FIFA arrest is ALL about blockading Russia World Cup in 2018.
    And not allowing Russia to virtually Lift the american siege on Russia economy and containment.
    The US government wants to take control of the Olympics and isolate Russia from it..
    It was said also that FIFA was seeking to ban ISrael from participating in 2018 world cup
    for violating the laws of the organization..  and that was the reason for the sudden arrest .

    Corruption ,Drugs smugling ,Terrorism ,child rape and crime and even Satanism ,that
    was all a normal part of US Mafia government, a normal day for them.. The only people that can be arrested for corruption in that government is people without the blessings of their neoconservative political elite.
    max steel
    max steel

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  max steel Fri May 29, 2015 4:35 am

    They were going to vote for Israel expulsion from FIFA . You're missing that angle .

    there is no mention that FIFA was considering a motion by Palestine to sanction Israel. This effort was apparently close to a resolution, and was set for a public airing tomorrow, as (US ally Qatar's) Al Jazeera reported just yesterday:
    "Palestinian players have been killed in the latest Israeli war on Gaza and in confrontations with Israeli forces in the West Bank. Others were injured or detained, including Johar Halabiyeh, an Abu Dis player who was shot 11 times in his legs in January 2014.
    "Israeli authorities have imposed restrictions on the building of sports facilities, while Israeli forces have broken up games and even attacked the Palestine Football Association (PFA) headquarters.
    "For the past two years, the PFA has been filing complaints to FIFA over Israel's systematic violations. Last week, the PFA pushed for a vote to suspend the Israeli Football Association (IFA) membership in FIFA.
    "The Palestinian proposal is expected to be discussed in FIFA's upcoming congress in Zurich on May 29. 'It's not about suspending the Israel Football Association (IFA); it's about our rights. This is a fair deal,' PFA president, Jibreel Rajoub, told Al Jazeera."

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 29, 2015 5:44 am

    More on fifa scandal..

    Putin :
    “It’s another clear attempt by the USA to spread its jurisdiction to other states. And I have no doubt – it’s a clear attempt not to allow Mr Blatter to be re-elected as president of Fifa, which is a great violation of the operating principles of international organizations. The US prosecutor, as our media report, has already said that those Fifa officials have committed a crime. As if the prosecutor didn’t know about the principle of the presumption of innocence.”

    From website report :

    What is just as ironic is that the one reason the US determined it has jurisdiction over the case is only because FIFA’s corrupt officials had used US banks as intermediaries to funnel and otherwise launder bribes and other flows of funds. The same criminal banks which the Department of Justice busted just a week earlier for rigging the FX market.

    How many people were arrested in the DOJ’s crackdown on criminal US banks? 0.

    How many people are arrested as part of the DOJ’s crackdown on FIFA: 14.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 29, 2015 12:03 pm

    Already the European - Jew puppets ,telling blatter to step down and that will back down
    as President of FIFA,  the son of the Terrorist Dictator King of Jordan that is arming Jihadist extremmist to fight in Syria..  This will be a real major game changing thing.. that the President of the organization could be literary an ISIS terrorist sponsor.. if the Jordanian candidate allowed to win.  Imagine the olympics in Russia.. that the Jordanian Terrorist son , use its Presidential powers to give exclusive access to terrorist to the world cup in 2018.. only to sabotage the Image
    of Russia as a secure nation and damage its tourism..  It will be no different if ALqaeda was elected president of FIFA ,than to pick the son of the jordanian King.

    Having a muslin terrorist as president ,will be the biggest threat to any nation hosting any
    Sports olympics Shocked   Anyone remember the Israel false flag terrorist attacks on its own sport team in an olympics? to blame the palestinians for it?  I tell you.. if the Jordan son ,is elected..
    you will see American government blackmailing any nation (as bandar bush did to Putin) ..
    with terrorism attacks in any sport event.. if the nation does not align with US global mafia policies.

    That is terrorist groups ISIS or Alqaeda getting exclusive access to sport olympics facilities.
    I wish the world were more AWAKENED and Not zombies ,but fully aware of the Dangerous
    Nation that United States is.. is more dangerous than ISIS or Alqaeda combined ,specially if
    they perceive you as a competition and obstacle to their empire.


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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  zepia Sat May 30, 2015 4:37 am

    Joseph Blatter has been re-elected as FIFA president following a voting during the 65th FIFA Congress in Zurich on Friday.

    Prince Ali bin Hussein has withdrawn from the race.

    "I just wanted to thank all of you. It's been a wonderful journey in terms of knowing you, working with you,
    seeing the challenges you have, and I want to thank in particular all of you who were brave enough to support me.
    But having said that, I will be withdrawing from the race," Prince Ali said.

    Earlier in the first round of voting Blatter won 133 votes, while Prince Ali gained support of 73 members at the 65th FIFA Congress.

    The FIFA presidential election was held as scheduled following a corruption scandal involving several high-ranking officials of the organization.

    Europe Accused of Holding FIFA to Ransom Over World Cup Boycott Claims
    On May 27, the US Justice Department unsealed an indictment charging 14 defendants — among them nine senior FIFA officials — with racketeering,
    money laundering and taking about $150 million in bribes. Seven of the FIFA defendants were arrested in Switzerland on a US federal corruption warrant.

    Only two nominees — four-time incumbent Blatter, who has been FIFA president since 1998,
    and current FIFA Vice President for Asia, Prince Ali bin Hussein of Jordan — had been running for the FIFA presidency.
    Several new FIFA members, including South Sudan, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe received FIFA approval ahead of the Friday election to cast their votes.

    Read more:

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Firebird Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:27 am

    Blatter's just been forced out of FIFA.
    Western media wouldn't accuse him of anything, so so much for the "evidence" against him.

    This is really a case of economic and cultural terrorism by the United Snakes.

    Americans have RUINED the great football clubs of England. They have appalling plans for the Champions Lge and Europa.
    Their own "sports" ie "sports media brands" are a fucking joke.

    Next target ofcourse the 2018 World Cup, with America's bitch boy (ie Britain) aimed to take over it.
    And the United Snakes itself plans to take the Qatar World Cup.
    Both by foul means rather than fair.

    I think Russia should hit back hard. Clearly Cold War 2 is now on.
    Karl Haushofer

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:38 am

    Firebird wrote:
    I think Russia should hit back hard. Clearly Cold War 2 is now on.
    Russia should hit back with what? Russia's soft power and economic power are minimal compared to the United States.

    The United States is like that good looking tall guy who can do no wrong. No matter what crimes he commits. One dashing smile and all is forgiven and forgotten. Russia is the opposite. No matter how hard Russia tries to be good it is still either hated or loathed.

    The United States is in an enviable position. Surrounded and protected by oceans. The best climate in the world with abundant natural resources. The best agricultural land in the world. Talented and pretty hard working population. Steals the best brains from the rest of the world (including Russia) with immigration. Causes havoc and destruction to Eurasian continent while sucking wealth and money for itself.

    It is not a fair world.
    max steel
    max steel

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  max steel Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:59 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    I think Russia should hit back hard. Clearly Cold War 2 is now on.
    Russia should hit back with what? Russia's soft power and economic power are minimal compared to the United States.

    The United States is like that good looking tall guy who can do no wrong. No matter what crimes he commits. One dashing smile and all is forgiven and forgotten. Russia is the opposite. No matter how hard Russia tries to be good it is still either hated or loathed.

    The United States is in an enviable position. Surrounded and protected by oceans. The best climate in the world with abundant natural resources. The best agricultural land in the world. Talented and pretty hard working population. Steals the best brains from the rest of the world (including Russia) with immigration. Causes havoc and destruction to Eurasian continent while sucking wealth and money for itself.

    It is not a fair world.

    Let me correct you : usa isnt the only country when it comes to natural resource russia is ofcourse leads in it.
    And usa is NOT best aggricultural land in world . Stealing best brains ? NOT necessarily . Yes that is America Secret Weapon .
    Karl Haushofer

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:06 am

    max steel wrote:
    Let me correct you : usa isnt the only country when it comes to natural resource russia is ofcourse  leads in it.
    True, but Russia's climate is lot worse and Russia lacks warm water ports. And the US makes a better use of its resources than Russia (as it refines them locally instead of exporting them as raw materials).

    max steel wrote:
    And usa is NOT best aggricultural land in world .
    It is the biggest agricultural power in the world.

    max steel wrote:
    Stealing best brains ? NOT necessarily . Yes that is America Secret Weapon .
    Basically "everyone" wants to go to America. Scientists. Athletes. Businessmen. Even Russians.

    Yes, and I pretty much hate America. They have it "too good" when you look at what they do to rest of the world.

    EDIT: I understand that most of the people in this forum also live in America or in Canada. You made a choice to move there.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:14 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    max steel wrote:
    Let me correct you : usa isnt the only country when it comes to natural resource russia is ofcourse  leads in it.
    True, but Russia's climate is lot worse and Russia lacks warm water ports. And the US makes a better use of its resources than Russia (as it refines them locally instead of exporting them as raw materials).

    max steel wrote:
    And usa is NOT best aggricultural land in world .
    It is the biggest agricultural power in the world.

    max steel wrote:
    Stealing best brains ? NOT necessarily . Yes that is America Secret Weapon .
    Basically "everyone" wants to go to America. Scientists. Athletes. Businessmen. Even Russians.

    Yes, and I pretty much hate America. They have it "too good" when you look at what they do to rest of the world.

    EDIT: I understand that most of the people in this forum also live in America or in Canada. You made a choice to move there.

    Man your full of shit.

    Russia is one of the largest metallurgical countries in the world. What do you think companies like Norlisk Nickel and the likes actually do? Where do you think they get composit materials from?

    Many of us are people of various generations living in Canada or west. Not like we had a choice.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:14 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    I think Russia should hit back hard. Clearly Cold War 2 is now on.
    Russia should hit back with what? Russia's soft power and economic power are minimal compared to the United States.

    The United States is like that good looking tall guy who can do no wrong. No matter what crimes he commits. One dashing smile and all is forgiven and forgotten. Russia is the opposite. No matter how hard Russia tries to be good it is still either hated or loathed.

    The United States is in an enviable position. Surrounded and protected by oceans. The best climate in the world with abundant natural resources. The best agricultural land in the world. Talented and pretty hard working population. Steals the best brains from the rest of the world (including Russia) with immigration. Causes havoc and destruction to Eurasian continent while sucking wealth and money for itself.

    It is not a fair world.

    And the most stupid government with an inferiority complex against Putin (the alpha-male, as they call him), doing everything to try and harm Russia and destroy its leadership but at the same time burning the foundations of its own empire, betraying all of its own principles to defend a bunch of ruthless oligarchs and their Nazi militias in the Ukraine, running a spying ring more extensive than the Stasi's and KGBs put together, asserting blatant control over most major printed and TV media both at home and abroad, destabilizing entire continents for the purpose of preserving influence and preoccupying rivals, and plenty of other things.

    To who is the US that good looking tall guy? The Middle East? Russia? South America? India? China? List is getting smaller and smaller, that's the point.
    With each blatant intrusion into sport or whatever other arena, more and more illusions will be cast off.

    You think that a country can continue to run this way w/o consenquences. I'm telling you - it cannot, everything eventually comes back around like a boomerang and its happening now too; with all the arm-twisting the US has done of the Europeans and the propaganda that its ramping up; people are becoming more and more tired of its influence.

    This latest FIFA arm-twisting is just the latest episode, blunder after blunder.
    Putin said as much in the interview on the FIFA scandal. Seen it yet?
    He went into a bit of a rant - but was very relaxed indeed. This is because he knows that regardless of the short-term consenquences for his own country, the US is its own worst enemy.
    His main message was 'look everybody, this is how the US behaves. Observe, and learn it well. I've been telling you so all along'

    Politicizing the FIFA World Cup and taking away Russia's rights to host the games will harm Russia, but it will harm the US's reputation much more as that is the price to pay for pulling off a coup in an international sports organization. Qatar will probably be targetted too, as cover against any allegations of the US waging its war with Russia on this arena - but it will fool no-one.
    Karl Haushofer

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Karl Haushofer Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:26 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    max steel wrote:
    Let me correct you : usa isnt the only country when it comes to natural resource russia is ofcourse  leads in it.
    True, but Russia's climate is lot worse and Russia lacks warm water ports. And the US makes a better use of its resources than Russia (as it refines them locally instead of exporting them as raw materials).

    max steel wrote:
    And usa is NOT best aggricultural land in world .
    It is the biggest agricultural power in the world.

    max steel wrote:
    Stealing best brains ? NOT necessarily . Yes that is America Secret Weapon .
    Basically "everyone" wants to go to America. Scientists. Athletes. Businessmen. Even Russians.

    Yes, and I pretty much hate America. They have it "too good" when you look at what they do to rest of the world.

    EDIT: I understand that most of the people in this forum also live in America or in Canada. You made a choice to move there.

    Man your full of shit.

    Russia is one of the largest metallurgical countries in the world. What do you think companies like Norlisk Nickel and the likes actually do? Where do you think they get composit materials from?

    Many of us are people of various generations living in Canada or west. Not like we had a choice.
    I don't regard Russia as a "banana republic" but overall its economy is quite a much behind the United States. The US gdp is of course inflated (due to dollar's position as the world reserve currency) but they do also have a gigantic real production and real economy. And their good climate and shorter distances between population centers makes it easier for them to maintain this gigantic economy.
    max steel
    max steel

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  max steel Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:27 am

    Best aggric lands are in South America and US isnt even an agragarian economy .hyping things now .

    You cant help with weather . Which resource are you talking about that usa refines on its own ?  Shale oil ?

     " Everyone wants  to go to usa " .  Thats typical yellow press stuff . I cant speak for russians . But I am not from usa and i have no interest in migrating to usa . Its funny recently a news flaahed with record number of americans evoking their citizrnship and how IRS has literally pissed usa taxpayers . Talking about business well China is the hot destination but yes companies do business in usa at large scale compared to russia . 

    I dont hate US citizens they are rather  helpless . but they dont fight back because us gov has crushed youth resistance in usa .

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:27 am

    I dont really care at all about football. But what I do know is they can still salvage the use of the stadiums and infrastructure. Pull something like a Universaids like Kazan did. Instead, get European, Asian, Middle eastern, african and latin american countries whom are interested in playing games in Russia, play. Can set up an alternative to FIFA. Or something that can work alongside of it. I bet after this some countries will be pissed at US and will take the initiative when it shows.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:29 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    max steel wrote:
    Let me correct you : usa isnt the only country when it comes to natural resource russia is ofcourse  leads in it.
    True, but Russia's climate is lot worse and Russia lacks warm water ports. And the US makes a better use of its resources than Russia (as it refines them locally instead of exporting them as raw materials).

    max steel wrote:
    And usa is NOT best aggricultural land in world .
    It is the biggest agricultural power in the world.

    max steel wrote:
    Stealing best brains ? NOT necessarily . Yes that is America Secret Weapon .
    Basically "everyone" wants to go to America. Scientists. Athletes. Businessmen. Even Russians.

    Yes, and I pretty much hate America. They have it "too good" when you look at what they do to rest of the world.

    EDIT: I understand that most of the people in this forum also live in America or in Canada. You made a choice to move there.

    Man your full of shit.

    Russia is one of the largest metallurgical countries in the world. What do you think companies like Norlisk Nickel and the likes actually do? Where do you think they get composit materials from?

    Many of us are people of various generations living in Canada or west. Not like we had a choice.
    I don't regard Russia as a "banana republic" but overall its economy is quite a much behind the United States. The US gdp is of course inflated (due to dollar's position as the world reserve currency) but they do also have a gigantic real production and real economy. And their good climate and shorter distances between population centers makes it easier for them to maintain this gigantic economy.

    May surprise you to know that I live in Russia. Not only that, but that I also emigrated here (or repatriated) from the West.
    Been living here 5 years now, quite content really.

    You're right that Russia has a long way to go, but it's not as bleak as you make it sound.
    Something must be attracting people to come, and for those already here - to stay, because it's the 2nd most immigrated to country in the world, and because according to the most recent survey, some 81% of Russians have no plans of leaving the country to work abroad.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:39 am

    You know what Russia doesnt have that US has? $18T debt with $21T liabilities. Did you know, in USA, they account debt ceiling increase to their GDP numbers? Did you also know roughly 90M people in USA collect a welfare or food stamps?

    Lwt me tell you, the grass isnt always greener on the other side. since I married an Indian from India, I have heard many tell me that they were lied to on how great Canada is. So put that into perspective.

    Russia has many major companies. They got millions of small businesses too. What they dont have, is controll over their CBR and do not over inflate numbers. I understand there are poor villages in Russia. Guess what, we have then too. Some of my family lives in one. That is OK though cause they survive and dont mind it.

    Guess what else? Average Russians debt is roughly $144. The banks dont even own majority of Russian houses. I cant say the same here.

    Also, I dont think that the banks threw millions of Russians out into the street when the housing bubbles burst.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Firebird Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:18 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    I think Russia should hit back hard. Clearly Cold War 2 is now on.
    Russia should hit back with what? Russia's soft power and economic power are minimal compared to the United States.

    The United States is like that good looking tall guy who can do no wrong. No matter what crimes he commits. One dashing smile and all is forgiven and forgotten. Russia is the opposite. No matter how hard Russia tries to be good it is still either hated or loathed.

    The United States is in an enviable position. Surrounded and protected by oceans. The best climate in the world with abundant natural resources. The best agricultural land in the world. Talented and pretty hard working population. Steals the best brains from the rest of the world (including Russia) with immigration. Causes havoc and destruction to Eurasian continent while sucking wealth and money for itself.

    It is not a fair world.

    I think your view is very inaccurate and outdated.
    America might have Britain, some of Europe and a few 3rd world shitholes as its bitches.
    But America's own posn is much like Britain in the 1920s. An empire yes, but the reasons for the empire's existence has long since passed.

    America had a last high pt in the 1990s. But now there is the EU, China, RUssia, India and various powerful blocs. Dollar hegemony cant last forever, it is ending. Most of the world is sick of its bullying. And Russia is putting its foot down, as indeed China, the EU etc will too.

    Regardless of all that, it is truly hated around much of the World. And that includes much of Europe, Lat America and elsewhere.

    America's middle class is disappearing. And most of America's immigrants are unskilled sweatshoppers. Its not that appealing to 1st worlders any more. (I almost moved years ago, but wouldnt dream of going to the US now).

    What we have with the world cup is a scared America, trying every trick in the book. It cant fool all the EU that America and Europe's interests all convergence. Infact America got rich by causing shit for Europe. LOng term, America will just be "another successful country", with rich AND very poor. It will be like a much larger Australia, but any claims of hegemony will be long gone.

    Russia could hit bacl with lots of things. But there is no need to with the EU. THe EU knows that it has much in common with Russia.

    RUssia could sponsor unrest in America. It could release all the dirt it has on America - America's spying and terror on other states in the name of "anti terror". America's GMO devilry. It could even attack the US financial system which relies on stability in a way unlike any of Russia's industries. There is much it could do.

    Basically America needs to grow up. Its the petulant child with an overinflated sense of "entitlement".
    It has a place in the World. It is not THE World.

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  Firebird Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:44 am

    I hope America doesnt start running FIFA>

    America is planning all sorts of shit for European football, all of it grotesque.

    ENgland had 3 of the top clubs in Europe. Lpool, Man Utd and Arsenal.
    Americans took them over. Its now obscene ticket prices (5x those of Bayern, Barcelona and Real madrid etc), and all the star players get sold. So the teams do shit in Europe. Germany and Spain, the fans own the clubs. ENgland's former giants are owned by Yanks, who rip off the fans at every opportunity.

    Lpool in particular was taken over by Americans in a corporate fraud. And ofcourse the gimp legal system in Britain did nothing about it.

    England has a Russian and an Arab owned club, who replaceed the American owned 3 as the top clubs. Both very successful and the fans are respected.
    The non American owners want to win, entertain the fans (Chelsea and Man City).

    The American owned clubs are just shit. They arent clubs, its corporate rip off shit. For a football mad country like England, this is yet another reason to mean America has become truly hated. (Along with Iraq, GMO, political meddling and the influx of US multinationals etc etc)

    FIFA under American rule will be a joke. Like boxing it will be pay per view for everything. Greed incarnate. It really will be like the Devil took over.

    Its like finding a suspected paedo, and letting Lucifer investigate the Vatican.
    max steel
    max steel

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    FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 - Page 2 Empty Re: FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

    Post  max steel Wed Jun 03, 2015 7:51 am

    There are 93 million unemployed americans . Now count those with the 29.5$ hr/wk job holders from 330 million US population . Yes Russia is second in migration even russian jews are coming back from israel as moscow has much better opportunities than israel .

    Firebird wrote:

    America's middle class is disappearing. And most of America's immigrants are unskilled sweatshoppers. Its not that appealing to 1st worlders any more. (I almost moved years ago, but wouldnt dream of going to the US now).

    What we have with the world cup is a scared America, trying every trick in the book. It  cant fool all the EU that America and Europe's interests all convergence. Infact America got rich by causing shit for Europe. LOng term, America will just be "another successful country", with rich AND very poor. It will be like a much larger Australia, but any claims of hegemony will be long gone.

    Russia could hit bacl with lots of things. But there is no need to with the EU. THe EU knows that it has much in common with Russia.

    RUssia could sponsor unrest in America. It could release all the dirt it has on America - America's spying and terror on other states in the name of "anti terror". America's GMO devilry. It could even attack the US financial system which relies on stability in a way unlike any of Russia's industries. There is much it could do.

    Basically America needs to grow up. Its the petulant child with an overinflated sense of "entitlement".
    It has a place in the World. It is not THE World.

    1) EU will always be washington flunkies as long as its empire exist . They have no common interest with Russia apart from doing business nothing else .

    2) Russia can't sponosor unrest in US . Even the baltimore riots were being organized by George soros foundation . It's not that strong . Putin said he will release 9/11 info but did it happen ? Never . ( HARSH TRUTH )

    3.) Russia has no leverage against US economically , they can't do anything except hacking their stock markets to cause substantial damage to usa economy . China holds that power .

    4.) Russia is weaker if we compare one on one to US . It has an economy and miltiary budget 1/10th the size. BUT - its not about a one-on-one scenario - Russia is not trying to govern the world

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