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Hannibal Barca
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    Is Putin a neocon?


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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Vann7 Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:49 am

    Neocons ideology is Free pillage.. Green light for the privatization of everything..
    including the government and lawmakers. So very wealthy people can buy literary your nation , the central Bank.. The Armed Forces.. everything is for sale.. And US and its minions love Neoliberalism because makes its very very easy to control entire nations without sending any army.. but  just Business people with Suitcases filled with Money..  Contrary to TR1 beliefs.. Putin
    does not sell Russia for money to anyone.. HE could easily make Billions and more Billions by
    becoming a Yes man... of US neoliberal elite..  and sell everything..  So in essence in a totally
    free market nation. Democratic elections are purely symbolic. Because the leaders are already in the pockets of foreigners..  IN Free market neoliberal countries.. The interest of that people is not important but the interest of he 1% elite.. THis is what you see in USA.  a Private Nation..
    that even their foreign policy and laws is for sale.. and this is were foreign lobbies comes into place.  When you have a "free market" with privatization of everything.. Tyranny and Corruption
    reach new scales never seen before.. People lives even are not important anymore.. the only interest that matters will be of 1% of the bankers and riches.

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 11, 2015 2:48 am

    Just recently was reading a news about something about Putin in the so called Business Insider
    and western propaganda ,Rusophobic media..  And i wanted to vomit ,after so many Zionist Jews
    and Neoliberals parasites expressed their views about Putin and Russia today..
    Basically comparing Putin with Hitler.. but  this was not trolling ,they seemed to really believe
    their crap and gave elaborated arguments Why Putin and Russia is "moving towards Hitler times).

    There was many comments .. but here is just one of them.. to give you an idea
    how Reversed in their reasoning..

    Michael Tregre on May 10, 5:52 AM said:
    @Robert P. Holmes III: Actually the current Russian situation is far from the condition prior to WWII. Hitler was leading one of the strongest economies, bringing Germany out of the depression (which was folds more severe worldwide than in the US). What Putin could be trying to do something along the lines Hitler took to get some economic motion, but modern international trade and webbing is making that nearly impossible. This fact is what is pushing him and others to finally give the thought of exiting the collapsing dollar momentum.
    What we do see, as we did in the early 1930s, is a vast void in power. The world's peg of balance was being removed/receeding then, just as it is now. I laugh when people attempt to make the argument the world is safer without a strong US. History shows us without a center of power, and control, the world becomes thousands fold more hostile. Think of the world as one great Royal family. When there is a powerful feared and respected King, all is well. When that King dies, heirs and such move to fill the vacancy. Nothing is different here. If America was still leading from a posture of strength, the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians would calm back down. They are simply filling power voids, its human nature.

    So there you have it.. from a Neocon own Mouth..  here is the topic if anyone want to see
    more animals like him..

    He is right there calling for Ruling like a king and make people Fear you to keep them
    under control.. This are the key word with Neocons..  Neocons are Addicted Fanatics to power
    and control of others. This addiction comes from a low self stem inside that makes them addicted to Positions of Power ,to humiliate and control others.

    Basically the Parasite Western Neoliberal Monkey Excrement, seriously believe the world needs to be ruled by just ONE POWER ,just ONE King ,King of the world.. ,to "avoid wars " ( wars that they are the ones that provoke it) and maintain peace. You saw it there.. Thats what neocons are.. imbeciles who really believe they are superiors to others and have some kind of God Given Right to control everyone else and tell them what they are allowed to do or not..

    What to see another example of a Neocon?  This people are the worse human scum you
    can find in this planet.. really think their are so above others and their excrement is made of Gold. The epitome of Arrogance and will lie in your face without blinking an Eye. They are either Neoliberals americans or Simply Fanatical jews with the believe they are so superior than others.

    This is the most destructive kind of people in the planet..

    and almost the entire US government , but also UK and Israel is infiltrated by such low life  
    with zero respect for humanity. Those are Neocons , the factions who believe are some kind of GOD and that the entire world needs to be controlled by Force or through Fear.. This is how Criminal Organizations operate..

    but not all Americans are neocons /warmongers..  take a look at one of the few good
    Politicians that passed through US government that had not inflated EGO and was down to earth.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon May 11, 2015 5:39 am

    Regular wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:As I said, if an oligarch doesn't have have dirt then he wouldn't be an oligarch.
    There is certainly a limit where person can earn money honestly by business. We are started with nothing after Soviet Union fell. Some of us got rich by hard work and some of us got mega rich by "luck".. 
    I grew up with first oligarchs and their kids. I can say that there is not much difference between them and a gopnik. Very Happy 
    One Jewish oligarch(or gentlemen of luck) my family knew was an exception. He supported our basketball club where I was playing. From trips to abroad to basketballs(they were hard to get) to matching uniforms. Even food for poorer families of kids who were playing basketball. Probably he and his family what makes me sometimes to stand up for jews. He was shot in Russia in 2009. It only shows You that all your money has a long shadow.

    Interesting post.

    Personally, my limited information...I don't think Putin is a Neo-Con. I tend to think he's more Socialist.

    I'd like to know who he really is, but doubt I ever will. To me, there's something about him, that he feels like a technocrat. Really smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, & it's like you know you have to do x,y,z to achieve desired outcome, so that's what you do, and let nothing interfere.
    He may be none of the above, but that's how I perceive him.

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 11, 2015 9:23 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:As I said, if an oligarch doesn't have have dirt then he wouldn't be an oligarch.
    There is certainly a limit where person can earn money honestly by business. We are started with nothing after Soviet Union fell. Some of us got rich by hard work and some of us got mega rich by "luck".. 
    I grew up with first oligarchs and their kids. I can say that there is not much difference between them and a gopnik. Very Happy 
    One Jewish oligarch(or gentlemen of luck) my family knew was an exception. He supported our basketball club where I was playing. From trips to abroad to basketballs(they were hard to get) to matching uniforms. Even food for poorer families of kids who were playing basketball. Probably he and his family what makes me sometimes to stand up for jews. He was shot in Russia in 2009. It only shows You that all your money has a long shadow.

    Interesting post.

    Personally, my limited information...I don't think Putin is a Neo-Con. I tend to think he's more Socialist.

    I'd like to know who he really is, but doubt I ever will. To me, there's something about him, that he feels like a technocrat. Really smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, & it's like you know you have to do x,y,z to achieve desired outcome, so that's what you do, and let nothing interfere.
    He may be none of the above, but that's how I perceive him.

    Neocons ideology exist was created by Americans ,as a tool to take control of the entire world. The control of countries through controlling its Banking Industry and debt economy. Through
    the privatization of any company that could help a nation economy.. If you can control the economy of a nation ,you can control that nation without an army invasion.. is a simple concept but very effective.  Russia ,neither Putin is seeking to Rule the world ,or control others nations economy ,they support a multi polar world ,where every nation interest are respected.

    So if any ,he is anti-Neocon.. But Putin is pragmatic , and he can do a good business for Russia,
    that is not illegal under international laws ,he will do it.. Even if they are Hostile to them.. So maybe this is why is misjudged ,as "Neocon" because trade with the devil , can go and do business with Rockefellers and Rothchilds.. because in the end all he cares is what is best for Russian people. and nothing else.  Putin is very Open for Business to anyone who wants to trade
    ,but he also support social programs and social help..  Simply Put Putin is Patric towards Russia
    and will do any thing that could help the economy of Russia and help the quality of life of people , even if that could at times make been seen as not a loyal ally. as if was the case with Syria and IRAN..  Putin policy is 100% focused in the maximum benefit of improving the Russian people lives ,while maintaining their security.  Just notice how he have not invaded Ukraine..
    when people supportive of Russia there want it.  Simply Putin is focused only in what is best
    for the security ,and prosperity of 140 millions Russian citizens.  So is not even a "sold out" to Russian Elite.. even though he welcomes working with them.. In short Putin is Anti_Neocon..
    Very pragmatic ,and very patriotic to Russia,and he is never guided by emotions but by what works or not...  The most Brutal example of Putin pragmatism is how he maintains relations with USA ,even after knowing the Hostile proxy war the white house have against Russia in Ukraine and Syria.. and even knowing how US Government helps to organize and recruit the terrorist in chechenia to distabilize their nation.  Because is not practical for RUssia to start a world war against USA ,that could end with nuclear weapons.. something that no one knows how can it ends.. then he prefer to continue working with its "western partners" as they call it ,while dealing with the undercover war on ,that even though is very hostile and painful , is something they can control and handle.

    But reality is USA is on an Undeclared war against Russia.. and had not been Putin the leader..
    but instead someone like Stalin or Krushev  ,you bet already a world war 3 will have started..
    They will have send nuclear weapons again to Cuba ,and to Syria and bombed the nations attacking their allies.  So not a Neocon at all .. but a very pragmatic leader ,that only take decisions based on if it is good for Russian economy or not ,but without ignoring its security..
    This is why Putin Ordered the take over of Crimea.. it was Russia naval port security at risk..
    They could not allow NATO to take control of it.. So Putin is not a NeoCon but a very pragmatic ,but also patriotic leader.  that said the chance Russia will anexx easter ukraine is ZERO..
    Because is not pragmatic to have forever an army presence in Ukraine defending Communist
    that not only reject kiev ,but the very same capitalistic/Social government Putin leads.

    So this is why Putin Give headaches to US..and is non-predictable .. because he does not take decisions based on emotions but on pragmatism..whats Good for Russia or not. if a decision can benefit Russia economy/security/peace or Not.. So he got the west with the pants down with the TUrkish pipeline , after they blocked the southstream. and they trade with Israel ,knowing well how hostile is Israel towards Russia.. and they visited Saudi Arabia knowing the terrorist state they are.. and they maintain the NASA cooperation ,even after knowing Obama is calling to openly overthrow Putin and provoked the war in Ukraine..and wants to give lethal weapons to them.. to fight Russia.

    American Government in the other hand is full Egocentric, they not even make things for money since they can print money all they want..neither do things for what is best for regular americans..but what is best for the 1% American elite ,which operates only but for the pure pleasure of power and control of others. NeoCons are sick people , with real no care for humanity other than themselves.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon May 11, 2015 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total
    max steel
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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  max steel Mon May 11, 2015 9:33 am

    Putin is a hardline nationalist . Not a socialist or communist or a neocon .

    I think our little bulgarian friend is pissed with South Stream Cancellation Laughing

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 11, 2015 9:41 am

    max steel wrote:Putin is a hardline nationalist . Not a socialist or communist or a neocon .

    I think our little  bulgarian friend is pissed with South Stream Cancellation Laughing

    nationalistic not really.. Remember that Russia have many minorities.. if any Putin opposition is filled of Nationalistics.. "Russia for Russians" and of Neoliberal Crap.. that because are rich ,feels- citizens of the world ,and do not care about the land they born or the average needs of Russian citizens..,but only in their personal gains.

    Putin is not nationalistic at all.. but patriotistic.. about Motherland.. what is best for Russia as a united nation . Some americans compare Putin with Thomas Jefferson. Which was the father of US independence and constitution.   and compare Obama with Stalin ,Cold and calculated.

    Is for nothing that Putin Biggest Hero is Peter The great.. and he had troubles for the lack of nationalism.. he married with European womens and surrounded himself with many Europeans.
    so from the point of view of ultra nationalistics he was like a traitor or 5th column. Because
    spend too much time with Europeans.. and peter opened Russia to Europe..this was his major contribution.. Peter just like Putin was Patriotic.. pro Russia Independence.. and  they both were motivated in what is best for Russia.. and nothing else. Having a balance between Power and peace inside the nation and with neighbors is what motivates patriotic leaders. Nationalistics only think in their ethnic group ,patriotics think in the entire nation. And GLobalist by definition
    will sound good ,people that thinks what is best for the planet. but in real world thats not the case.. Neocons are Globalist only because thats what they aim to control.. but they do not believe is what is best for everyone ,but instead for is best for their political factions. Neocons not even care about USA or ISrael normal citizens , they are Billionaires and can move anywhere and live a happy life there.. so they are motivated only by Sick addiction for Power for the fun of it ,and control of humanity.  Just anyone think about it.. why would a multi Billionaire elder man like George Soros ,be in Politics and finance revolutions and not simply go an enjoy his money around the world shopping and with his family.. ?  Simply because they are sick evil  people addicted ,that already have all the money they need and the only pleasure left for them is Power ,to destroy nations and control of society.

    And nothing of this is conspiracy.. this is information that comes from insiders from the Elite..
    The richest families in the world ,are not motivated by money ,but by control of society and destruction of nations.. is like a video game for them ,playing with humanity lives and creating wars..

    here is a full interview with a millionaire who was invited many times at NEOCONS parties
    and he explain how they think. Is purely evil anti-social people.. there is no other word for them. he is not an unknown citizen, or a conspirational nut ,but actually a very successful businessman and he produced Holywood movies ,that many have seen..and won awards.  Smile  

    here is one of his produced the 80s..nominated as best motion picture
    by academy awards , i bet many have seen it..   Very Happy

    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIyYTDkSAazejtIC682ILqDk-rISH9HeOS6Pn4GZwQ5EKPYR5k

    Aaron RUsso also tried to Run in Politics for the presidency of USA.. but unless you are part
    of the elite ,there is no chance for you.. here is his interview..

    All said ,this is the closest thing you can get from an Neocon Elite Insider.. who was tried to
    be recruited ,into part of the mafia who helps Runs the Policy of US government ,but he refused.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon May 11, 2015 12:32 pm

    Thanks for your posts, Vann7. I enjoyed reading them.

    President Putin, appears to me, little as I have seen as you say--patriotic, and cares about Russian people, & cares about, and repays persons as he did his teacher who moved to Israel.

    In Tel Aviv, Putin's German teacher recalls 'disciplined' student
    Now Mina Yuditskaya Berliner, a Ukraine native, is 93 and lives in a Tel Aviv apartment she says the Russian president purchased for her.

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  Vann7 Tue May 12, 2015 2:55 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:Thanks for your posts, Vann7. I enjoyed reading them.

    President Putin, appears to me, little as I have seen as you say--patriotic, and cares about Russian people, & cares about, and repays persons as he did his teacher who moved to Israel.

    In Tel Aviv, Putin's German teacher recalls 'disciplined' student
    Now Mina Yuditskaya Berliner, a Ukraine native, is 93 and lives in a Tel Aviv apartment she says the Russian president purchased for her.

    Sure np.. the last video i posted of Aaron Russo is probably the most important for the entire world to know..It explain the fraud of promoting Democracy of (majority rules) as a good thing..
    vs Basic Human Rights.. The right to live ,the right to express and the right to be free..
    What you have in Democracies is usually a Constitutional 4 years Dictatorship ,that the party that goes in power with 51% support ,goes and repress the rights of the other 49%. Also talks about
    how the Neocon elite works and how to stop them...

    TR1 should take a look at this.. that he likes to speak a lot about freedom about corruption so he can open his eyes for once.. Smile

    max steel
    max steel

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  max steel Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:15 pm

    Putin is a bourgeois politician!
    An ally by chance, an enemy by class!

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  flamming_python Sun Mar 13, 2022 7:52 pm

    max steel wrote:Putin is a bourgeois politician!
    An ally by chance, an enemy by class!

    Who isn't

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    Is Putin a neocon? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is Putin a neocon?

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:17 am

    He dragged Russia from a basket case with enormous potential, into a modern and capable country that the west recognises as a threat to their existence.

    He did it in 20 years, most of it under hostile sanctions and western interference.

    He didn't put millions in jail and then exploit their free labour to start projects like expanding roads and rail lines and build bridges, and he didn't have to scare people by killing large numbers of people like Stalin chose to do.

    He avoided war where ever possible, but he has not run away from war and surrendered when he needed to be strong.

    In the past he has been criticised by many of his haters for being too soft and not attacking back with force and therefore in their eyes appearing weak, but he always used his brain first and didn't act in anger or jealousy or other weak emotions... he carefully looked at the situation and made choices that were sensible and reasonable... if a country had shot down an American plane would you expect just a couple of years later they would stand up to other countries trying to sanction that country... except of course Israel... but Turkey is no Israel.

    Putin didn't irrationally lash out and brutalise Turkey and it was not because of its HATO membership either, they were punished but the situation was resolved to the satisfaction of both sides eventually and normal relations were restored... Turkey even bought S-400 missiles at the cost of good relations with the US and F-35s.

    Must say I have more respect for Hungary and Turkey than for any other EU slave.

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