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    Venezuela crisis


    Will usa be successful in installing it's puppet

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Isos Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:09 pm

    Back in time during sino soviet split, chinese said soviet gave up on cuban crisis. Will be funny to see what they will do to support those communists in Venezuela.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:17 pm

    If Maduro is hated by the majority of Venezuelans then what is the problem... he should have lost the election last year by a majority vote and would not be in power now.

    Yet, there was a free and fair election last year with no violence and no cheating according to impartial international observers... the western countries demanding he step down are not saying he wasn't elected to the position he currently holds, but demand someone who has never received a single vote be recognised as the leader of Venezuela, because they think it should happen.

    It seems the west does not understand some fairly basic aspects of Democracy... but why let facts get in the way of pursuing western interests because they are even talking about civil war so they clearly don't give a shit about the people of Venezuela.

    Right now they might have some problems getting some types of food, but they are clearly not starving... because if they were we would see the children on CNN and the BBC as their bodies are taken away for burial... showing mothers of small dead children wailing about how it is all Maduros fault...

    The west disgusts me...

    A certain member likes to talk up the EU and France about how they are respected and powerful... but this proves the opposite... they are americas bitch and can't even work out that they are being used to replace a democratically elected leader of a country with a dictator that is largely unknown in the country they want to put him in charge of... but that doesn't matter... because they know once in power he will be in their debt for getting him into the position he is in... it worked in the middle east where the Saudi government is not democratic... nobody elects them... and they are western controlled dictators that allow them access to the oil wealth of the region.

    Back in time during sino soviet split, chinese said soviet gave up on cuban crisis. Will be funny to see what they will do to support those communists in Venezuela.

    You don't have communism if the people get a vote to decide the leadership.

    If the Chinese and Russians want the countries they invest in and trade with to trust them, then they have to act to defend cuba and venezuela from the west.

    I mean it is not like the West might start treating Russia and China badly and put sanctions on them... they are already doing that so there is literally nothing to lose. Sanctions from the west might hurt a little bit more, but not helping Venezuela hurts Russian and Chinese future relations with other non western countries more... they need to show that there is an alternative.

    Right now, for developing countries, they can choose to be told what to do and how to do it and effectively slowly get raped by the west as they plunder your countries resources. The alternative is to go it alone which is the option to become north korea and isolated.

    If China and Russia and other countries including Turkey and Vietnam will back Venezuela, then other countries will realise they don't have to accept western terms and privatise everything so western companies can come in and buy up everything of value that can make a profit. These countries can trade with Russia and China and develop and grow but without being told what to do and have western morals forced down their throat.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:52 pm

    ..they are already doing that so there is literally nothing to lose. . If China and Russia and other countries including Turkey and Vietnam will back Venezuela,..
    With Brazil de-facto out of BRICS, they can't afford to lose Venezuela w/o putting up active resistance, as Cuba, Nicaragua, & Bolivia will be next. India is playing both sides as she doesn't want to be a junior partner to China. Vietnam won't get involved in S. America as she is busy opposing China in the SC Sea & doesn't need to antagonize the US.
    Even if they succeed in ousting Maduro, there'll be a long guerrilla war like in Colombia, Burma & Vietnam. Aristide can then join the French/Brazilian Special Forces or become a mercenary to put his life were his mouth is!
    Opposition Takes Steps to Seize Oil Revenue as Maduro Issues Threat
    Guaido's US Team Has Capacity to Use Venezuelan Embassy Bank Accounts
    Venezuela's US Lawyers Just Switched From Maduro to Guaido
    US Warns the World Against Buying Venezuelan Oil
    US Congress Won't Support Military Intervention in Venezuela: Rep. Engel

    Abrams’ ability to hold high office and help shape US government policy despite decades of duplicity and complicity in the worst war crimes– including the Iraq War, which killed hundreds of thousands and displaced 4 million and destabilized the region, and ongoing crimes against humanity in Occupied Palestine– tells you all you need to know about how truly corrupt the American political establishment is.

    Meanwhile, US rebukes Armenia over Syria deployment of medics & de-miners:

    Venezuelan MFA: US lost - "coup did not happen"

    The expert explained what the United States miscalculated, supporting the opposition in Venezuela

    The UN has created a group to counter interference in the affairs of Venezuela

    Who was the accomplice of the genocide? China or USA?

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:38 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Feb 15, 2019 2:44 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Even if they succeed in ousting Maduro, there'll be a long guerrilla war like in Colombia, Burma & Vietnam. Aristide can then join the French/Brazilian Special Forces or become a mercenary to put his life were his mouth is!

    You know who is the special representative of US at Venezuela ? Elliot Abrams. The one who tried whitewashing the Mozote massacre and aided the genocide regime at Guatemala.

    If a war happens, there will be hundreds or thousands of children and woman who become victims of American-backed murderers.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:42 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:I read all the links before posting them, so I know who he is.

    I know that you know. It is just a rhetoric question. Probably I used it in a wrong way.

    Sorry for my bad English.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:50 am

    I can only laugh about this.

    The first thing i find amusing is your strange and laughable attraction to USA.

    1. Maduro is a typical banana republic dictator. He is a dumb bus driver, has no intellect and ran his country against the wall. He is an idiot. According to you, Maduro was installed by UsA to do just that.

    2. France is not a bitch of USA. We are a bitch of wealth. We want money.

    We profit more if Maduro is gone. Because of that we support his demontation, which already is sucessful. Maduro is international dead. Support from poor regional powers like Bolivia, Russia or Turkey is not worth anything. Russia cant provide basic needs for its own people and already has Syria as expensive pet. It cant afford a 2nd pet. So Situation is like it is. A ripped apart country, starving population and a bus driver as president who cant meet neighbor countries governments, since none calls him president anymore.

    And please spare me the rubbish about democracy. Maduro had no oppossition.

    As for french interventions in South America, i would have no problem to participate.

    We live in 21st century, controlling and maintain drones from french guiana is quite easy.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:40 pm

    Maduro is a typical banana republic dictator. He is a dumb bus driver, has no intellect and ran his country against the wall. He is an idiot. According to you, Maduro was installed by UsA to do just that.

    No, he is not! Dictators there were all politicians &/ military men. Past profession isn't the only criteria to judge intelligence. Saddam Hussein & Kim were also labeled as "crazy" or "mad man" even though he had a law degree / was educated in Switzerland, respectively. As a former bus driver, he knows his people better than Guido; I never claimed that he was installed by the US, don't put words in my mouth!
    Because of that we support his demontation, which already is sucessful.
    I beg to differ:

    Maduro Reveals Secret Meetings With US Envoy
    Maduro Ramps Up Legal Fight Against Guaido's Challenge
    Venezuelan Opposition Envoy Urges Foreign Help to Get Aid In
    Cuba Charges US Moving Special Forces, Preparing Venezuelan Intervention
    Venezuela Opens Investigation Into Opposition-Appointed PDVSA Directors

    Time will tell!

    Russia cant provide basic needs for its own people and already has Syria as expensive pet. It cant afford a 2nd pet.
    They r used to hardship & their basic needs r lower than urs. They use existing budget for Syrian bases & ops., gain combat experience, & improve their defense posture in the E. Med. Sea vs. NATO & Turkey. Their arms get good advertisement & generate sales. How many profitable pets China already has? A lot- in Asia & Africa. 1 more won't brake the bank, & she invested there a lot more than Russia. They can send Ks of single men as volunteers to fight there as they did in Korea, & as Cuba did in Angola, which denied victory to the US & S. Africa.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:53 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    Maduro is a typical banana republic dictator. He is a dumb bus driver, has no intellect and ran his country against the wall. He is an idiot. According to you, Maduro was installed by UsA to do just that.

    No, he is not! Dictators there were all politicians &/ military men. Past profession isn't the only criteria to judge intelligence. Saddam Hussein & Kim were also labeled as "crazy" or "mad man" even though he had a law degree / was educated in Switzerland, respectively. As a former bus driver, he knows his people better than Guido; I never claimed that he was installed by the US, don't put words in my mouth!
    Because of that we support his demontation, which already is sucessful.
    I beg to differ:

    Maduro Reveals Secret Meetings With US Envoy
    Maduro Ramps Up Legal Fight Against Guaido's Challenge
    Venezuelan Opposition Envoy Urges Foreign Help to Get Aid In
    Cuba Charges US Moving Special Forces, Preparing Venezuelan Intervention
    Venezuela Opens Investigation Into Opposition-Appointed PDVSA Directors

    Time will tell!

    Russia cant provide basic needs for its own people and already has Syria as expensive pet. It cant afford a 2nd pet.
    They r used to hardship & their basic needs r lower than urs. They use existing budget for Syrian bases & ops., gain combat experience, & improve their defense posture in the E. Med. Sea vs. NATO & Turkey. Their arms get good advertisement & generate sales. How many profitable pets China already has? A lot- in Asia & Africa. 1 more won't brake the bank, & she invested there a lot more than Russia. They can send Ks of single men as volunteers to fight there as they did in Korea, & as Cuba did in Angola, which denied victory to the US & S. Africa.

    Installing Maduro was great idea of USA then. He ruined Venezuela like a cancer.

    And yes, Maduro is finished. Isolated, no business with economic powers. When your allie is know you fucked up.

    Look dude...Angola? Poor shithole covered in landmines.

    You have a very strange idea of winning. As you said, we have a very high standard. You are happy to live in the dirt obvious.

    People like you are like a joke for me. Very Happy I huess you never had a lobster in your life.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:26 pm

    Installing Maduro was great idea of USA then. He ruined Venezuela like a cancer.
    And yes, Maduro is finished. Isolated, no business with economic powers. When your allie is know you fucked up.
    No1 installed him, he assumed power after Chavez died, as per constitution, & then got reelected.
    Assad is also allied with Russia & he isn't going to retire anytime soon. Big investments from China,etc. r coming.
    Opponents say the 56-year-old former bus driver has lost touch with his working-class roots, accusing him of ordering mass arrests and starving Venezuelans while he and regime insiders — including the top military brass — line their pockets through corruption.
    But Maduro shrugged off the label of "dictator," attributing it to an ideologically driven media campaign by the West to undermine the socialist revolution started by the late Hugo Chavez.
    He said he won't resign, seeing his place in history alongside other Latin American leftists from Salvador Allende in Chile to Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala who in decades past had been the target of U.S.-backed coups.
    "I'm not afraid," he said, adding that even last year's attack on him with explosives-laden drones during a military ceremony didn't shake his resolve. "I'm only worried about the destiny of the fatherland and of our people, our boys and girls....this is what gives me energy."
    ..Angola? Poor shithole covered in landmines.
    They have the best oil in sub-Saharan Africa + diamonds, gold, etc., & that's why the US used S. Africa, UNITA & FNLA to prevent their independence from Portugal, declared in 1975, from taking hold.

    Now no1 is telling them how to live, the same with Vietnam & Laos- Ms of tourists go there & China invests there as well.
    Venezuela has large well equipped military & won't need a lot of Cubans or Chinese, at least in the beginning.

    I huess you never had a lobster in your life.
    I had a lobster in Maine & crab legs in Virginia. I also had black & red caviar in USSR & USA, & been on a couple cruises on the Black Sea & in the Indo-Pacific.
    I swam in the Black, Caspian, Red, Caribbean & Yellow Seas. Also sailed on the "Green" Sea- known as the Sea of Japan; it has a greenish tint.
    U write about poverty, starvation & refugees in/from Venezuela but the same is now going on in Ukraine after the Western installed Poroshenko regime passed anti-Russian language laws & allowed the neo nazis terror:
    When the USSR fell apart in the early 90s. Ukraine was the wealthiest country of the ex soviet bloc. It's economy could be compared to that of France!
    Hitler and golodomor or Putin have nothing to do with the failure that Ukraine is today! The country is ruled by ex cons or oligarchs. The elites provoke one revolution after the other! They even went to war with their own people(donbass). Ukraines current president owns the biggest media/TV company in the country. He uses his media network for his own support and as a weapon toward his political enemies!

    By some estimates, 30% of the population, or ~12.6-13.5M fled abroad, mostly to Russia, with 3,269,992 there as of 2015, to find work & better living conditions:

    The coup, clashes & war in Donbass killed up to 13K people, incl. 3,318 civilians:

    So, by ur own logic, Poroshenko is worse than Maduro!
    Ur English could use better spelling- use the spell check- maybe then u'll learn it better!
    To me it's u that is pathetic, full of self-conceited shit & delusions!

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:59 am; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:10 am

    2. France is not a bitch of USA. We are a bitch of wealth. We want money.

    So you are a money whore... OK.

    So if democracy means nothing and you don't give a fuck about the people of Venezuela, then what you are saying is that Maduro needs to go because you think you can steal more money from a low life puppet of the US like Guano than the democratically elected Maduro...

    Hey, you are a money slut.


    But Maduro is still there... so you are an unhappy money slut...
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:45 am

    I just hope that maybe, just maybe, not all well to do French r like him!
    Too bad for them that $ don't grow on trees! When the value of that fiat $ plummet, some of those investors kill themselves. Good riddance!
    How will the events in Venezuela develop?

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:58 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Aristide Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:53 am

    GarryB wrote:
    2. France is not a bitch of USA. We are a bitch of wealth. We want money.

    So you are a money whore... OK.

    So if democracy means nothing and you don't give a fuck about the people of Venezuela, then what you are saying is that Maduro needs to go because you think you can steal more money from a low life puppet of the US like Guano than the democratically elected Maduro...

    Hey, you are a money slut.


    But Maduro is still there... so you are an unhappy money slut...

    Are we unhappy? France already kept 60 tons of Gold from Venezuela last month, that was stored in Paris. UK kept 45 tons.

    At the moment we make huge profits with Maduro in charge. He obviously is too weak to prevent that.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:25 am

    France already kept 60 tons of Gold from Venezuela last month, that was stored in Paris. UK kept 45 tons.
    Who else is going to store gold there after this? U'll loose more than u'll gain- in this life, u r going to pay for everything sooner or later! They'll know who is going to buy/move that stolen gold & make a note of it, & may be rataliated against later.
    At the moment we make huge profits with Maduro in charge.
    Then, leave him alone!

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:40 pm


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Isos Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:35 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    If they feel like US are about to attack them for sure, they should use those sukhois to destroy Colombia and Brazil. Hit their bigest/medium companies, big infrastructures, power plants, airports, ports, pipelines and oil reserves as well as their civil planes, civil tanker and merchand ships, 0internet network, mobile telephone network, central bank and everything that will destroy them economically. So that they will need 10 years or more to recover from damages and create millions of refugees for USA.

    Colombia and Brazil have no air forces to defend themselves and they are far away from US to be protected. In two or three days of intense bombing they will be left with a worse economic situation than Venezuela.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:53 pm

    No, they + Ecuador & Peru do have AFs & can put up a fight:
    Argentinian AF may also help if deployed to Brazilian/Colombian bases:

    US Military Delivers Aid to Colombia for Venezuelan Migrants
    Venezuela's Guaido Calls for 'Million Volunteers' in Aid Standoff
    Marco Rubio Warns Venezuelan Soldiers to Let Aid Enter
    Russia's Gazprombank Freezes Accounts of Venezuela's Pdvsa
    Venezuela Opposition to Leave Citgo Funds, Management Untouched
    Venezuela Opposition Slams Raid of NGO That Supports Humanitarian Aid
    Venezuela's Guaido Asks Citibank to Freeze Gold Swap With Maduro


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  nomadski Mon Feb 18, 2019 8:48 pm

    External  military intervention by yank and co , will unite the Venezuelan  population behind  government . And further liberalisation  of oil industry , leading to flow of profits out of Venezuela  will impoverish  the population and lead to  revolution against the liberal status quo  .  Sanctions , even if successful , will ultimately lead to a self sufficient economy .  Blood and tears will in any case lead  to victory of Venezuelan  people . By  different routes . I agree with decision by Venezuelan  government to reject this  "aid " , by yank . For this aid to be accepted then , first sanctions must be lifted, then the yanks must state that they recognise legitimate government  of Venezuela  . And aid should finally be distributed by UN . The ideal population for a nation is one , where famine and war can be tolerated by reserves or self sustaining agriculture and industry . Any nation heavily dependent  on trade , will suffer , during war and blockade .

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Isos Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:23 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:No, they + Ecuador & Peru do have AFs & can put up a fight:
    Argentinian AF may also help if deployed to Brazilian/Colombian bases:

    They operate israeli or french crap jets. Totally outdated. Only the peruvian upgraded mig-29 are dangerous. The rest is total crap. One missile one hut for all of them. That would increase the export sells of sukhoi. Russians should send their own pilots and do the job with 100 russian r-77-1.

    I mean if they are sure that US will attack and destroy them, that would be a great revange. Create millions of new refugees for US in matters of days. They will think twice next time they want to destroy a south american country.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:10 pm

    I failed to mention the Chilean AF F-16s & the French AF Mirages/Rafales that could be based in Fr. Guiana:

    In 2004-2005, most of the boat people were stopped & held at GITMO in Cuba. Ks of Cubans were allowed in, but the Haitians were sent back.
    Now, C. American migrants will wait indefinitely at the border while their asylum cases r being "processed". Trump wants to stop all non-white people from coming, period. That's why he separated kids from parents to discourage immigration & shot down the gov. to force the Congress give the $ for his border wall. After being told "no", he declared a national emergency to use nearly $7B in certain Dep. of Defence funding to build it:

    Venezuelans willing to go North will need to use boats (the USN/CG can easily stop them) or land transportation to get to Panama, a US ally, & survive her border guards/army/police & the dnagerous roadless Darien Gap, barely passable in the dry season. So, most of them will stay in S. America.
    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Carte?map=viamichelin&z=4&lat=10.50287&lon=-66.91943&width=550&height=382&format=png&version=latest&layer=background&debug_pattern=

    Three sources of collapse: why the left experiment failed in Venezuela

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:02 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add links)
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:11 pm

    Venezuela has closed the border with several islands in the Caribbean

    Venezuelan DM promised big losses those wishing to seize power

    “Destroyed” missiles for the C-400 instead of China went to Venezuela - opinion

    Something is fishy here: it would be a lot faster, cheaper & safer to send them by rail to China. "Storm damage" is a cover story.

    Nice pic for size comparison:
    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 644214F4-7ADE-4D97-8AE3-DFB770799A01_w650_r1_s

    Venezuela to Distribute Food to Poor Colombians Amid Aid Tension
    Trump to Say Venezuela's Move to Democracy Is 'Irreversible'
    Venezuela Opposition Calls for Release of $3.2b in Funds Held in US
    Mexican Envoy Calls for Fresh Effort on Maduro-Guaido Talks
    Cruz Pushes for Stiffer Gold Penalties Against Venezuela's Maduro
    Barred From Venezuela, European Lawmakers Call for Action

    The US Drive for Hegemony Over Venezuela

    What do Trump and Maduro r negotiating about
    ..on February 20, 300 tons of humanitarian aid from Russia will be delivered to Venezuela. According to Maduro, it's food and medicine.

    Maduro urged Guaido to announce elections in Venezuela

    Cuban Foreign Ministry accused the United States in the transfer of troops close to Venezuela

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:22 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add a quote)
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:10 pm

    Venezuelan Troops to Remain on Border to Prevent Threats
    Top Maduro-Allied Citgo Executives Removed Amid Battle to Control Firm
    Brazil to Send Aid to Venezuela Together With US
    Venezuela Shuts Border With Caribbean Islands Ahead of Aid Efforts
    Cuba Denies Military in Venezuela, Charges US Readies Intervention
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:54 pm

    Yankees love force feeding torture

    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Restraint_chair_used_for_enteral_feeding_-b
    Guantanamo captives who will not comply with force-feeding have their arms, legs and head restrained in a feeding chair. They remain strapped in the chair until the nutrient is digested, to prevent induced vomiting
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:17 pm

    India has become the leading importer of Venezuelan oil

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:15 am

    Will be interesting to see how the bully reacts to India helping someone they have designated as enemy of the people and persona non grata...

    Of course the US will be punishing India for buying Iranian oil soon too... will be interesting to see who blinks first.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 16 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:29 am

    ..the US will be punishing India for buying Iranian oil soon too..
    and driving her more into the arms of Russia & China.

    Venezuela Seeks UN Support Against 'Military Aggression'
    Venezuela Military 'On Alert' as It Closes Borders to Aid
    Bolton Says Venezuela UN Military Attache Backs Guaido
    Venezuela's Oil Minister: Pdvsa Pumping Station Attacked
    Venezuela Security Forces Kill, Punish Anti-Maduro Protesters: Amnesty
    Guaido Says He's Trying to Freeze Venezuelan Accounts in Switzerland
    Swiss Deny Call With Venezuela's Juan Guaido Over Bank Accounts
    Venezuela's Opposition Ambassador Takes Control of Embassy in Costa Rica

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:09 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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