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    Venezuela crisis


    Will usa be successful in installing it's puppet

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    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:14 pm

    Maduro ordered the mobilization of artillery to protect Venezuela
    According to Maduro, armed groups funded by the US and Colombia want to take advantage of the coronavirus epidemic and "carry out terrorist acts and a coup d'etat"

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:46 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Maduro ordered the mobilization of artillery to protect Venezuela
    According to Maduro, armed groups funded by the US and Colombia want to take advantage of the coronavirus epidemic and "carry out terrorist acts and a coup d'etat"

    This is very likely. The yanquis are not able to stage a direct invasion. They need "jihadi" proxies.


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 05, 2020 6:25 am

    they have been working with terrorists for a very long time... sorry, did I say terrorist... I should say moderate terrorists, or preferably freedom fighters to remove the democratically elected leader of venezuela to be replaced by someone the current US administration approves of who has never won a presidential election in venezuela in their lives... that is why you have to use terrorists to get it done rather than rational law abiding people...
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:15 am

    The yanquis are not able to stage a direct invasion.
    They still have too many troops still in the ME, Europe, Afghanistan & Asia-Pacific, most of whom r not trained in jungle warfare. Besides, the Covid-19 pandemic won't allow it any time soon.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:39 am

    The person most in need of protection now is Guaido.

    From the US perspective we are probably at peak 'Guaido die a martyr' time. Now the US has done the groundwork they need to replace him with more 'a man of the people' type that has a better chance of being accepted.

    If he is murdered, by Maduro of course Laughing then the US will claim the right to take out the murderer. Standard operating procedure for them south of the border.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  kvs Sun Apr 05, 2020 4:29 pm

    JohninMK wrote:The person most in need of protection now is Guaido.

    From the US perspective we are probably at peak 'Guaido die a martyr' time. Now the US has done the groundwork they need to replace him with more 'a man of the people' type that has a better chance of being accepted.

    If he is murdered, by Maduro of course  Laughing  then the US will claim the right to take out the murderer. Standard operating procedure for them south of the border.

    And that western consumer sheep lap up such obvious frame jobs tells us a lot about their level. These sheep are just as guilty as their dear leaders
    in war crimes. Exactly like the Germans in the 1930s and 1940s.

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:16 pm

    Things r heading to escalation:

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  JohninMK Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:24 pm

    A friend in need is a friend indeed. Those A340s really earning their keep now.

    This is the fifth and sixth known flight of recent days.
    Up to 20 such flights are planned.

    Aircraft continue to fly from Iran to Venezuela with cargoes and specialists needed to rebuild the Venezuelan oil refining industry. This afternoon, two Iranian Mahan Air jets flew from Iran to Venezuela at once across the Atlantic.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:04 pm

    Is Trump Using The U.S. Military For Regime Change In Venezuela?

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Apr 30, 2020 9:28 pm

    Yet another provocation. Stumpy-Trumpy desperately needs a    war    distraction from Covid-19.

    US Coast Guard ships attack Venezuelan fishing vessel

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    US Coast Guard patrol ships James and Tornado (PC-14) attacked and inspected a fishing vessel sailing under the flag of Venezuela. The incident occurred near the territorial waters of El Salvador.

    According to the publication El Carabobeno , military operations against a Venezuelan ship occurred on April 28 in the international waters of the southwestern Pacific.

    The US Coast Guard Command notes that US sailors acted as part of an anti-drug smuggling operation.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun May 03, 2020 6:07 am

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  kvs Tue May 05, 2020 10:56 pm

    Plan of the failed coup attempt:

    1. Операция началась с массированной информационной кампании о «хаосе и беспорядках» в Венесуэле, которая развертывалась в условиях нарастающей экономической блокады.
    2. Для целей «по созданию хаоса» был инициирован бунт в одной из тюрем, который инициировался через преступные группировки, имеющими связи на территории Колумбии.
    3. 29 апреля глава продовольственного гиганта POLAR попросил «военное вмешательство для убийства Мадуро».
    4. 30 апреля военный преступник и «куратор венесуэльского проекта» Эллиот Абрамс заявил, что «переход в Венесуэле как-никогда близок» и скоро в Каракасе откроется посольство США.
    5. За день до «часа Х» сторонники Гуайдо начали писать, что «эта ночь принесет много сюрпризов». Некоторые писали это и тогда, когда армейский спецназ уничтожал прибывших из Колумбии террористов.
    6. Операцию планировали провернуть под видом «антинаркотической кампании», чтобы обеспечить прикрытие для передвижения через территорию других государств.
    7. Помимо США и Колумбии, в операции участвовали голландцы, которые предоставляли террористам заправку топливом на Арубе. Насколько сильно они были вовлечены, пока неясно.
    8. Также в операции участвовала ЧВК Silvercorp, чей руководитель Джордан Гудро уже открыто в этом сознался, записав соответствующее видео.
    9. Стоимость проекта переворота составляла 212 млн. долларов. Если бы переворот удался, гешефтополучатели, которые должны были захватить власть в Венесуэле (включая Гуайдо), должны были оплатить за счет Венесуэлы.
    10. Поиски непойманных участников провалившегося переворота продолжаются до сих пор. Агент DEA действительно был пойман живым и дает показания, которые наверняка будут использованы Венесуэлой, как и фото трупов убитых террористов.

    1) The operation was launched with a western MSM campaign about chaos and disorder in Venezuela. This was on top
    of the economic blockade.

    2) To generate evidence of the chaos a riot was staged in one of the prisons. This riot was instigated by organized crime
    elements linked to criminal gangs in Columbia. (I have routinely stated that the crime waves in Venezuela are a foreign
    organized destabilization campaign used to generate discontent and boost the fake narrative that the system is failing.)

    3) On April 29, the head of the Venezuelan food processing giant "Polar" called for "military intervention to kill Maduro.
    (Funny how a private conglomerate is still around in "commie" Venezuela and its owners are full bore 5th columnists).

    4) On April 30, the war criminal and overseer of the Venezuela project for Washington, Eliot Abrams, declared the
    regime change in Venezuela was closer than ever and that soon a US embassy will open in Caracas.

    5) On the day before "hour X", supporters of Guaido started to write in social media that "this night will bring many
    surprises". These sorts of posts were made previously when Venezuelan army special forces destroyed a group
    of terrorists trying to infiltrate from Columbia.

    6) The operation was supposed to be staged under the guise of an anti-narcotics campaign, in order to facilitate
    a cover for movement over territory of adjacent countries.

    7) Together with the USA and Columbia, the operation also included the Dutch, who provided the terrorists with fuel
    at Aruba. Their full level of participation is not clear.

    Cool The operation also included CVK Silvercorp, the director of which, Jordan Goodrow, has already openly affirmed this
    with a video recording.

    9) The cost of the operation is estimated at 212 million dollars. (Don't know where this estimate comes from, maybe
    from a leak). If the operation was successful the coup participants would use Venezuelan funds to pay the costs
    of the coup.

    10) The search for participants who are on the run is currently in progress. An agent of the DEA was indeed captured
    alive. He is giving information. (I guess he must be the source of the 212 million price tag number).
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed May 06, 2020 2:25 am


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed May 06, 2020 10:28 pm

    US attempted military coup against Venezuela, again!


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Venezuela- Maduro

    Post  PhSt Thu May 07, 2020 12:09 am

    Delivering Maduro to America was objective of failed Venezuelan incursion – US mercenary says in interrogation tape

    Kidnapping Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and bringing him to the US was the objective of a failed incursion into the country, one of the two captured US mercenaries said in an interrogation tape released by state TV.
    Two employees of Florida-based security firm, Silvercorp, have been detained by Venezuelan forces in connection with the failed invasion.

    The only instructions he received before Sunday's botched operation was to take control of the airport in order to facilitate the transfer of Maduro to the US, Luke Denman, one of the detained Americans, said in the footage.

    Denman also claimed that there was a good payout waiting for him following the successful completion of the risky mission. “I expected anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000,” he said.

    Maduro announced on Wednesday that Denman and fellow Silvercorp employee, Airan Berry, will go on trial in Venezuela. Caracas will also be demanding Washington extradite Silvercorp boss, Jordan Goudreau, as he was the one who allegedly coordinated the actions of the mercenaries.

    In his comments after the broadcast of the interrogation tape, Maduro insisted that “Donald Trump is the direct chief of this invasion.”

    Washington has made little secret of its desire to see Venezuela's socialist president removed from power. It has been actively supporting opposition figure Juan Guaido, who declared himself ‘interim president’ in January 2019, and it even offered a reward of $15 million for any information leading to Maduro's arrest.

    However, Trump was quick to deny any involvement by the US administration in the failed Venezuelan incursion.

    On Wednesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pledged that the White House would use “every tool” in order to bring the two Americans – who used to serve in US special operations forces – back home.

    Denman and Berry, along with 11 other ‘foreign mercenaries’, were arrested by Venezuelan security forces on Monday as they were intercepted while allegedly trying to reach the country's shore by speedboat.
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri May 08, 2020 9:30 pm

    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun May 10, 2020 1:49 am

    More mercenaries may be captured:


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun May 10, 2020 10:54 pm

    The shaved-orangutan thought he could overthrow Venezuela with his own bodyguard lmao! Embarassed Razz lol1

    The captured mercs were more than willing to expose that Guido signed his John Hancock. Embarassed

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 10, 2020 11:32 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:More mercenaries may be captured:

    They found three abandoned Colombian inshore assault craft with weapons drifting along the river as well. Assume the 'invasion' fleet Laughing

    Given that the US authorities monitor everything how on earth was this allowed to happen.? Real egg on US face stuff.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Mon May 11, 2020 7:36 am

    So the CIA are arming and training drug smugglers to attack neighbouring countries to undermine democracy and murder innocent people.

    War crime.

    The CIA funded terrorists to commit terrorist acts, the CIA is funded by the US.

    Therefore the US funds terrorist organisations.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon May 11, 2020 1:37 pm

    The CIA also finances itself with drug $.
    It's not a coincidence the USN had & still has ships just off the Ven. coast when this Bay of Pigs2 happened.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  JohninMK Mon May 11, 2020 10:29 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:The CIA also finances itself with drug $.
    It's not a coincidence the USN had & still has ships just off the Ven. coast when this Bay of Pigs2 happened.

    Just in case of a miracle Smile

    Isn't plausible deniability great. Make it too effective and fail is a problem.

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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  GarryB Tue May 12, 2020 4:54 am

    The CIA also finances itself with drug $.

    Which just makes it worse... they are funded from misery and death... and also from drug money... and their job is to create misery and death...

    Regarding Bay of Pigs II... they are consistent... and clearly delusional about what they could achieve...
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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed May 13, 2020 1:49 am


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    Venezuela crisis - Page 31 Empty Re: Venezuela crisis

    Post  Regular Wed May 13, 2020 4:40 pm

    And people were making fun about Russian blunders with the spies.

    But this is like 100 times worse..

    Special agencies of today don't belong to novels, but rather to the books of anecdotes. What a bunch of loosers. Taking passport with you.. phones that can be triangulated, crack addicts.. and I bet USA spent a fortune on this.

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