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    Ideas of United European Army


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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Aug 25, 2019 3:40 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Did you write that?

    Since you ask Garry, yes i did.

    working and communicating with Southfront has it's price tough Razz .

    Facebook found out my private communications with Southfront's administrator and i just woke up the next day and found out my FB was completely gone.  

    According to Facebook's helpdesk, i am an member of "an criminal and/or terrorist organisation".

    it illustrates how much Southfront is an pain in the ass of Washington's Propaganda narrative.

    in the end, it is just Facebook. But it shows how heavily FB is regulated that they go trough private messages to see what someone is talking about.

    I regret nothing anyway. Southfront does good work.

    Appologies to everyone that my reply is a bit off-topic.

    Facebook is for geriatric baby boomers, you'll miss nothing.

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:10 am

    According to Facebook's helpdesk, i am an member of "an criminal and/or terrorist organisation".

    You admitted being in NATO didn't you...

    Makes me want to learn to hack just so I could cost FB some money... you know... some sort of worm that encrypts all their servers in the background while appearing to work normally and then bammm... when all their current servers and at least their daily and weekly and monthly backups are all encrypted then activate it... cannot access this file it appears to be corrupt or encrypted... hahahaha.

    The key to unlock... will cost you your soul... so you will have to find a way of getting it back from the CIA and NSA and hand it over to me... mwhahahahaha... make a good bond movie...

    Facebook is for geriatric baby boomers, you'll miss nothing.

    They are making FB for people who fear the truth.

    In the 1990s I sat in on a business lecture where the lecturers warned their students of the dangers of yes men in management.

    When you don't get differing views, where there can be no descent, where no one can question what is being done even based on results, then there can only be a crash and burn situation that results... sooner or later...

    Refusal to see that, in fact actively silencing those warning of impending doom just makes it worse... whether you are manning or snowden or AirborneWolf... they are making the result rather worse for themselves...

    We thought that Norwegian ship crashing into the tanker was a one off, but maybe it is a hint of more systemic problems in the EU... the point is that denying a voice to the issues suggests there is no future for Europe as a group considering they really can't work together... they pretty much all do what the US tells them to do, and with this brexit thing they are not better able to negotiate fairly and openly than Trump... which is to say not at all... destroy all previous agreements and then write new ones that benefit me more and you less... when you rip up agreements so readily there is no incentive to bother with new ones that might be ripped up next election cycle anyway.

    During the cold war such an independent voice that was not blindly pro west would have been called communist... now you are just a terrorist.

    Funny, just saw on the news that Israel launched explosive laden drones and flew them into buildings in a residential area and the jewish guy they talked to about it said it was preemptive self defence because the target was Iranian and supports terrorism around the world.

    How ironic that a country that was created by terrorists and violence and continues the violence and terrorism today explains its terrorist attacks as being self defence... his defence was not questioned of course, because Iran are the bad guys and Israel the good guys it seems... to say otherwise is anti semetic.

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:00 pm

    Its quite amusing that jihadists can regurgitate their propaganda on these social media networks, but if you espouse contrary beliefs to theirs, you'll have your accounts deleted lol!

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:40 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    You admitted being in NATO didn't you...

    Right, i forgot where the T stood for in NATO. Minor lapse of self-awareness on my part there Wink.

    magnumcromagnon wrote:

    Facebook is for geriatric baby boomers, you'll miss nothing.

    oh i had it mostly for co workers. nothing lost there.

    and i agree with you Garry, its exactly that. They only put "yes-men" on those positions of leadership. only people that do not think, and are just out for that little nibble of approval from the Americans. They dont mind sacrificing their own country's interrests in the process. And the rest stand around them in their echochamber and approve of it. Everyone that was healthy critical got either worked out the millitary or left by themselves. These are the kind of people that stand boasting to their fellow officer's during media conferences and officer diner's they are going to Poland to fend of the evil Russians....

    But they never bothered to arrange the winter gear....tents, tent furnaces, snowchains. and just take the handfull of broken vehicles...because it is just for show. i am sure with that mindset you'd do great in actual war and combat.

    So you kind off take special personal gear with you, a big white flag and an russian word book with "dont shoot!".

    thanks for mentioning me next to Manning or Snowden, but i just say what is going on inside Europe/NATO in the hope some people start researching their info beyond what the propaganda machine spreads. Their life's are actually highly impacted. i dont have not much to complain after leaving the Millitary.

    and no, that Norwegian ship is not an one off. it was just the one that was the most noticed in the Media.

    The Americans ran out of transport capacity in Germany after they realised they "forgot" their self-propelled artillery at the Base. so they hired some polish company to get them. but uh,...Germany is pretty strict with transportation rules. so the German highwaypolice pulled the Polish trucks over and concluded the trucks where overloaded. They where fined and could not continue. they had to wait untill other trucks could pick the artillery up days later. Because you need to refile all the legal transport paperwork in Germany.

    The German infantry with their new Boxer's where classy too, they had no .50 calls. so they improvised by spray painting broomsticks and taping them to their empty turret's.

    The Dutch just blew up their gun barrel's breech or barrels off. Appearantly the locking pins of the CV90's did not liked the freezing  temperature so much and then endure the heavy recoil of it's main gun. It was not the first incident wit these vehicles. During actual field test they also ripped their hydraulic lines as during modifications they figured it would save costs if they would shorten them.

    Or showing up with 20 to 25 percent of vehicles that could not move under own power....or winter clothing for their troops too. or their Minimi Machinegun barrels are just rated for 2500 rounds before they start to show hairline fractures. Sold by the lowest bidder the government could find. They learned that the hard way when some catastrophically failed in Afghanistan.

    The New Boxer APC's are...having some design flaws as well after like years and years of development. It's computer that controls everything needs to boot up for almost 15 minutes. So i hope you are not in a Rush to go anywhere. and i'ts second axle has so much strain on them they need to be replaced prematurely.
    And the Fennek, dont travel more than 2000 kilometers a year with it. Or all factory Waranty is out the window. And Repairs in the field training?. not neccesary, just call the factory repairman.
    The Dutch Seriously send an entire heavy flat-bed loader to transport two of them from point A to Point B on an exercise.
    And their Stinger Weaponry can't be fired stand-alone. you first need to set up an network with an external vehicle antenna before they can engage. I really dont know how we managed to screw up an weapon even Taliban was able to use in the most harshest of conditions.

    You got a while?. the list is sort of long with more examples of hypocricy and stupidity.

    ...and of course we as NATO impressed the locals everywhere there with our drunk and disorderly behaviour. We come to keep them free, we never understood they where furious after urinating over their local monuments.

    Its one big circus pretending to be millitary proffesionals. its very sad.

    I sometimes wonder if the GRU watching at NATO exercises comes back to Moscow and brief their superiors if they are even believed by all the examples of ultimate incompetenence.

    You really can't trust the American government and Millitary. They smile in your face and are ready to stab you in the back on a moment's notice when you are no longer on Team America. Like you described they just come back on agreements and twist it untill it suits them. or just disgard it and tell you to step out of their way or they threaten to go trough you.

    Like you said: If you show any critisism you are immediately anti-semetic.

    I remember in 2006 exiting an war-crime briefing where White Posphorous was an "Chemical agent" and never to be used with proximity detonating fuzes. I watch the news in the canteen with the guys and what do i see?. CNN showing Israel shooting the exact same thing into Gaza Residential area's "as a Smokescreen".

    ..or blowing up entire residential flat's with 2000 pound bombs and blow them into low orbit around the earth. If they had any self-reflection they realise you just create more enemies that way. There are Isreali soldiers that try to speak about the disproportionate use of violence and the corruption in their leadership. but they too are silenced by the Mainstream media and labeled "traitors"

    Maybe if Israel did not act like total scumbags to all the people around them, maybe they would not be "under constant threat".

    It is for me quite ironic tough that the thing Israel and the U.S wanted to prevent in the middle east. has EXACTLY came to be because they meddled with everything. Hezbollah is stronger than ever. Syria, iran and Iraq has shia goverments and now an common enemy. And because of their support for ISIS now Iranian supported millitia's are everywhere.

    Like you said: If you show any critisism you are immediately anti-semetic.

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:32 am

    These are the kind of people that stand boasting to their fellow officer's during media conferences and officer diner's they are going to Poland to fend of the evil Russians....

    Interesting you mention Poland... did you read the comments on the page of that Southfront article... a guy near the bottom writes you off as being an unhappy Pole and it is all sour grapes and how could you possibly know what is going on in all of NATO...

    You know... my head is in the sand and it is warm and out of that cold wind of truth and I want to ignore what you have to say because the truth is inconvenient... I mean if we are spending all this on defence and getting such a shit return then what could we possibly do to fix it... buy F-35s? Twisted Evil

    thanks for mentioning me next to Manning or Snowden, but i just say what is going on inside Europe/NATO in the hope some people start researching their info beyond what the propaganda machine spreads.

    I respect people who recognise everything is not perfect in the west and take action to try to fix it despite being called traitors or Putins tools or just told if they don't love it they should leave.
    They are being the traitors... the west is not perfect... in fact it is a long way from perfect and seems in no hurry to even change course. There is no discussion or dialog... unelected groups like the EU and the MIC in the US and the US media they own tell us what we should think and don't ask questions... they got rich and powerful in this system so this system must be perfect... don't change it... even when it is not working for the majority.

    Snowden and Manning and you are real heros because you are not ripping the system for personal gain... the goal is not like these Chinese dissidents who complain about China so they can win a nobel peace prize after they get out of prison for some minor crime they commit and look forward to a nice comfortable life in the US at some university bitching about how even China is and how wonderful the west is by comparison.

    The criticism is real and documented but the guilty party focuses on the messenger rather than the message because the message could put them in jail, or close some loopholes they got rich exploiting...

    Your goal is not to destroy NATO, it is to try to recognise there is actually a problem and to start looking for solutions... even though I think the world would be better off without NATO at all... as far as I am concerned it is a cold war relic that the US has used as a lead and collar to control europe and to support its colonial operations around the world since the end of the Soviet Union... and how has that gone by the way... even the US would probably be better off without NATO.

    The Dutch just blew up their gun barrel's breech or barrels off. Appearantly the locking pins of the CV90's did not liked the freezing temperature so much and then endure the heavy recoil of it's main gun.

    Ouch... sounds like the problem the Americans had with their first lot of M-16s... they added a forward assist ratchet device so if the bolt didn't close on a round properly you could bash it forward until it closed the bolt. Personally I would rather cycle the bolt and see what was wrong because ramming in a dirty round to fire it can cause more problems than it solves...

    Or showing up with 20 to 25 percent of vehicles that could not move under own power....or winter clothing for their troops too. or their Minimi Machinegun barrels are just rated for 2500 rounds before they start to show hairline fractures. Sold by the lowest bidder the government could find. They learned that the hard way when some catastrophically failed in Afghanistan.

    I have seen some pretty interesting statistics regarding NATO small arms in afghanistan, where the short barrels of the M4 make the rounds rather less effective and because they used the short barrel model of the Minimi they weren't much better in terms of wounds they inflicted on target at ranges beyond about 200m.

    But the US love their 300-400-500m range shooting ranges with their rifles on still days... it has been confirmed over and over again in combat that most troops don't fire at targets more than 100-150m away most of the time and often don't hit them at much more than that anyway.

    Like you said: If you show any critisism you are immediately anti-semetic.

    It is really sad because it is making that meaningless.

    The revisionism in the US is amusing... many of the great people of their history are also the bad guys today because they accepted things we don't accept now... they were either sexist or racist or anti gay... imagine that...

    Personally I am not gay, but I don't care if people I work with or live near are, but I am not going to parade through the streets with them... does that make me a gay basher... I think no because to me a gay basher is someone who hits gay people for being gay, but it seems for some people if I am not a gay promoter then I must be a gay basher because there are no other options, so given the choice I will take gay basher even though I will hit no one.

    Same with the Antisemite shit, the fact that I don't blindly support everything Israel does and question a lot of the bad things they do I must be antisemetic... OK whatever.

    A friend is not someone who supports someone no matter what... if my friend was beating up his wife I would not hide evidence and tell her to keep her mouth shut, I would tell him he needs to get help or I will beat the shit out of him myself and see how he likes it. Ignoring it or defending his wrong actions is not being his friend. I think that is pretty obvious but western ideology seems to be different.

    ..or blowing up entire residential flat's with 2000 pound bombs and blow them into low orbit around the earth. If they had any self-reflection they realise you just create more enemies that way.

    The nazis thought they could win WWII with excessive force and wiping out their enemies and it really actually backfired... the Soviets really had little choice but to fight Germany... if Hitler had half a brain he could have gone in to the soviet union pretending to save them from Stalin... treat them with a bit of respect and he could have had all the material and human resources of the Soviet Union to help him... which would extend across to Japan... what chance would the UK have had with 15 million new troops under his control plus thousands of tanks and aircraft... some of which was rather good, like the Yak-1, and Yak-3 and the La-5FN and La-7 fighters and of course the T-34 tanks and the IS series tanks etc...

    There are Isreali soldiers that try to speak about the disproportionate use of violence and the corruption in their leadership. but they too are silenced by the Mainstream media and labeled "traitors"

    Maybe if Israel did not act like total scumbags to all the people around them, maybe they would not be "under constant threat".

    When Uncle Sam is there to block or mute any criticism of you no matter how justified then you can let your temper lead your actions and do some terrible things to fellow human beings.

    It is for me quite ironic tough that the thing Israel and the U.S wanted to prevent in the middle east. has EXACTLY came to be because they meddled with everything. Hezbollah is stronger than ever. Syria, iran and Iraq has shia goverments and now an common enemy. And because of their support for ISIS now Iranian supported millitia's are everywhere.

    Exactly Iran was actually forced to expand its activities in the region because the US has invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria... what fucking idiot would think Iran would sit back and do nothing as the US invades and infects the region and tries coloured revolution techniques on Iran herself... AGAIN.

    Remember it was the US that undermined democracy in Iran and put in a CIA puppet to abuse the Iranian people and make democracy a dirty word in the region.

    For goodness sake... the Challenger tank the UK uses today was ordered and paid for by Iran... they funded the development... and the Brits kept it.

    Anyway thanks for speaking out, it is good to hear some people in europe still care about the truth and don't let ideology get in the way of doing the right thing.

    North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation indeed, though written in cyrillic the Russian letter for N is H, and the Russian letters for A and T and O are A and T and O, so written in cyrillic it is spelled HATO... which is also pretty apt considering its aggressive and angry uses to stir up trouble and intimidate in the last two decades.

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  thegopnik Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:32 am I have submitted an answer here on Quora. And any thoughts of having an EU army is retarded unless they start proliferating in nukes and actually at least attempt to be competitive in developing military technology on their own. They have been far too pampered by the US and by not having the US they would be completely screwed by Russians. I believe the Pentagon makes political choices over any President. Because it would not be strategically wise for example presidential Liberal candidates wanting to get rid of nukes while under Trump nuclear proliferation would continue and the pentagon is starting to invest more money in hypersonic missiles and building a defense shield in the U.S. I believe was not Trump's idea in the 1st place but rather the pentagon. The pentagon is being atleast strategically wise to implement a defense shield to cover Russia while having an additional defense shield in the U.S. But the announcement of new nuclear weapons which is also explained in my Quora answer link simply ignore missile defense shield capabilities to still hit the U.S. Today's war is all about whose side has the best brains so maybe the higher ups at the Pentagon will eventually realize teaching gay history to kids or diversity classes, having too much reliance on foreign scientists, screwing the lower class to build up their future for better lives and better support for innovating technology, mass influx of rapefugees and migrants wont create a bright future for the U.S. Eventually the time will come for them and every citizen to also realize how weak they have become. The U.S. is still better than an EU army alone but they are not too far behind from straying away like the EU.

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:16 am

    Personally, I think NATO is a military construct used by the US to keep europe hostile to Russia... it has nothing to do with defense and everything to do with a group of compatibly armed cronies it can take around the world to different conflict areas when it needs them like Afghanistan or Iraq etc etc.

    An EU army would be a fraction of the power of NATO, but equally it would also be a fraction of the cost and will get europe out of the world policeman role the US likes to impose on its allies. It would allow better relations with Russia and China and most of the rest of the world and save a lot of wasted money.

    Eastern european countries would hate that because they get US dollars with US troops on their territory and US bases, and hating Russia gets them votes and keeps them in power because of course everything is Russias fault.

    Of course Europe couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel, so it wont happen... Germany and France might think a european army is a good idea but when each finds they wont be leading it they will be less interested and in the end nothing will happen.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Nov 19, 2019 4:40 am

    Giant radioactive tsunami could wash away Western Europe

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    Ideas of United European Army - Page 3 Empty Re: Ideas of United European Army

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:29 am

    Don't call it a giant radioactive Tsunami... call it: Программа благоустройства

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