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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz


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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:19 am

    Gentlemen and lady, there is a reason I have not been too active on forum of late. For the last three years I've been writing what started as a short book and turned in to a novel, although eighteen months of the three years was a hiatus what with the events last late winter through this early spring. For the last almost three months it's been 12 hours a day every day doing the editing and clean up of the tome and then doing the cover art and publishing drill.

    The novel is now complete and on Amazon:

    The work is completely fiction, none of the characters are real nor are the events. The scenario is of a second war in Chechnya not long after the first war was over, the main characters involved in one way or another with 317 Independent Spetznaz Regiment. While some of the language can be a little salty in regards to the conversations between Spetznaz, there is nothing in it that would get an 'X' rating by far and with today's time considered not an 'R' rating either.

    While the discourse between the characters may seem to some to be somewhat archaic and stilted the reality is that is the way we talk among our circle of friends and contacts in this village. The book is in English but all ranks are in Russian as are many of the terms used by the characters to address each other, for instance Tovarich Polkovnik or Tovarich Kapitan. What Russian terms are used are addressed in the glossary at the end of the book.

    I will make another post shortly with a snippet or two from the book to show you the style of writing. I used a pen name for publication of the tome, that for obvious reasons.


    Last edited by auslander on Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed link)

    Posts : 1637
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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty snippet

    Post  auslander Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:41 pm

    Polkovnik Yevgenyi Sergeivich

    He was tired, the stress and strain of the fighting just to his south with half his regiment hanging out in the wind was telling on him. Alexei was no less tired. An aid brought two steaming cups of black coffee and disappeared back to HQ lager as Alexei and Yevgenyi walked, quietly talking.

    “Alexei, I don’t know what action to take. I know I will send transport for my wounded and get them to Hospital, UN be damned. I also know that if I do that Moscow may well order my arrest on the spot and you will be in command. I can not leave my hurt boys over there, I will not leave my soldiers to suffer. So be it.”

    Alexei thought. “I agree, let’s get transport to them and send in some doctors and medics with the transport. The longer we wait the more boys we lose and we need to speak to this fool Applebee about what we are doing and tell him point blank that one second of interference and he will be arrested on the spot. I’ve taken the liberty of getting Moscow to send some of our news people down here for a more balanced reportage of the situation. When I spoke to Katya just after midnight she said the news of our killing the civilians was on all the channels from the west. God knows what they’ve said since. We cannot afford to lose the propaganda war, and that’s exactly what the news is, propaganda.”

    “If I am arrested, do take care of my boys for me. Sooner or later I’ll be let out and sent back to Regiment, any arrest will be simply to quiet the UN and western media.”

    Alexei chuckled. “I will, trust me, I will.”

    Yevgenyi thought for a few minutes. “OK, I’ve made my decision. Come with me, my friend, and watch. UN is about to have a heart attack.” Neither smiled as they strode back to HQ.

    On entering the HQ Yevgenyi began to issue orders. “Alik, get the Tovarich General Oleksandr Nikol’vich on the line. Tell him to come to my headquarters immediately, then get Applebee over here with two news men and that nasty woman translator. Sasha, radio Hospital and tell them I need 10 medics and doctors. No women, all must be men and tell them to come armed and with their kit bags. Then call our vehicle lager and get 3 Ural transports up here. I expect the drivers and assistant drivers to be armed and in full combat gear. Tell one squad of our reserve to fall in next to HQ and await orders. Tell transport to stop at Hospital and pick up the medics and doctors and load as many stretchers as they can. Report to me when you both get this done.”

    Alexei smiled as he took a sip of coffee. “You know, this American habit of coffee is not too bad.” He looked to the east, to the lightening sky. The horizon was clear except for a thin line of brilliant red clouds at ground level. “You are doing exactly what I would do.”

    “Yes, quietly, after I talk to Applebee. Kolya! Get me two armed guards and tell them to stand with the reserve section. Make sure they have something to bind a prisoner with.”

    Applebee appeared, looking more petulant than usual. “I must protest these big guns right were my position is. You have to move them back two kilometers at least. The UN Resolution clearly states that no big  guns can be here.” Right behind him was Mary Smythe and two news men, both grinning.

    “Good morning, Polkovnik! How are you today?” she said with a bright smile.

    “Miss Smythe. Your job is to translate, otherwise please be silent. Applebee, shut up. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

    “What? Here I am trying to be friendly with you and you are nasty to me. How dare you!”

    “Shut up, Miss Smythe, or you will be on your way back to Mozdok instantly.” She shut up.

    Yevgenyi saw the reserve squad falling in and the two guards at the far left of the front line of the section. He signaled the guards to come over.

    “You know who I am.”

    “Yes, Tovarich Polkovnik, we know who you are.” Smythe translated for Applebee.

    “Tovarich Maiyor, come to me please.” The Maiyor complied instantly. “Any news for me, Tovarich Maiyor?”

    “No, Tovarich Polkovnik, nothing has come in this morning, the Chechnyans seem to be quite today.”

    Yevgenyi pulled his automat forward from under his arm in one smooth motion and aimed it at the Maiyor’s chest as he clicked the safety off.

    Last edited by auslander on Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:57 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 1637
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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Foreword, Never The Last One

    Post  auslander Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:54 pm

    The enemy sniper had been quiet. He had slipped down the north face of the massif about 80 meters when the Russian artillery and mortars had begun to work over the crest some 30 minutes or more ago. Faydor had regained consciousness just a few minutes before he heard the sniper slowly scrabbling down the slope, stopping not 10 meters above him. Faydor again tried to move his right arm and was successful. His back felt like a white hot spear was in his spine, but by moving carefully by microns he had managed to get some feeling back in to his legs and understood that his back was not broken nor were his legs. He did not know who or what was above him but figured whoever it was would probably not be friendly to him.  
    He could hear the sound of fighting but dared not try to turn his head or body to take a look. He now knew his head was to the east, ergo his feet were to the west. He contemplated his predicament.

    The Sniper
    He carefully took out his binoculars and scanned the valley below, looking for a lucrative target, making no unneeded moves, doing his best to look like a rock. He knew most of his fellow snipers were dead, how he did not know, but one by one they had failed to follow him north to the end of the massif. So be it, it was as Allah wills.
    Slowly he scanned and looked, looking for a good target, a command figure, and he found one. An older man, Spetznaz no doubt, with several younger men around him and a radio man. He slowly pulled his Dragunov rifle up, exactly the same weapon as the Russian sniper on the west massif had, and aimed. Taking a deep breath and holding it, he thought: Kill his target or maim him? If I maim him that’s probably 4 soldiers to take care of him. If I kill him they will leave him for dead and continue fighting. He was not a diehard fundamentalist, he was pragmatic, having fought off and on for 10 years, participating whenever his clan business was threatened. He made his decision and fired.

    He heard the single shot and knew instantly what his enemy was. Summoning up strength he did not know he had he managed to pull himself beyond the boulder between him and his target, pulled his automat up with his right arm and aimed at his enemy. He screamed in pain. His enemy looked at him in shock and surprise. Faydor aimed fast and squeezed the trigger, holding his automat like it was an outsized pistol in his right hand. One shot rang out before the bolt on his automat locked open, signaling that the magazine was empty.

    He answered Yevgenyi. “The fire from the enemy on the heights has stopped since you’ve been working the bastards over. Keep the mortars going, we have enough trouble here. We can hold, I assure you,  but the less trouble from them the better. I think…..”

    Yevgenyi heard what sounded like a wet ‘thud’, then Alexei snarling a string of obscenities the likes of which Yevgenyi had rarely heard. “Speak to me, old man! What happened?”

    “The mother ******* shot me in the God ****** ******* knee! Dammit it to hell! F****** bastards, **** me to tears! Seroshya! Get me a ******* medic! Damn it!”

    Yevgenyi could hear voices and shouts for a medic, then another voice came on the radio.

    “Sir! Kapitan Nikolai Vital’vich here! Polkovnik is wounded in the leg, pretty bad, I am sure he must be taken to hospital immediately! As you know I am Kommandeer of Rota 8. Do you want me to take command here?”

    “Yes, you take command of the three roti on your end..........................”

    Last edited by auslander on Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:02 am; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 7207
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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  franco Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:32 pm

    auslander wrote:Gentlemen and lady, there is a reason I have not been too active on forum of late. For the last three years I've been writing what started as a short book and turned in to a novel, although eighteen months of the three years was a hiatus what with the events last late winter through this early spring. For the last almost three months it's been 12 hours a day every day doing the editing and clean up of the tome and then doing the cover art and publishing drill.

    The novel is now complete and on Amazon:

    The work is completely fiction, none of the characters are real nor are the events. The scenario is of a second war in Chechnya not long after the first war was over, the main characters involved in one way or another with 317 Independent Spetznaz Regiment. While some of the language can be a little salty in regards to the conversations between Spetznaz, there is nothing in it that would get an 'X' rating by far and with today's time considered not an 'R' rating either.

    While the discourse between the characters may seem to some to be somewhat archaic and stilted the reality is that is the way we talk among our circle of friends and contacts in this village. The book is in English but all ranks are in Russian as are many of the terms used by the characters to address each other, for instance Tovarich Polkovnik or Tovarich Kapitan. What Russian terms are used are addressed in the glossary at the end of the book.

    I will make another post shortly with a snippet or two from the book to show you the style of writing. I used a pen name for publication of the tome, that for obvious reasons.


    Bravo and good for you amigo! If I had a reader I would buy it. Wink

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:43 pm

    I don't have one either, Franco. Since I don't have an exclusive with Amazon I'll search around for another venue to put the book on that doesn't require a special reading device. I'm new at this publishing gig and I have a lot to learn.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:58 pm

    Congrats man! I dont have a kindle but ill try and get it on the ipad if possible

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:12 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:Congrats man! I dont have a kindle but ill try and get it on the ipad if possible

    Thanks! It's a bit of a long book, 18 chapters, around 650 pages. We'll start working on the Russian version around the end of July and for that version the cover might be a little different. The final two candidates for the cover were as you see in on Amazon and the same photo with the Novorossiya flag instead of the red background. We've also thought about calling in a favor or two and borrowing some of the boys next to Battery and heading up in to the mountains for a photo session. We'll see on that but since we know the CO personally I think it's doable.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  Admin Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:37 pm

    Did you give Garry his review copy?

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:10 pm

    Working on that. It's in Kindle on Amazon but I can send it to him in PDF or file. I'll give it a whirl shortly.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:56 am

    Garry has had his copy for several days now. Early next month the translation in to Russian starts, when that is complete the book will be printed in paperback for the home market.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:36 pm

    Thanks Auslander... my weekend starts on Tuesday so I will give it a good read then... I am looking forward to it... Smile

    Actually I don't want to cost you too much in revenue, but it might be interesting to let Vlad have a read.

    As someone who has been in the VDV, he might offer rather more valid comments regarding technical aspects... Smile

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Fri Jun 19, 2015 7:55 pm

    GarryB wrote:Thanks Auslander... my weekend starts on Tuesday so I will give it a good read then... I am looking forward to it... Smile

    Actually I don't want to cost you too much in revenue, but it might be interesting to let Vlad have a read.

    As someone who has been in the VDV, he might offer rather more valid comments regarding technical aspects... Smile

    OK, no rush, just enjoy the read. I'll PM Vlad and do the same process as with you for the book PDF. Revenue don't matter at the moment, if he wants a copy he'll get it.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:07 am

    The book has been edited and the edit will upload later today or tomorrow. Nothing was changed, I just went through the entire tome and spell checked yet again plus cleaned up the diction for easier reading.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:45 am

    The reviews on the book are beginning to come in at long last. Here's a few of them and the link:

    1. What you have hit upon with this novel is the connection of your writer’s moral point of view with the subject matter (characters, setting and plot), and the result is style.
    When a writer forces style on matter, it usually isn't successful. Your inner artist has found the key to the story you want to tell. It’s organic. The inside and outside of culture, male and female, tradition and interloper, history and the present, love, passion, values and gentility are all a flow from your mind, memory, heart and energy.
    It’s good stuff.

    2. I just finished ” Never The Last One” a few minute’s ago. For everyone, go and buy it at Amazon now, you will not ever regret your purchase.

    3. This book reminds me of the HOOAH books that were popular back during the Reagan era, except I guess that this would be classed as a UUUURRAH book instead.
    Plenty of good guys that you can like. A good spread of bad guys that you can readily dislike. Lots of great action that is both technically and tactically correct. Strange Russian humor that takes some time to appreciate.
    And, unlike many Kindle only format books, this one is both well written and edited. Altogether a good read.

    4. 900 pages of non-stop great reading. You will have tears of joy, anger and sadness when done.

    Read a article by R. H. Auslander on a web site. Was impressed enough to download a sample of this book. Now mind ya, the sample is almost 100 pages long. When I was done I HAD to purchase the whole book.
    We have here a war story, lot's of love story's that are not all syrupy, but real bondings during a very stressful time. Anyone who has been in a military conflict will recognize instantly the binding that occurs between fellow warriors, who become lifelong friends as a result of fighting together. The characters are very well developed to the point that it is easy to relate to their feelings.
    As Mr. McCarthy said in his review, "Strange Russian humor that takes some time to appreciate." Well as a person who has spent some time in Eastern Europe, (and I mean years) I have to agree. The book is written as one would expect from a person from Eastern Europe, but there is a catch to that, and that I will not reveal here. I also agree, that the tech and tactical are correct, so correct that it polishes the story with realism, so after finishing this wonderful tome I'm left to try to figure out what was fact and what was fiction as it is so spot on.
    If historical military fiction, with ample backstabbing and deceit by those who should be on your side, and a book that may not be all that fictitious, you will be drawn in to this book and it will never let you down, and that is saying a lot for a 900+ page book.

    5. I’m enjoying the charm of your style of writing. The story has a song quality, like looking at a lovely sepia tone photo while listening to music. You have a storyteller talent that flows on every page.

    Author's note: The '900+ page book' is the kindle version. When it's hard printed it will be almost 700 pages.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:54 am

    A short story, actually a chapter from the second book that is in process, will be published hopefully by this weekend. The name is 'An Incident on Simonka' and details, in fiction, an event in Sevastopol on 23 February 2014.

    Last edited by auslander on Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty New book is suddenly ranked very high on Amazon

    Post  auslander Thu Apr 28, 2016 5:15 am

    Can't help but pop this up. I published An Incident On Simonka Monday afternoon on Kindle. 45 pages in print form, 72 in Kindle form. Tuesday afternoon it was not ranked for sales position. Around midnight I was emailed and told it was #30. This morning it's #17. I can't understand how a short book that's sold not 50 copies yet has such a high ranking on Amazon in it's genre and has no reviews as of 06 today.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:25 am

    I have started to read your first book... sorry for the delay... and it is excellent.

    I am very much enjoying it, though I am not a fast reader so it will take me a while to finish it.

    Thank you very much for providing me with a copy... my role as a moderator means I read a couple of hours every night, but these books are a huge perk of the job... thanks again.. Smile

    Easy to read and very well written, I would recommend anyone interested in Russia to give these books a read.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:28 pm

    I am pleased you are enjoying the books, Garry. The books have been well received and most who have read them like them both.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  franco Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:43 pm

    auslander wrote:Can't help but pop this up. I published An Incident On Simonka Monday afternoon on Kindle. 45 pages in print form, 72 in Kindle form. Tuesday afternoon it was not ranked for sales position. Around midnight I was emailed and told it was #30. This morning it's #17. I can't understand how a short book that's sold not 50 copies yet has such a high ranking on Amazon in it's genre and has no reviews as of 06 today.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

    Interesting idea. One of the things that drew me into the Donbass conflict was watching videos of old Afghani vets picking up the rifle and heading out to train the youngsters how to fight and survive. I know from speaking to other Western military vets that it invoked much interest and sympathy during the early days of 2014... we all felt younger and half wished we were there too!

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:57 pm

    In our city everyone pitched in but it was the graybeards who let the armed defense, the veterans of Afghan and Chechnya amongst other places. About the time peace and tranquility was established on this island the Donbas started. A large number of our graybeards promptly headed north to help as huge numbers of men in their prime ran from Donbas south and east to avoid the conflict along with a sizable number of orcs from Orcland proper. They are all still here and a good number of our graybeards and younger men are still up there.

    It is my personal opinion that one of the main reasons VVP did not go full bore against the orcs and their depredations in Donbas was because of the vast numbers of those who should have stayed and either fought or helped Donbas ran as fast as they could to Krim and Rostov. For most of them down here the welcome wore thin long ago, they are generally given short shrift and the locals tell them to go home and fight. We hear every excuse in the world from them as to why they can't but in the next breath they will tell you how much they miss 'home' and want to return when the war is over. It is also my personal opinion that if and when these shirkers do go 'home' they will be in for a big surprise when those who stayed and endured all come face to face with them.


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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  medo Fri May 06, 2016 7:01 pm

    Where I could buy your book? Amazon doesn't work for me.

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Mon May 09, 2016 3:55 pm

    PM Sent

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:38 pm

    The two latest versions of both books are now up and running on Amazon. NTLO was last edited in summer, again mainly diction and spelling errors. An Incident On Simonka was also heavily edited, cleaned up and expanded a bit here and there including the AAR and a little something at the very end after Ulyana Fedorovna gets her thought processes realigned.

    Never The Last One

    An Incident On Simonka

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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  auslander Thu Feb 02, 2017 6:25 am

    Gentlemen, please PM me for a copy of the short story An Incident On Simonka. I will speak to my agent about the novel Never The Last One but I'm sure arrangements can be made for that tome also. I will have to send the PDF files via email.

    You will get the latest versions of both. I am also working on having the novel hard printed, probably 'print on demand' in US and EU, hard copy for Russia and those who don't want to deal with Amazon or prefer getting a copy from me.

    All I ask concerning the short story is you give me a review of your thoughts about the little story. An Incident On Simonka is actually a chapter of the novel in process concerning the events in Sevastopol Region in 2014.


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    Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz Empty Re: Never The Last One, A Novel of Spetznaz

    Post  OminousSpudd Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:27 am

    It appears PM-ing is disabled for the time being. However, I would still love to get a hold of those/that novel/s, if you wouldn't mind flicking it at this inbox: I would be most grateful. Very Happy

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