sepheronx Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:13 pm
flamming_python wrote:Looks cool.
Would have prefered a continuation of the last movie though, Army of Darkness.
There were two endings to Army of Darkness.
1) where he crawls out of the cave he moved himself and his car into. Drank the potion and said the words (incorrectly of course). Woke up in his time, crawled out of the cave, and saw the world destroyed.
2) (apprently official ending) he is back at S-Mart and telling his two coworkers (one played by Ted Raimi. Younger brother to director Sam Raimi) about how he got his metal hand and what had happened. Then one of the shoppers turned into a deadite and attacked them, with Ash blowing it away with his boomstick.
I suppose it is a decade and a half since the AOD. He just mentions about the first one (cabin in woods, etc).
Someone else explained that the second novie was technically a continuation of the first movie but due to losing rights over the first movie, they (Sam Raimi) couldnt use footage from it so they recreated the recap themselves (and I suppose couldnt get same actors either besides Bruce Campbell of course), so first 10 mins are the recap (which explains how there was Evil Ash as example).
So pretty much a continuation.