Vladimir79 wrote: kvs wrote:Whatever the route, as long as it bypasses the lunatics in Banderastan and Pooland. Just think about Turk Stream, the idea of Russia using a traditional
enemy (check up on the history) as a route for such a critical export says a lot. The Turks are prepared to be rational and sane about
the gas transit. The Slav "brothers" in eastern Europe are not.
If they get new supplies of gas and don't need ours anymore, that is a problem. At the very least those new supplies will lower what we can charge for it.
No. It wont. It wont be enough through transport. Would meet a fraction of the needs of Europe. Hence why there are multiple sources from Russia to EU alone. That isn't including all their other gas imports. Are you even aware how much is transported to EU per year? Or how much they require to be transported through pipeline + LNG?
There is absolutely no way a single pipeline, or even two or three will fill that need. Yeah, it will take a hit against Russian pipelines in that they will reduce import from Russia but wouldn't cut it.
Plus now you got EU hating Israel for nearly everything so they wont agree with an Israeli controlled pipeline either. Plus, Europe including Germany refused to allow a single source. India, China and the rest all stated similar. So while Russia will never be dominant in supply, it would definitely have customers. AND ultimately, getting the Arab nations to agree with Israel regarding a pipeline is a major joke.
But, as the article states since I think some people cant use translate very well: US failed to get the Germans to agree.
Senate hearings on the state Department budget turned into a scandal. Instead to give the Secretary of state Mike Pompeo another check, the senators gave him a little interrogation, during which he demanded to report about the task execution blocking "Nord stream — 2". To give a detailed response, the head of American diplomacy is clearly not enough props, it was felt that it would be very useful a white flag to wave them in front of the senators, but was confined to the verbal statement: "We have done everything possible to dissuade the Europeans, primarily Germans, from the construction of the Nord Stream 2. We have not achieved success to date".
The firm position of the German leadership was recently confirmed by the German foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who responded to criticism from Vice-President Michael Pence on financing of NATO and the construction of "Nord stream — 2": "Nothing new there. We are not surprised, and we won't change our arguments or load sharing (funding NATO. — Approx. ed.) nor that with regard to the "Nord stream — 2".
American hopes that the change of leadership in the party of Angela Merkel will create the necessary conditions for the waiver of the "Nord stream — 2", also did not materialize. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, "the heiress" Angela Merkel said in February: "Nord stream — 2" for me, as for others, of course, not the same project that I support with all my heart. However, the fundamental decisions have already been made, the project cannot be turned back." However, it emphasized the negative attitude to the main (and, in fact, the only) instrument of U.S. diplomacy: "the threat of sanctions — not the best way to communicate between friends and partners. USA pursue their own economic interests, which is perfectly legal. But Washington should hear the answer of Germany: we are diversifying, we have other sources of supply". Mike Pompeo, probably, have heard the German position, and while he has nothing to object.
However, your budget the Secretary of state still got, although the state Department a few achievements recently: "Nord stream — 2" is based, the European Union refuses to join the sanctions against Iran, Maduro is still in power in Venezuela, and about the creation of a broad anti-Chinese coalition, which is so necessary to the administration of trump can only dream of. Even the biggest American success of the last time — the arrest of Julian Assange, most likely, is the achievement of the U.S. Treasury, not American diplomacy. Very strange coincidence: on 11 March, the IMF (which the Americans and their allies still remains a big influence) decides to allocate the deeply unpopular (and not very competent) President of Ecuador a loan of 4.2 billion dollars and a month later, Assange is under arrest at the request of U.S. authorities.