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    New Multipolar World


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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:27 am

    Europe is a racial idea. Africa and Asia  and other continents are geographic ideas. Therefore Europe is self limiting. Not all people are created equal. The Europeans think, they own the day sky, because they have blue eyes. And they think, they own the Sun, because they have yellow hair.

    But they forget, that people with Brown skin, own the Earth. And people with black eyes, own the night sky. And all the stars in the heavens. You can only see the Stars at night.

    Now the arrogant French racists, curtail the Internet freedom of speech, to spread religious hatred. But they do not curtail the  journalistic freedom of speech, to spread secular hatred. These cultures are in free fall. I have always thought of Europe, as a small part of Asia. On the Atlantic Coast.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Sujoy Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:56 pm

    A multipolar world is not possible because the House of Windsor will not allow it. The British Empire never collapsed, it sustains itself even to this day by adopting various avatars.

    House of Windsor is the evil boss of the world, controlling USA, Russia and almost every other country in the world.

    The Royal family exercises control over democracies through election rigging, banking control etc. Royal family also control Arab regimes like Saudis and the Vatican

    The Deep State in the US is not the CIA or NSA or FBI. Yes of course they are playing a part, but they are all controlled by the British royal family.

    Round Table org was established for expanding the British Empire. Same people/families also involved in later orgs Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute For International Affairs, etc. Military operations were deemed too costly and overt. Thus, the group determined that establishing bonds of economic captivity in all target countries was a much more effective method of enforcing the rule of the British Empire.

    Today UK's royal family backed organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations is a vehicle of corruption that aims to create a neo-feudalistic one-world dictatorship under the control of a few wealthy families.

    Here's a video that straightforward says that Queen Elizabeth II Rigs Elections Worldwide!
    Tsavo Lion
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:34 pm

    Since the British royals don't control Russia & China, then it's a multipolar World.
    Putin: Russia-China Military Alliance Can't Be Ruled Out
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Oct 24, 2020 5:34 pm

    For 30 Years, US global Clout has been Unopposed: With Rise of Chinese Superpower, that is about to Change

    Valdai: military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing reaches a new level:

    China Calls Russia's Talk of Possible Military Alliance 'Positive,' With 'No Limit' to Their Ties

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)
    Tsavo Lion
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:59 pm

    There are no more liberal resources for economic growth in the world. What Putin said at Valdai about TNK and sovereignty does not depend on the outcome of the US elections. Regardless of the outcome of the American elections, Russia will follow the course of limiting globalization and strengthening regionalization, which means increased pressure and the need to resist it. If by 2030 Russia and China manage to prevent global shocks, the multipolar world will become a fait accompli.
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:07 pm

    SCO Summit and the Russian-Chinese Alternative of the Future
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:35 pm

    The other shoe just dropped:
    Good signs India, Brazil to be buddies with China again
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:27 pm

    A multipolar world is not possible because the House of Windsor will not allow it.
    Who f... cares about the House of Windsor?

    Those guys are a bunch of nobodies for whom time stopped 100 years ago. Xi and Putin would laugh at them.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Hole Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:57 pm

    No, they´re to polite to make fun of old people. lol1

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  GarryB Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:13 am

    The other shoe just dropped:

    It will be much more valuable to Brazil and India to be allies with China than be their enemies...

    The west would love to gather a large group of countries to damage their economies and futures to slow down or damage the Chinese and Russian economies... but that is how the west works... divide and damage others and feed off the debris.

    Russia and China on the other hand don't mind if Africa grows and develops into something better, it just means more trade options.

    The west fears rivals because it knows full well how it treats its client states and its enemies and it does not want to be treated like that.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:57 pm

    US sidelined as China, Korea and Japan unite-if the shoe fits, wear it!

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  George1 Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:14 am

    Bolivia to open embassy in Iran

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:42 am

    George1 wrote:Bolivia to open embassy in Iran

    They're are still pissed off about that Snowden incident.
    Tsavo Lion
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:56 am

    The Chinese successful Moon missions & their naval buildup with CVNs & NP icebreakers soon to come out, & de-facto overseas bases r the most glaring indicators of our current multipolar world.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:10 pm

    So the idea of Uncle Sham waging regime change operations in Mexico holds more and more credibility. Yankee-doodles should tread lightly in this post INF world. Wink
    interesting development

    Us gets taste of its own medicine

    #Mexico passed a bill about "foreign agents"
    New law strips US agents of diplomatic immunity, force DEA, FBI, etc agents to submit whatever intelligence they collect to Mexican officials

    Maybe they don't want Afghan heroin shipped through their territory.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  LMFS Thu Dec 31, 2020 2:01 am

    Very interesting article:

    The Empire Doubles Down: Open Society Foundations Will Now Be Run by Lord Malloch Brown
    Matthew Ehret
    December 11, 2020

    The hubris of empire has always struck me with shock and awe.

    I mean it really takes balls to get caught with a prostitute and instead of apologizing to your wife, to instead buy the hooker a new fur coat and parade her publicly at a public event.

    Such has been the case with George Soros’ long time bosom buddy Lord Mark Malloch Brown who after being revealed as a leading force behind the software used by the infamous Dominion Voting systems via Smartmatic (which transferred its operating systems to Dominion via Sequoia Inc), has now been made the president of Soros’ global Open Society Foundations.

    What is the logic behind such a decision?

    Simple: If these characters were truly guilty of the crimes they are being accused of, then why would they behave so unapologetically in public? Surely to be so confident, they must be innocent of wrongdoing. It may sound overly simplistic, but this formula has proven most effective in recent years.

    This is a lesson learned just a few months go by Sir Kim Darroch (former British Ambassador to the USA 2016-2019). After having failed in his mission to “flood the zone” with British intelligence operatives to influence Trump’s perception of reality, Sir Kim found himself honoured as a Lord and life peer for services rendered rather than face anything close to a reprimand for “exceeding the boundaries of his job description” as one would have expected.

    The doubling down of those deep state operatives like Comey, Brennan and Clapper who after having been caught artificially pushing a contrived lie to de-legitimize the 2016 elections under RussiaGate, would become ever more crazed and loud in their advocacy of Trump’s allegiance to the Kremlin.

    But this is an old formula that wasn’t invented with Trump. Caught laundering drug money HSBC? No worries. Pay a few dollars in fines, wait a bit, then do it again, but go bigger. Caught orchestrating a color revolution in Georgia? No problem. Just do another one in Ukraine. What happens when your Georgian color revolutionary puppet starts a war with Russia and has to flee his own nation to avoid imprisonment for corruption? Give him Ukrainian citizenship and install him as Governor of the Nazi-infested province of Odessa.

    Back to the Soros-Brown Lovefest

    Despite these truths, I must admit that the December 4 announcement of Lord Malloch Brown’s rise to the Presidency of Soros’ Open Society Foundations did surprise me.

    Knowing that Dominion Voting systems shared its office space with Soros’ Tides Foundation in Toronto Canada was pretty bad. Knowing that Dominion executive Eric Koomer was caught on Soros-connected Antifa organizing zoom calls publicly announcing that he had ensured that Trump would not win was also bad. Seeing the integration of Dominion’s voting systems with a Soros operation known as the Clinton Foundation Delian Project didn’t look good.

    When it came to Soros/Malloch Brown characters active in Biden’s aspiring administration, we find the likes of Atlantic Council Senior Fellow Peter Neffenger have found themselves enmeshed in the current coup operation serving as U.S. head of Smartmatic. Other Soros-Malloch Brown connected operatives include International Crisis Group member Jake Sullivan as Biden’s pick for National Security Advisor, Neera Tanden (head of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress) who will head the White House Office of Management and Budget, and lest we forget Anthony Blinken – longtime friend of International Crisis Group President Robert Malley and son of Soros confidante Donald Blinken (whose Donald and Vera Blinken Open Society Archive in Hungary should serve as a constant reminder.)

    Yet despite their decades of collaboration and devotion to the cause of destroying sovereign nation states as I outlined in my previous report, Soros and Malloch Brown didn’t make any effort to separate themselves amidst current surge of U.S. color revolution controversies but have instead doubled down dramatically.

    Announcing the transfer of power from Open Society President Patrick Gaspard to Brown, the Open Society website proclaimed:

    “Patrick Gaspard has announced his decision to step down as president at the end of the year. During his three-year tenure, he confronted significant threats to open societies around the globe, including the rise of authoritarian regimes and the spread of the COVID-19 virus worldwide. Under his capable leadership, the Open Society Foundations have emerged stronger than ever.

    Succeeding him as president will be Mark Malloch-Brown, the former UN deputy secretary‐general and UK minister, who currently serves on the Foundations’ Global Board. Malloch-Brown will take over effective January 1.”

    Soros commented on Lord Malloch Brown’s presidency saying: “Mark is deeply familiar with Open Society’s work and shares my vision of a political philanthropy that is focused and prepared for the future.”

    What these Globalists Fear

    The real threats to their joint vision for an “open society” (code for “technocratic post-nation state world order run by a Malthusian master class”) were enumerated on multiple occasions by both Lord Malloch Brown and Soros. Since the current battle across the globe between Great Reset oligarchs and patriots has coincided with a spike in misinformation and psy ops which have attempted to pin the USA into a war posture with China, it is a good moment to be reminded of what those fears are.

    In his June 2020 speech promoting world government, Lord Brown stated: “In the wider world a more authoritarian form of government is the new majority. It is not China alone. This “new majority” embraces leaders who come to power by the ballot box and those who didn’t, but who all share a preference for a nationalist foreign policy, the weakening of domestic institutions and the rule of law”.

    At another event a few months later, Lord Malloch Brown warned that the United Nations had been infiltrated by authoritarian nation states like Russia, and China. His solution? Create new transnational operations which “bypass the UN security council”. Apparently, only open society-friendly NGOs are enlightened enough to dictate global policy.

    Outlining his understanding of the two greatest threats to “open society”, George Soros had targeted two villains in his January 23, 2020 Davos speech: #1) Xi Jinping’s China and #2: Donald Trump’s USA.

    At this speech, Soros stated: “regrettably, President Trump seems to be following a different course: Make concessions to China and declare victory while renewing his attacks on U.S. allies. This is liable to undermine the U.S. policy objective of curbing China’s abuses and excesses.”

    At the time Soros spoke, the U.S.-China trade deal had begun its first phase which aimed at ensuring China’s purchase of $200-$300 billion of U.S. manufactured goods. During these hopeful days of collaboration, President Trump understood much better than he does now that 10+ months of COVID insanity and anti-China psy war have flooded his support base, that the ultimate recovery of U.S. manufacturing was contingent upon good relations with China. Trump’s early words of support of Xi Jinping when COVID had newly emerged onto the scene calling the Chinese leader “my friend”, were truly prospects which scared the hell out of Soros, Malloch Brown (not to mention Soros’ right wing doppelganger Steve Bannon who has been set up as a false opposition over the past few years.)

    USA-China Synergy is the greatest threat to a Bankers’ Dictatorship

    The fact is that the vast markets being created by China’s Belt and Road Initiative provide important zones of demand for U.S. production and vital energy for long term big thinking unseen in the USA since the days of John F. Kennedy. China’s leadership in the multipolar alliance alongside Russia has not only created a foundation of serious resistance to the unipolar agenda, but has also re-awoken for the first time in decades, the multipolar foreign policy traditions that were once emblematic of the USA which I’ve written extensively about here and here and here and here.

    This obvious synergy between the two “authoritarian” states of Xi’s China and Trump’s USA was, and continues to be, the greatest fear of those technocrats wishing to castrate nation states on the alter of green decarbonization schemes, world government and never-ending asymmetric wars to ensure that such inter-civilizational cooperative projects as the New Silk Road, be sabotaged under “divide and conquer” strategies. Sure these technocrats sometimes speak well of China, but I assure you that the only thing they admire are China’s centralized controls and surveillance infrastructure which they would love to have applied to control those democratically-minded nations of the west that they seek to dominate. Everything that China does that relates to poverty reduction, large scale infrastructure development, promotion of full spectrum economics abroad, win-win diplomacy, sovereign banking controls, mass education, and frontier creative leaps in science are considered deplorable and only worth destroying.

    This is what makes the collapse of U.S. patriotic strategic thinking under an “anti-China” worldview so tragic and dangerous. For all of their courageous work exposing the election fraud and the ongoing 4 year coup attempt of Russia Gate, U.S. patriots like Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn and even Trump himself have demonstrated a tendency to fall for lines of simplistic reasoning that attempt to deflect the causal hand of British intelligence, and instead blame a combined assortment of secondary/tertiary reactive players like Iran and China as the ultimate villains of the story.

    Perhaps if people would think a little more seriously about the CIA’s creation and protection of such Asian-scientology outfits like Falun Gong whose U.S.-based leader believes he is a messiah and which controls Epoch Times then they would be a little more weary about accepting every piece of information being slipping into their minds like mental trojan horses.

    Perhaps these patriots would also recognize that Falun Gong’s expulsion from China in 1997 was due more to the outfit’s role in attempting to lead a color revolution akin to the Russian White Revolution of 2010 and not due to the CPC’s fear of the spread of “compassion, benevolence and kindness”. They might also realize that Soros/CIA Freedom House’s support for Falun Gong dovetails Bannon’s own collaboration with the same organization bringing both apparent “enemies” into direct synergy. Bannon’s calls for “uniting the global Christian right” under his Dignitas Humanitae Institute (connected to the highest echelons of the European black nobility) under a unified front to prepare for war with Chinese civilization and Islam is just a re-packaging of the neocon clash of civilizations doctrine that has played off of Soros’ anti-human brand of globalism for decades.

    What is the carry away lesson from all of this?

    Love your nation, and if you are American then defend the presidency from the likes of creeps like Soros, Mark Malloch Brown and Bannon. But keep in mind that the causal hand behind the subversion of the republic (or whatever nation state you might live in) is the same hand which desperately seeks to destroy China, and this same hand can only be chopped off once patriotic Americans and patriotic Chinese begin to work together.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 31, 2020 4:06 am

    Tells you how rotten everything is in the west. These clowns run the judicial system and own all of the prosecutors. They
    will imprison Julian Asange with no real case against him and without any trial (on this alone Asange's rights are being violated)
    but will never do any time for any brazen violation of the laws supposedly holding in their own rotten countries.

    This also tells you why the NATzO west is spewing anti-Russian hate propaganda 24/7. They need to keep the attention of
    the credulous sheeple on some phony "enemy" instead of on themselves.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:27 am

    UPDATE: Yo Garry, about the Bitchute Links, any progress??

    Last edited by AlfaT8 on Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Tsavo Lion
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:24 am


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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:16 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:

    GarryB will get a load of this lmao!!! lol1
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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Jan 01, 2021 6:41 am

    Till early 1900s, Britain ruled the waves; now she may "rule" a few big islands.
    Their combined land areas=7,022,111 sq. miles, while RF & PRC=10,307,000 sq. miles.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:36 pm

    Canada is a total US colony. The link to the UK is gone to history.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Godric Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:53 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:

    pipe dream because by the end of 2021 the UK will be no more ... Holyrood elections in may SNP expected to win by a landslide with 57% in the polls and support for Scottish Independence is at 58% and growing 17 straight polls in a row with support of Scottish Independence the majority choice

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:25 pm

    There was fraud at the previous referendum on independence. Expect even more now. The status quo must be maintained
    at all costs.

    I even expect some diversionary BS about Russia to be launched around the same time to distract the sheeple.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 5 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:45 pm

    There r many ethnic Scots in NZ- even if Scotland becomes independent, it'll benefit from this confederation or commonwealth.

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