I dont know whats happening in United states but seems as if the
whole Government is now divided.. and you have the Republicans in Senate and Congress
pushing for more Syrian war. and some factions from Obama administration pushing
to end it. While a report released blames Russia -IRAN and Syria of warcrimes..
Another report by US state department fall short of calling Turkey a terrorist state.
and that Turkey government have been "Weak" in detecting the oil smuggling of oil
from ISIS across its territory. Perhaps this is European Union pressure working?
Norway is now releasing its own report that pretty much confirm Russia report about Turkey.
although don't mention Russia but says nearly the same thing and include the prices that ISIS
sell oil in the market using Turkey.
I find hard to believe the US state department will basically throw Turkey
and erdogan future into the abyss. with this report.
So if i were to guess ,it looks 2-3 major factions in US government are pushing
their own agenda in the Syrian conflict.
The US Senate leading one , the Pentagon top leadership another faction that only disagree with the senate in the tactics to use against Syria and then a mysterious faction withing the US state department that wants the war to end. What is more confusing is that Kerry says something one day towards peace in Syria and the other day says something else pro War.. The fact that kerry signed the deal of cease fire with lavrov and even visit Sochi to talk to Putin .. but later talk about plan B if cease of fire ,is kind of weird.
But definitively there is a major division in US policy in Syria ,and what is surprising is how each US faction try to sabotage the other . So if my guess is correct.. this is really good for Russia.. and they will want to exploit this as much as possible? perhaps thats the real reason of the cease of fire.. it was more like symbolical , but it allowed powerful factions in US and EUrope to really see what they really want in Syria , the ones that were insecure ..to promote that the war against syria needs to end.is an invitation for peace , Pentagon in the other hand is not happy about it and is increasing its hostile rhetoric against Russia.
So does it is surprising that not all american Government is united? not at all ..but what
is a surprise is that i didnt expected the divisions to be so deep and easy to see ,and so confusing. Either Kerry is either giving false hopes to Russia and playing games ,by tricking Russia into cooperation..or he is tricking their own government ,? and really sick of the whole Syrian war and pushing to end it ,even if that means going against the Pentagon and Obama.
Or maybe is not kerry and he only repeats what is being told to say. by different bosses .
whatherver it is definitely there is a major split in US policy in Syria and this shows how complicate is any negotiation with United States about anything. Because you could have the support of their President ,but the Pentagon and CIA and Senate can sabotage that. or it can be the other way. By watching Kerry defending Russia in the pentagon how cooperative Russia is ,vs Pentagon claims of Russia being an enemy ,was really telling of the divisions that exist.
So if i was to guess , it is possible , unless kerry is just following orders from above ,that is not Obama. That at least 4 factions show up in US.. the Pentagon faction , the US senate/congress faction, the Kerry faction and the Obama faction. is a real mess ,and Russia apparently understand this ,and take advantage of the divisions and takes any opportunity as soon its
shows. Whatever it is.. It looks really impressive the kind of diplomacy that Putin/Lavrov is using against United States. Any other nation will have not have the patience of Russia in dealing with United States.
Putin inviting Henry Kissinger (a war criminal) but that have good relations with US elite ,
is another way to see Putin trying to divide the American elite and get some support withing
US elite. Putin shaking hands with Netanyahu and increasing relations with Israel ,even when they attack Syria is another way is playing its hand. To send the message that Russia can help
the security of Israel that is really important for US elite.