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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:19 am

    British police in Manchester failed to stop dozens of girls being sexually abused by a network of Pakistani men despite knowing it was happening due to fears over creating “community tensions.”

    In yet another grooming scandal involving predominately Pakistani men sexually abusing mainly white girls, a new report reveals that Greater Manchester Police “failed to take appropriate action more than 15 years ago, despite getting details of nearly 100 “persons of interest” who were using takeout restaurants as a base to rape and abuse children in care between the ages of 11 and 17” and despite the fact that the culprits were operating “in plain sight.”

    All the victims were “young white females” aged 11-17 while all the perpetrators were “almost exclusively Asian adult males, many of whom are associated via the Asian restaurant trade,” according to the report.

    The police operation identified 57 girls who had been exploited, including one who died after being injected with heroin by her abuser, but the case was shut down in 2005 and “very few” offenders were brought to justice.

    These UK clowns were too busy chasing down the phantom killers of Litvinenko and Skripals.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:05 pm

    I love the way they call them Asian gangs.. it gives me image of Yakuzas and Linloung mafia, not some curry slurper. lol1

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:19 pm

    Regular wrote:I love the way they call them Asian gangs.. it gives me image of Yakuzas and Linloung mafia, not some curry slurper. lol1

    The correct term they should be using is South Asian. Asian can even imply someone from parts of Russia or people from Central Asia.
    The usual BS from the usual BS'ers.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:35 pm

    An example of the lunatic clowns running one of the western insane asylums.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:22 am

    Revisionist morons. European art history is male and white. Trannies and sexually mutilated 8 year olds
    were not a thing before the last couple of decades. If these f*cks feel the need for a non-white art
    course, then go ahead and put one together. Who is stopping you? Here we see the brazen hypocrisy
    of these self-anointed "do-gooders". They are not doing any good, they are wreaking good things.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:15 pm

    How "democracy" works in the USA. More lobbyists than witnesses during legislative review processes. And
    brazen conflict of interest being passed off as "fair" by said lobbyists. The notion that I cannot take a product
    (e.g. laptop) which I own to a 3rd party repair company of my choice is grotesque and obscene.
    Requiring me to take my product to monopoly style "company authorized" repair outfits where I get ass-raped
    with ludicrous prices for retard-level "repair" is not freedom of choice and not acceptable.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:47 pm

    The vaunted western innovation. bounce

    The average consumer sheep is really mentally deficient. This is the basis of all of the world's problems since CNN
    and western regimes can spread all sorts of lies and manipulate these saps with little effort.

    The high school curriculum used to have enough physics to cover the laws of thermodynamics. The concept for
    a portable air conditioner is retarded on its face. The heat is blown into the same room (or vicinity) as the cold air
    so there is no point. I am quite certain that these scams do not employ any technology that transfers the
    heat into the power line or the ground. Even Peltier effect coolers do not have the ability to use powerlines as
    heat sinks. And any heat transfer to the power cord would result in heat being released from the cord given its
    length to width ratio. Imagine having a 3 inch thick insulated power cord. Regardless, the above scam device is
    supposed to operate on batteries which precludes an sort of solution other than transferring heat from one part of
    the air to another and it clearly has no contact heat release into the ground.

    By contrast air conditioners mounted in windows make perfect sense since hot air is being transferred outside the
    building (i.e. room) and is not mixing back into it. Even proper portable units which cost much less than this
    scam have a duct for the warm air to be released outside a window.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:09 am

    Lunatic SJW "do-gooders". These retards don't understand that it is possible for men and women to earn exactly
    the same money in every job type and for the average income of women to be different from that of men. It is
    called a weighted average. Where the weights are the distributions of men and women in every job type. The
    so-called "wage gap" is due to personal choice and not due to discrimination.

    You see the need for basic mathematics education, which is clearly absent in the USA.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:58 pm

    Can we talk about the Iowa Caucus Scandal? The emperor isn't wearing any clothes, and exposes the charade of this so called democracy:


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Hole Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:05 pm

    Company behind this app with ties to Killary and Buttigeek. respekt If something like this would happen in Russia... oh boy! The western MSM would freak out.

    Weird thing is… until now nobody blamed russian hackers. Or iranian ones. Or north-koreans… pwnd

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:53 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Can we talk about the Iowa Caucus Scandal? The emperor isn't wearing any clothes, and exposes the charade of this so called democracy:

    The USA is a rotten two-party state. It is actually not that much better than a one-party state. The main difference is that all the trickle down
    from US global economic piracy makes its citizens somewhat well off (if they are not living under a bridge, of course). I find it funny how the
    US-dominated NATO MSM loves to project onto Russia all the pathologies of the US itself. At one time Putin was accused of running a
    "managed democracy" in Russia. LOL. That is exactly the scam that the US has. Every third party has to submit to one of the two
    "circus tent" parties (Democraps and Republitards). They make sure no radical "socialist" ideas can hold sway.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:03 am

    Hole wrote:Company behind this app with ties to Killary and Buttigeek. respekt  If something like this would happen in Russia... oh boy! The western MSM would freak out.

    Weird thing is… until now nobody blamed russian hackers. Or iranian ones. Or north-koreans… pwnd

    Booty-itch is now winning... lol1


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:00 am

    Decline of the western society - Page 7 II6L0ust?format=jpg&name=small

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Isos Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:31 am

    The USA is a rotten two-party state. It is actually not that much better than a one-party state. The main difference is that all the trickle down

    It's a one hidden state party. Have you ever seen a US or (or any western) politic doing something for citizens interest ? Or have you spotted any difference btw Trump, Hillary, Obama, Regan ... policies ?

    They are controlled by the same guys.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:52 pm

    Well, oligarchs are also citizens. lol!

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Third world corruption among US politicians.

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:04 pm

    Third world corruption among US politicians.

    Any 5th column liberast bleating about corruption in Russia on behalf of the USA should be shot.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:29 pm

    So if you see the brazen bias in the US/Canada divorce laws and operation of family courts, that means you are a terrorist.
    This is another example of the "free western media" and "western freedom". Be a good little drone following the assigned
    script and you can feel "free". But wake up and smell the coffee, well then, you are a threat to society. If this is not
    totalitarianism then nothing is.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:34 am


    The decline exists, not just in Western societies. But all societies. East and West. Humanity applies it's own laws to human societies. These laws, do not resolve inherent injustice in society. Greed and selfishness are seen to be good. Social Darwinism. Capitalism.

    There is nothing wrong with communism or socialism. It is a scientific mode of production. A way of organising society. But human society is incapable of moving towards an organised society. In some states, more progressive modes exist. People can say they are communists or socialists. Apply non-capitalist modes of production. In most countries, greed and selfishness and chaos rule. All this destruction, is now leading to destruction of human societies. And the environment. There is no way out. Until science replaces dogma.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:06 pm

    nomadski wrote:

    The decline exists, not just in Western societies. But all societies. East and West. Humanity applies it's own laws to human societies. These laws, do not resolve inherent injustice in society. Greed and selfishness are seen to be good. Social Darwinism. Capitalism.

    There is nothing wrong with communism or socialism. It is a scientific mode of production. A way of organising society. But human society is incapable of moving towards an organised society. In some states, more progressive modes exist. People can say they are communists or socialists. Apply non-capitalist modes of production. In most countries, greed and selfishness and chaos rule. All this destruction, is now leading to destruction of human societies. And the environment. There is no way out. Until science replaces dogma.

    I support your view, but I do not think it is realizable. Even in science itself you see political organization and dogma
    instead of science. This is really apparent in all the poorly constrained fields such as cosmology and GR. So the broader
    society is incapable of being ruled by science even if that is the optimal choice. The petty, selfish interests of the human
    animal corrupt any system and we get what we see now. Even though I am focusing on the self-anointed guiding light of
    humanity, the west, in this thread, the same rot is happening in Russia, China, India and elsewhere. The rot in the west
    is actually facilitating the rot in the rest of the world. Selfish humans are being hoodwinked with the phony easy life
    being propagandized by the west. So everyone around the world wants to consume Hollywood rubbish and wallow in consumer
    junk to prove they are better than their neighbours.

    But there are differences. Russia has not fully consumed the western koolaid and does not want the state-coerced tranny
    love and assorted other Sodom and Gomorrah depravity that is being touted as "progressive". If you look at the policies coming
    out of the Russian federal government, you see a pragmatic approach to the communist legacy. There may be no gosplan but
    there is no wild west comprador capitalism either. The policies tell me that the people coming up with them are following
    a scientific approach and not an ideological one. This is clearly the right path for Russia.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:24 pm

    Agree. The problem is not that we do not understand the science of  capitalist production. And the instability it brings. The theory is sound. The problem is  application to form new society and economy . Given the miserable state of human society. What steps are the most efficient to push society forward. It can only be a step by step approach. Even now in America, we get someone, who is able to say he is Socialist. In Iran however, people can not say this. There is no national working class political party. To represent the interests of large number of Iranians. The only political parties in Parliament are representational of wealthy  individuals. So the Iranian revolution after 41 years, has only had partial success. There is still lack of democracy. And national interests are not being represented either, by heavy influence of Liberal elites. So for Iran, much more work needs to be done. But as you said, I don't think society can move forward fast enough. The scale of problems are just too big. In Iran, the right wing uses religion to drown people . A dogma that is holding people back. Since old religious laws do not  easily apply to the modern world problems . If we collect all the prophets and saints and Imams in the world together, they can still not come up with modern works on science or society. But people are stuck in the past. Left powerless.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:48 pm

    Western commercial advertisements are propaganda. This has always been so. I recall back before 1990 various western
    "thinkers" point to various slogan banners in the USSR as proof of state brainwashing. These "thinkers" were too blind
    to the propaganda dished out to them on TV, Radio and in the press from "private" companies. As "private" makes their
    actual brainwashing angelic.

    Note how in the propaganda commercial discussed in the above video you have the usual not seeing the forest for
    the trees routine for liars with agendas. It does not matter that all sorts of things have long histories. Anyone
    who does not see a unique Scandinavian culture is a liar or an idiot.

    The criterion that genuine cultures must invent everything they use is complete nonsense. No country on the planet
    satisfies this criterion. And this criterion denies any potential for innovation of imported products. They should
    tell that to Japan.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 13, 2020 12:40 am

    Note how defamation of men is bootstrapped by fraudulent non-studies by hater feminists. In this era of PC accommodation
    of the "disadvantaged" we have no standards applied to rubbish research produced by those with vaginas. The author of
    the "research" didn't even properly sample from the population. Advertising for "witnesses" results in a biased sub-sample
    of the population. And her claim that no data was available is a lie. The police keep records of domestic abuse incidents.
    If there really was a spike of domestic violence after these fires, then there would have been a clear, statistically-significant
    signal in this data. The absence of such a spike basically disproves the hypothesis of this "research".

    The above is true regardless of the reporting rate and one does not need perfect reporting to see the signal.

    To think such hater female trash gets academic positions thanks to affirmative action. What a sick joke! If all the phony
    yapping about "equality" was true, then both men and women would be subjected to the same academic standards. Clearly
    those enabled with vaginas get a free pass and can engage in clown grade "research". This BS is supposed to right historical
    wrongs. bounce

    The dictum that "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" is very true today. And it is time to stop with the bleeding
    heart, look-the-other-way "tolerance" for haters and their "disadvantaged" agendas.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Thu Feb 13, 2020 4:57 am

    It is normal though now isn't it... some tragedy = lots of groups pushing their agenda... in this case feminists pushing their views in the aftermath of serious bush fires across an entire continent... even before the fires stories of animals like Koalas approaching humans because they were so desperate for water tells you there are problems there... and of course the climate change warriors had their ten cents worth with various western commentators aghast at the Australian primeminister not immediately blaming climate change for the fires.

    The fact that climate has always changed and that the fires would burn in 30 degree temperatures just as much as in 50 degree temperatures was ignored... other factors like the Greens in Australia prevented burnoffs and the creation of fire breaks in many areas because of the threat to small groups of local wildlife led to Australia becoming a huge wood pile waiting for something to start the fires. Most wild fires in Australia are started by lightning because unlike in many other places a lightning strike is not normally accompanied by a heavy downpour of rain and often just start fires that then burn out of control. The Aboriginies knew this and started controlled fires in various places that acted as fire breaks and the Aussies continued that practise up until fairly recently.

    The other factor that contributed to the scale of these fire was arson... there were a lot of people setting fires...

    But the Aussie PM can't consider those, all he is allowed to say is that climate change is real and it is destroying Australia and we all have to act.

    The reality is that climate change is normal... it goes up and it goes down... we are unlikely to be able to influence it as much as we think and we just need to learn to live in both higher and lower temperatures if we want to survive.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  nomadski Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:33 am


    I thought you may find this article interesting. Social organisation. Based on politics or reason and science. In capitalist or later socialist models. As well as earlier religious models.

    "....... Aristotle also criticised Spartan women for their wealth. He attributed the state's precipitous fall during his lifetime, from being the master of Greece to a second-rate power in less than 50 years, to the fact that Sparta had become a gynocracy whose women were intemperate and loved luxury.[46]..... "


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    Decline of the western society - Page 7 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:36 pm

    nomadski wrote:@KVS

    I thought you may find this article interesting. Social organisation. Based on politics or reason and science. In capitalist or later socialist models. As well as earlier religious models.

    "....... Aristotle also criticised Spartan women for their wealth. He attributed the state's precipitous fall during his lifetime, from being the master of Greece to a second-rate power in less than 50 years, to the fact that Sparta had become a gynocracy whose women were intemperate and loved luxury.[46]..... "

    Interesting information and more than likely a valid inference. But I am not an expert in this area so it is hard for me to compare to
    current conditions. But feminism in its western variant is indeed virulent and destructive. It tells women to ride the cock carousel
    until they are in their 30s and literally spent with no marriage value. Aside from being VD vectors, these "liberated" women are
    useless for starting families since they are psychologically damaged by an endless stream of partners that makes them unable to
    properly pair bond, their egg count (women are born with a fixed amount of eggs) is way too low and they are always miserable since
    their dreamboat delusions were never properly undone. That is, any man who marries these wasted females is never going to satisfy
    them and the will pine for the days of the cock carousel.

    Since feminism is enabled in western law, these capricious, man-hating sluts can rob men of both their accumulated wealth and their
    income at its peak for life. That is, in Canada and the USA, women get alimony based on the income of the man when they were
    married. If the man makes half that amount after divorce, then he still has to pay alimony based on the his peak historical income.
    This drives men into bankruptcy and suicide. Meanwhile, never-happy sluts are the main instigators of divorce. The state enables
    what amounts to highway robbery by these man haters. And I am not talking about child support. Alimony has nothing to do with
    child support. That is why the term "no fault divorce" is Orwellian newspeak. Have you ever heard of a man getting alimony from his
    ex-wife? No.

    The family kangaroo courts always give custody of children to their mothers. This happens even when those mothers are child abusers and
    not fit to be parents. This is not so rare considering the mentality of 3rd wave feminist sluts. The children were a means to
    rob their husbands and not some product of "love". If men are supposed to pay child support, then they should get proportional
    custody of the children. Instead, they have to pay well beyond the upkeep costs of a child even if the mother does not allow them
    to see their child. Women breaking the law get slaps on the wrist. Instead they should lose custody. In the corrupt modern
    system in so-called developed countries, women can manipulate their children to hate their father by lying about the father not
    caring about them. It is the grotesque legal system and its love for 3rd wave feminist vermin that creates this illusion. The
    father cannot be there even if he wants to.

    Meanwhile in the fake stream media and popular media (TV, movies) the myth is spread about the "father who runs off, abandoning his
    poor wife and children". Men are biologically more responsible than women. Women have a compulsion to sleep around but men have
    to provide for the family since the dawn of time. If you note the content of basically all mass media content pertaining to
    relationships, the trope about male infidelity is always yapped on about. This is pure propaganda. If a man feels like dumping his
    wife, then that is because she is a shrew and not because he has a biological compulsion to spread his DNA. In the USA, over 30%
    of children are not biologically related to the woman's husband. And the law is twisted to prevent DNA paternity tests or to use
    such tests to avoid having to support the slut's children. These days marriage is a stupid choice unless you really want to have
    offspring. But then your chances of even being a father to those offspring are not so great.

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