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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:38 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    kvs wrote:So people in the USSR actually had more tangible property rights to their state-provided apartments (and houses)
    than any resident of the USA, Canada, UK, etc.   In the USSR, you would always have an income and
    property taxes did not exist.   Nobody would take away your home under any rational scenario.   After
    the collapse of the USSR in 1991, people kept their homes and did not have to slave away to pay mortgages.
    This helped people to deal with the super-depression of the 1990s.  

    Hold up, is that still a thing?
    Because if it is, that would definitely be a major reason to move to Russia, or own Russian property.

    Unfortunately, over the last 20+ years Russia has started to imitate the west and introduce property taxes.
    Various fees for apartments have increased substantially and now include property taxes and condo-like
    maintenance fees. Since jobs are no longer a right, it is now possible to be kicked out of one's apartment.

    The simple arrangements of the USSR are long gone. The usual capitalist bureaucracy including all sorts
    of fees and contract stipulations has moved in. I think that a historic opportunity to "do it right" has been
    lost. Russia always imitates the west and does not understand what it is imitating. Time to grow some pride
    and do it the Russian way.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 21, 2019 3:13 am

    The main problem is that when Russia was transitioning from communist to democracy the consultants and advice all came from the US... hence the laws regarding presidents only being allowed two consecutive terms in office... never had such laws here before... you can vote for anyone who runs who meets the criteria and rules to run.

    What they really need to do is go through their own rules and regulations and change them to meet Russian expectations and needs rather than what Americans have put up with.

    Most American rules clearly suit land owners and the wealthy... because the wealthy can buy the land your house is on and then charge fees it seems.

    There was a programme on RT about trailer park homes in the US... what a really sad story.

    These homes are basically plumbed and built in so they are not real trailers, it costs more than $10 thousand to move them and the only cost $50 thousand brand new, so if you find you have to move sometimes it is not worth moving the home... they just walk away from it.

    The owner of the trailer park can therefore charge anything they want for rent and utilities and set all sorts of park rules and the trailer owners can't really do much about it.

    Lots of rich investors are being encouraged to buy trailer parks from what are normally family operated businesses, and they can then milk the trailer park owners who generally can't afford good lawyers and really can't leave without walking away from their trailer/houses, which the park owner then sells to someone else for cheap because it didn't cost them anything so even $20 grand is a nice profit for them...

    Some people are obviously realising the danger of more victimisation of the poorer people and are trying to get trailer park residents together to pool their money to buy their own trailer parks so they don't get screwed by new owners... which the investors are likening to communism of course...

    The way the US is going proves to me that democracy and capitalism is not the way either.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 21, 2019 4:27 am

    The problem with Soviet communism is that it never developed democratic aspects and was authoritarian from the beginning.
    There is some excuse that the colonial powers of the west were extremely hostile and forced a "military regime" of operation
    on the Soviet government to survive. But but failing to set up a free vote system (as promised, BTW), the Soviet Union
    was doomed to remain weak in the face of western propaganda. Western propaganda leveraged the lack of apparent control
    that Soviet citizens had to undermine the USSR. This went together with the Soviet Union developing a corrupt elite that
    wanted to live it up western capitalist style. These factors gave us 1991.

    Communism is an economic system like capitalism. I do not see democracy being exclusively tied to one of them. In fact,
    western democracy is mostly a sham and placebo. I do not get to decide anything when I vote. I have some palette of
    parties to chose from that are all regime bootlicks who serve to maintain an obviously rotten system. The USSR could
    actually have had a more real democracy if it allowed proper ballot choices at various levels. Since there was no private
    elite that was beyond the influence of the ballot box, people would have had an actual impact on their leadership. Of course,
    this requires the voters to live with communism as a reality much like voters in the west never vote out capitalism.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Jul 21, 2019 5:42 am

    GarryB wrote:Some people are obviously realising the danger of more victimisation of the poorer people and are trying to get trailer park residents together to pool their money to buy their own trailer parks so they don't get screwed by new owners... which the investors are likening to communism of course...

    The way the US is going proves to me that democracy and capitalism is not the way either.

    The hell??...Communism?

    I have come to a similar conclusion as well.
    There's a reason why the U.S promotes Democracy, while they themselves remain a Republic.
    It's because true Democracy doesn't work, just as the Founding Fathers predicted.

    And the U.S knows it, thanks to the exporting of the ideals of Democracy, the U.S was able to get rid of much of the influence the European powers had after world after WW2.

    And the lesser countries that embraced it, as predicted fell into majority rule, where the minority are ruled by the Majority, dividing the country and preventing said country from ever being able to compete with the great powers.

    I believe there were such hopes for Russia to fall prey to this as well, but for now at least that hasn't really happened, but there will come a time where the stupid will be the majority and cripple the country.
    So hopefully someday soon Russia can restrict the voting Privilege to only those who are Net-Tax payers and Soldiers.
    No Representation without Taxation.

    I think capitalism's ok, just that when corporations get so big that they try to seize power, that's when the Government need to intervene and take them down a peg.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:23 pm

    The fruits of the cultural Trotskyist disease that has infested the west. Do not even try to fob this off as just some
    random incident. The poor darling migrants from the Middle East are bringing an actual brutal and barbarian culture
    with them. They have no respect for the EU even though they want to be there to live it up.

    Deport all these freaks back to their natural environments.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:51 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The fruits of the cultural Trotskyist disease that has infested the west.    Do not even try to fob this off as just some
    random incident.   The poor darling migrants from the Middle East are bringing an actual brutal and barbarian culture
    with them.   They have no respect for the EU even though they want to be there to live it up.

    Deport all these freaks back to their natural environments.

    From my understanding the news of the migrant crisis has been greatly distorted, they say all the migrants are from Syria and they also say Russia is to blame, but the actual reality is that the migrants come from all over the Middle East/Islamic world.  The violent acts are attributed to 'Syrians' (just like terrorists from Chechnya, Dagestan, Somalia, etc. are 'Syrian' rebels), but it's said the actual Syrians are more benign (thanks to the historically secular governance of Syria). The most violent migrants are said to be from Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. outside of Syria.

    Also Erdogan in response to sanctions to oil drilling off of Cyprus, he's declared he will tear up the migrant agreement between Turkey and the EU, so prepare to see and escalation migrant incidents.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:42 am

    My opinion is that the immigrant violence issue is amplified by media. Thanks to Western propaganda, the public now see Muslims, immigrants, brown people... as bunches of violent gangs, rapists and terrorists.

    We already know immigrants labourers, especially illegal labourers is being exploited heavily in EU and contribute considerably in EU's wealth, for example in Germany. Unlike local citizens, these foreigners are mostly not protected by the local law and the local people - due to barriers in culture and language - employers and can exploit them as much as they can, the key is increase the isolation from local public, by labelling the immigrants as terrorists, rapists, criminals, etc.

    Just like the case of racial discrimination against the black and Hispanic people. They are labelled as slow developing, uncivilized race, they are labelled as a bunches of crime lords, drug dealers, vulgar nigga. The social issues and crime rate in black people have been explained by Western media as "inherent nature" of them, not because of defects in social management and education.

    For the sake of exploitation the privileged class keep education, knowledge, civilization and wealth away from oppressed class, let them live in darkness and poverty. And the privileged class labelled the oppressed class as filthy lowlife scums to justify the oppression against them.

    Exploitation is not limited in the border of a country. Western media never want to tell us about the exploitation against immigrant labourers and labourers in outsourced countries. Cheap labour in certain third world countries is usually describes as fault and weakness of local government, not the result of exploitation and invasion of Western imperialism.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:05 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:My opinion is that the immigrant violence issue is amplified by media. Thanks to Western propaganda, the public now see Muslims, immigrants, brown people... as bunches of violent gangs, rapists and terrorists.

    We already know immigrants labourers, especially illegal labourers is being exploited heavily in EU and contribute considerably in EU's wealth, for example in Germany. Unlike local citizens, these foreigners are mostly not protected by the local law and the local people - due to barriers in culture and language - employers and can exploit them as much as they can, the key is increase the isolation from local public, by labelling the immigrants as terrorists, rapists, criminals, etc.

    Just like the case of racial discrimination against the black and Hispanic people. They are labelled as slow developing, uncivilized race, they are labelled as a bunches of crime lords, drug dealers, vulgar nigga. The social issues and crime rate in black people have been explained by Western media as "inherent nature" of them, not because of defects in social management and education.

    For the sake of exploitation the privileged class keep education, knowledge, civilization and wealth away from oppressed class, let them live in darkness and poverty. And the privileged class labelled the oppressed class as filthy lowlife scums to justify the oppression against them.

    Exploitation is not limited in the border of a country. Western media never want to tell us about the exploitation against immigrant labourers and labourers in outsourced countries. Cheap labour in certain third world countries is usually describes as fault and weakness of local government, not the result of exploitation and invasion of Western imperialism.

    I strongly disagree that this issue is just NATO MSM hype. In fact, the NATO MSM has been suppressing the coverage of rape and murder
    by the migrants in order to maintain the politically correct narrative. The only reason that I or anyone else in the greater
    information space knows about these incidents is due to grass roots and alt-media coverage on the internet. These people are
    not hyping anything. They are the real victims of the politically correct mass migration policy of their phony NATO leaders.
    I fully support them in their desire not to have to deal with public defecation, rape in swimming pools and murder of all sorts.
    The serious crime statistics have actually jumped a lot in Germany, Sweden and even the UK. This is not NATO MSM hype. The NATO
    MSM does not report on these facts.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:48 am

    Top of the line engines from Germany are now utter garbage. The above video strips down a Porche Cayenne all aluminum engine
    (V8). BMW, Mercedes and others use similar engine technology. You can see that the pistons are all wedged due to serious abrasion
    of the cylinder wall. The block is made out of Al-10Si-Mg some fancy alloy that clearly is failing and badly. The Japanese have
    retained iron blocks with aluminum piston heads.

    I am not surprised by this catastrophic failure mode. Aluminum is a very good heat conductor but at the same time is a soft
    metal. Making it harder with Si has has clearly failed. You would think that there would be substantial testing (e.g. long duration usage
    of test engines) before releasing this "ubber" tech to the market.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:59 am

    Yes, KVS you are right about German riability going to shit.
    I'm old to remember unkillable MB engines. Now so many unproved technologies are implemented on every new model or even facelift. They have zero commonality - meaning that parts are hard to get now and they are very dear to purchase. Not to mention the fashion of overcomplicating what was simple and making virtually impossible to service your own car due to special tools or impractical placements of bolts like in Audi.

    My wife drives Macan (not a gts fortunetly) and believe me it has more problems than engine block. It's basically glorified Touran. Suspension is even more troublesome than on VW Touareg and she doesn't even touch kerbs or go offroad. It's a toy not a car.

    Now I used to be BMW driver. I am still a fan of E90 m3 as I had less problems killing this car on a track than driving 2017 Merc like an old man on a round.

    I had BMW F30 335d xdrive. It suffered from EPS thrust piece failure. I've skipped BMW service and changed that myself. Then I got recall, then EPS thrust piece went again. I've used new and improved one this time.

    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Receiv10
    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Receiv12
    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Receiv11

    M135i my wife drove for two years got carbon buildup after total of 40k miles.
    Even if it has over 300 bhp it suffers from terrible pedal lag that even update didn't fix, it doesn't even have OIL dipstick... It's a car for crazy kids. It also has now dreaded for me DIRECT INJECTION system that even with superior fuel - cakes ports and warps valves.

    I bought myself Golf R as it had multi injection (MPI) that bypassed problems of DI engines, yet it's inferior car by interior quality, gearbox and it feels really bad on twisty Northern Irish roads. I've had to trade it in before experiencing common problems.

    Now MBs I had problems to the point that I had give first car back to dealership after few weeks. Gearbox on A45 amg - it broke and had to lifted as we couldn't tow it.
    CLA 220d I had for longer - stalling at start stop and not starting. Clicking from fuck knows where and gearbox with no reverse... Had to be lifted. Not to mention bad quality of interior and media screen that is so easy to break ( my kid did it while my wife was holding him)

    I currently don't have a car and I am not sure if I can choose what I like.
    I need something like 4 series grand coupe xdrive. Audi models are abysmal. Kia has 0 build quality, Honda even if it has amazing Type R, but it doesn't offer anything compelling.
    I can't even be compulsive as there's nothing to choose from, I'm not rich enough to have a fleet of vehicles that go tits up and I rather buy my parents cruise.

    I'm not fussy, just want to know that my 50k gbp (almost like a cost of a studio in Tenerife) will get me a decent car. I don't want to bring cars to service centres and leave to people that know about cars less than my wife. Seen it myself how student apprentice mechanics service cars these days..

    Whole car industry went to shit. I hope electric cars will bring new winds, yet I do see tesla surviving for long as well.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:01 pm

    The current crop of GDI engines will be clogged with carbon deposits and written off like no other engines in history.
    Recycling of exhaust gases to reduce emissions guarantees this. At least with the port injection engines gasoline
    was used to wash carbon off the valves. Now there is no such function and it's the owner's problem.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:09 pm

    The state of the legal system in the US and basically most of the west when it comes to family issues. This is just
    human rights abuse to generate revenue for lawyers and judges. Note how all the male politicians dutifully imposed
    this grotesque system over the last 50 years. They also had the gall to call it "no fault" divorce. This is nothing
    of the sort. It is actually males are guilty and women are innocent kangaroo "justice". In the real world, mothers
    are not automatically the best guardians of the children. And there is such a thing as toxic femininity.

    If it was "no fault" divorce, then alimony would have been eliminated. Child support is enough if there are children.
    If there aren't any, then why should females get special treatment (equality LOL) and get funded? Ever hear of
    women paying alimony to men? If it happens, then the scale is utterly irrelevant (equality LOL).

    To be fair, Russia also inherited a grotesque system like this from the USSR, which was imposing such nonsense decades ago.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Mon Aug 12, 2019 12:52 am

    George Orwell was right to worry about the UK turning into a totalitarian society.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 12, 2019 7:54 am

    Wow... I wasn't actually sure what MGTOW actually meant so I looked it up...

    At Urban dictionary, which is obviously a website controlled by women... read some of the definitions... and take the time to vote them up or down like I did... (all down to be honest)...

    So much hate.

    Have actually looked up other terms on that site and now advise you not to look... so much hate and anger...

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:19 am

    Apparently the "Anti-Defamation League" (ADL) is engaged in spreading defamation and blood libel:

    Anyone that the neo-Trotskyist maggots don't like is a Nazi. Note how any man who is not a good little drone
    and serving the interests of the state by producing children and financially supporting a female is a rapist and
    woman hater. I guess men do not have the right not to get married. Too many lawyers and overpaid bureaucrats
    depend on the steady income from the marriage racket.

    The western media is dominated by the spin of the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), etc.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:47 am

    Someone saying the obvious. Snowflake millenials have screwed up the world.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:59 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Someone saying the obvious.   Snowflake millenials have screwed up the world.

    But the people running the US/EU are baby boomers.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Fri Aug 23, 2019 3:06 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    Someone saying the obvious.   Snowflake millenials have screwed up the world.

    But the people running the US/EU are baby boomers.

    I am talking about the current phase transition to some sort of totalitarian PC dystopia in the west. The baby boomers can perhaps
    be accused of setting it up, but they are not the ones driving it. All the cultural-Trotskyist lunatics coming out of the woodwork
    and openly suppressing conservatives (not Nazis) and dissident leftists are not a baby boomer phenomenon. They are all millenials
    and some older fellow travelers who are using the internet (social media) as an echo chamber and circle jerk indoctrination tool.
    One can claim that this is a conspiracy of the baby boomer elites, but I can also claim that it looks like self-emergent phenomenon
    that is not pure sock puppet action.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:15 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    Someone saying the obvious.   Snowflake millenials have screwed up the world.

    But the people running the US/EU are baby boomers.

    Yes, but only western Europe. It's all about retirement money.
    But if you want contrast- check russian Zoomer generation. They are like aliens. I speak russian and I have trouble understanding their jargon and way of life. Hope they will grow out of western influence.

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:50 am

    The UK really is pit of depravity. The full bore extolling of LGBT BS and now cannibalism promotion! Oh, my.
    Then these f*cks wave their finger at Russia and make their usual cheesy tinfoil hat conspiracy theory based

    Regarding, LGBT. The LGBT community sneers at the majority as "breeders" as if we are freaks. Why should I
    celebrate LGBT pride or anything else. They can live their lives and I can live mine. I do not need them to be
    re-manufactured into celebrities and idols by the state.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Regular Thu Aug 29, 2019 2:48 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The UK really is pit of depravity.   The full bore extolling of LGBT BS and now cannibalism promotion!   Oh, my.
    Then these f*cks wave their finger at Russia and make their usual cheesy tinfoil hat conspiracy theory based

    Regarding, LGBT.   The LGBT community sneers at the majority as "breeders" as if we are freaks.  Why should I
    celebrate LGBT pride or anything else.    They can live their lives and I can live mine.  I do not need them to be
    re-manufactured into celebrities and idols by the state.

    Globohomo agenda is the cancer of the world.
    It's so revolting and it's so aggressively pushed forwards to societies that it gradually builds up hate and pushes normal people to nazism. There's literally no counterpoint against their culture, they are protected from all the criticism. There's no in between- either you love freaks or you are a nazi.


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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:45 pm

    Some bitch SJW makes false accusations and suck-up game companies automatically give her the benefit of the doubt.'
    In this particular case the victim of libel has apparently committed suicide after the NATO fake stream media ran with
    the libel as "fact".

    "Holowka" sounds Ukrainian. Instead of hating Russia, hate the west.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Sep 27, 2019 2:01 am

    I see this creature, Greta "Children of the Scorn" Thyroidberg is trending in Soros circles. It turns out that she is demented, shes apart of an agenda to dictate that humans should collectively refuse meat once a week (of course that could only been enforced through force in reality), she also believes The Federation is a evil authoritarian state:

    By the way, Greta is also a vegan, protests against authoritarianism in Russia and supports LGBT people . That is, in addition to the eco-movement, it is also supported by other lobbying armies, the holders of moral slogans of mass destruction. With sex minorities it’s clear. Everything is clear with Russia, this hydrocarbon mordor with a heterosexual white man at the head, where freedom is plugged. But giving up damned meat is also a powerful global trend with its lobbyists and business interests: the other day, even such an over-authoritative opinion delivery channel as the Bloomberg business information agency called on mankind to "refuse meat at least once a week . "

    Decline of the western society - Page 4 1767201-1924901276

    This Greturd should focus on treating her Trashberger's disease than lecturing how The Federation should run their govt. She puts the ASS in Asperger!  Embarassed Razz

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    Decline of the western society - Page 4 Empty She Reminds me Of This Cartoon

    Post  calripson Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:38 am

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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:40 am

    Did you notice the kid was sucking on the muzzle of a revolver in his basket... wouldn't have been too hard to move that trigger a few mms.

    The School kids here in NZ also went out in protests today... the irony is that it just proves kids will do anything to get out of school... note they protested today instead of next week during their school holidays... they will continue the way they start.... me me me.

    Stop burning fossil fuels and stop damaging OUR planet... but I want burgers for tea and why are you not driving me to school everyday?

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