This is a very serious attack.. Israel attacked 3 bases ,with no regard for Russian military forces lives..
Im sure many Russian generals ,have to be warning Putin ,that his policies against Israel no longer works..
A much more stronger stance will have to be used , and start shooting down Israel planes or just continue
taking hits hoping Russian soldiers will not be killed.
it is possible that the hits were Ballistic missiles..from Submarines...
The good news in all this is that now Russia knows it needs to upgrade
Syrian army capabilities to counter such attacks..
From an extreme practical point of view , Russia will benefit from israel bombings on Syria..
Because will allow Russia to Observe and study ,the tactics that NATO itself could use against Russia..
and develop counter measures.. Syria air defenses.. i don't think are the most ideal for Ballistic missiles..
specially if they have several warheads.. You need S-300s or S-400s for that.. and or very lethal energy base
defenses.. like LASER or Electronic warfare that Russia have said it have..and can disable missiles.
People are saying that Russia FIFA 2018 is hampering Russia for starting a major use of Force against Israel..
or NATO ,which goes to the point i was saying long ago.. Putin Desires to influence the west , using meaningless
sports and olympics is a huge mistake... specially when Russia is in the middle of a cold war that is close to hot
already.. and any day that happens you see either Russia military bases attacked by mysterious drones or you see Syria attacked.. by Missiles ,with a major risk for Russian soldiers.. lives.. In my opinion Russia should threaten Netanyahu with war if continue attacking Syria and to be ready to use nuclear weapons to protect Russian soldiers in simple as that.. that is not IRAN far future nukes that Israel needs to be worried but Russia nuclear weapons very powerful in the present that Russia have..
Now that FIFA 2018 ,will be like a major obstacle for Russia to start any major military operation against any agressor
because it will threaten with the cancelation of the entire thing.. after Sochi 2014 doping scandal. and Trump attacks on Syria last year ,it should have been more than clear for Putin ,that is the wrong time for hosting sport events..
when you have so many enemies targeting Russia military bases and its soldiers in Syria. This is horrible time for hosting any international event in the middle of a proxy war waged by the west and israel on Russia.