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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things:


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  kvs Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:06 am

    I think they are real. I doubt the stone structures were free-standing. There must have been a wooden framework that has long turned to
    soil after it was buried. The WEF is all about information control and herd management. This site violates the BS official archaeology story.

    For some reason the elites are hell bent on pushing the nonsense that civilization emerged in the Biblical window over the last 6000 years.
    Considering their paranoia and xenophobia, the elites must be worried about any narrative where reasonably advanced civilizations of the past
    were deleted save for a few megaliths. The question as to why this happened is uncomfortable. Could the same happen to our own
    "advanced" civilization. Was it all because the elites of the past f*cked up. I know it seems like a ho-hum thing to worry about to the point
    of burying it and pushing BS alternative histories. But it makes sense to keep the sheeple pacified with the notion that our current epoch
    is somehow singular. We will make it even though previous primitive civilizations didn't. They were primitive, we are not...

    But the current academic establishment and its rot cannot be forgotten. We have a lot of careers invested in BS.

    The Fermi Paradox may have a solution waiting for us to see here on Earth. The problem is not the emergence of advanced civilizations,
    but their window of existence. Ours is really less than 200 years. It already looks like we may delete ourselves in the next 100 years.
    A 300 year window may be too small for any advanced aliens to "call us". Are we trying to call them? No. Why should they be calling us?
    The Dune scenario of ancient advanced civilizations is likely to be total BS.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:33 pm

    kvs wrote:I think they are real.  I doubt the stone structures were free-standing.   There must have been a wooden framework that has long turned to
    soil after it was buried.   The WEF is all about information control and herd management.   This site violates the BS official archaeology story.

    For some reason the elites are hell bent on pushing the nonsense that civilization emerged in the Biblical window over the last 6000 years.
    Considering their paranoia and xenophobia, the elites must be worried about any narrative where reasonably advanced civilizations of the past
    were deleted save for a few megaliths.   The question as to why this happened is uncomfortable.   Could the same happen to our own
    "advanced" civilization.   Was it all because the elites of the past f*cked up.   I know it seems like a ho-hum thing to worry about to the point
    of burying it and pushing BS alternative histories.   But it makes sense to keep the sheeple pacified with the notion that our current epoch
    is somehow singular.   We will make it even though previous primitive civilizations didn't.   They were primitive, we are not...

    But the current academic establishment and its rot cannot be forgotten.   We have a lot of careers invested in BS.  

    The Fermi Paradox may have a solution waiting for us to see here on Earth.   The problem is not the emergence of advanced civilizations,
    but their window of existence.   Ours is really less than 200 years.   It already looks like we may delete ourselves in the next 100 years.
    A 300 year window may be too small for any advanced aliens to "call us".   Are we trying to call them?  No.  Why should they be calling us?
    The Dune scenario of ancient advanced civilizations is likely to be total BS.  


    The t-shaped uprights are a problem , both as a free - standing or wood supported structure . They are simply too thin and tall and top heavy . Stonehenge by comparison is very different . The upright columns clearly thick and heavy to support the beams . I can not imagine even primitive humans making such error . As far as any business concerns , I think they would love a spectacular story . Plenty of money in tourism . So it may be that the rest of the site is less " attractive . " I do not think that primitive people cared so much about future generations , that they would go to so much trouble . Unlikely that the carvings if genuine , contain any apocalyptic warnings . Agree that there is scientific and professional zealots . No new narrative is allowed , threatening the careers of university professor is easily tolerated . New ideas are difficult to take root . It is odd with these structures that they have carbon dating on some wood ash remains , placing them some 11000-13000 years ago . Was this evidence genuine ? Comparative art of that age , were animal oxide drawings in caves and on Rocks ! Yet these carvings depict the Greeks Zodiac ? How unlikely that they should mirror the Greek astronomy that came 10000 years later ! And the hand-purses on top of the column ? A copy of later depictions of same object in southern Iraq / Persia ? It is like a mental product of fusion cooking of archaeology . Some elements of these sites may be genuine , with modern additions later . Agree with your solution of Fermi " paradox . "


    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Stoneh10

    The carvings are very finely worked and fine detail , compared to almost all other Neolithic rock art , the columns have been cut at right angles using stone tools ? All other Neolithic petroglyphs are on Rock faces and are shallow lines carved in . This is a modern fabrication by craftsman , either on old pillars or new ones recently erected . Egypt also has carvings of modern Tanks and Helicopters and Submarines , in one of the temples !

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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 10, 2024 1:06 pm

    Another massive nail in the coffin of establishment archaeology narratives.   Totally out of place high precision granite chambers in India supposedly
    make 3000 years ago but obviously not. These are not burial chambers, so what are they for such a vast amount of effort that does not conform
    to level of technology of the time?

    I think these are some sort of chambers designed for instrumentation. Obviously the devices placed there have long gone and were probably portable.
    What were they measuring? The selection of granite indicates something. Why not carve such chambers out of softer rock? The rock itself must
    have the right properties, either as a filter of EM and particle precipitation or as a resonance for select portions of the EM spectrum. They really
    should do EM analysis on these chambers.

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    Post  nomadski Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:57 pm

    I hate it ! I hate it ! Just when I thought , I had exorcised my mind from " Ancient Alien civilisations theory , " I find a post like this ! Now I won't be able to sleep tonight ! The only explanation , I could come up with is that : These structures are older than the inscriptions or " Archway , " added late , and obviously not a shelter from rain ! I could only think that an entity lacking in manufacturing capability , but possessing some advanced measuring tools , ordered and instructed built this structure with basic tools and local labour . The small doorway is witness to this . The reason it was built under Granite , must be as shielding from radiation by the Sun . Therefore the type of measurement had to exclude this radiation . While passageways pointing across solid Rock into another chamber at right angles , indicates the use of devices that penetrate Rock by other stronger radiation . What kind of nuclear metrology lab , would this be ? What is modern equivalent !



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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:36 pm

    I think that these structures could not be made by hand. They had to have some sort of device for polishing the granite to the high degree that
    is mentioned in the video. I can see some undulations here and there but they are not enough to attribute this to hand labour over long periods of time.

    Granite is piezo-electric so I think that the choice of the rock to make these chambers is very deliberate. The simplicity of these chambers points to them
    being utilitarian and not ceremonial and decorative.

    I don't think we need aliens for any of these megalithic constructions. We just need to flush down the toilet the BS that human civilization appeared in
    the last 6000 years. If modern humans have existed for 800,000 years, then there have been three glaciation cycles that they have lived through.
    There would have been plenty of time to bootstrap civilization over this period of time. The emergence of civilization in the last 10,000 years is just
    another instance and not the all-time event that archaeologists claim it to be.

    The lack of pottery shards, clay writing tablets, wall paintings and buried technology from these earlier civilizations is all due to time. No technology
    would survive above or below ground. The most obvious evidence are the megalithic structures and we cannot radio-carbon date them at all. The
    ruins in Peru, Egypt and India could be hundreds of thousands years old. We also do not know what is under the water in shelf regions that
    were exposed during the glaciation maximum stages. This period of time is long enough for sedimentary rock to form. I bet that archaeologists did not
    try to look for pottery shards in sedimentary rock layers.

    I will make a disclaimer. I do not fully sign on to the views of Bright Insight and other alt-archaeology individuals. They like to pile all sorts of outlandish
    garbage on top of their valid observations about the failings of establishment archaeology. If you listen to the recent interview by Joe Rogan involving
    Jimmy Corsetti and Ben van Kerkwyk (#1928) you can find cringe nonsense about how the Earth's pole of rotation jumped 90 degrees at some stage
    in the not-so-distant past. This garbage is utter nonsense since there would be no physical process to produce such changes in the Earth's rotational
    state. Orbital dynamics producing such violent effects would guarantee for the Earth to be ejected from the solar system at some stage. We are
    long past any such drama at the earliest stage of planetary formation. A 90 degree jump in the axis of rotation would not just produce absurd ocean
    and atmosphere flow anomalies, it would produce massive geological upheaval. Such shit simply did not happen.

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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 15, 2024 11:30 am

    The other issue with radiocarbon dating is that, we assume that we are the only civilization that has used fossil fuels. Radiocarbon dating is measuring levels of C13 and C14 isotope concentration in organic materials. The use of fossil fuels will alter the levels of C13 to C14 concentration in all organisms, especially plants who consume CO2. Thus the entire premise of radiocarbon dating of old civilizations might be off for a few thousand years, which is not possible to date accurately. But modern "science" is completely ignoring any hints and literally indications carved into stone. Humanity has most probably invented different technologies and with different fuels among them fossil fuels but time has consumed all of it. We today have a consumerism where things last for 2 years and break and they don't exist after 50 years, let alone thousands. Our buildings fall apart much quicker than the "primitive" historical buildings of past Roman buildings or even wooden Buildings from the 13th century in Russia and Ukraine.

    The narrative that we are given is a blatant lie.

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    Post  kvs Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:59 am

    The clown archaeologist who "debated" Graham Hancock is a lying sack of shit.


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    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Empty Re: Mysteries and Bizarre Things:

    Post  nomadski Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:01 am

    The source for metals in ice core , could it be volcano ? If evidence of increased volcanic activity coincide with increased metals in ice , then is this not an explanation , rather than early metal work ? Same with carbon in atmosphere , source could be natural , such as Forest fires during global warming periods ?

    Regarding polished stone and accurate structures , these existed in many locations . Many are made with no obvious functional use , apart from the aesthetic use . In other words they were made to impress their subjects and neighbours ? The ancient form of shock and awe in stonework ?

    I looked at modern machine made stones in different stone types . Granite or Marble can be hand cut and polished , and I think we can account for ancient lathes that were hand or animal powered to make circular columns .

    There are a few examples that are anomalies , such as the " Egyptian , " vases and strange stone impeller in museums . Experimental Archeology has not been able to reproduce these by any stone age or primitive method . Unless stone can be carbon dated , then forgery should not be ruled out .

    The modern psychological mindset is one of utter hopelessness , loneliness and insignificance , with religion or science not providing the answers that an individual seeks . Pseudo science now coming to the aid of the afflicted .


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    Post  kvs Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:13 am

    I have not seen any examples of hand polished granite where large scale geometry is preserved.   There is no way these chambers were polished by
    hand even supposing they could make corundum dust polishing pads or whatnot.    These structures required machines.  Anyway there is zero
    evidence of such tools concurrent with the supposed construction period of these chambers.   And that is precisely the point.   Obviously
    humans made them in the past, but it was not the humans claimed by BS con-artists calling themselves archaeologists.  

    This Fling Dibble faggot was yapping how alt-archaeologists are trying to rob precious non-white aboriginals of their heritage.   No, it is fucks
    like him who are trying to rob humanity of its heritage.

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    Post  nomadski Thu Jul 18, 2024 4:52 pm

    Of course you have ! All these megalithic  remains are evidence , of course they are not made to such scale anymore , alternate materials replacing them . There are three or four steps in making large geometric stone structures : ( 1 ) Quarrying , and plenty of examples of stone quarry , where they were mined . ( 2 ) Transport , both by barges and by rolling on logs or pushing on wet sand . ( 3 ) Cutting to size by driving metal spikes along a line , giving almost flat surfaces . ( 4 ) Polishing by various water base abrasives or stones .The dimensional accuracy could be easily obtained by using go- no go , comparators  . No need for an established measuring system , accurate to microns . Abrasive grinding is very accurate and does preserve dimensional accuracy .

    No doubt the ancient stone masons had high degree of skill , perhaps they could teach the moderns a few tricks ! But civilisations rise and fall . Technical knowledge is not always preserved to the same level . But saying they were advanced stone masons is not the same as saying they were advanced CNC machinists similar to today's Engineers . NASA can not get easily into orbit anymore , their astronauts are stuck in orbit right now and their satellite launcher end up exploding ! They are on a downward trend !

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    Post  kvs Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:08 pm

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    Post  kvs Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:08 pm

    Once again, megalithic monuments show more complexity than smug archaeology foists on them.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:45 am

    It is BBC news... next they will be saying that the discovery of a USB C socket in one of the stones reveals the ancient druids were rather more sophisticated than old people today...

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:47 am

    GarryB wrote:It is BBC news... next they will be saying that the discovery of a USB C socket in one of the stones reveals the ancient druids were rather more sophisticated than old people today...

    Well there used to be unproven legends of "light bulbs" and "volta battery" in ancient Pharaonic tombs...

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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:08 pm

    Mysteries and Bizarre Things: - Page 8 Why-the-dendera-light-is-not-a-light-bulb

    Nobody knows what this image is supposed to be.

    But it is a side show to the great pyramids themselves which do not conform to establishment archaeology in any metric.


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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:15 pm

    GarryB wrote:It is BBC news... next they will be saying that the discovery of a USB C socket in one of the stones reveals the ancient druids were rather more sophisticated than old people today...

    The source of the information has absolutely nothing to do with its relevance and validity. Dragging a massive boulder from Scotland at a time when there were no roads
    and boats were a joke is an actual mystery.

    The problem is that too many clowns have polluted this space with their retarded fantasies about aliens and whatnot. At the same time establishment archaeology is a
    total joke with its Mickey Mouse attributions and claims that are devoid of physics and engineering competence. Like the attribution of a pyramid to Kufu because some
    tiny statuette was found near by (not inside the pyramid). For alleged tombs of pharaohs these structures are utterly devoid of hieroglyphs and even fragments of contents
    that one finds in the real tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:45 pm

    kvs wrote:The source of the information has absolutely nothing to do with its relevance and validity.   Dragging a massive boulder from Scotland at a time when there were no roads
    and boats were a joke is an actual mystery.

    Your argument is not directed to me but allow me to apologize for the joke above. It is only means to poke fun about UFO consiparcy theories about historical mysteries.

    Back to Stonehenge. If the stones were actually transported from Scotland to Wales, which means it was a collective construction projects that mobilize communal manpower from multiple clans, villages and communities, that allowed the transportation of rocks from Scotland to Walesm, and the efforts was organized in the typical agri, precapitalist manner by local communities involved in the projects, in the same manners that Egypt pyramids or Chinese ancient canals had been built.

    Which also means the function of Stonehenge had a very large scale, either secular or religious, i.e. it was the "public asset" of multiple British tribes and clans that justify the collective efforts of many people from a large geographical scale.

    Which also shed lights about the level of society organization and communication in quite a large scale, despite the lack of ancient centralized states like in China and Egypt.

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    Post  kvs Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:35 pm

    So they plant trees on an archaeological site. This is obvious destruction and suppression of any proper excavation.

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    Post  PhSt Sun Aug 25, 2024 4:27 pm

    Not sure if this is posted already but apparently Aliens are also monitoring the unfolding of events in the SMO  Laughing

    If true, I wonder if these beings will try to intervene (through covert means) to make sure Russia Crushes NATO up to Western Europe to restore balance on Earth Question

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    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:23 am

    I doubt they want to draw attention to themselves... they likely made an agreement with Putin... they need human corpses that have been in the soil for a year or two and Russia is providing them in cemeteries all over the Ukraine.

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