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    US-Iran standoff 2019-


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:19 pm

    A proof that Trump has no idea who was the guy and what he was doing.

    · 3h
    Iraqi PM Adil Abdul-Mahdi: 'Trump called me and asked me if I could mediate between him and Iran and then moments later he ordered the air strike on hadj Soleimani.''

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:27 pm

    Isos wrote:...It's notfor jihadi idiots but for their own interests...

    Which interests?

    They have nothing to gain from helping Iran

    And they would gain a lot from petroleum prices skyrocketing as a result of massive war in Iran to say nothing of USA being busy there for several decades

    Russia deciding to follow their own interests here would be devastating for Iran


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:35 pm

    Actually, one of Russia's biggest advantages to keeping Iran friendly is the Caspian sea. Caspian sea is the last sea Russia has dominance in. So keeping Iran friendly will prevent US and NATO getting in that area. So covertly, helping Iran would benefit Russia greatly.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:39 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:...It's notfor jihadi idiots but for their own interests...

    Which interests?

    They have nothing to gain from helping Iran

    And they would gain a lot from petroleum prices skyrocketing as a result of massive war in Iran to say nothing of USA being busy there for several decades

    Russia deciding to follow their own interests here would be devastating for Iran

    Iran isn't russia's competitor. They sell nothing since US sanctions. Russia, if that war happen, needs saudi arabia's, Qatar's ... oul and gaz industry to be destroyed so that they remain the only big country selling gaz. Iranian industry will be destroyed by US anyway.

    With a few kalibr launched at the good time and good place they can achieve monopoly on gaz production. Unless if Iran take them out first.

    US did nothing when Iran bombed saudi oil fields what would they do if it is Russia ?

    If Iran is devastated they will switch the Ayotollahs for the former kings that are right now in the US. In matter of 5 years they will have US bases on their southern borders in Iran. So russia's interest is to maintain a friendly Iran gov at power.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 05, 2020 6:48 pm

    Isos wrote:...US did nothing when Iran bombed saudi oil fields...

    They are doing it right now and are about to do a lot more

    Isos wrote:...With a few kalibr launched at the good time and good place

    Seriously, drop the gamepad and crack pipe


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:11 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:...US did nothing when Iran bombed saudi oil fields...

    They are doing it right now and are about to do a lot more

    Isos wrote:...With a few kalibr launched at the good time and good place

    Seriously, drop the gamepad and crack pipe

    They did nothing. What's happening right now is Trump being stupid and because of dead US soldier.

    Open a history book. Russian directly but undercover fought US in Korea, in Vietnam ... US fought soviet in afghanistan. Russia. It won't be the first time ... and attacking ME gaz industry is not attacking US directly but they could hit some parked f-22 for propaganda.
    par far

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  par far Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:29 pm


    So maybe Trump had nothing to do with this, it might be the Hawks and Jews in Israel that are pushing for war with Iran because they see Iranian influence growing in the region.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:39 pm

    Isos wrote:...Russian directly but undercover fought US in Korea, in Vietnam ... US fought soviet in afghanistan.

    USSR did. Not Russia.

    And USSR rotted away and died a pathetic miserable death because it kept making stupid mistakes and couldn't keep up.

    There's nothing for Russia to gain by involving in this and everything to win by letting USA and Iran bleed each other (one more than the other)


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Sun Jan 05, 2020 7:40 pm

    Still Trump accepted responsibility for directly ordering the assassination. Look, of course the Zionist and Saudis are complicit. As they may continue to be. But all that was under circumstances, where they were being supported by the Yanks. In fact Zionist can not exist without yank military support and a continuous state of war, to stay in power. Same for Saudi. But without Saudi or Zionist, the Yanks will give birth to a hundred Saudi and a thousand Zionist. But without Yanks, there will be no Zionist or Saudi . The Yanks are the  efficient or main cause and their slaves are the necessary or secondary cause. We must remove the main cause. That is why despite their collusion in this murder, I think  the resistance axis, should not target them. Per chance they may be able to keep out of the war. And we greatly conserve our forces and reduce their mobility. Perhaps. But attack fully the Yanks in two major offensives. North and then South of PG. With brief pause in middle.

    Thinking about yank navy running away. If it is not possible to bring them close to hit them in shallow water, near coast. Then subs can go out to Hunt them. Their advance can be made hard to detect, by broadcasting loud diversion sonar, until they reach target....................

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:12 pm

    Iran states it is formally pulling out of the nuclear deal.

    Not a surprise move at all. This is what happens when you push and push someone.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:19 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Iran states it is formally pulling out of the nuclear deal.

    Not a surprise move at all. This is what happens when you push and push someone.

    They left the door open for keeping the treaty if sanction are softed.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:23 pm

    Iran needs to get real about its nuclear program. We have the example of Libya and Qaddafi who stopped his program and got
    butchered by NATzO and its terrorist proxies. There is a 100% guarantee that the yanquis and the Israelis will do precisely nothing
    if Iran gets sufficient nuclear weapons capability.

    It was a mistake for Iran to impose any sort of delay on its nuclear program. The lunatics in Washington and Tel Aviv are trying
    to start a war on Iran to bomb it back into the "stone age". This is naked aggression by a collection of war criminal vermin. Iran
    not only has the moral authority to defend itself with nuclear weapons it has the legal right. All the bitching about the NPT when
    Israel is in gross violation of it and when the NPT is legally defunct since the key provisions pertaining to disarmament by the main
    nuclear powers were never implemented and never will be.


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:24 pm

    Those are small katyusha rockets most likely from militias. Diplomats are probably working with Iran that's why there is no Iran attack. They don't want to startsomething they can't stop and their answer will be very limited no matter what they are saying.

    To be noted US forces are attacked in africa. And 3 US soldier/contractors died.

    ELINT News
    34 min
    #BREAKING: Eyewitnesses confirm the targeting of the US Embassy in central Baghdad

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:25 pm


    So maybe Trump had nothing to do with this, it might be the Hawks and Jews in Israel that are pushing for war with Iran because they see Iranian influence growing in the region.

    Then he should not engage in trash talk against Iran via Twitter.

    Who gives a rat's ass about US presidents at this stage? They are either willing perps or marionettes with their testicles in the hands of the real
    deciders who are war criminal swine.


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  OminousSpudd Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:37 pm

    kvs wrote:Iran needs to get real about its nuclear program.   We have the example of Libya and Qaddafi who stopped his program and got
    butchered by NATzO and its terrorist proxies.    There is a 100% guarantee that the yanquis and the Israelis will do precisely nothing
    if Iran gets sufficient nuclear weapons capability.    
    They already have the capability to devastate the global oil economy at the expense of the Saudi's. They are largely untouchable in terms of their ability to inflict substantial losses on any adversary in the region, including the US, should they be attacked. I do not think nuclear weapons will make much of a difference at this point. I think the US-Israeli strategy has, and still is, continued soft-power pressure to force a favorable situation in the domestic politics of Iran. Killing Soleimani is just another facet of this pressure, essentially calling their bluff. Iran is limited in what it can do in response to outright aggressive action beyond its immediate borders, and so it is left looking weak to its people.

    At the end of the day it's all going to come down to who has the most influence in/on the presiding government of Iraq.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:39 pm

    Isos wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Iran states it is formally pulling out of the nuclear deal.

    Not a surprise move at all. This is what happens when you push and push someone.

    They left the door open for keeping the treaty if sanction are softed.

    Only if they are completely lifted not softened and Trump will never lift them.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 05, 2020 9:51 pm

    OminousSpudd wrote:
    kvs wrote:Iran needs to get real about its nuclear program.   We have the example of Libya and Qaddafi who stopped his program and got
    butchered by NATzO and its terrorist proxies.    There is a 100% guarantee that the yanquis and the Israelis will do precisely nothing
    if Iran gets sufficient nuclear weapons capability.    
    They already have the capability to devastate the global oil economy at the expense of the Saudi's. They are largely untouchable in terms of their ability to inflict substantial losses on any adversary in the region, including the US, should they be attacked. I do not think nuclear weapons will make much of a difference at this point. I think the US-Israeli strategy has, and still is, continued soft-power pressure to force a favorable situation in the domestic politics of Iran. Killing Soleimani is just another facet of this pressure, essentially calling their bluff. Iran is limited in what it can do in response to outright aggressive action beyond its immediate borders, and so it is left looking weak to its people.

    At the end of the day it's all going to come down to who has the most influence in/on the presiding government of Iraq.

    That's some epic retarded "soft power" application.  It is a total fail in terms of winning any hearts and minds.   So by definition it is not soft power.
    Iran is likely at the point of getting viable nuclear weapons, so there is panic in the self-anointed masters of the universe to do something
    quick to sabotage Iran from consolidating its security.    This act of terror by the USA is a pure provocation aimed at triggering Iran into
    some stupid retaliation which the USA and its "allies" can use as an excuse to attack.    But as with Ukraine and Russia in 2014, Iran is not
    taking the bait and is just doing the usual of making legitimate threats of retaliation.  

    One fallout of this "soft power" terrorism has been the vote in the Iraqi parliament to fully kick out the US soldiers in the country.    The US
    really cut off its nutsack with this genius move.   Looks like the yanqui leadership is composed of retards.   And there has been much evidence
    of this over the last few years including Obummer's moronic claim that Russia's economy would crumble under US sanctions.    The yanqui
    leadership is drinking its own propaganda koolaid and has been experiencing brain rot.

    As for attacking Saudi oil infrastructure. That just makes the world Iran's enemy by disrupting the global economy. So Iran cannot really
    use this "card" and the yanqui swine know it.

    Russia needs to solidly back Iran at the UN. US terrorism should not be tolerated. The US has to pay a serious price for its terror.


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:16 pm

    @ KVS

    Agree that Iran needs nukes. The reason for not having them was political structure in Iran. We devised a plan to defeat their argument. Without totally loosing our capability. Although there are still some that have not learned the lesson. Or they don't like the lesson, since their solution to Iran political problem was external. And with nukes there would be no external solution. They still misuse the term flexibility, as a permanent strategy. But it was only to be used as a tactic against them. So all those who still bark about flexibility are against Iran national interest. But it looks like, with this assassination, many of their games are up. No appeasement and no procrastination. I am sure Iran now heading to be nuclear armed state. And it has to keep them. But not before it consolidates it's trade routes by removing yank bases. Since after acquisition of nukes,  although peace is imposed on all parties. But so is geographical constraints. And Iran does not want to be locked out of Afghanistan or central Asia or Syria or Russia to Europe, because a R. Of. Azeri Zionist , is blocking the road with yank bases. Iran must quickly advance forces. Remove bases and station own troops. Then show a Nuke tipped ICBM. This fifth step is not an efficient means of bringing peace. The Yanks have already rejected it. And threatened to bomb Iran holy sites...

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Aristide Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:38 pm

    nomadski wrote:@ KVS

    Agree that Iran needs nukes. The reason for not having them was political structure in Iran. We devised a plan to defeat their argument. Without totally loosing our capability. Although there are still some that have not learned the lesson. Or they don't like the lesson, since their solution to Iran political problem was external. And with nukes there would be no external solution. They still misuse the term flexibility, as a permanent strategy. But it was only to be used as a tactic against them. So all those who still bark about flexibility are against Iran national interest. But it looks like, with this assassination, many of their games are up. No appeasement and no procrastination. I am sure Iran now heading to be nuclear armed state. And it has to keep them. But not before it consolidates it's trade routes by removing yank bases. Since after acquisition of nukes,  although peace is imposed on all parties. But so is geographical constraints. And Iran does not want to be locked out of Afghanistan or central Asia or Syria or Russia to Europe, because a R. Of. Azeri Zionist , is blocking the road with yank bases. Iran must quickly advance forces. Remove bases and station own troops. Then show a Nuke tipped ICBM. This fifth step is not an efficient means of bringing peace. The Yanks have already rejected it. And threatened to bomb Iran holy sites...

    Look...France does not agree with US actions against Iran. But we will NEVER accept a nuclear armed Iran.

    Iran is led by religious nuts. If you believe we allow Iran nuclear weapons, you must be crazy.

    France is a christian, catholic nation. Iran hates christians. Nothing would be safe.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:47 pm

    Look...France does not agree with US actions against Iran. But we will NEVER accept a nuclear armed Iran.

    Iran is led by religious nuts. If you believe we allow Iran nuclear weapons, you must be crazy.

    France is a christian, catholic nation. Iran hates christians. Nothing would be safe.

    If anyone gave a fuck about what France think the iranian nuclear treaty would be still valid. Yet it's not.

    If iran really wanted the nuk, they would have had it today. Even the north korean with a pathetic industry have them.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:50 pm

    Iran is most tolerant with religious minority. Please don't make a statement before checking facts. Also Iran even with it's religious nuts, has a much more sane foreign policy than say US or UK. If it was not for nukes, Europe and Asia and America, would be destroyed ten times over. With lovely conventional weapons. It is a detterent. It is good for you and me and all the rest of world. Because facing certain death, knocks sense into people heads.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:55 pm

    Aristide wrote:Look...France does not agree with US actions against Iran...

    France will do what they are told by their owners, same as always

    France doesn't get to decide here

    Aristide wrote:...But we will NEVER accept a nuclear armed Iran.

    Arabs get to decide even less than French


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Aristide Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:02 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Look...France does not agree with US actions against Iran. But we will NEVER accept a nuclear armed Iran.

    Iran is led by religious nuts. If you believe we allow Iran nuclear weapons, you must be crazy.

    France is a christian, catholic nation. Iran hates christians. Nothing would be safe.

    If anyone gave a fuck about what France think the iranian nuclear treaty would be still valid. Yet it's not.

    If iran really wanted the nuk, they would have had it today. Even the north korean with a pathetic industry have them.

    We have proven before that we are quite good in sabotage. That Kadhafi was killed, was our work.

    France will not accept a nuclear armed iran. Never.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:03 pm

    This guy is a pretty good commentator. How about his theory?

    Lozion@62 - Re: Your Magnier quote, "The US did not plan to kill the vice commander of the Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabi brigade Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes when it assassinated Iranian Brigadier General Qassem Soleiman"

    The light bulb above my chimpanzee brain just flickered (briefly). Somewhere on SST (maybe Lang?): something to the effect of 'Never underestimate US gov/mil incompetence'. Maybe it was the opposite of what Magnier thought really took place.

    Treasonous, dual-citizen chickenhawks of the US possibly targeted Hashd al-Shaabi vice-commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes. They were trying to kill him because they found out from some snitch that he just showed up at the airport for some reason. The all-seeing US didn't realize Soleimani was even there. I guess because the sneaky Soleimani flew commercial into Baghdad and probably carried his bags to the waiting SUVs. Who would have expected that? How devious!

    This seems entirely plausible to me. Soleimani was too expensive a target - end of the State of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE and all. But whacking a vice-commander of Hashd al-Shaabi with a quarter-million dollar JAGM? Hell YEAH! We live for this kind of preventative assassination heroism in the US. Especially if accompanied by colorful graphics.

    The awkward and delayed response of the usual US mil/gov mouthpieces makes this ridiculous scenario even more believable. I have thoroughly convinced myself that this was a US screw-up of EPIC proportions. In case the US government is reading MoA, this was all Lozion's doing. I'm an innocent conspiracy primate.

    Posted by: PavewayIV | Jan 5 2020 1:00 utc | 135

    Or perhaps it is more the case that they didn't expect to have to launch a massive damage control operation this weekend? PavewayIV's speculation back @135, though evidence doesn't exist at the moment to prove it, fits what we do know surprisingly well. The outrageous incompetence, not just of the current administration in Washington but of the entire imperial establishment, is certainly extreme enough for them to not even know Gen. Suleimani was there. That and the casual attitude Americans have about murder such that they wouldn't bother checking who else they might be killing in their enthusiasm to spill blood easily explains why they didn't double check the target.

    Americans are convinced that they can wield violence like a sculptor wields a chisel, carving a pro-empire masterpiece out of the raw material that the world represents like Michelangelo working a block of marble. A sick blend of hubris and psychosis.

    Relying on low-skill second string spin management staff to cover the screw-up? The Tweeter-in-Chief's uncharacteristic silence after the deed was done? The US now trying to negotiate their way out of the the justified response that is inevitable? The US starting a war with not nearly enough troops and hardware in the theater to have any hope at success? I think the speculation by PavewayIV @135 might be right. The fools who think themselves to be artistes de violence shattered their "masterpiece" with an errant blow and now must change their adult incontinence garments.

    Posted by: William Gruff | Jan 5 2020 19:00 utc | 324

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 36 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:16 pm

    We have proven before that we are quite good in sabotage. That Kadhafi was killed, was our work.

    France will not accept a nuclear armed iran. Never.

    What are you smocking ? Kadhafi was killed because he was trying to create a unified african money in order to not depend on dollar anymore. That was Clinton's rich friends work. It was proven by wikileaks.

    Sarkozy took the opportunity to kill him because he knew too much about his illegal businesses.

    Iran deals with israeli sabotages and spies everyday. France has nothing like israeli or US netwlrk in Iran.

    Kadhafi was rulling alone in a shithole country. Iran is full of Ayatollas. Kill one and another one come at power. But then it would be the french president that would be in danger. It's very easy for iranian to target top officials of any country too.

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