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    Vladimir Putin Thread


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Sat May 08, 2021 11:42 pm

    The language in the piece is propaganda BS. "His rule" as if he was tyrant who seized power. You will never see anywhere in the
    western MSM a reference to the "rule of George W. Bush" or the "rule of <insert US or western leader name>".

    This is the same BS as calling the real opposition (not the lunatic, western financed 3% fringe) as "pro-Kremlin". Some grifter blogger
    crook like Nahanly is apparently the "real Russian opposition leader".

    Skewing of language and the use of loaded terms and descriptions is a propaganda and indoctrination trick that works. It shifts
    the reference frame of the subject, in this case discussion of Russia's government must be in a framework different from that of the
    west in order to pimp anti-Russian propaganda narratives.

    BTW, is a 5th column media outfit in Russia.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  LMFS Sun May 09, 2021 1:31 am

    franco wrote:What Putin said 21 years ago during his inauguration

    The guy writing this piece is not the average retard, good find thumbsup

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Sun May 09, 2021 5:54 am

    Those who complain about Putin being re-elected.... isn't netanyahu starting his 5th term as leader of Israel... talk about ambitions of seizing land and expanding his country... corruption... criminal charges... overseas offshore bank accounts... except the accusations actually stick with bibi... but not a word of criticism...

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Sun May 09, 2021 2:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:Those who complain about Putin being re-elected....  isn't netanyahu starting his 5th term as leader of Israel... talk about ambitions of seizing land and expanding his country... corruption... criminal charges... overseas offshore bank accounts... except the accusations actually stick with bibi... but not a word of criticism...

    I think the more informed members of this board are in agreement that the two term limit is yanqui posturing BS and serves the
    interests of the US political system and its owners. It has no intrinsic worth. The question in the case of Netanyahu is whether
    he is good for Israel and it is up to Israeli voters to kick him out if he is not good for them. The same goes for Russia, some
    hater peanut gallery in the west is not in the position to decide on behalf of Russian voters who will lead them.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 10, 2021 4:52 am

    GarryB wrote:Those who complain about Putin being re-elected....  isn't netanyahu starting his 5th term as leader of Israel... talk about ambitions of seizing land and expanding his country... corruption... criminal charges... overseas offshore bank accounts... except the accusations actually stick with bibi... but not a word of criticism...

    both are bad presidents /leaders.  one is a terrorist ,murderous criminal ,and the other incompetent ,weak and very outdated.   Both of them are bad in their own ways and for different reasons. The anglo west leaders are similar to netanyahu too. majority of top world powers are under control by either highly incompetent and outdated people and by criminals.. There are good leaders , however
    but those are very few . China have a good leader , he is a real visionary leader with true ambisions
    for his nation . and he develop his country for real ,not just cosmetically like putin do it.

    here is a video of the many that exist ,where a young russian girl , explain in her experience ,why young Russian generations are saying about putin.  i don't agree with all their opinions , but i do agree with the most important ones , including that majority of young generations of russians dislike putin and the backbone of putin support comes from soviet era thinkers and muslims too .

    listen this video , she really believe the things she said..  and like her there are many many
    other bloogers in youtube that i see their blogs from time to time. that also dislike putin .  he is losing the support very rapidly of the  young generations. and the near 1 million of russians that flee the country in a couple of years confirm this.

    The "economic miracle" of russia is fake . Russia is a stagnated economy for 20 years ,with no real progress and no real development , is an economy that is very vulnerable and weak ,to western sanctions and interference , and putin is the only one to blame for this weak and stagnated economy.

    this one is epic.. show how stupid is putin.
    putin himself told  " Russia's Biggest Mistake Was To Trust The West Too Much "

    but after he says ,that our mistake was to trust too much in the west, he continues as says
    we need to turn the page and guess what? continue trusting.  lol1

    The west correctly saw his weakness and took advantage of it and he is the only one
    to blame for the abuses of them.  
    but who was the president of Russia ? who makes the foreign policy of russia? who decide the direction of the economy? it was not "russia" who did the mistake.. it was him who did it.
    he was the president , he is still the president and he continues to trust in the west, he keep
    embassies full open of all hostile nations , he allows western ngos to continue operate in russia ,
    he is the one to blame for not confronting the west, and allowing the west for 20 years ,to completely dominate and influence the world with their advanced business. he is the reason ,russians are paying the price ,for this economic stagnation they facing.

    look what a fool is putin , he blames the west for russian problems ,but he is the one to blame.
    it was his responsibility and only his ,to not develop russia in such a way ,that will be vulnerable to the west, but he keep pushing his pipelines as the salvation of russia. and for real the best thing that could happen ,is that americans replace merkel and macron from europe , to see how    putin's 20 years of pipelines will be throw into the toilet , because will be the end of russia and an energy exported and the most important thing , the end of putin , when everyone yell at him to resign for
    failing to protect russia ,from the western interference.

    only highly immature people as putin is , blame others for their bad relations with them, if you have a bad relations you leave it , period ,you don't continue with a bad relation. and the west saw not russia. but putin trust as weakness ,because thats exactly what he did . they saw putin was weak and a teddy bear , and so he preffered to trust the west , full knowing they are playing him like a violin   ,than to fight them, with business ,and that's what happened. his cowardice and incompetence ,made him "to trust" the west ,but this is a lie ,he never trusted ,he was full aware bush was aiding chechens terrorist in caucausus ,because he himself told it on interviews, he was also fully aware of bush pushed georgia to attack russia in 2008 , then in syria obama created alqaeda and isis to hit russia , then in 2014 they break ukraine away of russia , so he can't claim they fooled him.
    he knew the west never wanted a good relations with russia , he knew the west only wanted to disentigrate russia , this also was told to him by americans too ,who have wrote many times letters to him..  so believe in putin that he was tricked.. he simply was so weak ,that preffered to ignore
    the problem than to deal with it.. and now 21 years later , after he being in power ,is find russia in a dead end ,that can't move in any direction and fully depend on europe or china to help him save his nation from american sanctions.  No   he is a parasite , that's what he is , and if he was any patriotic as he claims ,he will resign , recognizing his 20 years of russia have been close to a total
    waste , and the only good thing he did was the modernization of military , but that could have done anyway by any other leader .

    Putin is like this old womens ,with a lot of money ,that marry very young guys ,that she triple their age ,  and all their families members and friends warns here.. hey , he is tricking you , he is marrying you for your money ,abandon that relations .but she continues with it ,because she don't want to face reality ,that she is old and no longer attractive and that she is only wanted for her money.

    so putin is exactly the same. everyone warns him to not trust the west , but he refuse to face reality
    and prefer to think he have a chance to influence the west into a good relationship if he is persistent enough  ,that his good behavior and politeness will influence western bullies.  No

    To no blame the west for russian problems.. because russia had plenty of time ,20 fucking years ,
    to fight back the west, to stop their dominating influence in  the world or at least try ,and he did not a single fucking thing.
    not even in space , he did anything worthy of mention.  he is very stupid or suffer of authism ,like the west told , that is disconnected from the world he live , don't understand young generations ,and neither understand why russia is an outdated nation ,  he neither understand himself , he is very insecure person and t his is why he needs to brag about any little thing , and why he needs sports ,
    and win as much medals they can ,to try to "compensate" some how ,at least on his mind ,that  Russia is so outdated , on his economy and play absolutely no role in the  development of the world.

    make no mistake , to be president of russia ,should be a very challenging thing , and failure is not the real issue , if at least he tried. then he will have earned some credit ,but  the real problem is that he not even tried to modernize russia , not even tried , he keep pushing russia as a saudi arabia of asia , focusing on pipelines and banana business and cosmetic development of infrastructure ,while leaving the west dominate and lead in world future business development. so putin is paying the price of 21 years of inaction , and doing nothing to compete with western business and doing nothing to transform russia into a true independent nation .  he wanted to continue developing russia with the most laziest business possible.. and this is why putin's russia influence with young generations is decaying so much , why also  find problems to enter in developed nations business. china only do business with russia , not because they need anything from russia , that they could not replace somewhere else ,but because they know they need allies ,in case they face a major war with the west. But china is moving towards a total independence ,including energy too ,and no longer they need help in space either, so all this putin's gas stations will become outdated economic model in the
    near future. Russia face an identity problem ,and influence problem ,a leadership problem a nation attached to the past and the west is fully aware of this and take advantage of this . this is why russian culture ends on russian borders, and american culture cover the entire world , is the lack of modernization of russia economy and russian culture , how to west will defeat russia ,from the inside ,with their own civilian population .

    The best video for the last.  Smile

    The reality about Russia and putin , he is not the hero ,people make him to be in this forum.

    Most interview people ,are tired of putin controlling their lives and the soviet focused government. and most interview consider somewhere else in the west better than russia. interesting indeed.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  LMFS Sun May 23, 2021 2:21 am


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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun May 23, 2021 5:33 am

    Vann, how the  censored  do you sleep at night with your 5th columnist BS?   You're doing US/EU work for them and likely doing it for free.  These days Russia is under a concerted multi-pronged propaganda attack on a daily basis and endless rolling sanctions attempting to dynamite their economic foundations, yet there are compradors like this clown that openly support the enemies agenda. ..  What a censored

    Enough is enough.  Added to the ignore list, should have done it years ago. May I suggest that everyone does the same?

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  LMFS Sun May 23, 2021 12:11 pm

    Blessed ignore list thumbsup

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Kiko Mon May 24, 2021 2:09 am

    The Kremlin explained the words of Putin about "knocking out teeth". May 23, 2021.

    Russia is ready to be friends with all countries, but this friendship should be friendship, not diktat, not deceptions, not double standards, said the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov on the air of the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin "on the channel" Russia 1".

    “The President has clearly outlined the constant of our worldview. We want to be friends with everyone, but this friendship should be just friendship. Not by mentoring, not by dictatorship, not by deceptions, not by double standards, but by friendship. And we know how to be friends, ”he answered the question of which countries President Vladimir Putin had in mind when he promised to“ knock out teeth ”to those wishing to“ bite off something ”from the country. This was reported by RIA Novosti .

    Peskov stressed that “we will never allow anyone to claim something of ours. And we are strong and powerful enough not to allow anyone to do that. " The spokesman also noted that Russia's strategic forces are the most modern in the world.

    “Our most modern strategic forces in the world - they are, of course, the guarantee of stability. Because they are a deterrent, ”he said.

    On Thursday, Putin said that “everyone wants to bite us and to bite off something, but they should know that we will knock out their teeth so that they cannot bite. This is obvious, and the guarantee for this is the development of our armed forces. " He also noted that Russia has the most modern nuclear deterrent forces, which guarantee reliable protection from outside attempts to violate the country's territorial integrity.

    So, where's Adolf's toothing? Somewhere in the ashes of today's NATO territory.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon May 24, 2021 2:34 am

    this one is epic.. show how stupid is putin.
    putin himself told " Russia's Biggest Mistake Was To Trust The West Too Much "

    What you don't understand vann, is that Putin had no choice but to try to work with the west.... he inherited a broken Russia where most things were not working... if he went all strong man on the west they could cut him off and Russia would have been screwed.... they would be a giant albania.

    In the early Putin years there was a lot of trade and commerce with the west where Russia bought up all sorts of technologies and capabilities they had lost or had stolen in the 1990s.

    Many things Russia lost because now they were in foreign countries like Ukraine and Belarus.... having a period of friendliness with the west early on allowed Russia breathing space where they didn't have to fix absolutely everything, they could focus on the biggest problems and deal with them without worrying about everything at once which would be overwhelming.

    It meant Russia could get to a technology and development and production base where things like getting cut off from the Ukrainian engines they used was not terminal... it was inconvenient, but their engine companies were retooled and using new equipment and new technology and new design techniques so instead of just continuing to scavenge engines or beg the Ukraine, they could start a revised design of these engines that improved their performance just using new materials and new precision production machinery that produced finer tolerances and better quality products that actually worked better.

    In terms of food they could never have hoped to increase domestic production of food if they had to spend enormous amounts of money on imported farm equipment... it was domestic support and domestic farm machinery that helped them turn around their entire industry the way they have.... they currently make more money on food exports than they make on exporting weapons... that is an enormous turn around and could never have happened in the late 1990s...

    Equally the fact that he tried to work with the west means you can't complain that it was Putins fault... he tried to work with the west and they rejected him and Russia. If he had gone all hard line Stalin on them then you could complain that if he had been more flexible then they could have worked together and the enormous benefit of western investment and funding in the Russian economy would have it booming by now... even better than China... but that is only if you are fucking stupid and believe the west is a force for good and actually wants to help other countries grow and develop... and we have seen that they didn't cooperate at all really and tried to treat Russia as a vassal state and not an equal and as soon as Russia started to get strong they started making all sorts of bullshit accusation and imposing sanctions to try to break the Russian economy... they are doing something similar to China now it is growing economically and they realise they have lost control.

    The problem is not Russia or China or Xi or Putin... the problem is the west and its hegemony over international affairs.

    Putin tried to play by western rules but they are designed to make the west rich and powerful and everyone else silent... you could argue he took too long to realise, but he really had to give both sides of the western governments a chance to be dicks.... it was republicans and democrats and their equivalent in every EU country have all tasted power in the last 20 years and have all towed the same anti Putin and anti Russia line, so directing Russia away from the west towards the rest of the world including India and China and other countries too is his only sensible option... the fact that children in Russia don't understand that is amusing, but not really as important as you seem to think... how long before that girl demands to be called them or they but not she because she or he is a stereotype that limits your humanity in rigidly defined rules and protocols...

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed May 26, 2021 6:52 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    this one is epic.. show how stupid is putin.
    putin himself told  " Russia's Biggest Mistake Was To Trust The West Too Much "

    What you don't understand vann, is that Putin had no choice but to try to work with the west.... he inherited a broken Russia where most things were not working... if he went all strong man on the west they could cut him off and Russia would have been screwed.... they would be a giant albania.

    In the early Putin years there was a lot of trade and commerce with the west where Russia bought up all sorts of technologies and capabilities they had lost or had stolen in the 1990s.

    Many things Russia lost because now they were in foreign countries like Ukraine and Belarus.... having a period of friendliness with the west early on allowed Russia breathing space where they didn't have to fix absolutely everything, they could focus on the biggest problems and deal with them without worrying about everything at once which would be overwhelming.

    It meant Russia could get to a technology and development and production base where things like getting cut off from the Ukrainian engines they used was not terminal... it was inconvenient, but their engine companies were retooled and using new equipment and new technology and new design techniques so instead of just continuing to scavenge engines or beg the Ukraine, they could start a revised design of these engines that improved their performance just using new materials and new precision production machinery that produced finer tolerances and better quality products that actually worked better.

    In terms of food they could never have hoped to increase domestic production of food if they had to spend enormous amounts of money on imported farm equipment... it was domestic support and domestic farm machinery that helped them turn around their entire industry the way they have.... they currently make more money on food exports than they make on exporting weapons... that is an enormous turn around and could never have happened in the late 1990s...

    Equally the fact that he tried to work with the west means you can't complain that it was Putins fault... he tried to work with the west and they rejected him and Russia. If he had gone all hard line Stalin on them then you could complain that if he had been more flexible then they could have worked together and the enormous benefit of western investment and funding in the Russian economy would have it booming by now... even better than China... but that is only if you are fucking stupid and believe the west is a force for good and actually wants to help other countries grow and develop... and we have seen that they didn't cooperate at all really and tried to treat Russia as a vassal state and not an equal and as soon as Russia started to get strong they started making all sorts of bullshit accusation and imposing sanctions to try to break the Russian economy... they are doing something similar to China now it is growing economically and they realise they have lost control.

    The problem is not Russia or China or Xi or Putin... the problem is the west and its hegemony over international affairs.

    Putin tried to play by western rules but they are designed to make the west rich and powerful and everyone else silent... you could argue he took too long to realise, but he really had to give both sides of the western governments a chance to be dicks.... it was republicans and democrats and their equivalent in every EU country have all tasted power in the last 20 years and have all towed the same anti Putin and anti Russia line, so directing Russia away from the west towards the rest of the world including India and China and other countries too is his only sensible option... the fact that children in Russia don't understand that is amusing, but not really as important as you seem to think... how long before that girl demands to be called them or they but not she because she or he is a stereotype that limits your humanity in rigidly defined rules and protocols...

    you are simply the damage control department of putin , to apologize him week or month for his
    incredibly stupid actions and behavior.  if he allow his military killed , his politicians kidnapped ,
    and get his ambassadors , pilots , civilians diplomats murdered , with the west warning russia ,that their civilian planes will fall from their sky , for not obeying them ,  then for you is all well and ok. Laughing

    look how terrible is putin.. he is allowing his media RT to be used by the 5th column infiltrated terrorist on his channel ,to use RT to attack china and spread conspiracies about the origin of the virus , that china was somehow cultivating in wuhan but by accident escaped.  

    ‘Now everyone agrees I was right’: Trump trolls critics after Wuhan lab theory of Covid-19 origin becomes mainstream

    RT is a russian government funded media and they allow the western propaganda to be used there ,to attack china using own russian media . how kind of stupidity  is this ?  how can russia ever learn
    how to defend itself and its allies?  all that i see is incompetence after incompetence after more incompetence .   if russia had a competent government , they will have fired the journalist , or not renewing their contract.   but allowing your enemies to take control over your own media , and spread hostile fake narrative against russia itself and its allies .. is total stupidity.  why bother financing RT if it will become another CNN ? and dedicate to spread fake news , as RT is doing from time to time ,against china, against syria ,against venezuela and so on and so on..

    Russia government have a major important duty ,to protect the integrity of their funded media and not allow foreigners dissinformation trolls , and stop them from doing what they are doing.

    in your eyes putin do nothing wrong.. but he is an imbecile , of the highest degree . and the he is the reason why russia is the way it is today , a punching bag of the west , and that imbecile will face the same outcome of qadaffi ,when russia is disbanded in a million of parts . like i said , putin is only one step away from becoming a new Gorvachev ,that disbanded the soviet union ,for "Western freedom" and "friendship".  lol1  

    putin is simply a fucking insecure coward , he not even vaccinated with his own vaccine , after months , how stupid can a president be ?  didn't that idiot know ,that not vaccinating first sends the wrong message to their own citizens?  and this is exactly what the west is using as a weapon to discredit russia vaccine.. "not even putin trusted in his own vaccine. "   No

    Putin is the #1 reason , russia is so discredited nation in the world ,as an incompetent and unreliable nation with a lot of nukes , but that still nobody respect .  A stagnated economy ,with no future , under such incompetent administration. A true leader is one that leads by example , but for the government to politely ask for their citizens to vaccinate ,when not even putin vaccinated ,is the most incredibly level of stupidity i have ever seen..  in a leadership class exam ,from 1 to 10 ,that idiot will get a ZERO score. he have absolutely no fucking idea ,what is  the role of people elected to supposed lead a nation.   leaders needs to be the first ones , not the last ones , not as putin did , like saying russians,  go a try our vaccines and if it works ,then i will take it.. lol1    he is truly a moron.!

    if you take the blinders off , you will see how mediocre putin is , when even china have more influence in serbia than russia..  lol1

    This is how bad putin is , and why he russia is not seen as a nation that  is worthy to follow.
    it have one of the most insecure presidents in history ,with the most lazy and artificial development
    of all the major powers.  just throw hundreds of billions of dollars in luxury parks , buildings and hosting olympics activities ,so that tourist change their outdated opinion about russia. No

    and for record ,i don't see anything wrong with china , leading in the world ,and the outdated gas station russia to remain way behind in almost every area of the developed nations.. thanks to their mediocre president.. the only way russia can be fixed is when that idiot in power in moscow is
    removed by their citizens ,for being such an incompetent.

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    Post  GarryB Thu May 27, 2021 10:59 am

    So the same boring old BS from you.... OK.

    The more the west complains about him the more I know he is doing a good job for Russia and if you are going to mirror western demands he is force-ably removed from office by a coup... you know... the way western democracies do it, by murdering lots of people and destroying large parts of the economy of the country in question, then you are no better than them.

    You haven't listened to reasons before so I wont bother repeating myself.

    I can't force you to be interested in the truth... if you want to be wrong then be wrong.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Thu May 27, 2021 11:21 am

    GarryB wrote:So the same boring old BS from you.... OK.

    The more the west complains about him the more I know he is doing a good job for Russia and if you are going to mirror western demands he is force-ably removed from office by a coup... you know... the way western democracies do it, by murdering lots of people and destroying large parts of the economy of the country in question, then you are no better than them.

    You haven't listened to reasons before so I wont bother repeating myself.

    I can't force you to be interested in the truth... if you want to be wrong then be wrong.

    Rt western paid 5th column is running wild this week . . ANOTHER big article against china in less than 12 hours uploaded , helping the story telling that china is to blame for the virus.  will be posted in the corona virus thread. what the hell is going on with putin that idiot can't even get its own funded media to stop reporting fake news and parroting the western intel agencies conspiracies that the virus is china to blame. Who needs western fake   media ,when you have putin's incompetence to come to the of the west?   No

    that will truly be embarrassing that Putin's RT funded media began to work now for the CIA ,and NATO , no wonder why they don't censor RT , since the west already controls many there. Laughing


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    Post  GarryB Thu May 27, 2021 12:13 pm

    Might come as a shock but RT is effective because the reporters are not told what to say or think.

    Are the articles about the virus being from a Chinese lab suggesting it is from a chinese lab or are they just reporting accusations being put forward by the western propaganda machines... it is not the same thing.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 27, 2021 8:56 pm

    Vann7 wrote:...putin is simply a fucking insecure coward , he not even vaccinated with his own vaccine...

    You said that vaccines are bad so why do you expect him to take one? Suspect

    Vann7 wrote:...Rt western paid 5th column is running wild this week . . ANOTHER big article against china in less than 12 hours uploaded ...


    It's not their job to cover for China

    RT stands for Russia Today not China Today

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    Post  Hole Thu May 27, 2021 10:10 pm

    RT is just reporting what the dumbasses in Washington "believe". There is also an op-ed about the american bio weapons program. And they show that a few month ago american "intelligence" agencies stated that the virus was not from a lab. No they say that they don´t know from where it comes. For me that is un-biased reporting, not propaganda BS. Compare it with western media "reporting" of the situation in the middle east, Syria, Libya, Ukraine or the plane "incident" in Belarus. There you will find only one side, other scenarios are not even mentioned.

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    Post  kvs Thu May 27, 2021 11:48 pm

    The NIH funding of bat corona virus research of dubious character points to the US using China as a cover for this engineered virus
    pandemic. The problem in the US is that they are so full of egotistical, exceptionalist hubris that they will blame China for a program
    financed by America. American hubris reduces average IQ by 20-30 points. Recall the "Spanish" flu which originated in Kansas.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri May 28, 2021 6:48 pm

    kvs wrote:The NIH funding of bat corona virus research of dubious character points to the US using China as a cover for this engineered virus
    pandemic.   The problem in the US is that they are so full of egotistical, exceptionalist hubris that they will blame China for a program
    financed by America.   American hubris reduces average IQ by 20-30 points.   Recall the "Spanish" flu which originated in Kansas.  

    What a horse shit post lol.

    Let's say the US did fund the experiments that lead to the creation of covid-19 (There is no proof of that).

    That would not change a thing, China allowed it to escape and create this problem. Countries all over the world experiment with deadly diseases and it's the countries job to make sure they are contained in the labs they are being researched in.

    Also no one knows where the 1918 flu started, the first known case was in Kansas this is true but that is simply a known case and it was quite active around the world before that point in time.

    So you just lied, but your a moron who will lie and lie and lie just to shit on the US, pro-russian fanboy so you need to post propaganda which other fanboys on this site will eat up.

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    Post  Kiko Fri May 28, 2021 10:41 pm

    Republicans have politicized intelligence to push the Wuhan Lab leak theory – but Biden has called their bluff, by Scott Ritter for RT News. May 28th, 2021.

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    Post  limb Fri May 28, 2021 11:59 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    kvs wrote:The NIH funding of bat corona virus research of dubious character points to the US using China as a cover for this engineered virus
    pandemic.   The problem in the US is that they are so full of egotistical, exceptionalist hubris that they will blame China for a program
    financed by America.   American hubris reduces average IQ by 20-30 points.   Recall the "Spanish" flu which originated in Kansas.  

    What a horse shit post lol.

    Let's say the US did fund the experiments that lead to the creation of covid-19 (There is no proof of that).

    That would not change a thing, China allowed it to escape and create this problem. Countries all over the world experiment with deadly diseases and it's the countries job to make sure they are contained in the labs they are being researched in.

    Also no one knows where the 1918 flu started, the first known case was in Kansas this is true but that is simply a known case and it was quite active around the world before that point in time.

    So you just lied, but your a moron who will lie and lie and lie just to shit on the US, pro-russian fanboy so you need to post propaganda which other fanboys on this site will eat up.

    By that logic the coronavirus didnt originate in china.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  LMFS Sat May 29, 2021 8:02 pm

    Well put Mr. Putin

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    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:11 am

    LMFS wrote:

    Well put Mr. Putin

    lenin destroyed 1,000 years of russian state , but he don't killed Russia , that job will be done by putin ,when that moron provoke a nuclear war with the west by incompetence. lol1

    Putin is incredibly weak and insecure so called "leader" but he is not a real leader .
    leaders leads by example ,not just words , putin not even trusted the vaccines of his own scientist
    and waited near a year to vaccinate after sputnik v was done. No

    Truly no matter how much russians love their nation , they should never move a finger in defense
    of that imbecile , only to help their families or a nation invasion ,but never fight in defense of their treasonous president.

    ironically , even when lenin was very bad , he only lasted how much in power ? 5 years?

    In reality , Lenin was a criminal ,but he did not destroyed the future of Russia , he tried , it looks , but he failed. but lenin did not blocked the future of the nation by holding power forever as Putin is doing. after lening stalin came , that was the most industrialist leader in all russia existence .

    and contrary to putin , stalin was not a coward , he did not flee moscow ,when nazis were moving to encircle the city . Putin in the other hand , runs to his office an hide there ,when israel shutdown their airforce spy plane. and for pure cowardice ,he called the act of war , an "accident" , yeah sure , refuting his own military. No putin is bad bad bad, he is one of the worse president Russia ever had. only lenin and gorvashev were worse.

    So soviet union lead , for the nation to abandom the stupid religion of russians and focus in industrialization of the nation , without soviet union , russia will have never become a leader in space. so don't blame the soviet union too much ,because regardless of lenin mass crimes , his ideas ,lead to a major education revolution in russia , something never experimented by russia ever on history. so lenin could have been a hero , if it wasn't for his hate for russian past. but fortunately his other ideas of nation development actually worked ,and transformed russia ,from a third grade industrial nation ,to a world class one. still today , most of russia economy , depends on industries ,that were funded during the soviet union era... lol1

    putin should be compared to a much weaker version of nicholas romanov , is the most weakest president in russia -soviet union history. the most dumb and most stupid president ever in russia by far. And make no mistake ,the history of russia is not yet over , putin will become the worse president in russia history , when that idiot for cowardice , repeat the same actions of gorvashev and surrender the nation to the west to avoid a war , or when he provoke a nuclear war with the west.
    that he is doing ,by allowing their enemies to relax , and feel totally confortable punching his face ,again and again and again ,throwing missiles on russian military again and again and again ,killing russian soldiers again and again as they doing ,bombing russian bases again and again , now attacking russia with bio weapons , and with absolutely zero consequences for seeking to destroy russia. lening only lasted a couple of years in power , putin have already 21 years.. so who is the worse one? the one that ideas , raise the country to a new industrial level or the one the one ,that betrays his people ,by transforming russia , as a very vulnerable gas station economy ,to hit by the west? No

    mark by words , putin is very bad , but his legacy is not over yet..and he will continue holding power
    until russia is totally destroyed , because there will be no future for russia , with a fool , controlling the nation for several decades ,holding back the development of the nation.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:44 am

    So the moderator of the interview session of Putin at the St. Petersburg Economics Forum is a full blown 5th column scumbag.
    Putin noted that the "Capitol Hill insurrection" was just demonstrators unhappy with the clear problems during the election.   Over 450
    people were arrested and 100 of them are being subjected to criminal prosecution for attempted overturn of government.    
    (Meanwhile Russia gets lectured about "democracy" when some grifter clown like Nahalny does not win the presidential election.
    None of Nahalny's protestors is facing criminal prosecution.   Nahalny is facing the music for his real crimes that predate any
    NATzO sponsored political activism on his part.)

    The moderator then laid into Putin for supposedly supporting the "insurrection" in the Washington and "risked" being banned by
    social media.   Putin essentially said he could care less if some western social media blocked him or any Russian government
    account.  People love to bitch that Putin is some tyrant.   But here you see some worm practically spitting in his face at a public
    forum.   In real tyrannies there are no such "moderators" of "journalists" pushing foreign propaganda narratives.

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:46 am

    He won't be a moderator in next forum that's for sure.

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    Post  kvs Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:17 pm

    Putin makes a good evaluation of the USA.   Imperial hubris does kill empires.

    The US is overextended and engaged in money printing "economics".

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