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    What is your hobby


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    What is your hobby Empty What is your hobby

    Post  nomadski Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:51 am

    I have been thinking of posting this new topic. Hobbies are important to have. To allow the mind to relax. And the body to recover. I will list my own hobbies  together with the age I was, when doing them. Can you say what hobby you have now, or what hobby you may like to have?

    Age 2 - 6.            Pencil drawing.

    Age 6 - 14.          Cycling and model making.

    Age 20 - 40.        Fishing. Motorcycling. Reading.

    Age 40 - 45.        Landscape painting.

    Age 45 - 60.        Blogging. Ceramics.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:43 am

    Old cars. I have three 1980s/90s Vauxhalls which most of you, but not Garry, would call Opels. A Mk2 Cavalier/Ascona C and two Mk3 Cavaliers/Vectra A and a Calibra Turbo. Plus in its lair a Jaguar Mk2 1967. Oh and a 1986 Honda VF500F2.

    Also gardening.

    Also I'm a DJ, pretty good for a 74 year old.


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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:02 pm

    Video games

    And I'm not taking about that online multiplayer trash, I mean good old quality single player games

    Sometimes it's something small like Duck Tales or Limbo sometimes it's something really large like Deus Ex or Alien Isolation but there's nothing like starting quality new game from scratch and getting lost in the story

    You need to do your homework beforehand though, it's easy to run into shallow trash product if aren't careful (wasting money isn't as big issue as wasting time, that's what's important)

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    What is your hobby Empty Re: What is your hobby

    Post  nomadski Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:25 pm

    @ JohninMK

    You are very lucky. You must have a place to keep them. Out of the rain. Otherwise they rust. Even with covers, out in open, somehow water gets in! It seems to flow upwards. The spray. I used to dream, that if ever I could, then I will buy a few 2CV or VW Beetles. Then I would dismantle and preserve all the parts. And then Me and even my children would be able to have transport. For another 50 years. But now, after 2035, no more cars with petrol engines. Only electric. So these would have been antiques. Or could be converted to electric? But may have more value kept as antiques. In original form.

    @ Papadragon

    I used at one time be hooked on games. When I was working from home. So much so, that I got frustrated, if I did not go up a level. I think your hobby can be done with less money. And space. And you can do it alone. So you can keep this hobby for long time. Now they are bringing in these virtual reality games. When you wear Goggles. And physically participate in them. Soon, they will add sensations............ There was a film called virtual nightmare. Have you seen it.?

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:34 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    I used at one time be hooked on games. When I was working from home. So much so, that I got frustrated, if I did not go up a level. I think your hobby can be done with less money. And space. And you can do it alone. So you can keep this hobby for long time. Now they are bringing in these virtual reality games. When you wear Goggles. And physically participate in them. Soon, they will add sensations............ There was a film called virtual nightmare. Have you seen it.?

    I haven't seen this one

    I did watch The Lawnmower Man (1992) which I warmly recommend, it's old but it's good (it blew my mind back in early 90's)

    As for virtual reality it seem like too much hassle for me so unless they start packaging VR goggles free with every monitor I doubt I will be getting into it plus games for VR tend to be quite short and thin on actual content

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    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:28 am

    The new Half Life game is VR only... and apparently very good... but you do need decent VR gear.

    It is called Alyx I think... will be on Youtube.

    Personally the idea of poking my nose around a corner and have a head crab leap at you would probably scare the numbers twos out of me and I would be too afraid to move... especially at the very start when you are unarmed.

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    Post  kvs Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:19 am

    I hate the rendering of only hands in these VR games. That is lame since rendering the arms wouldn't be such a big deal and
    would be way more realistic. VR has been not ready for prime time since the 1990s. It is still not ready for prime time.

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    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:38 pm

    Working out ,chess and reading .

    Sometimes i throw all that away , prepare a cup of tea and sit, looking at the sky , it's sad i didn't see any UFOs till now Smile

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    What is your hobby Empty Re: What is your hobby

    Post  nomadski Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:22 pm

    @ ahmedfire

    Life is hard. If all the mind has to deal with is stress. Then soon we become ill. Having a hobby is therapy. And choosing the right hobby is not easy. The right hobby should :

    ( 1 ) compensate to a degree for defecits in person's life.

    ( 2 ) Be possible to be done alone or little equipment or when on the move.

    ( 3 ) Be possible for continued advancement or improvement in skill.

    ( 4 ) If possible, be turned into source of income. If needed.

    But most important is enjoyment. This can only be experienced by the hobbyist themselves and is very subjective. If you choose your hobby right, then during your hobby, you forget your troubles and sink into a zen state. Your cognition and memory improves. You can problem solve better. For a soldier on battlefield, it is difficult, but even here I suggest :

    ( 1) A small musical instrument or Harmonica.

    ( 2) A pencil and small notebook for drawing or writing.

    ( 3) Card games.

    Or as you said astronomy. All you need is binoculars. As long as you are off duty.............

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    Post  ahmedfire Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:00 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    @ ahmedfire

    Life is hard. If all the mind has to deal with is stress. Then soon we become ill. Having a hobby is therapy. And choosing  the right hobby is not easy. The right hobby should :

    ( 1 ) compensate to a degree for defecits in person's life.

    ( 2 )  Be possible to be done alone or little equipment or when on the move.

    ( 3 )  Be possible for continued advancement or improvement in skill.

    ( 4 ) If possible, be turned into source of income. If needed.

    But most important is enjoyment. This can only be experienced by the hobbyist themselves and is very subjective. If you choose your hobby right, then during your hobby, you forget your troubles and sink into a zen state. Your cognition and memory improves. You can problem solve better. For a soldier on battlefield, it is difficult, but even here I suggest :

    ( 1) A small musical instrument or Harmonica.

    ( 2)  A pencil and small notebook for drawing or writing.

    ( 3) Card games.

    Or as you said astronomy. All you need is binoculars. As long as you are off duty.............

    Yes sure . Actually in my situation i didn't develop hoppies in my early life because i was busy to work even while i was studying as my father passed away since i was a baby ,so i grow up struggling with life , i was just playing not much with other childs . At the secondary shool i was working and running and going to the gym sometimes , then at the colledge i was working too to increase my mom's income and i started reading and hit the gym as always and started playing chess , it gives me some patience lessons to handle the life and not taking a quick decisions because there are always tricks around us .

    I started my own business along with my profession after graduation and became more busy but i'm trying to keep all the stuff in parallel .  Embarassed

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    What is your hobby Empty Re: What is your hobby

    Post  nomadski Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:50 am

    It is never too late to start new hobby. Or too soon to end one. I could not afford a car at one time. So I bought a motorcycle. It is cold and windy here. So in the summer, I used my motorcycle to go on little tours. Out of the city for relaxation. But since I grow older and weaker. I could not control my mechine easily. So I had to give up my transport and hobby. Still sad for me. But a good hobby, is one where you can do it, if rich or poor. Strong or weak. Alone or with other people. You have good hobbies. But can always try safe new ones. That you keep for life. I saw TV programme, about a man who collected gems from beaches. He looked among the pebbles on the shore. Millions of pebbles!  He could find enough gem stones to be a full time job. All he needed was his two legs. If my legs were good, I do the same. A soldier outdoors can always look for gems. In river or sea................

    Or meteorites in at desert............

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    What is your hobby Empty Re: What is your hobby

    Post  flamming_python Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:31 pm


    Reading about history


    Small craft beer bars

    Exploring new cities by foot

    Youtube videos about space, science and black holes

    Video games (got a pretty good PSP game collection too)

    And of course arguing online about politics, weapons and bullshit. That's the hobby of all of us isn't it

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 01, 2020 8:56 am

    flamming_python wrote:...And of course arguing online about politics, weapons and bullshit. That's the hobby of all of us isn't it

    And one that we quite often overindulge in lol1

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    What is your hobby Empty Re: What is your hobby

    Post  nomadski Fri May 01, 2020 12:58 pm

    Agree that we can spend too much time blogging. I try not to do it, until I get the urge. Or there is something useful to say. Now we are comparing hobbies. Thinking what is more useful. I like hobby of python of woodwork most. I carry a wooden walking stick. At one time, I was thinking that if I could get outdoors, I could collect sticks of wood and make and carve own walking sticks!  No need for workshop. But still need steam device to bend and correct shape. This can be outdoors. And device for bending wood. Also outdoors. Not expensive. But need to be near woodland. And fit. I need to be able to walk first, before making walking stick!   Fail....... Alas I bought myself a blackthorn stick.......the strongest wood in the world.

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    Post  JohninMK Fri May 01, 2020 4:19 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    You are very lucky. You must have a place to keep them. Out of the rain. Otherwise they rust. Even with covers, out in open, somehow water gets in! It seems to flow upwards. The spray. I used to dream, that if ever I could, then I will buy a few 2CV or VW Beetles. Then I would dismantle and preserve all the parts. And then Me and even my children would be able to have transport. For another 50 years. But now, after 2035, no more cars with petrol engines. Only electric. So these would have been antiques. Or could be converted to electric? But may have more value kept as antiques. In original form.
    Only the Jag and the Honda are under cover. The rest are out in all weathers. It is the sun not rain that does the damage on cars of this vintage, as long as the undersides are clean, no salt, the paint primer used from the early 80s on are pretty good. Also two were bought with low usage and almost no corrosion under. The sun is a different issue, drying out seals, dashboards etc and fading paint, again paints on the top of cars improved dramatically in the mid 80s.

    Old Beetles are rare here and 2CV virtually gone, but not many were in the UK to start with. I have a couple of sheds full of parts, I have stripped a lot of cars over the past 20 years. Just regret that I didn't take more off some of them, they were only scrapped when they went beyond economical repair.

    I've sent parts all over the place, including a grill to NZ!

    Keeps me occupied Smile

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    Post  nomadski Fri May 01, 2020 6:46 pm

    Well I know that some cars can have romantic value for owners. Even if they are no longer economic to keep. Certainly I have felt this way about the vehicles I owned. They become like people. But sometimes one has to be realistic about the situation. If you can not protect all the vehicles from elements by keeping indoors. And they are loosing value. Then maybe good idea to send them to good home. And sell as classical cars. And with money you obtain, then use to spruce up the more valuable cars. And either keep to pass on to children. Or sell for profit and buy some other classic to renovate and sell on. This way you increase your capital. And keep busy at same time. Doing what keeps you happy......................

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    Post  JohninMK Fri May 01, 2020 6:57 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    Well I know that some cars can have romantic value for owners. Even if they are no longer economic to keep. Certainly I have felt this way about the vehicles I owned. They become like people. But sometimes one has to be realistic about the situation. If you can not protect all the vehicles from elements by keeping indoors. And they are loosing value. Then maybe good idea to send them to good home. And sell as classical cars. And with money you obtain, then use to spruce up the more valuable cars. And either keep to pass on to children. Or sell for profit and buy some other classic to renovate and sell on. This way you increase your capital. And keep busy at same time. Doing what keeps you happy......................
    Even though they are standing outside all my cars are increasing in value. Cool

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    Post  Aristide Sat May 02, 2020 8:34 am

    Fitness and Bodybuilding, travelling, technology

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    Post  nomadski Sat May 02, 2020 9:18 am


    Good to know. A simple covering can protect against elements. I tell you a true story. I had a Vehicle, that I was very fond of. I used to start engine, and let it warm up, before travelling. One day, as usual, I started engine. But when I returned, I noticed it was revving a little too high. Then I gently rested my hand on it. Unconsciously. At that very moment the revs dropped suddenly! Then I got distinct feeling, it was telling me something was wrong. No doubt. That made me look under bonnet. And lo and behold, the fuel line was on fire. If I had set off, without looking, there would be a fire and possible accident. I am sure it communicated with me, the only way it could. It saved my life. I think machines have souls.......... They are alive.

    @ Aristide

    You have strong arms. With body building, you must keep it up. Or danger is, that once you stop, then you put weight on. I think it is better to have aerobic activity as well. To reduce body mass. Less strain on heart. Walking is best activity with lower calorie intake. Arnold Shwarzinneger had heart op. Some body builders die early.

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    Post  Aristide Sat May 02, 2020 10:40 am

    nomadski wrote:

    Good to know. A simple covering can protect against elements. I tell you a true story. I had a Vehicle, that I was very fond of. I used to start engine, and let it warm up, before travelling. One day, as usual, I started engine. But when I returned, I noticed it was revving a little too high. Then I gently rested my hand on it. Unconsciously. At that very moment the revs dropped suddenly!  Then I got distinct feeling, it was telling me something was wrong. No doubt. That made me look under bonnet. And lo and behold, the fuel line was on fire. If I had set off, without looking, there would be a fire and possible accident. I am sure it communicated with me, the only way it could. It saved my life. I think machines have souls.......... They are alive.

    @ Aristide

    You have strong arms. With body building, you must keep it up. Or danger is, that once you stop, then you put weight on. I think it is better to have aerobic activity as well. To reduce body mass. Less strain on heart. Walking is best activity with lower calorie intake. Arnold Shwarzinneger had heart op. Some body builders die early.

    Cardio is an important part of my training routine. Im not a anabolica freak.

    The most laughable are those who dont train their legs. Very Happy

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    Post  ahmedfire Sat May 02, 2020 12:44 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Woodworking

    And of course arguing online about politics, weapons and bullshit. That's the hobby of all of us isn't it

    And because of that , people think we are weird  Sad

    Aristide wrote:

    The most laughable are those who dont train their legs. Very Happy

    They become weaker , i mean putting mass and strength on the upper body and leaving legs and core weak makes that guy easy to be brought down in any fight .Training legs boost Testosterone levels .

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    Post  starman Sat May 02, 2020 2:45 pm

    Ever since I was a kid 50 years ago, I've been interested in astronomy and stargazing. I've had a number of telescopes and big, 70mm binocs. Among my most memorable viewing experiences were the transit of Venus in 2004 and the transit of Mercury in 2016.

    Another old hobby is gardening. I like sunflower blooms. Smile

    A few decades ago I liked war-games like Panzerblitz, Tobruk, IDF, Sinai and Across Suez.

    I've had exotic pets like bearded dragons and savannah monitors.

    I collect realistic (as far as current knowledge permits) dinosaur replicas and classically themed sculpture.

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    Post  nomadski Sat May 02, 2020 9:29 pm

    @ starman

    Since I started ceramics, about 15 years ago. I progressed. Now I make ceramic figurines of song birds. But medeling out of ceramics for any long  and thin legged creature does not work well. All my birds are somewhat sitting down. But thick legged creatures can be made easy, out of ceramic. Or paper clay. You can add a little at a time. Complete the hollow shape. Get somebody to fire it. Then put  underglaze paint. Glaze and fire again. This way you can build own collection. Or you can use air setting clay. No need for kiln. Put gloss paint over it.

    I also have a pet cat now. And having him has thought me, that a cat thinks very much like a human. In  fact they are the same inside as humans. They feel the same. See the same. The same soul. But they have different shape. It is made me sick of myself for  eating meat. I am trying to eat less meat. But not easy.

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    Post  GarryB Sun May 03, 2020 5:27 am

    I also have a pet cat now. And having him has thought me, that a cat thinks very much like a human. In fact they are the same inside as humans. They feel the same. See the same. The same soul. But they have different shape. It is made me sick of myself for eating meat. I am trying to eat less meat. But not easy.

    Ironic considering he should only be eating meat.... Smile


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    Post  nomadski Sun May 03, 2020 7:45 am

    True. But my cat also is trying hard to kick the habit of eating meat. At least when he catches and eats an insect or a bird, he jumps around and exercises his muscles. We sit and have meat served to us, on a plate. Many people can not even run and catch a chicken, to eat it........

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