% satisfied with the way democracy is working in their country
India, Sweden, Tanzania 79% (highest)
Germany 73%
Canada 70%
Russia 59%
UK 52%
Japan 50%
US 46%
France 34%
S. Korea 30%
Brazil 28%
Spain 25%
Mexico 6% (lowest)
GarryB wrote:With Mexico at 6% perhaps it is time for Russia to foment a bit of communism there to get equality for the peasants and some justice against the rich... a bit of justice for the coloured revolutions the US has funded near Russian borders and against Russian allies.
Of course I am not serious... I would not suggest anyone should inflict such death and destruction on the Mexican people, but if they are not happy with how thing turned out who else should change things but them?
GarryB wrote:With Mexico at 6% perhaps it is time for Russia to foment a bit of communism there to get equality for the peasants and some justice against the rich... a bit of justice for the coloured revolutions the US has funded near Russian borders and against Russian allies.
Of course I am not serious... I would not suggest anyone should inflict such death and destruction on the Mexican people, but if they are not happy with how thing turned out who else should change things but them?
miketheterrible wrote:Things politically do not look good in Russia.
You got two people whom are clearly anti Russian, pro American and Ukraine Junta running for president of the country (Paranbas leader and sobchak), and in Ekaterinberg, George Soros and McCain funded organization is causing major problems.
I think, due to the authorities failure to act, this could be what destroys Russia.
Cyberspec wrote:I think you guys are wrong....these people are alowed to exist to clearly show the people what the alternative is to the current government...just like their foreign sponsors, they're not exactly very smart. Instead of suppressing them, all the Russsian government has to do is loudly broadcast and show what they do and stand for
You nailed it. The Russian government even funds and gives lots of prime-time air to pro-Western liberals exactly because of this. There is an excellent article by The Saker on this subject, worthy reading:Cyberspec wrote:I think you guys are wrong....these people are alowed to exist to clearly show the people what the alternative is to the current government...just like their foreign sponsors, they're not exactly very smart. Instead of suppressing them, all the Russsian government has to do is loudly broadcast and show what they do and stand for
Svyatoslavich wrote:You nailed it. The Russian government even funds and gives lots of prime-time air to pro-Western liberals exactly because of this. There is an excellent article by The Saker on this subject, worthy reading:Cyberspec wrote:I think you guys are wrong....these people are alowed to exist to clearly show the people what the alternative is to the current government...just like their foreign sponsors, they're not exactly very smart. Instead of suppressing them, all the Russsian government has to do is loudly broadcast and show what they do and stand for
And if the system is rigged from outside were they can just pay thousands or millions of people to vote for this person, as we seen how they pay people to go protest?
Svyatoslavich wrote:You nailed it. The Russian government even funds and gives lots of prime-time air to pro-Western liberals exactly because of this. There is an excellent article by The Saker on this subject, worthy reading:
GarryB wrote:With Mexico at 6% perhaps it is time for Russia to foment a bit of communism there to get equality for the peasants and some justice against the rich... a bit of justice for the coloured revolutions the US has funded near Russian borders and against Russian allies.
miketheterrible wrote:http://thesaker.is/grid-dynamics-connects-wars-in-ukraine-and-syria-with-soros-open-russia-sobchak-and-snipers-in-saratov/?utm_content=buffer28552&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
A long article but it shows and proves Sobchak's pro Nazi background, proves an organization still operating in Russia freely is a George Soros organization and Khordokovsky organization. How this organization held Hotel Sniper training sessions in Russia, and how they infiltrated the most industrialized city/region in Russia.
We're the fuck are the Russian authorities? How are they letting this happen?
Fuck, I think Russia will split apart because of gross incompetence of FSB.
miketheterrible wrote:It's stupid to let banned organizations to freely operate in Russia. I don't care about libs and their low support. But clearly allowing organizations pushing for a violent takeover (Maiden) and even training "snipers from hotel rooms) is clearly fucking stupid and wouldn't be allowed anywhere else.
Thing is too, this organization (according to article) has infiltrated China too.
AlfaT8 wrote:Let's see, a total population of around 147 mill, so 147/100=1.47=1%, 1470000/30000=49=>1%/49=0.021% or 1470000/40000=36.75=>1%/36.75=0.027%.
In conclusion, pathetic, and don't you need a certain number of supporters to be eligible to run for president in Russia?
If so, would this be remotely enough?