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    Decline of the western society #2


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:54 pm

    Oh dear.

    Hundreds of people who identify as DOGS gather to bark and howl at each other in Germany

    Around 1,000 'trans-species' activists met up at the Berlin Potsdamer Platz railway station in the German capital. The group said they do not identify as human beings and instead wish to be recognised as pooches.

    Many online weren't impressed with, one local saying: 'Just abandon them in the Siberian tundra and let them survive with their canine instincts.'

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:13 pm

    Can't be for real though

    At least, not yet. Still 15 years away from this

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:18 pm

    Daily Mail as a prophecy stream ... What a downfall ... Laughing Laughing

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:38 pm

    This is astro-turfed theater of the absurd. Are sane humans supposed to believe that some doggie "humans" prefer being on leashes
    and walked for craps in the park? It's too stupid to be stupid.


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    Post  ALAMO Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:13 am

    You seriously underestimate the power of human deviations bro.

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    Post  TMA1 Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:43 am

    What ALAMO said. As I have repeated many times if you delve into the Dutroux affair and franklin coverup and Casa Pia and the finders you start to get an idea of what we deal with. Also you never see things the same again. I had no idea. It is insane. There is only a very slim chance we can turn ship. I think it will get much worse. Imagine half the world as Sodom and Gommorah.

    In ancient days when the earth was yoing and only fifty million or so humans were on the earth, small city-state civilizations developed. I have a theory thry were very insulated. Now imagine a city-state where the oligarchs went mad with debauchery and evil. Infecting even the common citizen. They indeed would go after "strange fruit" as scripture says. What did God do to the two of the five great cities? Utterly destroyed them in their wickedness.

    Now imagine as mankind grew and civilization developed to a high level, finely honed. Cliques of power destroyed one another over generations to where only a few dozen major cliques were essentially controlling half the world. Imagine they were frequently going after "strange fruit". Imagine the evil encompassing even the citizens.

    A world Sodom and Gommorah. What would a just God do to such a world? Where the evil is so bad that even the just are swept away in judgement with the wicked. But God may save a few from this evil. I cannot say this would include me. I am not so deluded or arrogant to think such a thing. But I fear judgement is coming. Even for atheists and agnostics of right mind and morals along the classical mold. I think they can see judgement being part of many epic cycles of mankind.

    The question for me is whether it will be a thunderclap of judgement, or a slow deterioration. Like a once mighty and glorious man wasting away in senility. Either way is terrifying. I am sad as I think we right now deserve it. I hope we can change our ways.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 22, 2023 2:06 pm

    A British newspaper making fun of Germans... nothing surprises me now...

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:00 pm


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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:03 pm

    ALAMO wrote:You seriously underestimate the power of human deviations bro.

    Nope. These lunatic, microscopic fringe elements are being amped up by the elites for their divide and conquer agenda.
    I bet they are paid to show up for these events. Like the "pussy hat" bitches during US government financial suspensions
    when they can't get their coin.


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Sat Sep 23, 2023 6:41 am

    Obesity is getting worse in the United States:

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  flamming_python Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:15 pm


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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Sep 23, 2023 5:24 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Well its actually a lot more common than you think.
    Public schools in general are a major epicenter of child abuse.
    The Church which everyone complains and jokes about, are nothing nothing compare to public schools.

    Expect things to get more "grapy" as the moral axiom of not just Sweden but the broader west continues to shift.
    And the "Moral good" gets redefined.

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    Post  kvs Sat Sep 23, 2023 7:33 pm

    Paedophillia has been redefined as "minor attraction" by NATzO academics and is being pushed as the new normal. The frenzy about
    "gay oppression" in Russia during the Sochi Olympics was all about this perversion. Russia passed a law banning solicitation, grooming
    and indoctrination of minors by "gay activists". We had the BBC trotting out a big time UK gay "minor attraction" activist as some big
    authority on "gay human rights" in Russia.

    The west is spiraling in depravity.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:49 am

    H. I. G. C. Kumara*  and R. A. W. D. Jayawardhana (2018). International beauty pageants and the construction of hegemonic images of female beauty.

    The research discovered that 68% of titleholders are from peripheral/semi-peripheral countries such as India and Venezuela. Further, the researchers found that the physical features of these non-European titleholders from the peripheral states closely resemble western Caucasian ‘white’ woman, conforming to ideal standards of western feminine beauty. On the other hand, ironically, 95% of branded beauty products are manufactured and distributed by multinational companies
    with headquarters in developed countries.

    Accordingly, the research concludes that the women chosen as the world’s most beautiful females display core characteristics of ‘stereotypical western feminine beauty standards’ and thereby, resemble a ‘fantasy model of feminine beauty’ conceptualized by a regime of ‘white men’, projecting its economic and political influence on the world stage. The fact that most titleholders are chosen from peripheral/semi-peripheral countries may be driven by a capitalist commercial project in which economies in the world dominant core countries have created a lucrative market for their beauty products in peripheral countries.

    The so-called ‘fantasy female body image’ includes being fair, slim, wrinkleless, flawless etc., and these false ideals of body perfection are carried to the world through visual arts, media, science, technological innovations and also literature (Karacan, 2007). ‘Hegemonic beauty deology’ is a ‘myth’ based on the European (AngloSaxon) values. (...) As stated by Veblen (1899-2005) in his Trickle-Down Theory, ‘fashion is practiced in the upper classes and imitated by the lower classes’ and this ideology has been used in the capitalist world order to create markets for different types of beauty products. With the rise of these capitalist economies and globalization many aspects, including female beauty ideals of western culture, have been elated by the rest of the world, hence, the discourse of hegemonic power and core-peripheral dependency provides insight to understand non-European women’s quest for Eurocentric female beauty ideals as standards.

    Hegemonic beauty culture has normalised its own values and norms as models and had them imposed on the ‘base’ (southern periphery) in order to maintain their cultural hegemony (Salamini, 2014). Accordingly, the ideals of feminine beauty in European culture, which are created and maintained by the ‘white man’ who enjoys economic, social, cultural and political dominance within the ‘super structure’, have become the universal ideals of ‘female beauty’.

    Most mainstream beauty pageants have very strict ideals of beauty, and winners have often been falsely glorifed for their beauty. These events lack “uniqueness” and “specialty” among the contestants who have beenforced to accept an “unrealistic” beauty image which is rather an “unattainable” ideal for most women in the peripheral regions. Use of winners of beauty pageants in promotion campaigns of exclusive beauty care brands or advanced technologies in beauty surgeries, reflects “differentiation of consumption where consumption of disparate sphere becomes intertwined" (Warde, 2005). Additionally, these events are organized in an emotionally satisfying/appealing manner that “distract the consumer from realizing that they are being captivated into an artifcially constructed themed environment and pitched the sale of goods” (Bryman, 1999: p. 380).

    It should not be neglected that the titleholders from India and Venezuela have won the titles after 1980s and two underlying factors behind this selection can be observed. First, both countries have opened their economies after the 1980s based on neo-liberal ideologies and consequently multinational companies manufacturing exclusive brands of beauty products entered the territorial boundaries of these countries. As a part of expanding their markets in these countries, these companies have promoted and sponsored beauty pageants within the country and worldwide. (...) Second, a link between the size of human population in these developing countries and the selection of titleholders can be established. For example, countries such as India, Brazil, Venezuela and Nigeria represented by a major international beauty pageant’s titleholders are the top world ranking countries in population size (see Table 2); that is, both neo-liberal free trade economic policies of these countries and their population size have become a hidden criterion in the selection of titleholders from these southern peripheral countries.

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    Post  kvs Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm

    Beauty pageants are a western business so the western standards follow. I do not think they fit culturally into most of Asia and Africa.

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    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:32 pm

    The LGBTQ autocrats are basically holding the majority of people as hostages in Canada and the US.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:49 am

    The west is spiraling in depravity.

    I would say the west is perfecting depravity.

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  Sprut-B Mon Sep 25, 2023 12:40 pm

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    Decline of the western society #2 - Page 38 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #2

    Post  andalusia Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:50 am

    I want to know why has France maintained such post colonial control in West Africa like printing their currencies? Why didn't France do something similar in their former Asian or Middle Eastern colonies?

    Was it because West African nations are so weak militarily or that they simply closer to France geographically compared to their former Asian colonies?

    Was it because Vietnam defeated France military for independence in 1949?

    Did France ever offer to print Laos and Cambodia currencies?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 26, 2023 12:00 pm

    It is because Africa has resources that France needs to be a viable state and exploiting an entire country simply by bribing a half dozen officials in that country is much easier to control an entire country than you might think.

    Even with the US you just need to have contributions to both political parties so no matter who wins or who gets into congress or the senate then you have bought your say moving forward and of course you use that say to make sure you make all the money you spent back and more money on top of that.

    You find out who is investigating things in your industry and you "invest" in their political career so when they form a committee to decide on new regulation or if new laws are needed they will take on your people as experts in the industry who of course will give advice that will lead to your monopoly and domination of that industry for years to come... recovering you "investment" 1,000 fold.

    It is how the rich get richer.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri Sep 29, 2023 3:23 pm

    Summarized translation from Vietnamese

    One-sixth of American teachers have to take an additional job. In 2022, it is said that 17% of USA teachers need another jobs to increase the income.

    Teacher is a toilsome career. Teachers have to bring the office work to their home after working hours. They have to work more than what is stated in the contract. University lecturers are the same. Although it is not like they will be paid more for that overtime working.

    Teacher salary is low. People said that their salary is just a joke. National Center for Education Statistics NCES announces that 300000 high school teachers in USA dropped their job during the period of 2020 to 2022, at the time of Covid-19.

    The Teacher Association of America, represented 3 millions teachers, upload a guideline article listing 50 additional job to increase the teacher's income, including tutoring. However, teachers can't tutor the students in their class or in their school, it is considered a conflict of interests. Popular additional jobs for teachers including online tutoring English for Chinese kids, extracuriccular activities counseling.

    There is also manual labour such as babysitting, pet-sitting, dog walking, domestic work. And shipper, food delivery, grass mowing. That's right. You do not hear it wrong. These are the jobs that USA teachers are willing to do.

    They can rent a part of their house for people in need. Or they can sell the unused, old stuff in their house. Garage sale is an interesting activities in North America.

    In conclusion, USA teachers do not have high living standard as many believe. Sometime they have to do the jobs that other people never think of from the beginning.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Oct 02, 2023 10:27 am

    “GDP may be doing great, but people are dying in increasing numbers, especially less-educated people,” Anne Case said, “A lot of the increasing prosperity is going to the well-educated elites. It is not going to typical working people.”

    The mortality gap widened explosively during the pandemic, according to the paper.Both COVID-19 deaths and deaths of despair were more common among people without college degrees, who were more likely to work in public-facing jobs, use public transportation, and live in crowded quarters.

    “People with BAs have Zoom. People without BAs don’t have Zoom; they have to go to work,” Deaton said.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:17 am

    Europa, a Girl from West Asia, Raped Again by an American Bull, by Pepe Escobar for Strategic Culture Foundation. 10.02.2023.

    We may always dream that following an Ariadne’s thread we might, just might, extricate ourselves from the current, incandescent geopolitical labyrinth by applying an exceedingly overhyped commodity: logic.

    Yet the post-everything, cancel culture West has also cancelled logic.

    When in doubt, at least we can go back to foundation myths.

    So let’s go back to the birth of the West, as in Europe.

    Legend tells us that one fine day Zeus happened to set his roving eye on a beautiful girl with big, bright eyes, a daughter from a thalassocratic civilization in the Levant: Europa.

    A while later, on a pristine beach in the Phoenician coast, an extraordinary white bull showed up. Europa, intrigued, got closer and started to caress the bull; of course, that was Zeus in disguise. The bull duly annexed Europa and darted towards the sea.

    Zeus had three sons with Europa — and left her a spear that never missed its target. One of these sons,
    as we all know, was Minos, who built a labyrinth.

    But most of all what legend taught us was that the West was born out of a girl – Europa – who came from the East.

    Enter the toxic Medusa

    Now cue to a trashy Medusa maneuvering her toxic tentacles in Brussels, using a self-congratulatory Atlanticist fest to praise the head of the Japanese government for supporting the neo-nazi gang in Kiev and fighting Russia.

    That was the preamble for a linguistic twist from hell: “Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons again”. That blamed Russia, by implication, for the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, when the whole planet knows who did it.

    Astonishing lying is the Medusa’s standard modus operandi: yet what’s even more startling is that this Eurotrash stock in trade is fully normalized. And of course merrily accepted by the Rising Sun neo-colony.

    This is how History is now being taught in “elite” universities across the collective West. And this is also the reason why Russia has given up on finding even minimally qualified interlocutors across the collective West.

    And it gets worse. Such emanations from a cultural swamp are supposed to represent “Europe”. We are light years away from the late, great Gianni Vatimo – one of the last towering European intellects, who proposed several nuances of compassionate nihilism and an understanding of politics as forms of consensus that communities deliver inside historical and cultural horizons.

    The abuse of Europe is never-ending. In geoeconomics, German industrial exports – which were a key factor in its positive balance of payments – are going down the drain. Germany and assorted EU nations are now dependent on ultra-costly American LNG.

    An enslaved EU was forced by the American “ally” to simply give up on the Russian market for its own auto and other exports that paid for cheap energy imports. In a matter of months, balanced trade Looking East was turned into deficit trade with the Hegemon.

    That is the key legacy of the tactical victory obtained by the Hegemon with the bombing of Nord Stream 1 and 2 – exactly a year ago.

    Seymour Hersh’s sources inside the U.S. Deep State revealed who did it. The whole Global Majority with an IQ over room temperature knows who did it – and who ordered it. And still the current Straussian neo-con psychos controlling U.S. foreign policy are able to get away with it.

    The bombing of the Nord Streams was the Rape of Europe Remixed – now performed by an American bull.

    As the indispensable Michael Hudson has detailed, domestic budgets of Germany and other EU/NATO nations are already in deficit territory – with the added “incentive” of the non-stop militarization of the EU.

    That will “force cutbacks in domestic government programs – just as Germany and its NATO neighbors are moving into a post-industrial depression in which families and businesses need subsidies to cover their rising heating and energy costs, and unemployment insurance.”

    Moreover, the euro will continue to plunge against the U.S. dollar, and may soon fall to 90 cents, or lower.

    Prof. Hudson’s conclusion is stark: “So what seemed to be a U.S./NATO war against Russia in Ukraine has been a stunning U.S. military victory to lock European NATO members into the U.S. orbit and block their plan to turn East for trade and investment with Russia and China.”

    Enjoy the “laboratory for military innovation”

    Meanwhile, the Hegemon is making a killing – literally – with its proxy war in Ukraine.

    The basics: over half of agro-Ukraine is now owned by Monsanto, Cargill and Dupont, bought for a pittance and profiting from the most corrupt environment in any country in the world.

    Ukraine seeds were destroyed: Monsanto now runs the whole GMO racket. Ukraine cereals going to raped Europa equal full control of the EU’s agriculture and food market.

    On the military front, the U.S. weapons matrix and its satellites continue to profit immensely from what is in effect money laundering of public funds. Ukraine simultaneously became:

    1. The graveyard for outdated weapons in need of recycling.
    2. A privileged “laboratory for military innovation” (like Afghanistan and Iraq, previously) – as admitted by the Pentagon’s number two, Mara Carlin, at the Ronald Reagan University.
    3. A show room for global exports (well, Abrams tanks about to be incinerated by the Russians don’t exactly qualify as a strong selling point).

    On the energy front, it’s all about the Nord Streams, all over again. The remixed Rape of Europa comes complete with ancillary financial bulls BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street totally controlling the spot market for anything the EU wants to buy, with prices occasionally 20 times higher than before.

    This is just the short version of what “helping Ukraine” is really about.

    And still the wunderwaffen keep coming: F16s are next in line.

    Andrei Martyanov summed it all up, concisely: “The combined West failed at war”. As in NATO’s utter humiliation will be cosmic. And that comes with a – possible – punchline – for which obviously one cannot have direct confirmation in the corridors of power in Moscow: “Russians did plan for that, they just couldn’t anticipate that the West would self-annihilate itself that fast”.

    It’s firmly established that in the Kremlin’s strategy the ultimate aim is to demilitarize and smash NATO. We’re getting there, slowly but surely. What is already established is that the Serial Rape of Europa by the American bull has totally broken it – physically, economically, culturally and psychologically.

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:47 pm

    Europe likes taking it from the American (Anglo-Saxon) bull.   I have no sympathy for her "plight".   She is too busy frothing at the mouth with
    racist hate at Russians to be fully aware of her situation.   Actually, she is in denial about her situation and is projecting her problems onto Russia.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 04, 2023 3:17 am

    Hundreds of people who identify as DOGS gather to bark and howl at each other in Germany

    Around 1,000 'trans-species' activists met up at the Berlin Potsdamer Platz railway station in the German capital. The group said they do not identify as human beings and instead wish to be recognised as pooches.

    Many online weren't impressed with, one local saying: 'Just abandon them in the Siberian tundra and let them survive with their canine instincts.'

    Some one should call animal control and round them all up and check they have had all their shots and are spayed and if they are strays put them down...

    Europe likes taking it from the American (Anglo-Saxon) bull.

    Europe is not innocent victim, she has dealt pain and death around the world for centuries... America sticking it to her is like the lowly worker taking over the company when tough times weakens the economy... except this lowly worker is a bigger prick than the previous owners were so it should not be celebrated by either... the rest of the world gets the joke though... they are damaging each other with their stupid nonsense.

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