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    Nicaragua situation


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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:56 pm

    Daniel Ortega wins the presidential elections in Nicaragua, according to preliminary recount, 08/11/2021.

    Nicaraguans went to the polls this Sunday to elect the executive and legislative powers for the next five years.

    With 49% of the votes counted, Sandinista President Daniel Ortega is emerging as a clear winner in the general elections in Nicaragua, obtaining his formation 74.99 %, which allows him to face a fourth consecutive term.

    In search of reelection, Ortega, who will turn 76 on November 11, ran at the polls with Walter Espinoza (Partido Liberal Constitucionalista), Guillermo Osorno (Camino Cristiano Nicaragüense), Gerson Gutiérrez (Alianza por la República), Mauricio Orué (Partido Liberal Independiente) and Marcelo Montiel (Alianza Liberal Nicaragüense).

    "We are burying the war and giving life to peace, "the president declared on the day of the vote, while stressing that," regardless of the political, ideological, religious thought of each person, " the population has been able to exercise its right to vote and elect candidates from different parties.

    Ortega completed his first presidential term between 1985 and 1990 and returned to power in 2007 with the promise of "work and peace" for voters. Currently, the leader of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), the party that controls Congress and government institutions along with its allies, is finishing his third consecutive term as president of the country, which will culminate in 2022.

    In addition to electing the future president, the Nicaraguan people also determined the deputies who will obtain 90 of the 92 seats in the National Assembly and decided who will represent them before the Central American Parliament.

    The voting process was overseen by 232 "electoral companions" from 27 countries, although invitations were not extended to observers from the European Union or the Organization of American States (OAS). Nicaraguan authorities point to "massive" participation, despite opposition calls for abstention.

    Some countries, such as the United States, have already advanced that they do not recognize these elections. In addition, Washington has already promised to tighten its sanctions.

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Tue Nov 09, 2021 1:01 am

    Nicaragua ratifies victory of the Sandinista Front with 75.92% of the votes, by Danay Galletti Hernández, for Sputniknews in Spanish. 08/11/2021.

    The formula of the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and the vice president, Rosario Murillo, reached 75.92% of the votes, after the counting of 97.74% of the ballots, the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) announced today.

    CSE president Brenda Rocha reported that the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) Alliance had 2,860,559 votes and the consolidation of the Constitutionalist Liberal Party (PLC) as the country's second largest force, accounting for 14.15% of the total.

    In the preliminary results of the court number two, the Nicaraguan Christian Way Party (CCN) ranked third, with 89,311 ballots; the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN) ranked fourth, with 85,192 votes; followed by the Alliance for the Republic (APRE) and the Independent Liberal Party (PLI).

    Of the 13,459 Polling Stations (JRVS) organized for the elections on November 7, 13,155 were already counted for the selection of the highest management positions in the country in the 153 municipalities.

    During a television appearance, vice president Rosario Murillo said that the recent victory symbolizes respect, commitment and responsibility in the continuity of struggles and social benefits and signified Nicaragua as a free, sovereign and independent homeland.

    International Community and Elections

    Russian chancellor Sergey Lavrov, called unacceptable the decision of the united States to reject the results in the general elections, held this November 7, and expressed his conviction forcefully to the policy assumed by Washington, which includes a call for the liberation and restoration of the rights of those classified as political prisoners.

    According to Lavrov, the U.S. unleashed a campaign aimed at ignoring the elections, which was joined by, among others, Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado —on the grounds of an alleged lack of democratic conditions and guarantees— and Colombian president Iván Duque, who said that the result of the elections in Nicaragua "was a chronicle of an announced fraud."

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation recalled that the preparations and the exercise of the suffrage took place in the context of significant and unprecedented international pressure against the Nicaraguan authorities.

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation recalled that the preparations and the exercise of the suffrage took place in the context of significant and unprecedented international pressure against the Nicaraguan authorities.

    In addition, Lavrov reiterated the confirmation of his country's observers regarding compliance with the elections, organization, transparency and adherence to the legislation adopted during the process and denounced the interference in internal affairs by some States with the purpose of overthrowing the Sandinista Government.

    The Venezuelan foreign minister, Félix Plasencia, rejected the US interference in the Nicaraguan elections and alluded to the statement issued by Washington, in which he defined the votes as unsuccessful, and the threats of President Joe Biden, who will use "all diplomatic and economic tools."

    Plasencia considered as "franchise", the strategy assumed by the US administration against processes and projects not favorable to its hegemonic vision, and highlighted the resistance and guarantee of peace of the citizens who voted this November 7 for their leaders for the next five years.

    Miguel Díaz-Canel, president of Cuba, also congratulated his counterpart Ortega on his fourth consecutive victory and vice-president Rosario Murillo from his official Twitter account.

    Vrai-faux "Socialist" Pedro Sánchez' Spain considered the elections as a mockery for lacking the minimum democratic guarantees required, and the European Union assessed the results as illegitimate, according to a statement published on the website of the European External Action Service.

    For its part, Bolivia greeted the democratic vocation of nicaraguans in the selection of its president and vicemandatario for the period 2022-2027 and deputies to the National Assembly and the central American Parliament, and the respect for the popular vote, as the full exercise of sovereignty, citizenship and confirmed the links between the socialist Government led by Luis Arce and the Executive led by Daniel Ortega.

    Yandex Translate from Spanish with amendments

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:11 am

    You never know what you are doing is right for your people and your country until an American official tells you you are doing it wrong and they wont accept the results of what you have done as being legitimate...

    Like a gold seal of approval really.

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:29 pm

    Ortega Rule 'Dictatorship' Lacking Any Democratic Mandate, US Special Envoy Says, by Morgan Artyukhina for Sputniknews. 09/11/2021.

    A top US State Department official told reporters on Tuesday that Washington refuses to recognize the results of Nicaragua's Sunday presidential elections, which were won by the democratic socialist Sandinista party, calling President Daniel Ortega's government a "dictatorship."

    US Special Envoy to the Northern Triangle Ricardo Zúñiga said that Ortega's rule is "a dictatorship that lacks any democratic mandate," adding that Nicaragua's dismantling of democratic culture and institutions requires a strong regional response.

    "No one is fooled by the false election on November 7," Zúñiga told reporters, adding that "joint measures must be taken to limit the [government's] resources to repress the population."

    His comments came just after the Organization of American States (OAS) published a report denouncing the vote and saying that "the international community must demand the annulment of the elections on Sunday, November 7, and call for the holding of a new electoral process, with guarantees, electoral observation and true electoral competition."

    Ortega, who has been president since winning the 2006 elections, was declared the victor in Sunday's vote after amassing roughly 75% of the ballots - only slightly higher than his 2016 reelection bid. He faced five other candidates for the presidency from across the political spectrum, but the US and its allies have denounced the election as fraudulent after several candidates were arrested over the summer in connection with nationwide anti-government riots in 2018 that the US supported.

    The other candidates included Constitutional Liberal Party candidate Walter Espinoza who got 14.4% of votes; Liberal Alliance Party candidate Marcelo Montiel, who got 3.4%; Christian Road Party Guillermo Osorno, who also got 3.4%; Alliance for the Republic Gerson Gutierrez, who got 2.2%; and Independent Liberal Party candidate Mauricio Orue, for whom 1.7% of voters cast their ballots, according to TeleSUR.

    Zúñiga added that the US is evaluating diplomatic and economic measures to hold Ortega accountable for alleged abuses.

    Last week, the US Congress passed the Reinforcing Nicaragua’s Adherence to Conditions for Electoral Reform (RENACER) Act, which laid out a framework for crippling the Central American nation's economy. As Sputnik noted at the time, the plan involves sanctioning individuals in Ortega's government and blocking international financial transactions along the lines of those used against Venezuela in the two years leading up to the 2019 US-backed coup attempt by opposition politician Juan Guaido.

    "We will use other elements of the laws that allow us to reach Nicaraguan actors and we will work together with Congress to see what else we can do. This also warrants that we talk about Russia's interference in Nicaragua," Zúñiga added. Last week prior to the vote, an unnamed senior US official also told reporters the US would not just maintain its presence in Nicaragua, but expand its operations after the Sunday vote, saying it would reach out to opposition groups.

    US agencies funneling funds to Nicaraguan opposition groups include the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a front group for the CIA, and the US State Department's Agency for International Development (USAID).

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  andalusia Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:12 am

    This article sums up the situation in Latin America pretty good.  It is unfortunate that the US never supported land reform in Latin America.

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:21 am

    President Putin congratulates Daniel Ortega on electoral victory in Nicaragua, 11/11/2021.

    MANAGUA (Sputnik) — Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the victory of his Nicaraguan counterpart Daniel Ortega in the presidential and legislative elections, won by a large margin by the ruling party, diplomatic sources confirmed.

    ” Receive congratulations on the occasion of an overwhelming victory in the elections of the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, " reads a letter from Putin, delivered to Ortega by the Russian ambassador to this Central American nation, Alexander Khokholikov.

    Putin stressed that the results of the vote confirmed Ortega's political weight, as well as support for the policies of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN, left), aimed at Nicaragua's social and economic development and the defense of its sovereignty.

    “I am sure that through joint efforts we will continue to intensify strategic bilateral cooperation for the benefit of our peoples and for the sake of regional stability and security,” the message of the Russian president emphasizes.

    Ortega was reelected with more than 75% of the vote, in elections questioned by various governments and international organizations, but backed by Nicaragua's traditional allies, such as Russia.

    Yandex Translate from Spanish

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:05 pm

    US and UK sanction several Nicaraguan officials and Vice President Murillo, 15/11/2021.

    The US imposed new sanctions related to Nicaragua on nine people and the country's federal Prosecutor's Office. The United Kingdom sanctioned Nicaragua's vice president Rosario Murillo and seven other officials.

    The Treasury Department reported that the sanctions, in particular, are directed at the Public Ministry of Nicaragua and nine government officials and diplomats.

    For its part, the Cabinet of the United Kingdom reported that the restrictive measures, which are the bans and the freezing of bank accounts, also affect the president of the National Assembly or Parliament of Nicaragua, Gustavo Porras Cortes, the general secretary of the Mayor of the capital of Managua, Fidel Antonio Moreno Briones, the attorney general, Ana Julia Guido Ochoa, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Alba Luz Ramos Vanegas, the member of the Central Election Committee Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker, the chief inspector of Police Juan Antonio Valley, and to the chief of Police of a Lion, Fidel de Jesus Dominguez Alvarez.

    In the presidential elections, which were held on November 7, the ruling Sandinista Popular Liberation Front, with presidential and vice presidential candidates Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo, won 75.87% of the vote. The turnout in the elections was 65.26 per cent.

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Kiko Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:32 pm

    Electoral magistrates urge Nicaraguan president to denounce OAS Charter, 18/11/2021.

    MANAGUA (Sputnik) - The magistrates of Nicaragua's Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) expressed their support for the initiative of the National Assembly (parliament), in which they urge President Daniel Ortega to denounce the OAS Charter, through an agreement announced by Judge Brenda Rocha, president of the CSE.

    "Make request to the President of the Republic, Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, in his capacity as Head of State and Head of Government to denounce the Charter of the Organization of American States in accordance with the provisions of article 143 of the said instrument," said Rocha at the national and foreign press.

    The Electoral Branch subscribed to the decision of the National Assembly, which on Tuesday 16 decided to reject the OAS resolution, which ignores the results of the presidential and legislative elections, in which President Daniel Ortega, was reelected with 76% of the votes for the period 2022-2027, considering them undemocratic.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Nov 19, 2021 5:09 pm

    Nicaragua resigns from the OAS, 19/11/2021.

    MANAGUA (Sputnik) - Nicaragua sent a communication to the Organization of American States (OAS) informing of its decision to withdraw from that hemispheric body, which it accuses of facilitating US hegemony in Latin America and the Caribbean, Nicaraguan foreign Minister Denis Moncada announced.

    "We are resigning and disassociating ourselves from the OAS," he said at a press conference.

    Moncada pointed out that the action of the forum led by Luis Almagro has shown that "its mission is to facilitate the hegemony of the United States for Latin America and the Caribbean, which Nicaragua rejects."

    The foreign minister cited the letter sent to the OAS —which must be communicated to the other member states— in which he notes the "indeclinable decision that begins the definitive withdrawal and resignation of Nicaragua."

    This week, the Nicaraguan National Assembly (parliament) asked President Daniel Ortega to denounce the OAS for "interference."

    Yandex Translate from Spanish

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  kvs Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:46 pm

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:55 am

    US Sanctions 116 Ortega Admin Figures for ‘Undermining’ Nicaragua’s Democracy on Inauguration Day

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Mar 01, 2023 11:46 am

    The Nicaraguan government of President Daniel Ortega has banned the celebration of traditional public processions of the Way of the Cross during this year's Lenten season, and accused Catholic Bishops of "grave crimes and horrors".

    During Lent, and also on Good Friday, the rituals will take place inside churches and not in public venues.

    Tensions between the Sandinista regime and the Catholic Church reached its peak last week when, in a speech for the 89th anniversary of the killing of Nicaraguan national hero Augusto Sandino, President Ortega launched an unprecedented attack against the Church, accusing the Catholic hierarchy of "grave crimes and horrors" and of supporting dictator Somoza, who was ousted by the Sandinista Revolution in 1979.

    In his address to the nation, Ortega also accused the papacy of having supported Italian dictator Mussolini, and the Vatican of being a "mafia organization".

    "I don't believe in popes or kings: who chooses the Pope?" he said. "If we want to talk about democracy, the people should first elect priests and the bishops", and "even the Pope" should be "elected by direct vote and not by the organized mafia in the Vatican."

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:07 pm

    I suspect that the Roman Catholic Church in Nicaragua is making the same type of a mistake that the Roman Catholic Church in Poland did during the 1980's.

    Blind anti-leftism.

    It did not work out well for either the general population and the church itself.

    The "fruits" of such works by the church are that majority of the people in Poland are now worse off, and the church attendance is declining.

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:33 pm

    Well its either standing up to the Left or be destroyed by the Left.

    Pick your poison.

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Nicaragua situation - Page 2 Empty Re: Nicaragua situation

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:50 pm

    Have you ever heard of the Liberation Theology in the Latin America?

    Some years ago they did a study in Poland about during what time in Poland's history were the largest number of Catholic churches ever constructed in Poland.

    It turned out that Poland's Communist period saw the largest number of Catholic churches constructed in its entire history.

    On top of that, I can assure you of that the clergy lived well in Poland during its Communist rule, despite of the essentially fake claims that they were "persecuted."

    Here is a link in Polish:,najwiecej-kosciolow-budowano-za-jaruzelskiego

    3 600 churches were constructed during Communist rule in Poland.

    Do not be deceived by all this anti-Communist propaganda.

    Also, in the Communist Yugoslavia Roman Catholicism was one of three official religions of that country.

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