I still wonder what drives the people who seriously consider such bizarre and unlogic scenarios
Let's consider that there is a secret plan of waste Chinese territorial expansion for a moment.
Who should be afraid of that?
A nuclear-armed India?
Undisputable nuclear superpower Russia?
Occupied Japan, with it's Murican contingent?
Nuclear armed North Korea?
And occupied South Korea?
Mongolia, a country practically administrated by Russia or any other CTSO member?
Does it make any sense to you?
There are tons of other territories, who can be considered, but why we do not hear about them much?
Well, because most of these idiocies came up directly from Hindu arses.
I saw articles in the Hindu press comparing Jin Ping to Hitler already.
As both Hindu and Chinese give a shit about Hitler himself and hardly feel any outrage toward him - the target of this narrative is obvious.
China is a huge country, with most of its interior actually depopulated.
They have no need for any territorial expansion, including the run for resources. They own half of Africa already, and there are tons of Chinese in Africa.
Not a single shot was needed.
Why we don't hear much bullshit from there?
well, again, maybe because it makes no gain for Hindu narration?