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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4


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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:58 am

    This is a chance to create tension in the ranks... was this pipe spared?

    I doubt it.

    Did it fail and is there a mine sitting there that didn't go off properly... wouldn't that be fun.

    Would be interesting for the German Navy to rush in there and have a look... the German people might start riots if they don't take this last chance to defend their economy from the US.

    Could be a real wake up call for Germany to split from the west... the whole of Europe relies on the US to keep them safe but the only threat to Europe is the US pushing the into a fight against Russia.

    It is like the school bully getting their kicks getting the nerds to fight each other for their entertainment and advantage.

    The irony is that Denmark was going to deny its permission to build the pipes in their waters but all of a sudden changed their minds.

    Was that greed... they didn't want to lose out on transit fees... or did the US point out having the pipes in their waters would make them easier to sabotage?

    No cries about the environmental damage all this gas being released into the atmosphere is going to cause...

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  JohninMK Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:17 pm

    More thoughts on who done it from MoA. There are visuals at the first link. Sorry its so long but I dug it out so that you didn't have to with links.

    The PavewayIV (he knows what he is writing about) is very interesting. Starts at my highlight.

    The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage

    Okay, let’s dig into what we know about the subject. First and foremost, everything I have shown and discovered is open source - meaning it is available to anyone around the world.
    I just happen to know where to look and have the tools that give me the opportunity to find the data.
    That said, the Russians also have this data and it certainly didn’t help our case that Biden told them we would take the pipeline out should the Russians invade Ukraine. We have seen Biden “slip up” on many occasions so this isn’t a surprise.
    You would think that the bobbleheads would have at least put someone in the game that would have the cognitive ability to at a minimum play the game, but that clearly isn’t the case.
    Here are a few facts about the sabotage:
    1. Biden said we were going to do it
    2. It happened “overnight” on the 26th of September
    3. We have a US Navy P8 fly from the United States to a refueling rendezvous point over Grudziądz Poland at 0210 hrs GMT
    4. The two aircraft, Callsign N/A, and BART12 sync up at 26,400 ft for an extended 1:20 minute refueling, disconnecting at 0328 hrs GMT
    5. The BART12 air refueler RTB’d to Spangdahlem Air Base Germany and one should note the flight record has been wiped
    6. The Navy P8 then continues onto the Nord Stream Pipeline location and descends to an altitude of <10,000 ft at 0345 hrs GMT
    7. The Navy P8 exits the area just prior to 0700 hrs and is the only aircraft over the area the entire time
    8. At 0709 hrs GMT the Navy P8 returns back to the United States. Note: the US Navy P8 HexCode is AE6851 and is NOT listed in the aircraft database. Furthermore, the aircraft flew as “masked” meaning it did not want to be tracked
    9. Datapoint, there were recorded 2.3 magnitude shakes in the area at that same time
    10. The following morning NATO Forces announce that overnight the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline has been sabotaged
    11. A Poland Ministry Official posts a tweet thanking the United States for taking out the Pipeline
    12. On September 29th in front of the UN Security Council a Russian Federation spokesperson presents the known facts and asks the United States representative directly in a yes or no requested response, “did the United States take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline” in which the US representative did not confirm nor deny it and didn’t answer the question, but instead took an offensive posture.

    October 1, 2022, the United States has no official statement on the sabotage although Biden is pushing the standard doublespeak rhetoric and as they say, the best defense is a good offense.
    There is, however, an official release from the White House back in February 2022 that states the United States will take further action with Germany to end the Nord Stream Pipeline 2
    So let’s look at the flight data logically…
    The United States has Navy P8’s stationed in the UK so why fly an aircraft all the way from the United States and not land in the UK for refueling, but instead hook up for an hour plus with another US Air Force refueler out of Germany?
    Could it be that the UK’s new Prime Minister would not condone the activity?
    We have already seen her call out Nancy Pelosi who we know is a bobblehead and not in line with the New World Order, and we know the new UK PM is indeed a WEF appointee which is part of the NWO.
    Clearly, the United States did not want to land in the UK or anywhere else for a reason.
    Could it also be because it was armed with external weapons or they didn’t want any record of the aircraft in the area?
    Landing would create a log and even though we see them wipe the flight record data, the airport log is still intact.
    Let’s talk about the P8 weaponry for a minute.
    The Navy P8 Poseiden has 11 external hardpoints for mounting weapons as well as an internal bomb bay, and one weapon, in particular, is a High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability (HAAWC) system.
    HAAWC is an all-weather add-on glide kit that enables the Mk54 torpedo to be launched near or below the cruising altitude of the P8 Poseidon.

    What that means: the flight path and altitude of the P8 in question are indeed capable of conducting a “bomb run” on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.
    Now let’s look at the flight specifics.
    Note the last flight path just before exiting the area runs right along the pipeline in which they could have released the ordinance and continued their climb out, thus exiting the area and returning to the United States.
    Also, note the little hump just before the climb out (red arrow).
    That is consistent with a weapons release.
    Pitch down, increased AoA, weapon release, little bubble up, then a climb out (the blue line is the inbound leg of the same flight).
    You may also not the flight path. It circles over the area first, then flies downrange and starts the initial bomb run, then it does a quick readjustment on a final bomb run, releases, and exits immediately.

    Okay let us talk about the motive: Why would the United States take out this pipeline? Reason - because it is a very large source of revenue for Russia and the sanctions to date have not worked, in fact, they have backfired on the United States.
    Also, note the timing as Poland and Norway announce a new Baltic Pipeline just days after the sabotage and the EU has secured a deal with Israel going forward so they will no longer rely on Russia for the gas and oil.
    We simply waited until everything was shored up and made our move.
    Alright, I know I have hit you with a firehose of data for you to mull over and I will leave it to you to decide based on the data presented.
    One thing for sure, in our current environment this was not a good move and it could very well be what kicks this entire powder keg off.
    So as always, stay frosty and keep that powder dry.
    God bless,
    Monkey out.

    Posted by: Melaleuca | Oct 4 2022 4:33 utc | 253

    melaleuca 259 and monkey wirks
    hard for me to believe that one torpedo from that P8 damaged three (?) pipes
    easy to believe that P8 was there as alleged
    and that it had something to do with the pipeline damage
    perhaps it was just "dawn patrol" to check out the damage already done?
    this is NOT an assertion, it is merely a question

    Posted by: downtownhaiku | Oct 4 2022 4:59 utc | 256

    USS Kearsarge is conveniently missing from the narrative.

    Posted by: Norwegian | Oct 4 2022 5:35 utc | 258

    Kearsarge is missing.. not sure if that’s because “convenient”.. dunno.. you could possibly sign on to his account and ask him..

    I’m not an ordnance guy… is it possible the US Navy P8 was there to “trigger” something explosive that had previously been placed during the June July August exercises and drills and training in that exact location?

    The one piece of “evidence” that does exist, is that the Russians were absolutely categorically *not* in that location in the months, days, hours prior.
    An argument can run with what a Russian motive might be to blow their own pipeline…. it’s a facile argument, but many (especially msm are running it)
    Russians have the “means”… they have lotsa shit that can blow things up.
    But no argument or evidence can be made for the “opportunity”.
    If the Russians could penetrate that location immediately and directly under the nose of USA+NATO…
    either USA + NATO surveillance tools are complete and total shit
    Russians have perfected super alien-tier invisibility tech.
    Cui bono + Occam’s razor says the US did it…
    (And the Poles, {and others/Danes/Swedes} were aware and acquiescent).

    Posted by: Melaleuca | Oct 4 2022 5:59 utc | 259

    Melaleuca | Oct 4 2022 4:33 utc | 259 - more on HAAWC. This is a Mk 54 lightweight torpedo (upgraded version = faster to catch nuke subs) with a flight kit (wings) and GPS guidance. This is a new weapon. The older versions were basically an older version of a Mk 54 dropped on a parachute to the sea surface. You had to be very nearly right over the target due to the torpedo's relatively limited speed and range. And dropping it from higher altitudes introduced profound wind drift, so it was generally dropped from lower altitudes. The HAAWC allows an aircraft (P-8 anti-sub warfare in this case) to drop what is essentially a glide bomb from high altitudes/airspeeds some distance from the target and have it 'fly' to preset GPS coordinates before splashing down, jettisoning the backpack/wings/guidance unit and continuing on as a normal Mk 54 torpedo.

    Here's where it gets interesting:

    The Swedish National Seismic Network reported two seismic events that Monday that were explosions - One at 2:03 A.M. and a larger one at 7:04 P.M. of magnitude M2.3 (I'm assuming Central European Summer Time or GMT+2). The Swedish SVT site linked above does not mention the amount of explosives needed. When reports first started coming out, there were mentions by other seismologists of several hundred kg of explosives needed to produce that kind of magnitude of seismic event. Those disappeared quickly and were replaced in western MSM with estimates of "around 100 kg of TNT" explosives. That number seems preposterous for an M2.3 event - I'm going by seismic events resulting from mining activity using several hundred kg of explosives barely registering over M1.0 or so.

    Now here's the reason they may have been trying to scrub the magnitude/explosives estimate. The Mk 54 torpedo uses a warhead of about 44 kg of PBXn explosive. More energetic than TNT but let's say 75 kg TNT equivalent. That puts it somewhat in the 100 kg TNT rang figure that popped up in MSM, but is still far too small of a charge to register anything significant on the Swedish network and certainly not anything that would produce a M2.3 event.

    Monkey Werx puts the P-8 over the pipeline during the first, smaller explosion, not during the second explosion. If the P-8 dropped some conventional HAAWCs, then I would expect a seriously small seismic signal barely above background. 100 kg of TNT is what some old-timey miner would use. Modern mining blasts use dozens of charges that size simultaneously and still only produce M1.x shocks. I'm thinking something in the low sub-kiloton range was used - if not in the first explosion, then in the second on later that day. In order for a HAAWC to produce that much energy, it would have to have a small 'tactical' nuclear warhead. 3rd generation nukes can be engineered to produce almost no measurable residual radiation at sub-kiloton yields. The only evidence we would have of their use is evidence of a blast an order or two of magnitude larger than a conventional warhead could produce. And it looks like the seismic evidence narrative is already being created by the MSM to suggest a far smaller (conventional) charge. Just in case someone gets caught with their hand in the nuclear cookie jar.

    Now Monkey Werx didn't (that I know of) put any US aircraft over the area of the second explosion at the same time, so we can't say if that was a P-8 HAAWC on a pre-set delay, or if it was something else (Brit ships in the area, etc.). I would really like to see some good estimates of explosion magnitude and respective TNT-equivalents for that first blast from seismologists. The science is pretty well known and well within the capability to determine if the first explosion's seismic signal could have been produced with 44kg of PBXn or something far more powerful - like a tactical nuke warhead.

    I think I'm starting to understand the latest hysteria about 'Russia might use tactical nukes' and the urgency for a false flag now. If it turned out that the US has already used tactical nukes and worse, against our NATO allies critical energy infrastructure, well... that would just be damn uncomfortable to explain to the rest of the world.

    Posted by: PavewayIV | Oct 4 2022 6:34 utc | 263

    Bornholm, Denmark and close to Sweden. How many listening devices? American warship nearby. American spy plane flying around the explosion time.
    But Russians did it. How moronic is that ?

    Posted by: RB | Oct 4 2022 7:28 utc | 268

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:22 pm

    From what I hear the detonation of these pipeline was not easy.   They are buried below the seabed and not sitting on top of it.  This
    requires removal of the over-fill for any explosive device.   It is not simple as sending a bomb via drone.   Then we have the fact that
    the pipes are coated with a thick player of concrete over a rather substantial thickness of the pipe metal (around two inches).   So
    a substantial amount of explosives is required.   This explains why the US navy operations were going on for a while.   It was a construction
    project in the reverse sense.

    The above begs a question: did Russia know what was going on?

    It must have some sort of monitoring infrastructure on the pipes such as wires that could measure physical disruption from seabed instability.
    So an operation to clear the over-fill would trigger a warning signal. I suspect that Russia knew and let the NATzO f*ckers dig their own

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  nomadski Tue Oct 04, 2022 9:27 pm

    To be honest , it is obvious the yanks did it . The question now is what response , since without a response , this attack will be repeated on other pipelines ..Now I think the main concern of the attacker , after the absolute success of operation ( hence the need for trusted older device ) , has to be for them to remain undetected . Since if there even was the slightest chance of explosives not working or being compromised or being detected , then they would pay a much heavier penalty .

    Using an ROV to place charges or submarine to discharge divers underwater , is still risky . How many times are submarines tracked or detected ? An ROV can fail , and then we have this thing floating in the Sea or lost . A torpedo makes a lot of noise , probably detectable from many kilometres , and like ROV , can fail and give the game away . A team of divers jumping into Sea from plane or Helicopter , can be spotted or can be injured . So to minimise risk of detection , we need the most reliable and least suspicious form of delivery by minimum number of divers , using the smallest and most powerful weapon , sent from nearest land base ( Bornholm Island ) . This means a couple of fishing boats , with a couple of divers on board , and 4 nuke depth charges . A team on land , planes or Helicopters , act as back-up or cover story .

    If detected , they can throw equipment into Sea . They make no noises underwater for Sonar to pick up . If injured , they can be replaced quickly . They raise no suspicions  or break any law , operating in Finland waters . The water is not too deep for experienced diver to place explosives . Allows for explosion to be hidden by adequate depth . This rules out conventional explosives , submarines or planes or  torpedo or helicopter .....Also in the case of weapon malfunction , it could be retrieved quickly , by small team . This may explain time lapse between first and second explosion . Allowing team to recover first failed charge , before collecting the second .

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 05, 2022 4:32 pm

    What an amazing co-incidence.

    ”In 1975, the entrepreneurial German engineer Peter Griesemann founded his office for consulting engineering services (Consultiung Engineers), which over the years became the Griesemann Group. It is a classic German SME success story: 1600 employees, locations in 40 countries and is active in the construction and maintenance of industrial plants of all kinds. In the petrochemical cluster around Leuna, but also in infrastructure projects and this is where it gets interesting: the Griesemann Group has the contract to maintain Nordstream Pipelines 1 and 2.

    On 04.09.2022, Peter Griesemann took off in his Cessna Citation 551, a twin-engine business jet in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, to fly home to Cologne. Shortly after entering French airspace, contact with the aircraft was lost and French fighter jets took to the skies to escort the Cessna. Their pilots reported that there was no one in the cockpit and that the aircraft was probably on autopilot.

    Amazingly, no further intervention was made by either the French or the Germans as the Cessna entered German airspace, which it flew completely over before leaving its cruising altitude of 11km over the waters of Latvia, circling and losing altitude before finally crashing in the Baltic Sea. It is absolutely unbelievable that a jet that no one knew whether it was on autopilot or hijacked, whether it was remotely piloted and loaded with explosives, was allowed to fly over cities, industrial plants and nuclear power stations all over France and Germany before being watched to crash in the Baltic Sea (at least on radar) in an apparently controlled manner.

    There is only one explanation for this: the decision-makers at French and German air traffic control knew that there was no danger from this Cessna. Which immediately raises the question of how they could have known that and there is only one explanation for that too: because they were told by the people who organised this ‘accident’.

    Now the next question is who could that be and it is easy to answer, because: who has the power to tell the French and German air traffic control what can happen in their airspace.
    Only the American services can do that … which makes the parallel to Enrico Mattei obvious and quite clear that Peter Griesemann was liquidated by the Americans.

    His knowledge, his influence and his network connections could have become a real problem for the Americans after their attacks on Nordstream. On 4 September 2022, they not only prevented this, they also gave an unmistakable demonstration of their omnipotence in NATO territory: it is enough to have the potential to get in their way to be eliminated."

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Sprut-B Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:47 pm

    Bad news for the collective West. Despite US pressure OPEC+ member states have agreed an oil production cut of two million barrels per day.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  ALAMO Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:50 pm

    Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  Kiko Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:24 pm

    Novak: Russia is ready to supply gas via Nord Stream 2, 10.05.2022.

    Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak announced the country's readiness to supply gas through the undamaged branch of Nord Stream 2.

    Russia is ready to quickly establish gas supplies through the undamaged branch of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said following the OPEC+ meeting in Vienna.

    “Yes, of course, it is possible (delivery - approx. VIEW),” RIA Novosti reports, citing Novak’s words.

    Earlier, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov called the emergency at Nord Stream an act of state terrorism.

    According to Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Russia “does not have such data” that it was the Western intelligence services that blew up the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, but they had previously blown up the pipelines.

    US President Joe Biden said that the Russian side is allegedly spreading disinformation and lies about what happened. He urged not to believe the statements of the Russian leadership.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  owais.usmani Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:26 pm

    Man just blow up that remaining pipe already before these stupid Russians save German industry from total collapse. angry

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    Post  Kiko Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:42 pm

    Perhaps I got a wrong impression but I gather that Josep Borrell is delicately signalling for peace with the Kremlin, as opposed to Wünder Leyen ...

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  nomadski Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:41 pm

    So let me see now , someone said America had already attacked a Russian pipeline or even this pipeline in the past ! I never heard anything about it . How did they know that it was America ? They got a phone call ? And no retaliation by Russia ? How kind of them . And now someone said that , this attack was not by America ! Ok , who was it then ? If all these are true , then no wonder Russian pipelines got more holes in them than a colander .

    So this is going to be a regular occurrence . In this case the Russian Engineers can come up with a solution to limit the damage on pipelines , both above ground and under the Sea . Why not design a unit , an automatic shut- off valve , that can be welded into place , say every kilometre . In case of pressure drop , then it activates and stops water damage to entire length of pipes  or environmental damage . this will also mean cheap repairs . If the yanks want to damage pipelines , then they have to blow up the entire length of pipeline ! Much more expensive than repairing pipeline .

    Also countries in Europe that agree to peace with Russia and want oil and gas , can set up a joint government sponsored  insurance against damage to pipes and guarantee set amount for return on investment by share holders . So investors never loose out , even if pipes damaged . This way , no good killing manager of company that repairs pipelines . Since even loss of services , can not damage investor confidence . Government always ready to step in and carry out repairs .

    Automatic shut- off valves , may be one way of protecting pipes , what other way can you think about ? ( not including nuking the yanks ) . Germans have good Engineers and so do Russians .

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Backman Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:27 am

    Saudi and Russia just made a deal to cut oil production at opec

    The Americans are very pissed. They called it "a hostile act". That is serious. Watch out for terrorism on Saudi. This kind of action won't go unpunished

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  Hole Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:18 pm

    If Washington puts to much pressure on Saudi-Arabia they will play their nuclear trump card: sell oil for Rubles, Rupees and Yuan. Or anything other then the Dollar and Euro. Bye bye Petrodollar and the capacity to print, print, print because nobody will buy the Dollar anymore.

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    Post  flamming_python Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:51 pm

    Saudi Arabia is a house of cards and I doubt MBS has secured enough of a power-base for himself to shield from US attempted coup attempts

    One thing to note about the Saudis is that they are very religious. To the point where the Sodomy and gender-bending championed by the US has probably played a role in their foreign policy preferences.
    Nevertheless. Money talks and all the US has to do is find some sympathetic ears in Riyadh who would undermine the current leadership in power there

    Even if MBS holds on, Saudi Arabia itself is as vulnerable to US external pressure as vice-versa. A huge amount of their reserves are in the US, they've bought up a lot of US bonds. Their elites all have bank accounts and property in Europe. Their military is completely reliant on Western suppliers. Their oil drilling is reliant on Western multinationals and technology.

    So this is a dangerous game for the Saudis to play. They may be underestimating things. It's not like the oil crisis during the 70s when they successfully pressured Washington. Now the Anglo-American empire is fighting a war for its continued place in the sun and they will be far harsher to anyone who dares to disobey them or tries to take advantage of the situation.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:20 am

    Saudi Arabia is a house of cards and I doubt MBS has secured enough of a power-base for himself to shield from US attempted coup attempts

    If history is anything to go by MBS would have no problems murdering every potential rival to the post just to prevent any coup attempts... wouldn't it be amusing if a coup attempt failed and the result was something similar to what happened in Turkey when they tried to remove Erdogan...

    Their actions have been very clumsy... you would think they are getting fat and lazy and too reliant on satellites and drones....

    One thing to note about the Saudis is that they are very religious. To the point where the Sodomy and gender-bending championed by the US has probably played a role in their foreign policy preferences.

    The irony of course is that often the vices are worse when alcohol and homosexuality are banned you might think child molesting would be illegal too, but there are certainly conservative values that they wont bend in public.

    Nevertheless. Money talks and all the US has to do is find some sympathetic ears in Riyadh who would undermine the current leadership in power there

    The family is huge so there are so many different branches it is like a whole forest rather than a single tree... but I would think MBS would cut that forest down if he thought he had to... so they had better be very sneaky about it...

    Even if MBS holds on, Saudi Arabia itself is as vulnerable to US external pressure as vice-versa. A huge amount of their reserves are in the US, they've bought up a lot of US bonds. Their elites all have bank accounts and property in Europe. Their military is completely reliant on Western suppliers. Their oil drilling is reliant on Western multinationals and technology.

    But the reverse holds true too, if the US uses its dollar and investments in the west as a weapon who is going to invest in the dollar... who will invest in the west?

    More to the point any western companies that invested in other countries could risk getting their assets seized in return... Saudi Arabia might start to look at alternative technology... perhaps even cleaner greener technology that is renewable for the time when fossil fuels no longer sell.

    Now the Anglo-American empire is fighting a war for its continued place in the sun and they will be far harsher to anyone who dares to disobey them or tries to take advantage of the situation.

    The US is trying to spark distractions for Russia in Armenia and Kosovo and other places too... it would make sense when the shoe is on the other foot to make deals with Saudi Arabia... it is pretty well known the Americans have been pushing the price of oil artificially very low for quite some time with the intention of damaging Russia while also damaging Iran and Venezuela and of course Saudi Arabia... none of which they seemed to care much about... they just wanted cheap energy.

    I suspect Saudi Arabia is realising if they ever become no longer useful they will become an enemy too... why wait to be pushed... jump before the plane gets too high or too fast.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:32 am

    The Saudi reaction shows how much US power has weakened. No more finger snapping conformity for the self-anointed masters
    of the universe in the US and to some extent the UK. But these mater clowns still think they have such power.

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    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:50 pm

    If i had to describe the situation in the US right now.
    Its like they are trying to shoot their cake and eat it at the same time.

    The US is trying to go from classic mericana to a progressive mericana, problem is, that means destroying classic mericana, while they are doing that they want to maintain and expand the power that classic mericana had.

    Its so retarded, watching the western empire shooting itself in the head like this.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:57 pm

    I will tell you a joke : An Ant waited on a Tree branch for a passing Elephant below . An Elephant approached and the Ant , jumped on it's back and started to have a good time ! The Tree branch broke and fell on the Elephant's head , and it cried out loud . The Ant shouted with pleasure " .....suffer baby ...suffer ! " The Saudis could be acting in their own interests , by cutting output . They can do this now , more easily , without Russian Gas . Since they are in a more monopolistic position . They demand higher profits . It may only be a confluence of interest with the Russian position . A bit of good luck . I heard that Biden has released some fuel from strategic reserves to keep the prices down and the motorist happy in the next elections . I don't think it is because of shortages of oil , especially any sanction against America . Is this cut of 2 million Barrels , against exports to USA alone ? If so , then it may be political . All about Biden criticising MBS , " human rights kashoggi..... " . Still the Ant might fancy his chances against the Donkey next ? Yet it won't stop the Donkey from kicking out like a wild Ass , and break some more oil pipelines !


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    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 07, 2022 9:16 pm

    Putin removed the "daughter" of Exxon Mobil from the project "Sakhalin-1", 10.07.2022.

    President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing a new operator for the Sakhalin-1 project and excluding Exxon Neftegaz Limited, a subsidiary of the American oil and gas giant Exxon Mobil, from the project. Rosneft subsidiary Sakhalinmorneftegaz-Shelf will become the new managing operator of Sakhalin-1

    All rights and obligations of Exxon Neftegaz Limited are transferred to the new operator. All property of the consortium, which led the Sakhalin-1 project, is transferred to the ownership of Russia.

    Foreign participants in Sakhalin-1 must agree or refuse to re-register their stake in the project for a new operator within a month.

    In early March, ExxonMobil announced its withdrawal from the Sakhalin-1 project and the removal of employees from the country. In April, the company froze the Far Eastern LNG project in the Khabarovsk Territory.

    ExxonMobil owns 30% of Sakhalin-1. In addition to it, Rosneft participates in the project through its sister organizations RN-Astra (8.5%) and Sakhalinmorneftegaz-Shelf (11.5%). In addition, the Japanese consortium Sodeco (30%) and the Indian state oil company ONGC Videsh Ltd (20%) invested in it.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  kvs Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:21 pm

    nomadski wrote:

    I will tell you a joke : An Ant waited on a Tree branch for a passing Elephant below . An Elephant approached and the Ant , jumped on it's back and started to have a good time ! The Tree branch broke and fell on the Elephant's head , and it cried out loud . The Ant shouted with pleasure " .....suffer baby ...suffer ! "  The Saudis could be acting in their own interests , by cutting output . They can do this now , more easily , without Russian Gas . Since they are in a more monopolistic position . They demand higher profits . It may only be a confluence of interest with the Russian position . A bit of good luck . I heard that Biden has released some fuel from strategic reserves to keep the prices down and the motorist happy in the next elections . I don't think it is because of shortages of oil , especially any sanction against America . Is this cut of 2 million Barrels , against exports to USA alone ? If so , then it may be political . All about Biden criticising MBS , " human rights kashoggi..... " . Still the Ant might fancy his chances against the Donkey next ? Yet it won't stop the Donkey from kicking out like a wild  Ass , and break some more oil pipelines !

    The Saudis are not happy with the "rules based order" attempt by Washington to dictate global prices for oil (and other things) as it is trying to enact with its sanctions frenzy on Russia. The Saudis are not just grubbing for profits they really have a problem with maintaining production given the age of their fields. Also, as noted by various analysts, the oil price has not been keeping up with global inflation and the Saudis need to import a lot of production. So they have a natural right to increase oil prices just based on this alone. Washington should stop printing dollars by the trillion and driving global inflation if it wants oil price stability.

    The use of strategic reserves to drive the oil price down shows you how idiotic is the current order. The amount of US strategic reserves is a tiny amount compared to what it consumes and imports. So this tiny amount is able to change the price as if it could ever replace imports. This is totally nonsensical.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 08, 2022 3:49 am

    The Saudis wont be too happy about oil price caps either... even though they are not directed at Saudi Arabia now, they are moral and ethic weapons used by the west to punish those that do not comply... that could so easily be Saudi Arabia...

    Is this cut of 2 million Barrels , against exports to USA alone ?

    It is a cut in production and delivery to the market so there will be 2 million barrels less oil put up for sale.

    After decades of trying to damage Russia by crashing the price of oil and also trying to hurt Venezuela and Iran the west has also damaged lots of other countries and so a bit of extra profit how will be very important to help them pay off debt and buy new equipment and find new sources of oil and gas around the place so we don't suddenly run out.

    Lots of hard core oil people in the republican party so Saudi Arabia is probably not very happy at the moment.

    The US should be treading very very carefully... but thankfully they wont...

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:01 pm

    Looks like some kind of accident to one of the pair of pipelines in an underground section. Other one working normally.

    A leak in the Druzhba pipeline, through which oil flows from Russia to Europe, has been discovered in Poland.

    The cause is still unknown, said the Polish pipeline operator Pern.

    This is the main line through which the crude oil flows to Germany.

    According to the Federal Ministry of Economics, the security of supply in Germany is guaranteed.

    The Schwedt refineries in Brandenburg and Leuna in Saxony-Anhalt continued to receive crude oil via the line, a spokeswoman said.

    According to unconfirmed media reports, the refinery in Schwedt is already receiving deliveries with reduced capacity.

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    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4

    Post  owais.usmani Thu Oct 13, 2022 11:51 am

    Russian hydrocarbon (Oil and Gas and Coal) Industry: News #4 - Page 13 Firesh63

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:13 pm

    Vladimir Putin announced the start of construction of the "Force of Siberia-2"

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    Post  Kiko Thu Oct 13, 2022 8:21 pm

    Miller: The Black Sea is now the safest supply route, 10.13.2022.

    The Black Sea is currently the safest route for energy supplies, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said during the Russian Energy Week.

    “In the course of contacts and negotiations, such information was provided. Of course, the reaction is clear that everyone is strengthening the security of critical infrastructure facilities. As for the prospects, without a doubt, the Black Sea is currently a safer route than any other routes known to us, ”he said on the air of the Rossiya 24 TV channel. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

    So Miller answered the question about the reaction of Turkish colleagues to information about sabotage attempts against the Turkish Stream .

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Astana, discussed the creation of a gas hub in Turkey for Europe.

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