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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2


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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:51 am

    Well,well,well: such a thing would open a lot of possibilities of collaboration between Russia and China, one got expertise, the other productive capacity.

    Russia has spend time and money investing in all the technologies that go into building modern military ships and subs... no reason to hand production to China.

    This US doctrinal distortion is the reason for the rejection of carriers by so many people.

    Yes, an imperial tool to keep the lower orders in line... Russia does not need that.

    They have a huge number advantage that they didn't need to spend more on defence. Untill yesterday only Russia with kh-22 had a chance against them.

    No they didn't... that number advantage had to cover the whole planet, and the various different heavy anti ship weapon the Soviets deployed very few had counters that would work against them on the US side.

    All the rest could be anhilated by their f-18 and harpoons.

    In Syria the Syrian air defences were not coordinated and were rather weak... in comparison a Soviet naval surface group has a very potent air defence network and against low flying subsonic missile attack they likely would have been able to shoot down all Harpoons fired at them...

    Old mig-29A/B or the few mirage that were sold to 3rd world countries couldn't do anything against them. Neither missile boats could get close to their navy.

    The US Navy never sailed close to anything that could touch them. Leading to rather skewed results.

    Unmanned ships are perfect for flotilla use, a small 500T ship with 1 or 2 USKS and a remote 30 mm gun turret with a radar that can send data to the command ship for processing. You can put those way out there with little fear of attack.

    Why little fear of attack?

    They would be easily torpedoed and sunk.

    Cheap and they do not need many of the super expensive computers as the data can be processed on the command ship.

    Two way data communication would give away the location of both platforms.... Zircon for both.

    All they send is raw data and video. For sea handling the ship can be semi submersible and completely airtight with snorkel intakes for the engine. Maybe even smaller is possible 200T or so.

    Torpedo would still sink it.

    I don't understand how you protect the fleet by not carrying strike aircraft.

    That is the problem... you think the Russian Navy will get CVNs and then change tactics and doctrine and immediately become the US Navy.

    After all you will need to attack carriers, cruisers, destroyers, subs and frigates no?

    Russian surface groups already attack carriers and cruisers and destroyers and subs and frigates... ship and sub launched missiles can continue to perform those roles.

    The SU-57 is a superb multirole fighter with a growing array of air to surface weapons,

    Russian ships will have hypersonic missiles reaching hundreds or thousands of kilometres already... why use a mach 1.7 aircraft when you can use a mach 10 missile that wont need support or assistance.

    and the only time the Kuz has been used in battle is for strike.

    They were testing new capabilities but the primary role of the carrier was generating combat experience. Against some targets an aircraft might be used but against most targets a cruise missile would have been launched to hit the target instead... how many carrier launched aircraft can hit targets 5,000km away.

    If they have LPDs you can bet the carrier will go along if they are landing troops and the carrier will launch strikes.

    The helicopter carriers they are making at the moment have transport helicopters and also Ka-52 attack helicopters directly related to the land based Ka-52 recon helicopters... I would say there is a very good probability that the recon attack helicopters will find targets and call in strikes from naval gun support rather than fixed wing aircraft.

    And China will stop develop new submarine classes you mean?

    What access do they have to the latest technology going in to Russian or American subs that will allow them to do better in 5 years time?

    Half the technology used in Russian subs have no foreign analogs.

    The F-14 was aready quite useless for air superiority.

    The F-14 was their only aircraft with any chance of stopping a Backfire attack from succeeding.

    It has poor manuverability,

    Its job was to shoot down heavy aircraft like Backfires and Bears and also any anti ship missile already launched... its ability to manoeuvre is meaningless... much like the MIG-31s lack of manoeuvrability and for the same reasons.

    As the range of AShMs grew it kinda became irrelevant.

    The Kh-22M and Kh-32 were specifically designed to bypass the missiles the Tomcat carried...

    It has combat range of about 200km more then then F-18 but much lower payload. (6.6T vs 8T) it is also a significantly larger plane.

    It is also faster... in terms of interception flight speed and missile range are the critical factors and the F-14 beats the F-18 on both counts.

    Also a very expensive platform to operate.

    So they said, but both the Super Hornet and the F-35 have made it seem rather cheap in comparison.... the land based F-35 costs 70K US dollars an hour to operate... the Tomcat cost a fraction of that despite being bigger and faster and longer ranged...

    At the end it was not really even used as an air to air platform. It is ancient tech, no one is building swing wing planes anymore.

    Funny you say that because at the end of its life it was the only US aircraft that could operate over Afghanistan from carriers so it was actually performing air to ground duties using LANTIRN III pods because the Hornets didn't have the range or endurance...

    By now f-14 would have had a radar like Irbis E to spot them 500km away and a phoenix with 400-500km range.

    They didn't even upgrade the F-14 to carry AMRAAM because they were afraid it would risk scuttling more expensive replacements like the Super Hornet and the F-35....

    Hmm I had no idea swing wings still had some sort of relavance. The Panavia Tornado was IMHO probably the most successful swing wing design IMHO. I thought modern aerodesign made them obsolete?

    Backfire and Blackjack...

    The F-15E requires all sorts of trickery to fly fast and low and can give an eyeball shattering ride... the Su-34 uses canards to try to smooth out the ride but it is still potentially rather rough but at least you can stand up and go to the toilet and cook something in the microwave.

    The Su-24 on the other hand is much better at low and fast, yet in Syria it has been bombing from safe altitudes of 10km so even better rides there...

    Is the russian navy hampered in detecting subsonic sea skimming AShMs(especially stealthy ones like the kongsberg NSM, LRASM and storm shadow) over the horizon by lacking naval AWACS like the E2?

    Not enormously. Their CIWS are optimise to deal with targets detected at close range... in land based systems TOR can shoot down targets not spotted till the very last few seconds, and the gun mounts are the same. Improved optics and radar and elevation drives means they are getting much more precise and accurate in dealing with targets.

    Sea skimming missiles are always a problem but Ka-31s can be operated from any Russian ship able to carry Helix class helicopters... which is most of them... so dealing with a low flying missile attack should be fine.

    The introduction of the new S-350 missiles should make it even better defended against mass attacks.

    I'm more worried about russian naval groups detecting massed missiles salvos too late. Would it be possible to just build a light carrier that carries unmanned AWACS drones with long loitering capability?

    Ka-31 is already in service and operational...

    Correct me if I'm wrong I thought that its a matter of physical laws that OTH radar is inherently less accurate than direct LOS radar as one found on an AWACS which can detect missiles by flying high, Why did the russians use their helicopters' for early warning and guidance of missiles then? I assume they don't do it now since OTH radars have advanced sufficiently

    Old missiles with narrow field of view radars pretty much had to start looking for the target with the target right in front of it, so an accurate picture of where everything was was critical to hitting a target.

    Modern active radar homing surface to air missiles and modern anti ship missiles have excellent radar sets in comparison so target information does not have to be as precise or as accurate.

    Since the 1980s satellite target information together with large missiles that could communicate with each other and share targets amongst themselves meant initial target data didn't need to be super precise.

    For some of the early missiles the helicopter basically controlled the missile on its way towards the target area as a sort of surrogate autopilot till the missile was close enough to the target to use its own radar for homing.

    Not needed for some time now.

    Russia cannot destroy E2s since they operate close to the carrier group and they have no long ranged carrier born fighters that can come into range.

    Who told you that?

    Most of their anti ship missiles had backup anti radiation functions... against a fighter sized target it would be useless but against a large slow aircraft it would probably be rather effective at turning off the lights.

    Aircraft carriers approaching Russian territory would be met by MiG-25s with R-40TDs and later MiG-31s with R-33s... Hawkeyes didn't only operate directly above the carrier... that would give away its position anyway... they could wander hundreds of kms away from the group they are protecting depending on where they thought the threats would come from.

    Next gen Russian long range AAMs might be more of a cluster weapon to engage multiple targets at extended ranges...

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  LMFS Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:12 am

    limb wrote:Is the russian navy hampered in detecting subsonic sea skimming AShMs(especially stealthy ones like the kongsberg NSM, LRASM and storm shadow) over the horizon by lacking naval AWACS like the E2?

    I'm more worried about russian naval groups detecting massed missiles salvos too late. Would it be possible to just build a light carrier that carries unmanned AWACS drones with long loitering capability?

    Soviet groups had a huge array of onboard radars, placed as high as possible, because of the need to overcome the radar horizon. The US missiles are not fast enough to be a big threat IMHO unless launched in huge salvos, but still that is a delicate issue as far as I know. The topic of the OTH SW radar we discussed before, but I don't see it implemented, not that I am aware at least. It would be very nice and it would change things a bit in naval warfare, but systems like Podsolnukh are not specially small. The only onboard OTH systems I am aware on Russian vessels are passive radiolocators.

    Of course one of the main declared roles of AWACS is to provide naval groups early warning about low flying targets that would go otherwise below the radar horizon of the fleet, this is a major vulnerability of any surface force and one big reason for the need of carriers (not necessarily light ones) and air power in general, so that you can detect and down those missiles and their carriers before they become a problem. Additionally you have the issue of the radar silence that a fleet with AWACS can use but a fleet without them cannot, at any time, so they give themselves away at great distances.

    kvs wrote:That does not add up. They would be aware long ago of any such detection gap. And this is not 1994 where they have no money for
    anything and are being sold down the river by a stooge in the Kremlin.

    AWACS will be the first things to be dropped in any serious conflict. So that leaves alternative means. Frankly, the nondetectability of sea surface
    skimming missiles is something that follows from simplistic approaches dating back to the 1950s with monochrome radar systems. No-line of sight,
    hence no return signal. But that is not all there is to it.

    High frequency over horizon ship-based radars are possible and the real challenge is signal processing to extract the information needed.
    Modern computing and high gain radar elements enable practical deployment of such detection systems. Hypersonic missiles are actually
    a way to deal with such detection. NATzO subsonic AShMs are not a big threat to Russia's navy.

    Thanks for the link, that is very interesting. Are you aware of such systems being operational?

    AWACS do not need to fly directly into the harms way, they can look very far from high above the sea (typically 500 km with direct LOS and further in passive mode) and they have the ships SAMs plus a force of fighters to cover them, that is why we talk about the need of proper air superiority planes doing OCA and DCA. There are no carrier borne MiG-31 that can play the speed card and get through a defensive barrier by force. According to projections, in the future there will be more and no less AWACS and in general aircraft fulfilling that mission in naval roles, because UAVs will be used for that role too and because multirole fighters will be also very capable in ISR. Also the advantage vs. stealth planes that Russia has with radars like Konteyner or even Nebo are not currently available at sea, so a powerful airborne radar operating at lower frequencies than X band in regular fighters would be very useful to detect the enemy defensive escort or inbound attacks.

    GarryB wrote:Russian ships will have hypersonic missiles reaching hundreds or thousands of kilometres already... why use a mach 1.7 aircraft when you can use a mach 10 missile that wont need support or assistance.

    Still AShM and hypersonic missiles are in development for the Su-57. Tsirkon can reach 1000 km, but the logical reaction of the USN would be to move just beyond that distance and cover any eventual range gap for their aviation with IFR. That is something aviation can do but missiles cannot and again a main reason for the need of air power. USN's ability would be degraded if forced to operate that far from their targets, but not lost, and would still be capable of keeping the Russian surface group under threat without they being in range of Russian missiles. That is a huge advantage specially regarding deterrence. Added to the development of decent air launched AShM it would be quite dangerous in fact. The development of counter hypersonic defences is also something that will happen eventually and it would neutralize the current Russian advantage, so their naval air power needs to be built up in the window of opportunity provided by Tsirkon.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  LMFS Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:42 pm

    LMFS wrote:
    walle83 wrote:And Russia needs all new subs it can build, not less. Alot of older Sovet era types need to be replaced.

    Russia is now maybe struggling to build and modernize subs fast enough to avoid their numbers from falling due to the ageing of old Soviet units. Middle of this decade the situation may improve, as new classes get produced reliably and the numbers start to actually increase, plus old hulls get modernized. So from 2030 onwards it is perfectly possible that Russia does not need to produce subs full steam. But in any case, the productive capacities at Sevmash are probably not going to be challenged if they start building a carrier too. Also not the VMF budget, since in past years the actual problem was to spend the money that had been assigned, due to the lack of productive capacities in the industry. Thee is a lot of people making assumptions about what VMF cannot do, but few if any have provided any shred of proof until now.

    Regarding the number of subs, a table with the load at Sevmash. They are building quite fast and for the end of this state armaments program they should have left the worst behind, they will not need to replace old units but just keep the numbers:

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:11 pm

    As I noted in my post, the task with over the horizon high frequency radars is signal processing. Nobody said it was equivalent
    to primitive line of sight radar tracking in terms of easy detection amplitudes. That has precisely nothing to say about the use
    of high frequency OTHR thanks to other solutions dealing with near surface signal to noise issues. There are all sorts of links
    to research papers dealing with near surface tracking with high frequency radars for civilian shipping. Google will dig them up
    for you.

    The same story with stealth wunderwaffe. There is always a return signal dictated by physics and quantum mechanics in particular.
    Some fraction of photons will be scattered back to the source even if the reflecting surface is angled. Classical geometric optics
    does not apply. And any absorbed EM that has to be re-radiated (no black hole coatings) in any collection of bands will mostly
    be isotropic. So the main task is signal processing in a low signal to noise context. That is an active area of research and
    development for a long time. Really it is Fourier analysis in the time domain. Some pile of noise will have coherent temporal
    features since it is not really noise but a large collection of deterministic processes with their own characteristics. Modern computing
    is sufficiently powerful to do real time Fourier analysis and pattern recognition. In a portable form factor not requiring large
    halls full of mainframes.


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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:22 pm

    Ship based OTHR radars are not advertised but there is nothing stopping them from being built and deployed.    Existing phased
    array radar units if they can scan in high frequency mode can be used for this purpose.   It is mostly a computing infrastructure
    issue with the requirement for signal processing in real time beyond dumb ping back.   But such signal processing capacity has
    been maturing for decades and I am quite sure modern ship radars systems are using high level signal processing.  

    The ionosphere reflector radars such as Konteyner are a different type of radar.   The ship OTHR do not use ionospheric
    reflection.   The ocean surface does not sit in a vacuum.   There is a boundary layer about 600 m deep over it that
    collapses to 300 m at night and can be patchy.   But overall there is enough temperature stratification to produce
    partial ducting of EM waves over the horizon (EM has some refraction due to density variation of the medium and there
    is even more scattering due to boundary layer sea water associated aerosol).    Aside from this, even a line of sight emission
    will disperse vertically and will spread over the horizon and not just fly off into space on a tangent.   The exact same vertical
    spread applies to the return EM waves.    The issue is amplitude attenuation.   But nothing requires the detection to be
    10,000 km away. Even being able detect 50 km over the horizon is worth something.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  LMFS Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:31 pm

    kvs wrote:There are all sorts of links to research papers dealing with near surface tracking with high frequency radars for civilian shipping.

    Yes, surface wave OTH radars are quite common. The issue is their application on a ship, I have not seen that and the way all militaries rely on sea skimming missiles makes me think this is no yet quite there, but maybe will be soon or there are already some forms of it operating, I am not sure.

    Classical geometric optics does not apply

    Still people insist in PO methods to ascertain the RCS of complex devices like an aircraft, when there are many methods, each of them with their strengths and weaknesses. Trying to calculate the RCS of an object without diffraction is simply for very coarse estimations, but people supposedly knowledgeable are talking (I am not kidding you) about -70 dBsm for the B-21 and -50 for the F-35, without the slightest embarrassment.

    There is a boundary layer about 600 m deep over it that collapses to 300 m at night and can be patchy

    Podsolnukh measures air targets up to 20 km in altitude IIRC, so they can use the surface wave and also LOS detection without problem.

    Even being able detect 50 km over the horizon is worth something.

    Exactly, every km beyond the normal radar horizon is critical. As discussed previously, with certain combination of missile speed / ship radar type and height / atmospheric conditions, the vessel under attack has no time even to launch interceptors.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  x_54_u43 Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:58 pm

    Gorshkov class frigates actually have a active/passive OTH radar for AShM targeting. It's the round one below the main mast, Monolith I think is it's name. I'm on my phone right now so I can't access my bookmarks for it's specs yet.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  limb Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:13 am

    Ka-31 is already in service and operational...
    Which lacks the endurance, radar power, and ability to take off and land in rough weather unlike the E-2.

    Soviet groups had a huge array of onboard radars, placed as high as possible, because of the need to overcome the radar horizon. The US missiles are not fast enough to be a big threat IMHO unless launched in huge salvos, but still that is a delicate issue as far as I know. The topic of the OTH SW radar we discussed before, but I don't see it implemented, not that I am aware at least. It would be very nice and it would change things a bit in naval warfare, but systems like Podsolnukh are not specially small. The only onboard OTH systems I am aware on Russian vessels are passive radiolocators.

    Of course one of the main declared roles of AWACS is to provide naval groups early warning about low flying targets that would go otherwise below the radar horizon of the fleet, this is a major vulnerability of any surface force and one big reason for the need of carriers (not necessarily light ones) and air power in general, so that you can detect and down those missiles and their carriers before they become a problem. Additionally you have the issue of the radar silence that a fleet with AWACS can use but a fleet without them cannot, at any time, so they give themselves away at great distances.
    This implies the US navy had an advantage during the cold war in detecting sea skimming missiles 500km out, while the Russian navy could do maybe 150km at most.

    The comment regarding radar silence is also eye opening.
    It really sucks that the russian navy hasn't seriously installed OTH radars.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Isos Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:36 am

    x_54_u43 wrote:Gorshkov class frigates actually have a active/passive OTH radar for AShM targeting. It's the round one below the main mast, Monolith I think is it's name. I'm on my phone right now so I can't access my bookmarks for it's specs yet.

    It's Mineral.

    450km in passive mode. 250 in active mode.

    But I think they use triangulation so you need at least 3 ships. 9 max interacting ships connected.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  LMFS Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:56 am

    Yes, the passive OTH function is known, AWACS have it too, coastal defence missile complexes too, I referred above to it. From ROE's site:

    The Passive Radar Channel provides for:

    over-the-horizon detection of the radars emission;

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:13 am

    The active OTH radars are coming into realization thanks to real time signal processing capacity and the development of
    signal processing algorithms. This stuff wasn't worked out 100 years ago. It is bleeding edge.

    But passive OTH radar signal detectors are not useless either since one ship or aircraft managing to light up an
    AShM allows it to be detected by any ship with such detectors. Even a snapshot is useful.

    The civilian systems cannot be dismissed since they have to deal with signal processing issues that are universal.
    The research work enabling such systems is dual use.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:08 am

    Which lacks the endurance, radar power, and ability to take off and land in rough weather unlike the E-2.

    It is not ideal, but being a standard Helix type helo it can pretty much land and refuel on any Russian ship corvette sized or bigger... its bad weather performance is actually very very good, and its endurance is not that bad... especially considering you could carry half a dozen of these things on the Kuznetsov easily enough.

    The only onboard OTH systems I am aware on Russian vessels are passive radiolocators.

    Apart from satellite based systems and other platforms like subs etc...

    This implies the US navy had an advantage during the cold war in detecting sea skimming missiles 500km out, while the Russian navy could do maybe 150km at most.

    AWACS platforms and fighter aircraft give a massive early warning advantage, which is why the Soviets came to the conclusion that the US would detect an attack, so their best attack was numbers and high speed.

    The Kh-32 operates at 40km altitude at mach 4.5 so it flys over US Navy air defence capacity and its vertical dives makes it almost impossible for the weapons on the ship being targeted to defeat it... (their radars can't point straight up for the engagement.)

    The Russian Navy however could smack down eye watering numbers of subsonic missiles... the US would have struggled to sink Russian ships most of the time.


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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  LMFS Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:56 pm

    Nevskoe design bureau presented the project of the universal sea ship "Varan"

    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 5946567

    It can carry 24 multipurpose aircraft, six helicopters and up to 20 unmanned aerial vehicles.

    MOSCOW, January 18. / TASS /. The Nevsky Design Bureau (PKB, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) has developed two new projects of universal ships, in particular the Varan universal sea ship (UMK) and a new universal landing ship (UDC). This is stated in the materials of the PKB dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the enterprise and available to TASS.

    UMK "Varan" is an aircraft-carrying complex, characterized by a high degree of automation and the possibility of using robotic systems. It can carry 24 multipurpose aircraft, six helicopters and up to 20 unmanned aerial vehicles.

    The ship's displacement is about 45 thousand tons, length - about 250 m, width - 65 m, draft at the structural waterline - 9 m. "Varan" is capable of speeds up to 26 knots.

    The displacement of the promising UDC is about 30 thousand tons. The length of the ship reaches about 220 m, the width is 42 m, the draft along the constructive waterline is 7 m. The new UDC is capable of developing a speed of about 24 knots. There are seven helicopter landing pads on the deck of the ship.

    Nevskoe PKB is one of the largest domestic developers of universal ships and the only designer of aircraft carriers and training complexes in Russia. The company celebrates its 90th anniversary on 18 January.

    Nevskoe design bureau started working out the concept of floating airfields

    The bureau said that these platforms will become "a kind of centers for supporting the entire spectrum of activities of Russia and partner countries in the Arctic."

    MOSCOW, January 18. / TASS /. The Nevsky Design Bureau (PKB, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) develops floating airfields for aviation for various purposes. This is stated in the materials of the PKB dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the enterprise and available to TASS.

    "As part of the initiative work of the Nevsky Design Bureau, pre-design studies of the architectural and structural appearance of floating islands and airfields are being carried out," the materials say.

    As noted in the bureau, floating airfields can be used to support the actions of transport, rescue and military aviation in the Arctic, develop new gas fields in the northern seas, ensure the safety of navigation of the Northern Sea Route and perform the functions of the Ministry of Defense in the Arctic zone. "[These platforms] will become a kind of centers for supporting the entire spectrum of activities of Russia and partner countries in the Arctic," the booklet says.

    The PKB stressed that floating aerodromes ensure all-weather use of the runway in the Arctic, as well as countering the longitudinal and lateral rolling of the platform during takeoff and landing operations.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:59 pm

    Allright, we might be on to something here...

    Looks reasonable enough (love the name too)

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:38 am

    I see VTOL aircraft.

    That's nice and it could end up that the helicopter carrier become this ship very quickly.

    Nice design.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Backman Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:53 am

    ^Now we are talkin.

    It looks like maybe VTOL aircraft on the starboard side. But those on the port side look like su 33's. Plus an su 33 is lined up for takeoff.

    I support it if su 57's can fit on the deck. Just no to VTOL aircraft. Rigging up a catapult system for a powerful jet like a phase 2 su 57 has to be cheaper. WAY cheaper.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:09 am

    Isos wrote:I see VTOL aircraft.

    That's nice and it could end up that the helicopter carrier become this ship very quickly.

    Nice design.

    Not VTOL necessarily, it could simply be that proposed single engine fighter jet

    Also, this ship would clearly be nuclear


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    Post  George1 Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:16 am

    Varan looks like a smal aircraft carrier with MiG-29Ks. A class similar to Kuznetsov

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:03 am

    But I think they use triangulation so you need at least 3 ships. 9 max interacting ships connected.

    Or they could simply move and track it while moving... and take signals over time from slightly different locations to get a fix...

    This new ship design looks unarmed... terrible.

    Also the single tower design would be a problem as the tower functions to sail the ship but also to manage the air group (ie control tower at an air port as well as a ships bridge). A control tower works better from the rear (on a normal airfield the direction the aircraft land from depends on the wind direction, but on a carrier it is always from behind so moving the tower rearward makes sense). Sailing the ship from the bridge is normally done from the front...

    It look unarmed and devoid of any sensors... it looks like a western carrier design.

    BTW the lack of a ski jump suggests catapult launch only so no VSTOL fighters for this carrier... having a ski jump deck design is ideal for VSTOL aircraft to get airborne with the most possible weight...

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:38 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:I see VTOL aircraft.

    That's nice and it could end up that the helicopter carrier become this ship very quickly.

    Nice design.

    Not VTOL necessarily, it could simply be that proposed single engine fighter jet

    Also, this ship would clearly be nuclear

    They look like yak-141.

    Not necessarly nuclear. The little carrier they alrzady showed was said to be conventionnal abd its exhausts were designed in the superstructure.

    The article also talks about a new helicopter carrier/ landing ship. IMO they are made on the same basis. However they are already building 2 so they won't choose this design.

    I'm affraid this this thing will have the same future as the Shtorm or Lamantin. Only a design.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:11 am

    Isos wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Isos wrote:I see VTOL aircraft.

    That's nice and it could end up that the helicopter carrier become this ship very quickly.

    Nice design.

    Not VTOL necessarily, it could simply be that proposed single engine fighter jet

    Also, this ship would clearly be nuclear

    They look like yak-141.

    Not necessarly nuclear. The little carrier they alrzady showed was said to be conventionnal abd its exhausts were designed in the superstructure.

    The article also talks about a new helicopter carrier/ landing ship. IMO they are made on the same basis. However they are already building 2 so they won't choose this design.

    I'm affraid this this thing will have the same future as the Shtorm or Lamantin. Only a design.

    i think they look like a type of UAV. They dont have cockpit

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:21 am

    The picture is shitty quality to say so but it looks really strange. Anyway I doubt that a naval design bureau would give the design of a new aircraft. It was just designed quickly different than su-33 so they can show that many different aircraft can be used. Even the blue su-33 doesn't look like su-33.

    Anyway did they post the picture of the second ship they talk about in the article somewhere ?

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:29 am

    LMFS wrote:Nevskoe design bureau presented the project of the universal sea ship "Varan"

    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 5946567

    It can carry 24 multipurpose aircraft, six helicopters and up to 20 unmanned aerial vehicles.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  Isos Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:43 pm

    The unmanned vehicles are the little choppers near the sail.

    What I say is similar to yak-141 is the 3 black jet in the rear right and they seem to have a cockpit.

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    Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2 - Page 18 Empty Re: Future Russian Aircraft Carriers and Deck Aviation. #2

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:17 pm

    This is the type of vessels I said years ago should be built.

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