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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info


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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Pervius Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:22 pm

    In America they had a bunch of depleted uranium like Russia and tried to figure out what to do with it all. Anyone who could figure out a use for it, got it for free...maybe even some $$$ from the Government. Boeing started using Depleted Uranium as "ballasts" in wings of aircraft. Something like 3,400 pounds of depleted uranium on a 747.

    So if a 747 hit the Pentagon at 400mph, the wings and engines would fold in and penetrate concrete like it was butter. Depleted Uranium likes to burn and maybe that's why the entire plane burned up....quick.

    If my theory is correct the Radiation Level at the Pentagon must have been crazy. 3,400 pounds of depleted uranium burning up is very unhealthy.

    The day prior to the Pentagon getting hit....US Secretary of Defense was testifying before Congress that he had no idea where over $2 Trillion went. Maybe they wanted the financial records section of the Pentagon maybe it was a cruise missile.

    Who knows....a simple geiger counter could confirm if a 747 did hit the Pentagon. You should still find Radioactivity on Pentagon dirt where crash occurred. Lots of it.

    """Nuks ?!
    how do you know that ?""""

    Britain/US took Diego Garcia because they knew one day they would have to topple Saudi Arabia to keep getting oil. Saudi Princes read US Congressional Reports stating they financed the Pakistani Nuclear Bomb program in exchange for a few of their own. Thus keeping Britain and US from invading Saudi Arabia.

    Osama Bin Forgotten also knew the US/British plan...and why he started his fight to get the US military out of Saudi Arabia...and he was successful.

    More than likely it is the Saudi's who financed North Korean missile program, in exchange for their own. Saudi Arabia knew they were going to become enemies against US, hence why they created the largest Dairy Farm in the world in their country to have supply of milk and beef for food if they get blockaded.

    Odd to be traveling desert sands in Saudi Arabia and smell poo poo from thousands of cows. I wonder where they get their hay/feed?

    You'd be amazed at the Airplanes Saudi Arabia has gotten themselves over the years. Likely Russian spy satellites saw some Bombers and scratched their heads.....they have Islamic scribbling on them......

    "What did those Americans do?"......I bet Russian Intel was thinking..

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:52 am

    767s are largely made of aluminium... it is powdered aluminium that is added to gunpowder in fireworks to make the bright hot sparks.

    If you get a fire hot enough aluminium burns well.

    The DU ballast on the other hand only burns well when heated... particularly when say penetrating steel... the friction heats it up nicely. The problem is that the weight of the DU will make it penetrate deep into the ground where its effects will be greatly diminished.

    Fuel and aluminium are enough to get a good fire burning.

    Considering Osama had billions at his disposal it makes you wonder why he didn't just buy some much bigger aircraft like 747 transport model aircraft and give them a heavy payload of diesel fuel or explosive and fly one into the twin towers and the other into a super bowl stadium during a big game or something.

    If it was really about public opinion that would get more hate than trying to hit the Pentagon and the Whitehouse. I am sure if he had put his plans on the internet more than a few Americans might have put lights in their back yards showing the way to the Whitehouse and pentagon at least.

    I doubt I would shed tears if someone killed a few of our politicians... bunch of fat useless aholes they are.

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:49 pm

    Britain/US took Diego Garcia because they knew one day they would have to topple Saudi Arabia to keep getting oil

    Diego Garcia was about getting power and control around world ,after the chineese nuclear bomb test and soviet increasing power in indian ocean ,US used it for monitoring soviet union fleet in indian ocean ,also monitoring chineese BM tests.

    having B52 in the base and nuclear submarines ,the idea is bigger than saudi , in that time american troops alerady were in saudi bases ,also thay have bases in gulf countries so it's not Gracia that will give them control over saudi arabia .

    so they financed the Pakistani Nuclear Bomb program in exchange for a few of their own. Thus keeping Britain and US from invading Saudi Arabia.

    Pakistan helped saudi arabia to get chineses BM to face iranian threat, it doesn't mean that pakistan gave them nuks ,

    saudi only concern is iran ,then may be israel,, if iran launch anuk bomb over saudi ,pakistan will do the same over iran ,it's astrategic relations between saudi and pakistan but it doesn't mean buying anuclear bomb.

    if saudi get that bomb, can she now be asuperpower that can face america and stop Oil?

    every country has limits in it's power .

    hence why they created the largest Dairy Farm in the world in their country to have supply of milk and beef for food if they get blockaded.

    you kidin me

    saudian people like Milk Laughing

    You'd be amazed at the Airplanes Saudi Arabia has gotten themselves over the years

    You'd be amazed more than me if you knew that most of these hardware are US origin,, bilions bilions $$$ from saudi to US ,nice friends nice relations .


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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:01 am

    Having amazing planes and equipment is one thing... having the trained personel to use it is another.

    Saudi will have plenty of merc pilots and crews, but these will only stay for certain conflicts.

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Corrosion Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:55 am

    ahmedfire wrote:if iran launch anuk bomb over saudi ,pakistan will do the same over iran ,

    That's a very big assumption. Sending fighter pilots is one thing and throwing an atom bomb is completely another. Especially when you consider most of Pakistan's energy is always focused on India. They wont like to have an all out nuclear/chemical/militant(Read Balochistan conflict) war with Iran and remove their troops from their Eastern border with India,.... all this for Saudi Arabia. Won't happen,... not under normal conditions i.e. if they are going south already, then anything is possible.

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:18 pm

    Corrosion wrote:
    ahmedfire wrote:if iran launch anuk bomb over saudi ,pakistan will do the same over iran ,

    That's a very big assumption. Sending fighter pilots is one thing and throwing an atom bomb is completely another. Especially when you consider most of Pakistan's energy is always focused on India. They wont like to have an all out nuclear/chemical/militant(Read Balochistan conflict) war with Iran and remove their troops from their Eastern border with India,.... all this for Saudi Arabia. Won't happen,... not under normal conditions i.e. if they are going south already, then anything is possible.

    Iran will never hit any gulf country " including saudi arabia " with NUKS ,

    but just i'm putting atheoritical event to show the stratigic relations between saudi and pakistan ,

    pakistan will not give saudi NUKS ,but they may promise to defend them against iran NUKS ,so having NUKS too like iran "which may get it soon" will prevent any nuclear war ,this is the point .

    about pilots or conventional weapons ,saudi did not want that from pakistan, they already paying billions to get the latest hardware from west,last contract with US was 60 billion $$$,,they have f15s,f15SE,eurofighetr,tornedo,may Gripen soon , they are collecting high tech hardware, i think they "with Gulf union" can defend themselves from iran .


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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:14 pm

    The ONLY reason Saudi Arabia was able to kick the US military out of their because they have nukes.

    They financed the Pakistani Nuclear bomb program in exchange for a few of their own. They knew they would need them to keep themselves sovereign....keep US/Britain from invading them.

    Saudi Arabia unplugged their currency from the US dollar.....declared they were NO LONGER going to accept the US Dollar for oil......they were going to start the Gulf Monetary Union.....

    Only reason they got away with doing that is because they have NUKES. They also have some very good delivery system for those nukes. I bet Russian satellite imagery has seen what the Saud's have to deliver their nukes. B-1 Bombers? Really?.....uh-oh.....

    The ONLY country who was able to kick the US military out in the last 10 years was.....Saudi Arabia. The biggest buyer of Saudi oil now? CHINA. The King/Princes got a new country of slaves for them. You just wait and watch what the Chinese give the Saudi's.

    Israel's SCREWED.

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Corrosion Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:44 pm

    I agree, Saudi Arabia would be stupid if they haven't used the situation for their benefit and acquired some big bombs along with some sort of delivery mechanism, when they had very good chance of acquiring some from Pakistan.

    Ahmedfire, why do you think that this is the case, I am really curious...
    ahmedfire wrote:

    pakistan will not give saudi NUKS


    I don't think a communist can be anybody's slave (except "the state" or another communist ...... under some circumstances). I just think Chinese are just too nationalistic to have any respect for a typical middle eastern Islamic monarchy. They will use them or try to use them for their own benefit, provided they are allowed to.....

    Last edited by Corrosion on Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Corrosion Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:54 pm

    As far as Israel is concerned, they are living in a dangerous world aren't they. They are not really a typical Buddhist monk out there either. More enemies you have, more danger is there to your life, just logical probability nothing more......

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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:18 pm

    The ONLY reason Saudi Arabia was able to kick the US military out of their because they have nukes.

    U.S troops went to saudi for the second gulf war against iraq ,

    the U.S withdraw decision from saudi was a "mutual agreement" motivated by reasons of military strategy ,

    when the Operation Southern Watch no-fly zone no longer exists, the Pentagon argues in public, there is no need for planes to be based in Saudi Arabia to patrol it.

    US deosn't need any bases on saudi arabia,they already have tons of bases in most gulf countries , Al Udeid Air Base in qatar is one of the biggest U.S bases out of america , 5th fleet in bahrain ,other bases in kuwait , it would be amoney waste if they put more bases in saudi ,they already have all control on this region.

    take this news :

    ('Reuters) - Saudi King Abdullah has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Irans nuclear program.

    Cut off the head of the snake," the Saudi ambassador to Washington, Adel al-Jubeir, quotes the king as saying during a meeting with General David Petraeus in April 2008

    if they have NUKS, they will not demand that .

    U.S is playing asilly game with saudi and Gulf countries ,

    U.s don't strike iran untill now,in the same time ,americans make apropaganda that iran is avery strong country that will invade gulf soon, U.s research centers doing this propagande to fear gulf countries so buying more american weapons and pay billions of dollars, and make gulf countries want more U.s bases and keep the recent ones ,

    this is all like ashit,in fact iran is not that big superpower that can strike gulf, iran knew her limits good,if she strike Emarat as example,she will face tons of troops may be 30 country by The American-led , so every thing is clear here, U.S is playing that shit games only for money ,,

    if saudi arabia stopped the 60 billion deal with U.S and turned to russia ,,be sure that U.s will strike iran soon,coz the game is over ,no more benefits from her Twisted Evil

    In May 2008, the United States and Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding to boost Saudi efforts for a civilian nuclear energy program.

    Israel's SCREWED.

    along the history ,israel most concerns was about Egypt,Syria,Jordan and now add Lebanon .

    do u think U.s will give modern hardware to acountry that threat israel ?!

    Until now they refused to give Egypt AMRAAM on it's F-16 . don't go far , not every arab country is enemy to israel,

    every country here know it's limits very good.


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    Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info - Page 2 Empty Re: Bahraini uprising of 2011: Info

    Post  Pervius Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:44 pm


    the U.S withdraw decision from saudi was a "mutual agreement" motivated by reasons of military strategy

    No it wasn't. US military wanted to build permanent structures in Saudi Arabia but the Saudi's refused....The Saudi's were robbing America blind when the US military was there...more so than other Gulf States. They HATED the US military.

    The Saudi hatred of the US is pretty deep. Last Saudi King called Americans 'his little slaves". There are 'things' that happened over there the world will never find out.

    Saudi's hate America, they booted them out. No 'mutual agreement'. America is still Saudi King's "little slaves"....if America wants oil....they have to do WHATEVER the Saudi's want.

    There never was any "mutual agreement". America has NOTHING the Saudi's want or need. They can get more military arms cheaper from China now.

    Hence why America killed it's own economy so it doesn't need Saudi Oil anymore, and started hydraulic fracking stone shales in America to get Natural Gas instead.

    Now China is Saudi's "little slaves". But Saudi's have massive military and modern technology to use that was given to them by better believe they handed it to the Chinese to make lots of cheap copies for Saudi.

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