Arrow wrote:This is R-73 missile.
Laser fuse, looks like RVV-MD
![Su-30 for Russian Air Force - Page 21 UIMEdvxZ9ss](
Arrow wrote:This is R-73 missile.
David-Lanza wrote:Arrow wrote:This is R-73 missile.
Laser fuse, looks like RVV-MD
Looks like Su-30SM in Syria get RVV-MD missiles. I hope they will also get R-77-1 too.
franco wrote:3 more Su-30SM to Millerovo for a total of 8 so far this year.
George1 wrote:franco wrote:3 more Su-30SM to Millerovo for a total of 8 so far this year.
and 11 in total for Air Force in 2015. Nice friend
The article also says that 3 more Su-30sm are to be delivered to Millerovo by the end of the year and +7 also are in flight tests
ult wrote:George1 wrote:franco wrote:3 more Su-30SM to Millerovo for a total of 8 so far this year.
and 11 in total for Air Force in 2015. Nice friend
The article also says that 3 more Su-30sm are to be delivered to Millerovo by the end of the year and +7 also are in flight tests
The article says that 10 more will be delivered by the end of the year. 3 are already completed and have numbers (01, 02, 10), and 7 more are completed but don't have them yet.
GunshipDemocracy wrote:
Maybe will be sent to Syria?
George1 wrote:Νιce. It seems that in January will be completed all the projected deliveries of 2015 (with 1 month delay).
So all next Su-30SMs will be for AF, not any of them for Navy
medo wrote:George1 wrote:Νιce. It seems that in January will be completed all the projected deliveries of 2015 (with 1 month delay).
So all next Su-30SMs will be for AF, not any of them for Navy
I think Navy got all their Su-30SM for 2015, so next will be for 2016. More interesting question is, now we know RuAF signed a new contract for Su-35 in December last year, if they also sign a new contract for Su-30SM with Irkut and for how many. There were rumors for around 75 in three years to receive around 25 per year.
medo wrote:Excellent infograph, although I'm not sure if Iraq have any Su-30. Considering Su-30SM will be main ground based fighter-bomber of Russian NAVY, I would really like to see there Oniks and Kalibr missiles too. I wonder if Su-30SM could use KAB-500S satellite guided bombs?
МИНСК, 4 февраля. /Корр. ТАСС Юрий Шамшур/. Белоруссия и Россия достигли предварительной договоренности о поставке для нужд белорусских ВВС и войск ПВО российских истребителей Су-30, которые заменят стоящие на вооружении МиГ-29. Об этом сообщил в четверг заместитель министра обороны республики генерал-майор Игорь Лотенков. "Возможности же по уничтожению воздушных целей после приобретения Су-30 увеличатся, а боевые задачи за счет большего тактического радиуса можно будет выполнить с любого аэродрома страны", - приводит его высказывания газета "СБ. Беларусь сегодня".
Подробнее на ТАСС:
George1 wrote:franco finally arrived some of Su-30SM we have been waiting for![]()
Four Su-30SM joined regiment in Southern Russia
Airplanes are built as part of March and December 2012 two contracts for the supply of each of 30 Su-30cm to Russian Air Forces (VKS) of Russia. Earlier in the period 2012-2016 for these contracts, Irkut has delivered to the Air Force (VCS) 48 Su-30cm.
In addition, during the 2015 Irkut passed four Su-30cm for Kazakhstan (serial numbers 1118, 1119, 1120, 1201) and five Su-30cm for the Russian Navy Naval Aviation (serial numbers from 1202 to 1206). By the end of 2015 at the Irkut plant have been transferred for flight testing five Russian Su-30cm aircraft (serial numbers 1301 - 1303, 1305 and 1307) for the Air force, but none of them has not yet been delivered to the customer.
According to the web-site, February 13, 2016 from Irkutsk with intermediate landings took off for the trip to the airport Millerovo (Rostov region) immediately sent six VKS Russia new multifunctional fighters Su-30cm construction Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP) PAO "Corporation" Irkut ". This aircraft with red hull numbers" 02 "(serial number 1220)," 21 "(serial number 1301)," 22 "(serial number 1302)," 23 "(serial number 1303)," 25 "(serial number 1305) and" 27 "(serial number 1307). in the evening, February 13, these fighters have made a stopover at the airport Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk).
We recall that the previous day, February 12, from Irkutsk Millerovo flew two Su-30cm new construction IAP with red hull numbers "26" (serial number 1306) and "28" (serial number 1308). All these eight aircraft must join the stationed at the airport 31-Millerovo Fighter Regiment of the 1st Mixed Aviation Division of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Southern Military District.
Thus, Irkut production plan is completely closed for 2015 for the the Su-30cm fighter for the Air Force (FSI) of Russia, took to the air in 2015, 22 of this type of aircraft. Total thus in the period 2012-2016 entered service with (VCS) 56 Su-30SM.