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Hannibal Barca
Indian Flanker
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    New Zealand Armed Forces

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:26 pm

    GarryB I was reading once again about Kim Dotcom's case and made me wonder. Is your country effectively a US protectorate? And if yes why so?
    I mean New Zealand is the most remote place on Earth and a country with no enemies...

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:27 am

    We currently have a National party in power which is conservative right wing and gaga for the US.

    If they think they could get away with it they would drop our anti nuke policy and get US ships back here overnight.

    The previous government, Helen Clarke... (she was no looker,) but she stood up to the US and had her own brain which she used. I was proud of her because she was a strong leader unlike John Key who is as much a b!tch of the US as Blair and Howard and all the other leaders of the UK and Australia.  Pathetic.

    Ooh, and we do have enemies... French Farmers for one...

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:02 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Does NZ view Russia with the same eye as the US/Aus?

    They do.

    A bit of a shame really as we could do a lot more trade with them and I think they would be very interested in some of our farming technology. We could also offer them a low crime area for their GLONASS stations to improve the accuracy of their satellite navigation system, and also offer a basing area close to Antarctica.

    There is zero chance of buying an Su-35, just as there is zero chance of buying an F-35.

    It is over 1,000km to our nearest neighbour Australia... what possible use would we put fighter aircraft to?

    What we should do is buy some Lada-M submarines and hunt Japanese whaling ships..  Twisted Evil 

    They may not be buying Su-35's anytime soon, but they will be obtaining Russian military helicopters from a 3rd party (Nigeria):

    Former Nigerian Mi-34S in New Zealand

    New Zealand web resource reports that unspeakable New Zealand company acquired in 2013, six light piston helicopters, Russian-made Mi-34C from the presence of the Air Force Nigeria. Six helicopters have been delivered to New Zealand airfield Kraysterch in early December 2013. In Kraysterche four are in the best condition of the Mi-34C are currently undergoing repairs at the company Aircraft company Heli Maintenance. Another bought a helicopter is "damaged" condition and his fate is not yet determined, and the sixth Mi-34C will be used as a source of spare parts. Recall that Nigeria Air Force at the time became the largest operator of the Mi-34C acquired in Russia contracted in 1999 nine of these machines for use as training (Nigerian side numbers 550 NAF - NAF 558), together with six combat helicopters Mi-35P. All nine Mi-34S new construction of "Arsenyev Aviation Company" Progress "were put Nigeria in 2001-2002, implementation of this contract was scandalous consequences because, as it turned out, instead of specified contract Mi-35P new buildings were put Nigeria in the former machine operation Mi-24P Refurbished and resource gear set Nigerians Mi-34C new construction was not more than 300 hours (actually even less), whereby all Mi-34C were bred in Nigeria immobilized by the end of 2003. After this decade, about nine Mi-34C were in Nigeria in storage at the airport Unugu. In July 2011, it was announced on exhibiting them to sell. Acquired New Zealand company Mi-34C are former Nigerian side numbers NAF 550 (serial number 9783033701003), NAF 552 (9783034701001), N AF 553 (9783034002001), NAF 554 (9783034002002 damaged), NAF 556 (serial number not given) and NAF 557 (9783034102005). Plans for the use of Mi-34S new owner is not made ​​public, but according to unofficial information, helicopters will be used as training for the preparation of contract-based helicopter pilots Soviet types. Nigerian former first Mi-34C (former Nigerian number NAF 557), past repairs at Heli Maintenance, March 19, 2014 made ​​the first motor race ground, and started the procedure for obtaining for him a New Zealand Certificate of Airworthiness. It is reported that the helicopter has a release date of November 28, 2001 and a raid of 127 flight hours, with the last flight, committed in 2003. Ground race engine repair past the New Zealand company Heli Maintenance Mi-34C (former Nigerian number NAF 557, serial number 9783034102005), formerly owned by Air Nigeria. Kraysterch, 19.03.2014 (c) Dave Paull /

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:44 am

    MI-34C is hardly an armed Russian Military aircraft...

    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Mi-34c10

    in the accepted sense...

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  OminousSpudd Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:56 pm

    I wholeheartedly support this thread.  russia  Come get us, we'll open our arms like the bunch of squabbling inane apathists we've become.

    But GarryB I do have a question concerning the range of those C-130s.

    I realise the statistics for the aircraft were probably copy-pasted from a Lockheed C-130 manual (sarcasm) or whatever, but the values stated for the aircraft's ranges (ferry and typical) differ greatly from your 950km figure. I only questioned this initially because my father once flew with an aid mission to the Solomons (specifically Honiara) which apparently was flown in one hit with no bunny hopping to speak of.

    I sincerely disagree with the Labour Party and hated Uncle Helen with a passion, but I certainly have no love for National either. (Nearly didn't even bother voting this time round, such a convoluted mess our politics have become). A discussion for another time anyway.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:38 am

    It could certainly fly decent distances with minimal load and extra fuel, but in the role of quick deployment of LAV IIIs... ie a fairly critical emergency type role, their flight range is greatly reduced... and the short field performance disappears too.

    Regarding the Labour party and Helen... like most western countries our main alternative party (to National) is not that different from our main party... one is supposed to be left and worried about the workers and solo mothers and the other is mainly worried about selling everything to private enterprise and supporting the business owners/companys.

    All you need to know about John Key is that he appears to be a nice guy but his main focus is supporting his rich mates.... he decided to sell off some state assets and had a non binding referendum which clearly showed the majority of the country was against it... and why wouldn't they John... why buy a company we already own as a state asset that is making money?

    Now, to distract everyone from that sort of thing he wants a referendum to change our flag... it distracts the Maori voters...

    He thinks the New Zealand flag is too much like the Australian flag.... and it is, but we had ours first and they are always talking about changing their flag anyway... what if they copy us again?

    Anyway, as I said I respected Helen because she had her own brain and used it... she wasn't just a bitch to the US foreign policy like Key and National are.

    Without Helen I have little time for Labour now either... all the parties seem to be just centre left parties with nothing that makes them stand out... which is really funny because it means the joke about politicians being like babies nappies... they need to be changed regularly and for the same reason... becomes much funnier...

    I would reiterate that today we would be better off approaching the Russians and tagging an order of 4-6 Il-476s on to their next order... even without fighter pilots our Air Force is a small but very professional group and we could do a lot more UN work supporting operations delivering cargo and other military forces from place to place and actually earn their keep.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  OminousSpudd Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:30 am

    I too would love to see the RNZAF (even our armed forces as a whole) actually consider Eastern (generally speaking) arms as an option. I'd also avidly pursue any military expos that we'd have around the country... Wishful thinking though, I'd say. scratch

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:23 pm

    New Zealand will acquire the basic patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon

    On April 27, 2017, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) sent a notice to the US Congress about the "potential" sale of New Zealand's Four Military Patrol Aircraft Poseidon . The estimated cost of delivery of $ 1.46 billion, armament and radio-acoustic buoys are not included in the supply.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Tue May 02, 2017 6:40 am

    And that is our problem... we have no money but all the new stuff that the US sells is super expensive.

    We have an enormous amount of water around us and so we need a modern capable MPA... but what we don't really need is anti sub capability... it is not really an issue for us.

    We might buy these planes but I suspect they will keep them cheap by not bothering to buy weapons or sonobouys.

    ...which would be fine we don't need armed MPAs really.

    Of course I would love to see them buy a couple of A-42s rigged out for search and rescue and fishing monitoring roles, but of course that will never happen.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 03, 2017 1:20 am

    GarryB wrote:And that is our problem... we have no money but all the new stuff that the US sells is super expensive.

    We have an enormous amount of water around us and so we need a modern capable MPA... but what we don't really need is anti sub capability... it is not really an issue for us.

    We might buy these planes but I suspect they will keep them cheap by not bothering to buy weapons or sonobouys.

    ...which would be fine we don't need armed MPAs really.

    Of course I would love to see them buy a couple of A-42s rigged out for search and rescue and fishing monitoring roles, but of course that will never happen.

    What, do you mean the Aero A.42, weren't those retired in the 40s and were bomber prototypes??

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Wed May 03, 2017 1:25 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:

    What, do you mean the Aero A.42, weren't those retired in the 40s and were bomber prototypes??

    i think Garry means A-40 Albatros (Be-42) Smile

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  AlfaT8 Wed May 03, 2017 2:25 am

    George1 wrote:
    AlfaT8 wrote:

    What, do you mean the Aero A.42, weren't those retired in the 40s and were bomber prototypes??

    i think Garry means A-40 Albatros (Be-42) Smile

    Makes sense, i was looking for A-42 and couldn't find a damn thing. pwnd

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  OminousSpudd Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:39 am

    Our new MARS-L.

    Any gun nuts care to weigh in? KoTeMoRe if you're still around...

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:26 am

    Funny comments on that first article about 600m and 900m range for these weapons... the projectiles they launch are tiny and largely ineffectual at that range or any range beyond about 200m so 600m and 900m is bullshit.

    These are not magic weapons... they are slightly more reliable M16s.

    Even if you give them enough training and the right ammo and decent enough optics for the job hits beyond 200m are meaningless.

    Other than that being conventional rifles these weapons are much longer than the Steyr but with much shorter barrels... the question I have is will they be made in Australia and will we be getting the rejects like we did with the Steyrs they made or will we be getting decent rifles.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 10, 2018 6:25 am

    Garry this is for you Cool

    New Zealand acquires four American base patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:42 am

    New Zealand buys C-130J-30 Super Hercules military transport aircraft

    On June 5, 2020, New Zealand Secretary of Defense Ron Mark officially announced the purchase of five US Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Super Hercules for the New Zealand Air Force.

    The agreement was concluded through the American program of intergovernmental military sales Foreign Military Sales (FMS). The total purchase price will amount to 1.521 billion New Zealand dollars (about 1 billion US dollars), and, in addition to supplying five C-130J-30 aircraft, it also includes a ground simulator, spare parts and equipment, technical support and training of personnel. The New Zealand C-130J-30 will be equipped with a number of additional systems, in particular a high-speed satellite communications system and an additional electron-optical system.

    Five C-130J-30 aircraft should be delivered to New Zealand in 2024 and fully commissioned in 2025 as part of the 40th squadron of the New Zealand Air Force at the Auckland airbase (Venuapai airfield), replacing five Lockheed C-130H aircraft in its composition Hercules, operated from 1965-1968.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:45 am

    New Zealand buys 43 Bushmaster armored vehicles

    The Government of New Zealand on July 8, 2020 approved the purchase of 43 Bushmaster PMV 4x4 armored vehicles for the New Zealand Armed Forces, manufactured by Thales Australia (Thales Australia), for a total of $ 102.9 million ($ 67.5 million).

    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 81843910

    Cars will be purchased by New Zealand in a specially modified version, designated Bushmaster NZ5.5. Delivery should be made from the end of 2022 to the end of 2023, in the New Zealand Army, Bushmaster NZ5.5 vehicles should replace the Pinzgauer Light Operational Vehicles (LOV) armored vehicles that are currently in use.

    New Zealand now already has five Bushmaster vehicles received in 2018, used by the New Zealand Special Operations Forces (NZSAS).

    The Bushmaster PMV (Protected Mobility Vehicle) armored vehicle, which became one of the first armored anti-mine mine defense vehicles (class MRAP) outside South Africa, was developed in the 1990s by the well-known Irish engineering company Timoney Technology commissioned by the Australian company Perry Engineering , who subsequently sold her rights to the Australian branch of Thales (Thales Australia). Since 2004, Thales Australia has been manufacturing the Bushmaster at a facility in Bendigo, Victoria, for the Australian Armed Forces - so far they have ordered at least 1,052 units. The machines were actively used by Australian contingents in Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition, Bushmaster machines were also acquired by the Netherlands (up to 126 units), Great Britain (24), Jamaica (18), Fiji (10 out of stock in Australia were purchased), Japan (eight), Indonesia (seven), New Zealand (five), several units were delivered to the United States (for testing and special services). 15 FireKing fire fighting vehicles were purchased by the South Australian Forest Service.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Royal New Zealand Navy to order four REMUS 300 UUV at HHI

    Post  AJ-47 Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:02 am

    Naval News June 2021 Navy Forces Maritime Defense Industry
       Posted On Monday, 21 June 2021 14:50

    According to a press release published by Huntington Ingalls Industries on June 21, 2021, the company announced that the Royal New Zealand Navy has placed the first international order for four REMUS 300 unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
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    Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001 Tank testing for the REMUS 300 (Picture source: Huntington Ingalls Industries)

    New Zealand has a fleet of six REMUS 100 UUVs that are used for mine countermeasures and underwater survey operations. The Royal New Zealand Navy has also used its REMUS vehicles for search and recovery, including locating the wreck of the Princess Ashika ferry in 2009 and assisting with the White Island volcano search effort in 2019.

    Designed for modularity and portability, the REMUS 300 can be reconfigured with a range of sensors and payloads to meet mission requirements. In addition to the four vehicles, New Zealand acquired high-definition camera modules and additional swappable battery modules. The sale was facilitated through New Zealand Ocean Technology, HII’s REMUS sales, and an in-country support partner. Delivery of the four REMUS 300s is expected by summer 2022.

    The REMUS 300 design incorporates feedback from hundreds of REMUS 100 users and provides the ability to exchange payloads, allowing application flexibility. Common applications include mine countermeasures, hydrographic survey, rapid environmental assessment, search and recovery, and marine research. Modular energy sections allow for field replacement of 1.5, 3.0, or 4.5-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion batteries enabling up to 10, 20, or 30 hours of endurance.

    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 New_ze10
    Tank testing for the REMUS 300 (Picture source: Huntington Ingalls Industries)

    The REMUS was first developed in the late 1990s for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute by Hydroid, a subsidiary of Kongsberg Maritime.


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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  George1 Mon Dec 12, 2022 8:36 am

    New Zealand received the first base patrol aircraft Boeing P-8A Poseidon

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Why NZ should be wary of buying into AUKUS security pact

    Post  Tsavo Lion Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:36 am

    NZ won't be able to stay completely/somewhat neutral or sit on 2 chairs.
    Just like Finland & Sweden.
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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:59 pm

    NZ won't be able to stay completely/somewhat neutral or sit on 2 chairs. Just like Finland & Sweden.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:23 am

    NZ won't be able to stay completely/somewhat neutral or sit on 2 chairs.
    Just like Finland & Sweden.

    New Zealand is not sitting on two chairs... the US kicked us out of ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, US) because of our anti nuclear policy and really don't speak to us much in terms of defence stuff... they do include us in the 5 eyes stuff because we have spy bases that spy on the Pacific at Whenuapai, but they are annoyed at us for not always jumping when told to jump.

    NZ won't be able to stay completely/somewhat neutral or sit on 2 chairs. Just like Finland & Sweden.

    The national government is back in power, but I can't see us spending much, which means the US MIC is really not interested in us.

    We are useful to the US because it is a useful spot of land for them to get to their antarctic base, and we have spy stations spying on our neighbours for them, but our army of about 5,000 would not be much use for cannon fodder.
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:38 pm

    ..we have spy stations spying on our neighbours..

    for that, the US can use its embassy & bases in American Samoa/Micronesia.

    Once US-China confrontation reaches a certain level, NZ will likely become a de-facto authonomy under Australian control.

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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:47 am

    for that, the US can use its embassy & bases in American Samoa/Micronesia.

    But they aren't.

    Our location in the bottom corner of the Pacific is useful for their listening stations to listen in on all of the Pacific.

    The Australian listening stations are directed more towards Asia.

    They have no listening stations in American Samoa AFAIK.

    Once US-China confrontation reaches a certain level, NZ will likely become a de-facto authonomy under Australian control.

    Not going to happen. I was going to say it would be like Canada and the US, but Canada is already Americas bitch in a way New Zealand would never be for Australia.

    When the Chinese hammer the shit out of the US and start landing nukes on Australia, New Zealand wont be able to do anything at all... our Meko class frigates are fitted for but not equipped with anti ship missiles. They are patrol boats in a very large ocean.
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    New Zealand Armed Forces - Page 2 Empty Re: New Zealand Armed Forces

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:22 am

    Our location in the bottom corner of the Pacific is useful for their listening stations to listen in on all of the Pacific.
    The Australian listening stations are directed more towards Asia.
    They have no listening stations in American Samoa AFAIK.
    I'm sure that at the US embassy in NZ, Chile, & perhaps at the Macmurdo Antarctic station there r listening stations too; also the French from their islands probably share some intel as well, esp. lately with perceived Chinese threat. There r many things we don't know surrounding this topic.
    our Meko class frigates are fitted for but not equipped with anti ship missiles. They are patrol boats in a very large ocean.
    The AUKUS may pressure NZ to spend more & build up her Naval & AFs, so that they may assist in patrolling at least that rear corner of the ocean, if not the W. Pacific & the SCS.
    If the Germans could keep their subs in the Tasman Sea during WWII,
    what to say of the Chinese & Russians that have bigger navies & bases on the Pacific?

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