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max steel
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    European Defence Industries: News


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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  BlackArrow Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:26 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    BlackArrow wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Gulf Arab States are subsidising Europe's mostly uncompetitive military industry.

    Nonsense, have you seen Airbus airliner sales lately, or Eurocopter sales? Why would European military aircraft be any different?

    Military industry I'm talking about.

    A400s are capable but ridiculously expensive, Rafales basically the same.

    I don't think A400s are that expensive. You got to think of overall long-term running costs over a period of 20 years or so. Anyway, what is the alternative, C-130, Il-76?

    Eurofighter would probably be a good deal cheaper if they didn't produce each bit and bob of it in a different country - a political project if I ever saw one.

    I think this pertains more to European Aerospace industries than anything else.

    Su-30 Flankers have their final assembly in 3 different locations: 2 in Russia and 1 in India. In how many different locations was the MiG-21 assembled?

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  flamming_python Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:56 pm

    BlackArrow wrote:I don't think A400s are that expensive. You got to think of overall long-term running costs over a period of 20 years or so. Anyway, what is the alternative, C-130, Il-76?

    Il-76 - it's a fraction of the price; the Il-476 too.

    The A400 is a good aircraft but it just offers little extra for the huge premiums that it's demanding.

    It's like with the Mi-38. The Mi-8/Mi-17 at the time, could do about 95% of what the Mi-38 could; and at only a fraction of the price. Hence why the Mi-38 has been kept on the backburner until it can bring more to the table that the Mi-8/Mi-17 variants can't.

    Su-30 Flankers have their final assembly in 3 different locations: 2 in Russia and 1 in India. In how many different locations was the MiG-21 assembled?

    That's not the same thing; besides which these 3 locations produce different variants for different customers, and use some different parts.

    It's certainly true that parts for the Su-27/Su-30 class are produced in different locations and companies in Russia. But overall the whole network is logical, and optimized. Nothing is built in a different country - maybe only some minor parts in the Ukraine or Belarus.

    The Europeans only spread out their production so much because they wanted it to be a 'European' project, I'm willing to bet.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  BlackArrow Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:14 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Il-76 - it's a fraction of the price; the Il-476 too.

    The A400 is a good aircraft but it just offers little extra for the huge premiums that it's demanding.

    It's like with the Mi-38. The Mi-8/Mi-17 at the time, could do about 95% of what the Mi-38 could; and at only a fraction of the price. Hence why the Mi-38 has been kept on the backburner until it can bring more to the table that the Mi-8/Mi-17 variants can't.

    The Il-76 and Il-76TD-90 are not a fraction of the price of an A400. They are also basically a 50-year old design.

    That's not the same thing; besides which these 3 locations produce different variants for different customers, and use some different parts.

    It's certainly true that parts for the Su-27/Su-30 class are produced in different locations and companies in Russia. But overall the whole network is logical, and optimized. Nothing is built in a different country - maybe only some minor parts in the Ukraine or Belarus.

    KnAAPO and Irkut build different variants of the Su-30, as does HAL in India. Indian and Russian Su-30s contain components and systems sourced from outside the Russian Federation, from France India, Israel, Sweden and South Africa.
    I'd say that was a pretty inefficient and politicised production set-up if ever there was one.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:26 am

    The Il-76 and Il-76TD-90 are not a fraction of the price of an A400. They are also basically a 50-year old design.

    they are in a different performance class, but the new Il-476 aircraft being built for the Russian military are costing about 100 million dollars each... compared with the 150 million Euros the smaller lighter shorter ranged A-400Ms are costing the French.

    With a 37 ton payload and a 3,300km flight range with that payload, the A-400M is not in the same class as the Il-476 with a 52 ton capacity and able to fly 5,000km with that payload the A-400M is a very capable light transport... a super An-12 rather than an Il-476 equivalent despite being a much younger aircraft.

    I'd say that was a pretty inefficient and politicised production set-up if ever there was one.

    the different components are a requirement of the customer. For Russian Flankers there are no foreign components and production is centralised.

    The plan for A-400M is copied from the C-17s playbook... build parts in economically depressed areas and no politician will cut production. In fact it worked so well the US military didn't bother asking for money to make C-17s as they knew it would get funding automatically.

    In that sense it was spectacularly successful.

    It is a transport plane that costs more than three times the price of an F-35... it is a total turkey in economic sense.

    5 Il-476s for the price of one C-17 at $500 million a pop.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  BlackArrow Fri Sep 18, 2015 10:48 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    they are in a different performance class, but the new Il-476 aircraft being built for the Russian military are costing about 100 million dollars each... compared with the 150 million Euros the smaller lighter shorter ranged A-400Ms are costing the French.

    And how much do they cost to export customers - are there any export customers who care?

    For Russian Flankers there are no foreign components and production is centralised. wrote:

    I'm pretty certain there are foreign components on the Su-30SM - or has that changed?

    The plan for A-400M is copied from the C-17s playbook... build parts in economically depressed areas and no politician will cut production. In fact it worked so well the US military didn't bother asking for money to make C-17s as they knew it would get funding automatically. In that sense it was spectacularly successful. It is a transport plane that costs more than three times the price of an F-35... it is a total turkey in economic sense. 5 Il-476s for the price of one C-17 at $500 million a pop. wrote:

    C-17 doe not cost 500 million. There must have been more foreign sales of the C-17 in the last 20 years than any Il-76 derivative. certainly overall sales are better than the Il-76 in recent years.

    Most air forces around the world seem to think the C-17 and A400 are better value than the Il-76 - they are actually buying them in droves.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 19, 2015 7:27 am

    And how much do they cost to export customers - are there any export customers who care?

    100 million for Russia is the domestic price.

    150 million euros for France is the domestic price... WTF does export customers have to do with this?

    I'm pretty certain there are foreign components on the Su-30SM - or has that changed?

    Again... the Typhoon always contains foreign parts because no one country produces all the components. The Su-30SM for domestic use uses all domestic components. For export they can ask for any bits they want... hense Su-30MKI/MKK etc etc.

    C-17 doe not cost 500 million.

    The Indians and the Aussies reportedly paid about that for their aircraft...

    There must have been more foreign sales of the C-17 in the last 20 years than any Il-76 derivative. certainly overall sales are better than the Il-76 in recent years.

    Australia 8 with 2 on order

    Canada 5

    India 10


    Kuwait 2

    Qatar 4 with 4 on order

    United Arab Emirates 6 with 2 on order

    United Kingdom 8

    so 46 bought by export customers and 8 on order...

    Compared with Il-76:

    Algeria 18

    Angola 2

    Armenia -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Azerbaijan -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Belarus - wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Burkina Faso 1

    Cambodia 1

    China 17

    Democratic Republic of the Congo 2

    Republic of the Congo 1

    Cuba 2

    Equatorial Guinea 1

    Georgia -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Hungary leased but not owned.

    India 24

    Iran 35

    Iraq 1+

    Jordan 2

    Kazakhstan -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Kyrgyzstan -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Laos registered and operates in Cambodia and is counted there.

    Latvia -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Libya 21+

    North Korea 1

    Serbia 5

    Sierra Leone 1

    Sudan 12+

    Syria 4+

    Turkmenistan -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Ukraine -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    United Nations Volga-Dnepr operates 16 that are leased by NATO and US and UK widely used.

    United States 1+ used for fire fighting in US.

    United Arab Emirates 4

    Uzbekistan -wont include as it is former Soviet state and therefore not an export customer.

    Yemen 5

    That works out to be 176 including the US as a user.

    Regarding better value... my ass... the C-17 is the only option for the colonies of the US and was the only option for places like India because there were no Il-76s in production when they wanted them... Iran has already said it wants Il-476s and I suspect quite a few other countries will prefer the cheaper more capable option... especially when it comes with a fire fighting kit that allows it to drop water on fires with no permanent changes needed to the standard transport that allows it to carry 3.5 times more water than the C-130 equivalent.
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty MEADS System

    Post  max steel Sat Sep 19, 2015 6:13 pm

    Lockheed, MBDA See NATO Future for MEADS

    Lockheed Martin and MBDA Deutschland are expecting to sign a contract with Germany next year to produce the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) and with that stamp of approval the pair is setting their sights higher.

    “We think that MEADS has the opportunity to be the NATO air and missile defense system,” Marty Coyne, Lockheed Martin’s MEADS director, told a few reporters at DSEI.

    And the market for modernized air and missile defense capability is a gold mine. “We estimate it conservatively at $100 billion over the next 15 plus years,” Coyne said.

    “We also consider ourselves right now in the lead,” he added, because the program is nearing the end of a 10-year development process that has culminated in three successful flight tests, bringing key components to a very high technology readiness level.

    It wasn’t long ago when the future of MEADS was hanging in the balance. MEADS started as a tri-national agreement among the US, Germany and Italy. The US eventually scrapped plans to buy the air and missile defense system meant to replace Raytheon’s Patriot system, but agreed to spend $800 million to finish a two-year proof-of-concept phase that means all three countries can access the technology developed through the program.

    The future of the program depended on Germany choosing the system because Italy, which wants MEADS, couldn’t afford to go it alone. So Lockheed and MBDA waited more than a year for Germany to conduct an analysis before making a final decision on a system.

    In June, Germany ultimately decided to finish developing and to produce MEADS TLVS, which will fire both longer-range PAC-3 missiles and German IRIS-T short-range missiles, Wolfram Lautner, head of communication at MBDA Deutschland, said.

    Lockheed was also hoping to clinch a win in Poland in its “Wisla” competition for a new air and missile defense system, but because Poland decided it needed a system that was already fielded, the country dropped MEADS, which is nearing the end of its development.

    But now that the MEADS program is moving full steam ahead toward an official contract signing with Germany by the end of 2016, the two companies that will co-produce the system are looking toward expansion.

    “Germany will not be the only MEADS customer, it will be the first,” Coyne said. “There always has to be a need and we are even more convinced after being at the show. The interest by all nations in Europe that come past our stand, that have stopped and wanted to get information about MEADS, is far greater than we ever expected.”

    Why the interest? The threat is real, Coyne said. “All countries in NATO Europe have recognized this threat of a combination of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles and unmanned all coming from different directions and NATO has awoken to this.”

    Russia’s incursion into Ukraine and its annexation of Crimea has only heightened the concern, according to Coyne, and there are only four NATO Europe countries — Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Greece — that have air and missile defense systems, but these “don’t have a modern capability.”

    MEADS has a promising chance of becoming the system of choice in NATO, Coyne reasoned, because the rest of NATO Europe will look to Germany for solutions as the country is the designated NATO air and missile defense framework leader, “chartered with trying to develop a strategy to provide air and missile defense protection for all of NATO,” he said.

    Additionally, MEADS was the first developmental program to be integrated in a NATO exercise in 2013, Lautner noted.

    The capability inherent in MEADS makes it well suited for NATO countries, even small ones with limited budgets. The system “not only meets these requirements that countries are looking for, but the discriminator is the open network architecture,” Coyne said.

    For example, he said, a country on the eastern border of Europe invests in a MEADS battle manager established network architecture and maybe adds one surveillance radar. The investment is “modest” but the country would have the foundation for modern capability and would be able to add components to a system over time. Meanwhile, a country like Germany with six to eight fire units could post them anywhere else in Europe when needed.

    “Literally these networked components can be flown in and through plug-and-fight take that modest architecture, which is battle management, and turn it into a fire unit literally within 24 to 48 hours,” Coyne said.

    “That provides incredible defensive capability for NATO where all of these countries can participate. That is the type of interest we are seeing this week,” according to Coyne. Lockheed normally gets inquiries about MEADS from countries with large budgets, but this time it was also visiting with countries with more modest budgets.

    Meanwhile, the makers of MEADS are watching the US Army’s impending plans for its future Integrated Air and Missile Defense System.

    The Army has already picked Northrop Grumman’s Integrated Battle Command System for the battle manager and the PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhanced missile for the interceptor of choice, however the service has yet to decide how, what and when it will procure a launcher, and surveillance and fire control radars for the system.

    An analysis of alternatives is expected to be completed by October or November, Coyne said.

    “We feel confident that given the maturity of the sensors and the launcher and the fact that we will be in production then, there’s a really good chance that the US will invest in the MEADS capability at the component level,” Coyne said.

    Coyne said there is a “high likelihood that a MEADS launcher will be chosen directly” for the Army’s program, but a competition for the radar will start in 2017 or 2018, which will likely pit Raytheon and Lockheed against each other once again.

    Since Poland has indicated it is interested in following the same path that the US Army chooses for its own air and missile defense system, the Poles may choose to develop their own open architecture system for the remaining six batteries after it purchases two Patriots from Raytheon.

    The country is gearing up for an election that will likely result in a large regime change that would trigger reconsideration of Poland’s recent procurement decision, according to Coyne.

    “The Wisla program is by far the most expensive program in Polish history, much more expensive than the F-16 48 campaign, they bought 48 of them. It’s natural for the new government to come in and take a look at it,” Coyne said.

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  Guest Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:21 pm

    BlackArrow wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    they are in a different performance class, but the new Il-476 aircraft being built for the Russian military are costing about 100 million dollars each... compared with the 150 million Euros the smaller lighter shorter ranged A-400Ms are costing the French.

    And how much do they cost to export customers - are there any export customers who care?

    I'm pretty certain there are foreign components on the Su-30SM - or has that changed?

    C-17 doe not cost 500 million. There must have been more foreign sales of the C-17 in the last 20 years than any Il-76 derivative. certainly overall sales are better than the Il-76 in recent years.

    Most air forces around the world seem to think the C-17 and A400 are better value than the Il-76 - they are actually buying them in droves.

    Il476 from what i am aware is somewhat above 60million USD per piece, meanwhile latest sale of C17 rated its price on nearly 300mil per piece. So rate still stays 5 for 1.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 23, 2015 11:01 am

    And why do they buy at such ridiculous prices?

    Because they have no alternative... Australia can't buy Russian aircraft, they are not allowed.

    India wanted aircraft quickly and was flirting with the US.

    If there was no politics involved and no time table the C-17 would sell as well as the C-141 did...

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  Guest Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:05 pm

    GarryB wrote:And why do they buy at such ridiculous prices?

    Because they have no alternative... Australia can't buy Russian aircraft, they are not allowed.

    India wanted aircraft quickly and was flirting with the US.

    If there was no politics involved and no time table the C-17 would sell as well as the C-141 did...

    When my unit got 2 new Sagem radios to replace soviet Р123M they were paid so expencive that you could literally buy 15 Chinese copies of it, which cant be 15 times worse.
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:16 pm


    With Russia in Mind, BAE Revives Light Tank from the ’90s


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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  Book. Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:18 am

    max steel wrote:Interesting

    With Russia in Mind, BAE Revives Light Tank from the ’90s

    20 ton lite tank. 105mm gun.

    I think no money.


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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  OminousSpudd Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:38 am

    max steel wrote:Interesting

    With Russia in Mind, BAE Revives Light Tank from the ’90s

    But I thought they had the M1128 Stryker, is there something wrong with it? Funny how when the US has to get serious about something they go and revive old projects. Just proves what a farce their defence industry is currently.

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty With Russia in Mind, BAE Revives Light Tank from the ’90s

    Post  Guest Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:00 am

    OminousSpudd wrote:
    max steel wrote:Interesting

    With Russia in Mind, BAE Revives Light Tank from the ’90s

    But I thought they had the M1128 Stryker, is there something wrong with it? Funny how when the US has to get serious about something they go and revive old projects. Just proves what a farce their defence industry is currently.  

    You guys missed the point, this "tank" was replacement for Sheridan for airborne troops, its supposed to be air droppable, somewhat like Sprut, BMD3/4 etc. But they gave up on project coz they belived they shall not need such vehicles anymore. Strykers truly have 105mm fire support version, but you cant air drop them...well you can... once...
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:53 pm

    Saab Receives Order from Latvia for RBS 70 Missiles

    SSB is a short-range ground-based air defence missile systems includes the RBS 70 and the further enhanced RBS 70 NG.
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:53 pm

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:35 pm

    Saab Provides Service Life Extension for RBS 97 Air Defence System

    The RBS 97 (Hawk) is a surface-to-air missile system that is part of Sweden’s national defences. It is capable of shooting down high-flying targets, in all weather conditions, at a range of up to 40 km.
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:02 am

    Airbus Plans Global Hub In India for Panther Copters

    Europe’s Airbus Group which is competing for aircraft orders from India’s navy and air force Monday said it will build local assembly lines if these projects come through.

    The final assembly lines to make Panther helicopters for the Navy and C295 transport aircraft for the Indian Air Force will be built at a cost of over Rs. 5,000 crore and will create over 10,000 high skilled jobs, the aerospace and defence firm said in New Delhi.

    “We are proposing to establish a final assembly line in India for the AS565 MBe Panther helicopters, if we get the Naval Utility Helicopters contract,” said Pierre de Bausset, president and managing director, Airbus Group India. “We will have India as the global hub for Panthers,” he added.

    He said along with the final assembly line, Airbus will set up tier I, II and III supply chain infrastructure in India for these helicopters.

    Airbus Helicopters is in the process to form a joint venture company with Mahindra Defence Systems Ltd. This company hopes to become the private strategic partner on helicopter platforms.

    On 24 January, the defence production arm of the Mahindra Group, Mahindra Defence and Airbus Helicopters had signed a so-called statement of intent to produce military helicopters in India.

    The companies plan to set up a final assembly line in India, develop tier-1 and tier-2 suppliers and make extensive transfer of technology, to achieve 50% indigenous content.

    In July, Mahindra Defence and Airbus Helicopters had signed an in-principle agreement to set up a joint venture to manufacture helicopters in India, seeking to tap a military hardware market estimated to grow to $41 billion in seven years.

    Apart from the Naval Utility Helicopters, the joint company will also target the Reconnaissance & Surveillance Helicopters (RSH) requirement of over 200 units with the H125M Fennec and the Naval Multi-Role Helicopters (NMRH) requirement of more than 120 units with the H225M (previously marketed as EC725).

    The company also plans to establish a final assembly line in India for the C295 military transport aircraft in partnership with Tata Group companies.

    The C295 is being proposed as a replacement for the Indian Air Force’s ageing Avro fleet.

    The company said the selection process is on track and field evaluation trials are expected in the near future.

    The “Make In India” initiative launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014 aims to boost domestic manufacturing and create jobs. Twenty-five sectors were identified for “Make In India”, from automobiles to aviation to pharmaceuticals to tourism and wellness.

    Stressing that the Group is already making in India through its over 45 suppliers, de Bausset said, “What we buy in India, we make in India.”

    Referring to the Indian government rules restricting foreign ownership in the Indian defence sector to 49%, de Bausset said: “The issue is not the limit per se. The business case for high-tech transfer to India becomes more compelling if foreign OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) are allowed to have adequate equity and management control in the joint venture in line with the risks they are taking and the contributions they are providing.”

    In a first for any foreign aerospace and defence OEM in India, Airbus Group exceeded the $500 million annual procurement mark from India in 2015, Mint reported on 12 March.

    Airbus Group has now set its sight on exceeding $2 billion in cumulative procurement, covering both civil and defence, in the five years up to 2020, Mint reported citing de Bausset.
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:22 pm

    Airbus Beats Boeing in $9.1 Billion Kuwaiti Fighter Jet Deal

    With a 46% interest in the Eurofighter consortium, Airbus stands to reap big gains from this sale.The Journal reports that Saudi Arabia and Oman are also in talks to acquire more Typhoons. Meanwhile, Qatar has signed up to buy Rafale fighter jets from Dassault Aviation -- another European rival to Boeing.

    Increasingly, Boeing and its defense business appear to be getting left behind in the crucial Middle East market.

    Kuwait doesn't even have enough pilots to fly them. Rolling Eyes

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Sat May 21, 2016 1:19 am

    Airbus just patented the fastest helicopter in the world

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 573f269c9105844d018c4177

    Airbus is trying take high speed helicopters to whole new level.

    Last month, the United States Patent and Trademark Office approved an application last month from Airbus Helicopters' Axel Fink, Ambrosius Weiss, and Andrew Winkworth for a new compound helicopter.

    The patented design is a yet-unnamed development of the company's revolutionary X3 experimental helicopter that first flew in 2010.The concept is also part of Airbus Helicopters' (formerly known as Eurocopter) high speed, long-range, hybrid helicopter (H3) initiative.

    During testing, the X3 managed to reach to 293 mph - making it the fastest non-tilt-rotor helicopter in the world. The new patent offers a development on the original X3 design.

    What makes the new aircraft a compound helicopter are is pair of wing-mounted engines with pusher propellers in addition to the conventional main rotor. This design eliminates the need for a tail rotor to counter the torque of the main rotor.

    A helicopter with additional pusher or puller propellers is far from new and various versions have been flying for decades. However, a helicopter with this layout and such high performance is quite novel.

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 573f2cc09105841c008c4239

    This design also helps the helicopter reach the performance levels of tilt-rotor aircraft such as the V22 Osprey that can takeoff and land like a helicopter, but transform into a conventional aircraft for horizontal flight.

    Unlike the X3 prototype, the patented aircraft's propellers are mounted behind the wings instead of in front. According to the patent, this helps reduce noise, and vibrations while improving lift and passenger safety.

    The authors of the patent indicate that a further development of the design will include turbojet engines. This means the patented helicopter will likely be significantly faster than the record-setting X3.

    This new patent could also be the latest development of the Low Impact Fast and Efficient Rotor-Craft or LifeRCraft to which Airbus Helicopters hinted in 2014. That project is also based on the X3 concept.

    It is unclear if the patented compound helicopter will ever see production in its current guise.

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  George1 Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:29 am

    Former Enemies France and Germany Team Up to Build Big Guns

    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 1041170740

    Chairman of the French military-industrial firm Nexter Stephane Mayer said that France and Germany are in talks on launching a joint project to develop new-generation artillery.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – France and Germany are in talks on launching a joint project to develop new-generation artillery, chairman of the French military-industrial firm Nexter Stephane Mayer said, as cited by media.

    “Today there is a political will to pursue common programs, with two projects under study … There is a review with the two defense ministries and chiefs of staff, and we will obviously make proposals, dialog with the ministries and take note of the requirements,” Mayer said, as quoted by the Defense News newspaper.

    The news come as Nexter and German defense technologies firm Krauss-Maffei Wegmann teamed up to form a joint venture named KNDS. Berlin and Paris are also reportedly in talks on the planned replacement of their Leopard and Leclerc heavy tanks.

    “The time horizon is 2025 to 2030 for development of these new programs, which are … strategic and important for our group,” Mayer said.

    According to the chairman, Nexter hopes that other European countries will later join the projects, with Britain and Italy leading the list of potential partners.

    Read more:
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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  max steel Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:31 pm

    The Fincantieri shipyards group has handed over the “Pietro Venuti,” the third of four German-designed Type U212A-class submarines for the Italian navy.

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    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:20 am

    Future Of The Super Puma In Doubt?

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    Post  George1 Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:47 pm

    France and Germany are discussing the possibility of joint procurement of automatic rifles HK416

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    European Defence Industries: News - Page 2 Empty Re: European Defence Industries: News

    Post  airstrike Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:21 am

    Heckler & Koch may stop selling to Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the future

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