I was talking about the sound weapon. Apparently it was ruled not a weapon...to get around US export laws and sell to China. It is something you point at ma an pa. They have smaller versions the Secret Service uses to deny area access to people.....when they need to.
What I meant is that it is hardly a weapon of war... you will not find bits of people and dead bodies scattered over the battlefield because of this.
A sound wave can be concentrated and used to cause serious discomfort, but at the end of the day ear plugs, and a physical shield with sound insulation lining will block and deflect sound waves.
It is not some super weapon... the big flat antenna they use to direct the sound waves can be targeted and destroyed. The van that carries the electronics and power supply can be blown up in a war situation.
It is potentially a weapon of war but not ideal and not all powerful.
In fact in many ways it might be a useful short range communication option that to be intercepted the enemy needs to get directly between those communicating with this.