elconquistador Sun May 16, 2021 4:25 am
You are going way too fast here flamming-python
Zionism is the official ideology in Washington and elected officials get carefully screened for their political views and/or mallebility towards embracing them in the process (either by stick or carrot). This is done by foreign controlled outlets that have penetrated US bureaucracy from top to bottom (most notably AIPAC). They are the gatekeepers to US politics. Did you know that every new Congress(wo)man has to take a two week trip to Israel at the start of their term?
Some say they get tracked, rooms bugged and followed for that entire 14 day timespan. Digging up dirt and all that. This part is speculation though.
To her credit, Ilhan Omar was the first one to refuse to go on this trip. They have been working on her since. You can be black, female and muslim, but none of that matters unless you are not at least quiet on the Israel Project
Hence it is fair to say that the people who run the USA are firmly on board with the Israel Project - not for a minor part because they are Jewish/Diaspora Israeli themselves. For the sake of fairness: their other main power base are Evangelicals, whose wonky theological basis has been turned into hardcore pro-Zionism through Dispensationalism (the Scofield Bible)
As such I am willing to go one step further and label this glorified bartender from Queens controlled opposition. She miraculously, emphasis there, another major tell that this person is NOT grassroots change but a carefully crafted tool instead, rose through the ranks of Dem Party despite being as dumb as a rock and having no particular qualities.
I repeat, the horse faced Woman of Color is controlled opposition. Someone the peasants can look upto and that leads them away from any further radicalism in the Dem Party. She throws them some scraps on Twitter and they'll swallow it hook line sinker thinking they are part of 'the change'.
Yet what changes in the end? Nothing.
One thing that I will admit is that the US (controlled?) implosion will lead to a new status quo. The ripples that accompany this new power balance might lead to previously non-existent opportunities for the Palestinians. But let's please not get carried away by empty talk and gestures from puppets like AOC.
Another thing I'd like to say is that you are overestimating the support for the Palestinian cause in neighbouring countries. Arab unity is a pipe dream, no news there.
The Lebanese have little love for the Palestinians whom they see as trouble makers. The PLO started the Lebanese civil war and Ain al Hilweh is to this day a festering sore in Lebanon. Christians see the Palestinians as a Trojan horse
Same in Jordan where there is a very fragile equilibrium between the Bedouin Jordanians and the plentiful Palestinian West Bankers that moved there. Black September comes to mind
In Egypt large parts of the population (Sisi supporters) are not exactly positive on Ikhwani Hamas. The memories of Morsi are still fresh.
Syrians are probably tired of all the bombs and bullets. Gulf States are openly flirting with Israel.
Arab speaking countries in general are too hot headed to form strategic coalitions. They are quarrelsome and therefore get easily divided by plots, staged events and sectarian/ethnic strife that is incited from abroad.
This whole Gaza/WB ordeal will be dealt with in the next week. After that we'll see more stabbings and car rammings in the WB but that will be it. HAMAS will have to start re-arming and rebuilding the Gaza Strip from scratch again.
Last edited by elconquistador on Sun May 16, 2021 4:55 am; edited 3 times in total