flamming_python Thu May 20, 2021 6:14 pm
I think Slava Malamud here, is on the 'bargaining' stage of the denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance grief model
His position is well argued and balanced.. for the most part.
But it just no longer matters. I'm more and more convinced that Israel will be sold, and/or its internal contradictions plunge it into endemic instability - whichever comes first.
I feel sorry for genuinely reasonable people, who constitute a plurality of Israelis if not quite a majority, who wanted their country to evolve somehow and make difficult steps in ensuring internal harmony and stable relations with their neighbors.
Slava Malamud
May 17
Here is as definitive a take on Israel/Palestine as I can offer. I promise it will be a very short thread. I also promise it will be useful to everyone. I have said these things before. I will repeat them. I am not lazy. It's for the benefit of humankind.
Slava Malamud
May 17
It all comes down to setting the ground rules. And they are (or should be) as follows.
1) It's OK to criticize Israel and condemn its actions without being anti-Semitic.
2) It's OK to hate Hamas and call them terrorists without being a colonialist imperialist neocon swine.
Slava Malamud
May 17
3) It's OK to bothsides it and it's OK to say one side is more at fault. Because assigning blame doesn't really matter. Let me repeat this: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHOM YOU WANT TO BLAME. The only thing that matters is what to do now. On what to do now, see below...
Slava Malamud
May 17
4) If you are Israeli, Jewish, a pro-Israel Gentile who thinks my people's having a country will hasten the return of that one Jew you like back from the dead - you have to accept that Palestinians will not disappear and will not willingly submit. They need a state. Period.
Slava Malamud
May 17
4a) No, it's not OK to keep them under occupation forever.
4b) No, we will not holocaust them. And if you are even suggesting this, you are either a pro-Israel Gentile or a Russian Jew, and I see you, and shut the **** up.
4c) No, I don't care about what happened in 1948. See 3.
Slava Malamud
May 17
5) If you are Palestinian, Muslim, a pro-Palestinian liberal who thinks Israel is a personification of everything you find icky about Western colonialism, you must accept that Israel is not going anywhere either. It will exist, and I stress this, AS A JEWISH ETHNOSTATE. Period
Slava Malamud
Replying to
5a) Yes, you find ethnostates icky. Everyone should live in harmony in cosmopolitan, multicultural unions. I agree. Nobody gives a shit. Israel is not like others. There is a reason it was created this way. You know it. IT WILL STAY A JEWISH ETHNOSTATE. No matter what you think.
5:07 PM · May 17, 2021·Twitter Web App
Slava Malamud
May 17
Replying to
5b) "But Jews live on stolen land..." Shut up and see 3.
5c) "But that's apartheid..." Shut up and see 5a.
5d) ISRAEL WILL STAY A JEWISH ETHNOSTATE. No Israeli, no Jew will even start talking to you if you don't accept this premise. This is where you start. It's non-negotiable.
Slava Malamud
May 17
5e) If you don't like 5a-5d, if you think Israel should be eradicated entirely or integrated into a Jewish-Palestinian federation (in which, as you know quite well, Jews will be instantly outnumbered), you are welcome to your opinion. But it will never happen. End of discussion.
Slava Malamud
May 17
5f) If you want to continue to argue this point, see the dictionary for "Nukes, shitload of" and keep arguing amongst yourselves. You will be welcome at campus sit-ins and hunger strikes or whatever. You won't contribute to any meaningful solutions. Bye.
Slava Malamud
May 17
6) Once all of the above has been accepted by all parties concerned, negotiations on "what" and "how" can start. Not before. After.
You can still point fingers and assign blame, but it's for your amusement only. Solutions will only come when 1-5 are accepted.
Only this way