The the 5th column have come from their cave..and shown their face..
[A just Russia party] representative ,the Neocon Troll is saying do not recognize any results in ST petersburg..
check the excuse.. because the elections "were not free" and the Secrecy of VOting was not observed.. So in other
words if Russia Government provide cameras for people to see....that there is no cheating..that the Pro Western Minions complain people have no privacy now to vote..
In others words she says people did not voted the way they wanted for fear of retaliation from the government.
Yet she provide no single case of evidence or any example of how people privacy was violated.. since you can vote actually in secret and deposit your papers enrolled on the ballot without anyone knowing which side you voted.
Anyways don't think any group will line up with that minion in her claims.. the fraud calls once more called..which happens in almost all elections in Russia. we will see how many minions will want to pass form words to action and protest. But on my opinion none of those Anti Russia minions will be claiming fraud for clean transparent elections unless they paid.. I think RUssia needs to change laws.. and support the death penalty.. against traitors ,people who fabricate lies against the government and later proven beyond doubt received money or favors to their family or foreign bank accounts for provoking division in the government. Also NGOs groups foreign financed should be totally illegal and people who continue in those groups sent to jail. To call them Foreign Agent is not enough. They need to be judged from Political Terrorism to direct terrorism.. Because their action are very dangerous and provoke civil wars and many people get killed as consequences of the civil wars they provoke.
edit update #19..
AFter reading wiki about them..
my conclusion is that the [A just Russia] party Look like a very classic infiltrated US NGO operation... Is a Party that side with winners but at the same time oppose the supporters of the winner.
They initially used to Support Putin when was President.. but opposed United Russia party . But when Medvedev was President.. and Putin prime minister.. they quickly shifted and supported Medveded and Opposed Putin. In other words is party that is hidden agenda is to create divisions.. First.. in order to push for their alternative.
Is an alliance of many small parties , and they even tried to make alliance with the communist party.. So is a 100%
opportunistic party.. and Russians needs to be careful with them. Because they do not seem to have a clear policy..
in the only thing they can be predicted.. is that they want to get in Power at any cost.. aligning with anyone even if they contradict their policy. Supporting Putin when is in power.. but strongly opposing him when is not . Not surprisingly their major support comes from the Caucausus and St petersburg.. even though they barely get 20% of the votes in any region at best.
[A just Russia party have all the signatures of a Soros fundation funded party.. .
Take a look at what they do..
1)They make alliance with anyone regardless of ideology..
2)They supported Putin strongly when was President and tried to ride on its popularity but at the same time condemned his party.
3)When Medvedev was president , the switched alliance.. and condemned putin.
Now here is the fun..
4) They made alliance with ecological parties.. that are supportive of green peace. So that Russia limit
seriously its energy business..
5)They want a wellfare state.. so That RUssia do not invest as much on its defense industry .. Russia do not need more weapons..with the ones they have are enough.
6)More "Democracy and freedom" in politics.. so people can do whatever they want and more easier for them to
create massive anti government protest.
7)and my best guess they are not very supporting of foreigners or chechens.. and want a Russia just for Russians..
exactly the same as the Euromaidans.. when it comes to ultra nationalism ,they have some signs of it.
THey switch sides as soon people not in power.. and make alliance with anyone.. A clear modus operandi of an infiltrated operation.. on its early stages its main goal is become popular and grow.. policy does not matter much..
in the end they will do anything told by the west.. if ever allowed to get in power.
If you look at the Euromaidans.. their slogans was Socialism + no Oligarch in power + Ukraine for Ukrainians.. + against Jews..but when all protest ended in kiev.. it was precisely Jews Oligarchs who ended more powerful than ever in ukraine They now have private Armies.. something that was not possible before.. In real practice the ideology of any infiltrated NGO of the west..
Absolutely is irrelevant . They lie about their real goals when lure people on its organization. What is the trick.. is to FIRST.. create a Big Popular Group..with good ideas.. and then once everyone in the trap.. slowly move away to its real policies.. and real goals and using money to keep people bribed in the group.. while the majority of its member not aware how they are cheated. A just Russia party have major problems with internal fights , because of their switching and flip flopping.
on their goals.
Edit Update #2..
Yabloko party a Pro USA and EU party in moscow not surprisingly neither agree with the results of the elections..
from wiki look who they are .
The party dates back to early 1990s. The immediate predecessor of the Yabloko party was the electoral cartel Yavlinsky-Boldyrev-Lukin, formed for the legislative elections of 1993. "Yabloko" is an acronym of the names of its founders: "Я" (Ya) for Grigory Yavlinsky; "Б" (B) for Yuri Boldyrev, and "Л" (L) for Vladimir Lukin, the name meaning "apple" in Russian. The party stands for the greater freedom and civil liberties in Russia, [u] for greater integration with the West, better relations with the United States and membership in the European Union [u] .
I really do not understand how could there be a single Russian citizen , in Russia that wants to be integrated with their enemies?
With nations that want to destroy RUssia? Can anyone explain me that? How could people in RUssia want to be "integrated" with USA? or be a colony of the EU ,after all the criminal actions in Ukraine ,that are supporting nazis that are killings of Russian citizens? can anyone help me explain ,understand whats happening on the minds of that people?
It will be similar as IRAN seeking to be better integrated with Israel. Im out of words how can there be parties in Russia that is goals is to become "integrated" with USA .