Another prowess of russian electronic warfare happened recenltly -april 2014- against Nato's state of the art electronic hardware. The amazement reached a such point that 27 US sailors inside the USS Donald Cook -equipped with 4 huge radars- asked to be transfered in another posts. Indeed, SU-24 completly disabled the AEGIS system, leaving this vessel completly blind and deaf. The SU-24 in order to mock US device waged 12 simultations of attack. After that, US fleet realizing that were defenseless, decided to come back to Romania.
Vladimir Balybine -high responsible of russian research center of electronic warfare-, said the following comment :
More complexe a system is, more simple is to break its running by using electronic warfare.
It prove again, that US are still believing their own hoax, and they are considering that they are unvulnerable, nevertheless, the facts in the past, as in present prove the contrary, undoubltly it will be the same case in the future. Unfortunetly, -believing again their hoax- they are decided to attack Syria, but this time iam sure we are witnessing of one of the most wonderfull firework above syrian sky, but this time it will be with US aircrafts as EF-18, F-22, F-16, and F-15 to be reduced in dust. The fireworks will include even the F-35, if US dare.
Evindently, you can count on these filthy bastards of CNN, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, Aljazerah, Sky, TF1 say the truth about this incident.
Bravo Russia!