in other words Putin's Russia will become like a new Cuba or venezuela , in high tech.
with super obsolete electronics and the only high tech they will get ,is the one they steal ,
from abroad.. or buy secretly in china. wondering what could happen , if those american processors
will start to be locked ,to not operate in russian territory as soon they are detected on the internet and their serial number does not match the region they are being used.
So the worse is yet to come for russia. Russia will become like another cuba ,a giant museum of soviet era equipment , because no longer they can't buy technology from the true developed
countries in the world in digital era. the few processors russia could get in black market , will not be
enough not even for their own military needs.. probably the drones russia have now , will be the last ones.. if they can't figure a way to produce high tech electronics.
and like others have noticed. china will not help russia directly ,for fear of sanctions.. best china could do is pass knowledge ,information , to russian scientist ,so they produce some old processors .
Russia will become lke a new north korea.. a nation totally isolated from the high tech world.
and who is the one to blame for all this ?
nothing less than the master chess dimensional player.. putin.. the idiot ,that ignored russia high tech industry for two decades . Russia is at very least 30 years ,more likely 40 years away of the modern electronics the west today trade in their countries.
Remove putin ,and replace him for a true visionary leader ,and you will see how russia take off.
Here are the hopes of russia , that by 2030 , they will have the capability ,to produce processors ,
taiwan could make in 2011.
The legacy of putin ,will be remembered for sure , but with curses by its own citizens ,
thanks for nothing , when they realize how far behind russia development will become in the near
future, will move backwards.. because the idiots , in the russian government ,did not saw the danger
of depending so much for its technology , on american controlled puppet states. like taiwan, that use a lot of american intellectual tech.. and they can dictate who will be allowed to get technology and who don't.
Putin's will go on history records , for creating the world biggest Potemkin village.
better know today as russia federation.
here is the the definition.. so people understand putin's legacy..
What is a Potemkin state?
This refers to any kind of false structure built to deceive observers into believing that a situation is much better than it actually is. The term has its origin in the fake villages that were constructed by Russian military leader Grigory Potyomkin in the 18th century.
A term made popular by european diplomats used to describe imperial russia , when they used to depend totally in europe, for absolutely everything.. everything was imported from europe ,even the uniforms of the russian empire soldiers and their guns ,was imported too and not even the russian language spoken , in the russian palance.. as it was during catherine the great times , and earlier.
Even peter the great , had to travel in person , to britain ,to learn how to build advanced warships.
the only thing russia had to offer ,the world ,was a very large army ,that was for hire , for the right amount of money and this was during russian golden era.
putin's russia is a potemkin state ,and he is the only one to blame for this disastrous development of the nation. relying so much in the west and its allied states. Now russia will need a miracle , that by 2030 , they hope to have the same capabilities of the west had by in 2011.
it is true ,that putin did not invented rusia backwardness , since russia always depended on
the west for most of its own development . only during russia space race golden era ,that appeared
to end.. but is not less true ,that putin did absolutely nothing ,to solve the problems with russia
dependence on the collective western business.
for much less incompetence , people have gone to jail in russia.. this is criminal negligence ,what
putin did to the country.. and doesn't look like it will ever be fixed. what putin could not do in 20 years , will not happen in 10 . The worse times are yet to come , when no new advance electronics or technology ,no appears in russian malls or shopping centers in the next decade or more.. russia
future will now be 100% dependent on china skills to bypass western sanctions and provide with technology russia .